Colorado Governor: Legalizing Marijuana Was ‘reckless’ Decision

Of course he would. Referendum based laws are an anathema to the political class, it give the people the idea that they can directly write legislation and control government, and we can't have than now, can we?
Colorado Governor Marijuana Legalization a Reckless Decision

He says he opposed it from the beginning , I dont know how I think about this because I feel alcohol is worse then weed any day.. I am on the fence for recreation marijuana but I am in favor for medical marijuana for sure. If can help one person for seizures then why cant they have it or any other illness.
i feel they legalized it without thinking about all the problems with doing that....legalizing it presents a whole bunch of things that are different than just ok'ing why dont we hear about the same shit out of Wash State that we do in Colorado? least i havent seen any stories....
"Allowing people their Freedom is a reckless decision"'

Alcohol Prohibition required a Constitutional Amendment, why doesn't Marijuana require the same?
"Allowing people their Freedom is a reckless decision"'

Alcohol Prohibition required a Constitutional Amendment, why doesn't Marijuana require the same?

That was back when the American people still forced the government to follow the Constitution. Now they can violate it and make it up as they go as long as they give us what we want.
"Allowing people their Freedom is a reckless decision"'

Alcohol Prohibition required a Constitutional Amendment, why doesn't Marijuana require the same?

Actually it didn't. Plenty of States/Counties/Towns had dry laws. The temperance/anti-saloon movement went with an amendment because they knew prohibition was unpopular in many parts of the country, and they figured only via an amendment could they get the force of compliance they would need.
"Allowing people their Freedom is a reckless decision"'

Alcohol Prohibition required a Constitutional Amendment, why doesn't Marijuana require the same?

Actually it didn't. Plenty of States/Counties/Towns had dry laws. The temperance/anti-saloon movement went with an amendment because they knew prohibition was unpopular in many parts of the country, and they figured only via an amendment could they get the force of compliance they would need.

I disagree. The federal government needed an amendment because the Constitution doesn't explicitly grant them that permission. States and localities don't have that restriction.
"Allowing people their Freedom is a reckless decision"'

Alcohol Prohibition required a Constitutional Amendment, why doesn't Marijuana require the same?

Actually it didn't. Plenty of States/Counties/Towns had dry laws. The temperance/anti-saloon movement went with an amendment because they knew prohibition was unpopular in many parts of the country, and they figured only via an amendment could they get the force of compliance they would need.

I disagree. The federal government needed an amendment because the Constitution doesn't explicitly grant them that permission. States and localities don't have that restriction.

The Feds could have banned the transfer of booze between states by law, or the importation of foreign booze. As for in-state, I agree an amendment was probably the only way to go. The Temperance people could also have gone State by State, but again some States just weren't that into it.

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