Combating the pandemic should never have been a divisive, partisan matter.

Lib please the entire Dem leadership immediately began using it to attack Trump and you know it so enough with your LIES. :eusa_hand:

Only an idiot would think that Democrats used the pandemic to attack Trump. Trump was attacked because of his abject failure to deal with the pandemic. Everything isn't about Trump.
Yet that is exactly what the Democrats did. Turned it into a partisan show. What help did Trump get from Schumer or Pelosi? None.

All they did was use it as a partisan issue every single day from the moment Trump imposed a travel ban from China.
This. The left is disgusting.
Complete falsehood. And look at the pushback President Trump got just for the China travel ban.

Fauci saying no masks until the summer of 2020 (masks don't work regardless).

Fauci saying in February 2020 that it would be like a bad flu season.

Meanwhile, Europe is over 1.3 million dead from the Wuhan virus.

Worth repeating.
Trump pushed the vaccines, and it was "flattening the curve" that was responsible for killing people by preventing herd immunity, over a year before the vaccines even became available.
Only an idiot would think that Democrats used the pandemic to attack Trump. Trump was attacked because of his abject failure to deal with the pandemic. Everything isn't about Trump.

No, I do not like Trump, but people continually claim Trump was anti-vax, and that is totally untrue.
Trump financed the vaccines and always recommended them.
After the tragic experience that resulted from scoffing at medical science and lashing out at public health professionals, some politicians are finally flipping as a requisite of self-preservation.
You could have stopped with just that powerful message. The rest was just window dressing meant to stir up their rage.

But it's quite true and the D's will ride it now, while the R's have to live with it. What an albatross around their necks if Covid continue at epidemic proportions for years to come.

And what a prospect for the D's supporters to hope for!
Such is America's political hate fk up.
No, I do not like Trump, but people continually claim Trump was anti-vax, and that is totally untrue.
Trump financed the vaccines and always recommended them.
That's going to be a very hard sell Rigby, but it's interesting to hear a Trump supporter try it!
You could have stopped with just that powerful message. The rest was just window dressing meant to stir up their rage.

But it's quite true and the D's will ride it now, while the R's have to live with it. What an albatross around their necks if Covid continue at epidemic proportions for years to come.

And what a prospect for the D's supporters to hope for!
Such is America's political hate fk up.
Pandemics are not political. They are a matter of public health, a medical matter.

Medical science evolves, and is predicated upon the latest apolitical, empirical data.

Pertinent, and demanding a logical, pragmatic response, not an ideological one:

Unvaccinated Americans are 10 times more likely to be hospitalized with Covid than the vaccinated, according to the C.D.C. Several of the states with the highest rates of I.C.U. occupancy, including Alabama and Mississippi, are also among those with the lowest vaccination rates.​
Put simply, the vaccines save lives. Unlike most countries, the U.S. has more than enough for everyone. That means many of the recent deaths were preventable.​
Pandemics are not political. They are a matter of public health, a medical matter.

Medical science evolves, and is predicated upon the latest apolitical, empirical data.

Pertinent, and demanding a logical, pragmatic response, not an ideological one:

The extent to which government is responsible for suppressing disease, and how much power it has to achieve that goal, is very much an ideological question.

Combating the pandemic should never have been a divisive, partisan matter.​

Look you deranged divisive crackpot lunatic, no matter HOW many times the mods here let you rail about your massive TDS here, the only persons who used Covid divisively for political gain


Whom by May of last year were already denouncing any intentions of working with the Trump White House announcing they were going their own ways so they could make the issue a political football to hang on Trump to steal the election while hanging a dozen lies on his head.

After the tragic experience that resulted from scoffing at medical science and lashing out at public health professionals, some politicians are finally flipping as a requisite of self-preservation.

View attachment 518930
“We have it totally under control!”
"China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus.
The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency.
It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People,
I want to thank President Xi!"

['We have it totally under control.' A timeline of President Donald Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic - Poynter]

The Former Guy surrendered to the pandemic as infections and deaths soared under his impotent leadership. Increasingly, Republicans who learned the hard way are not making that mistake again. Even the crackpots' own propaganda outlets are acknowledging the surrender to truth:

Alabama Republican Governor Kay Ivey has joined the Biden Administration and the CDC in attacking “unvaccinated” residents in her own state, blaming them for rising “cases” of COVID-19. It is “time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks” for rising cases of Covid-19...

Florida officials defy DeSantis as infections spike
Local officials across Florida are bucking Gov. Ron DeSantis and his anti-mandate coronavirus strategy as infections soar in the state and nation. They’re imposing vaccine and mask requirements for government workers and even declaring states of emergency. In a sign of how worrisome the new Covid-19 surge is, Disney World is ordering all guests over 2-years-old to wear masks indoors at its Florida theme park, regardless of vaccination status.

Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has said
that the COVID-19 “vaccines are saving lives.”

View attachment 518934
“If you are vaccinated, fully vaccinated, the chances of you getting seriously ill or dying from COVID is effectively zero,” DeSantis said during a Wednesday press briefing.
“If you look at the people being admitted to hospitals, over 95 percent of them are either not fully vaccinated or not vaccinated. And so these vaccines are saving lives.”
The ideological dogmatists who fell in line behind the vacuous blowhards are witnessing the same belated renaissance in the fact of anthropogenic climate change.
When reality is your adversary, and it advances relentlessly, you may as well just close your eyes and think of England.

Are you going for the annual USMB hypocrite award?
"Should never be political or partisan... so now I will make a complete partisan thread..."
Only to some.

To those like schmidlap (shitflap), it's a question of getting 24 hour protection against a bug.

Unfortunately, while the pandemic raises several important ideological debates, the rank and file in both parties can't really handle abstract arguments. So they fixate on factual things and jump to some extreme claim: "Covid is the plague and will kill us all" or "It's a plandemic - a conspiracy by the left to make us wear masks!".

The same thing goes in the climate change debate. Instead of discussing what government should do about the problem, we fight over whether there's a problem. Because that's easier I guess.
Unfortunately, while the pandemic raises several important ideological debates, the rank and file in both parties can't really handle abstract arguments. So they fixate on factual things and jump to some extreme claim: "Covid is the plague and will kill us all" or "It's a plandemic - a conspiracy by the left to make us wear masks!".

The same thing goes in the climate change debate. Instead of discussing what government should do about the problem, we fight over whether there's a problem. Because it's easier I guess.
And the media is the gamemaster.
The extent to which government is responsible for suppressing disease, and how much power it has to achieve that goal, is very much an ideological question.
In confronting a pandemic, self-governance, ideally, facilitates the application of expertise in public health, immunology, virology, etc.

When ideologues thwart medical science, government fails.
In confronting a pandemic, self-governance, ideally, facilitates the application of expertise in public health, immunology, virology, etc.

When ideologues thwart medical science, government fails.
The extent to which government is responsible for suppressing disease, and how much power it has to achieve that goal, is very much an ideological question.
In confronting a pandemic, self-governance, ideally, facilitates the application of expertise in public health, immunology, virology, etc.

When ideologues thwart medical science, government fails.
The U.S. Government doesn't need any help failing. Where have you been for the past 40 years?
Only an idiot would think that Democrats used the pandemic to attack Trump. Trump was attacked because of his abject failure to deal with the pandemic. Everything isn't about Trump.
Screen Shot 2021-09-16 at 4.28.50 PM.png

"WHAAA! Everybody is always being mean to ME!"
is the Cry Baby Loser's inveterate mantra, parroted by his clinging butt barnacles.​
Unfortunately, while the pandemic raises several important ideological debates, the rank and file in both parties can't really handle abstract arguments. So they fixate on factual things and jump to some extreme claim: "Covid is the plague and will kill us all" or "It's a plandemic - a conspiracy by the left to make us wear masks!".

The same thing goes in the climate change debate. Instead of discussing what government should do about the problem, we fight over whether there's a problem. Because that's easier I guess.

It's called "reactionism"/"can't see the forest for the trees"/"My college sucks".
Unfortunately, while the pandemic raises several important ideological debates, the rank and file in both parties can't really handle abstract arguments. So they fixate on factual things and jump to some extreme claim: "Covid is the plague and will kill us all" or "It's a plandemic - a conspiracy by the left to make us wear masks!".

The same thing goes in the climate change debate. Instead of discussing what government should do about the problem, we fight over whether there's a problem. Because that's easier I guess.
Instead of discussing what government should do about the problem

Discussing whether gubmint should be doing anything concedes the notion that there is a problem....DUUUH!

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