College revised ap curriculum

Tisk, Colleges are teaching are young to destroy America with hate. It is the democratic way.
You can get advance placement credit for studies that "emphasize Black Lives Matter, reparations or intersectionality"? Go figure.
This from "the faculty represented a rich body of interdisciplinary academic production that incorporates indigenous, gender, queer, ethnic, feminist, and social movement scholarship."
Like I said, go figure.
AP African American studies? I thought that was created as an easy elective in college. Like Jazz Appreciation - although I heard that was no cakewalk. My best elective was Horror Films.
You can get advance placement credit for studies that "emphasize Black Lives Matter, reparations or intersectionality"? Go figure.
This from "the faculty represented a rich body of interdisciplinary academic production that incorporates indigenous, gender, queer, ethnic, feminist, and social movement scholarship."
Like I said, go figure.
learn to be racist to graduate go figure

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