Communist/Democrats Have Turned Us All Into The Greatest Threat In America To The Wokish Numbskulls In Their Lunatic Party


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The constant drumbeat coming from Democrats is that you and I are the biggest threat to this country. They did it to Trump and now they're coming after us. It is total insanity, but this is what they've always wanted. Democrats make a living projecting their own sins on others. Gov Andrew Cuomo was at the forefront of the "Me Too" movement......and now he has at least 3 women who have accused him of making unwanted sexual advances. If they accuse a Republican of a sexual indiscretion, you can bet your paycheck that the folks doing the finger pointing are just as guilty of the same offense.

This is all just part of the 'Transformation of America' Obama spoke of. He lit the fuse on this disaster and now we're suffering because of it. While he lives in his $26 million dollar beachfront property in Martha's Vineyard, we're left to deal with the consequences of his actions while president.

There must be racism, there simply must, because the power of our liberal friends begins and ends with the nuclear weapon of “Racist!”

Anything and everything in American culture is suspected of being racist or sexist. The lunatics are in charge of the asylum. Even liberals are getting fed up with the constant line of Bovine Scatology:


March 2, 2021​
Why Are Dems Nuking GOP Voters’ No. 1 Issue?
You’ve probably seen the poll about the top concerns of GOP voters and Democratic voters; it’s been all over conservative media. The top three concerns of Republican voters are:​

  1. Illegal immigration
  2. Lack of support for the police
  3. High taxes
    Democratic voters live in a completely different world. Their top three concerns are:​
    1. Donald Trump’s voters
    2. White nationalism
    3. Systemic racism

Hey! Can you spell H-A-T-E? Initially, I was as outraged as you about the hatey-hate Democratic voters. But then I realized that it all made sense.​
Put it this way: if the ordinary middle-class voters ever get to elect a President and a Congress with cojones all round, what is that testosterone-fueled government going to do? It is going to take money away from white gentry liberals and their bribed apologists among the PoCs and give it to ordinary working and middle-class voters. Wow! If I were a gentry liberal with a nice pensioned sinecure somewhere in the Cathedral, the mortal danger of Trump voters would keep me up at night.​
Same with “white nationalism.” If we forget the pure hatey-hate pejorative of it, it all makes sense. What would be the biggest threat to the comfortable global educated and credentialed elite and its noble plan to Build Back Better in a scientifically designed Great Reset? Exactly: a resurgence of nationalism all across the world. And “whites” -- whoever they are, wherever they are, however they are scientifically identified by top-notch scientists -- are in the forefront of this planetary cultural and political movement.​
Whatabout “systemic racism?” Do you seriously think that our liberal friends will ever agree to stop the fight against racists? Let’s face it, liberals have had a glorious 50 years accusing everyone else of being racists; they have made racism the new Original Sin. But it’s in the nature of a tire that it will slowly deflate unless you pump it up from time to time. There must be racism, there simply must, because the power of our liberal friends begins and ends with the nuclear weapon of “Racist!” What could possibly be worse than the ordinary American racism of the slaveholding Founders? Exactly: “systemic racism.”​

Racism is a touchy subject. Every time I bring up the subject the cowards on both sides avoid these threads like the plague. They don't want to be accused of being a racist. They don't want to get down in the muck and hash it out. This is an issue that has to be dealt with once and for all or it will bring this country down around our ears.
The difference between the parties is that the Dems keep their racism pretty much dog-whistles, whereas the GOP accept it as their brand.


In doing so, they give the Dems nearly unlimited scope to be terrible. That is the GOP's role in the great game of good-cop-bad-cop.
Every time I bring up the subject the cowards on both sides avoid these threads like the plague.
Glad I don't belong to a side- Obama didn't light the fuse, it was lit before he became anointed- that said, can I suggest you watch Mississippi Burning? It's a good movie- and it shows just how bad it was and can be- that said, no Political Party of the Duopoly Party is a saint when it comes to using race as a tool- believing one side of the coin that is the same on both sides will land on your side when tossed in the air will bring you grief- it ain't gonna happen-
whereas the GOP accept it as their brand.
So says the msm presstitutes who are the second lyingest entity on the planet (depending on which way the wind is blowing on a given day) the first is the US gov't populated with D and R miscreants, again, depending on which way the wind is blowing in a given day-
whereas the GOP accept it as their brand.
So says the msm presstitutes who are the second lyingest entity on the planet (depending on which way the wind is blowing on a given day) the first is the US gov't populated with D and R miscreants, again, depending on which way the wind is blowing in a given day-

The wealthy elites delight when the "lower classes" play these roles and remain divided. That way they can keep making us all poorer while they line their pockets with bailout funds. The people need to wise up and stop playing along.
The constant drumbeat coming from Democrats is that you and I are the biggest threat to this country. They did it to Trump and now they're coming after us. It is total insanity, but this is what they've always wanted. Democrats make a living projecting their own sins on others. Gov Andrew Cuomo was at the forefront of the "Me Too" movement......and now he has at least 3 women who have accused him of making unwanted sexual advances. If they accuse a Republican of a sexual indiscretion, you can bet your paycheck that the folks doing the finger pointing are just as guilty of the same offense.

This is all just part of the 'Transformation of America' Obama spoke of. He lit the fuse on this disaster and now we're suffering because of it. While he lives in his $26 million dollar beachfront property in Martha's Vineyard, we're left to deal with the consequences of his actions while president.

There must be racism, there simply must, because the power of our liberal friends begins and ends with the nuclear weapon of “Racist!”

Anything and everything in American culture is suspected of being racist or sexist. The lunatics are in charge of the asylum. Even liberals are getting fed up with the constant line of Bovine Scatology:

View attachment 463330

March 2, 2021​
Why Are Dems Nuking GOP Voters’ No. 1 Issue?
You’ve probably seen the poll about the top concerns of GOP voters and Democratic voters; it’s been all over conservative media. The top three concerns of Republican voters are:​

  1. Illegal immigration
  2. Lack of support for the police
  3. High taxes
    Democratic voters live in a completely different world. Their top three concerns are:​
    1. Donald Trump’s voters
    2. White nationalism
    3. Systemic racism

Hey! Can you spell H-A-T-E? Initially, I was as outraged as you about the hatey-hate Democratic voters. But then I realized that it all made sense.​
Put it this way: if the ordinary middle-class voters ever get to elect a President and a Congress with cojones all round, what is that testosterone-fueled government going to do? It is going to take money away from white gentry liberals and their bribed apologists among the PoCs and give it to ordinary working and middle-class voters. Wow! If I were a gentry liberal with a nice pensioned sinecure somewhere in the Cathedral, the mortal danger of Trump voters would keep me up at night.​
Same with “white nationalism.” If we forget the pure hatey-hate pejorative of it, it all makes sense. What would be the biggest threat to the comfortable global educated and credentialed elite and its noble plan to Build Back Better in a scientifically designed Great Reset? Exactly: a resurgence of nationalism all across the world. And “whites” -- whoever they are, wherever they are, however they are scientifically identified by top-notch scientists -- are in the forefront of this planetary cultural and political movement.​
Whatabout “systemic racism?” Do you seriously think that our liberal friends will ever agree to stop the fight against racists? Let’s face it, liberals have had a glorious 50 years accusing everyone else of being racists; they have made racism the new Original Sin. But it’s in the nature of a tire that it will slowly deflate unless you pump it up from time to time. There must be racism, there simply must, because the power of our liberal friends begins and ends with the nuclear weapon of “Racist!” What could possibly be worse than the ordinary American racism of the slaveholding Founders? Exactly: “systemic racism.”​

Racism is a touchy subject. Every time I bring up the subject the cowards on both sides avoid these threads like the plague. They don't want to be accused of being a racist. They don't want to get down in the muck and hash it out. This is an issue that has to be dealt with once and for all or it will bring this country down around our ears.

The thread premise is a lie.

Democrats are not "communists."
Every time I bring up the subject the cowards on both sides avoid these threads like the plague.
Glad I don't belong to a side- Obama didn't light the fuse, it was lit before he became anointed- that said, can I suggest you watch Mississippi Burning? It's a good movie- and it shows just how bad it was and can be- that said, no Political Party of the Duopoly Party is a saint when it comes to using race as a tool- believing one side of the coin that is the same on both sides will land on your side when tossed in the air will bring you grief- it ain't gonna happen-
I watched.
The difference between the parties is that the Dems keep their racism pretty much dog-whistles, whereas the GOP accept it as their brand.
In doing so, they give the Dems nearly unlimited scope to be terrible. That is the GOP's role in the great game of good-cop-bad-cop.
The two ends of the race issue just love feeding into the other. They go out of their way to do it. It's a very symbiotic relationship.

No self-reflection, no holding their own accountable for anything. Ever.
The constant drumbeat coming from Democrats is that you and I are the biggest threat to this country. They did it to Trump and now they're coming after us. It is total insanity, but this is what they've always wanted. Democrats make a living projecting their own sins on others. Gov Andrew Cuomo was at the forefront of the "Me Too" movement......and now he has at least 3 women who have accused him of making unwanted sexual advances. If they accuse a Republican of a sexual indiscretion, you can bet your paycheck that the folks doing the finger pointing are just as guilty of the same offense.

This is all just part of the 'Transformation of America' Obama spoke of. He lit the fuse on this disaster and now we're suffering because of it. While he lives in his $26 million dollar beachfront property in Martha's Vineyard, we're left to deal with the consequences of his actions while president.

There must be racism, there simply must, because the power of our liberal friends begins and ends with the nuclear weapon of “Racist!”

Anything and everything in American culture is suspected of being racist or sexist. The lunatics are in charge of the asylum. Even liberals are getting fed up with the constant line of Bovine Scatology:

View attachment 463330

March 2, 2021​
Why Are Dems Nuking GOP Voters’ No. 1 Issue?
You’ve probably seen the poll about the top concerns of GOP voters and Democratic voters; it’s been all over conservative media. The top three concerns of Republican voters are:​

  1. Illegal immigration
  2. Lack of support for the police
  3. High taxes
    Democratic voters live in a completely different world. Their top three concerns are:​
    1. Donald Trump’s voters
    2. White nationalism
    3. Systemic racism

Hey! Can you spell H-A-T-E? Initially, I was as outraged as you about the hatey-hate Democratic voters. But then I realized that it all made sense.​
Put it this way: if the ordinary middle-class voters ever get to elect a President and a Congress with cojones all round, what is that testosterone-fueled government going to do? It is going to take money away from white gentry liberals and their bribed apologists among the PoCs and give it to ordinary working and middle-class voters. Wow! If I were a gentry liberal with a nice pensioned sinecure somewhere in the Cathedral, the mortal danger of Trump voters would keep me up at night.​
Same with “white nationalism.” If we forget the pure hatey-hate pejorative of it, it all makes sense. What would be the biggest threat to the comfortable global educated and credentialed elite and its noble plan to Build Back Better in a scientifically designed Great Reset? Exactly: a resurgence of nationalism all across the world. And “whites” -- whoever they are, wherever they are, however they are scientifically identified by top-notch scientists -- are in the forefront of this planetary cultural and political movement.​
Whatabout “systemic racism?” Do you seriously think that our liberal friends will ever agree to stop the fight against racists? Let’s face it, liberals have had a glorious 50 years accusing everyone else of being racists; they have made racism the new Original Sin. But it’s in the nature of a tire that it will slowly deflate unless you pump it up from time to time. There must be racism, there simply must, because the power of our liberal friends begins and ends with the nuclear weapon of “Racist!” What could possibly be worse than the ordinary American racism of the slaveholding Founders? Exactly: “systemic racism.”​

Racism is a touchy subject. Every time I bring up the subject the cowards on both sides avoid these threads like the plague. They don't want to be accused of being a racist. They don't want to get down in the muck and hash it out. This is an issue that has to be dealt with once and for all or it will bring this country down around our ears.

The thread premise is a lie.

Democrats are not "communists."

Democrats are not "communists."
Anybody who’s not a hard right conservative republican is by default a communist.

In binary thinking Conservatopia, there is no other choice.
Anyone who doesn't buy into the left's lies about election fraud and the fake insurrection are Nazis according the Lemmings on the left.

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