College Boards Under Attack Again


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Lawsuit: SAT, ACT are discriminatory

The college board exams, both SAT and ACT, have been refined for decades to make them as reliable as humanly possible in assessing a H.S. student's readiness for college. They are not linear predictors of performance but, when combined with a review of grades, they give college admissions offices an excellent "snapshot" of the student that allows them to admit those with the greatest chance of academic success.

On a personal note, when I first took the SAT's in 1966, I got a relatively high score on the Math and a middling score on the Verbal. My college counselor mentioned to me in passing that students with that profile usually failed out. It indicated someone who was intelligent but lazy. I failed out. But I digress...

Blacks and Hispanics "suck" at the SAT/ACT. "Whites" are average, Asians and Ashkenazi Jews do better than average. This has nothing to do with testing "bias," which both organizations eliminated many, many years ago.

Blacks and Hispanics (and bleeding heart Leftists) complaining that these standardized tests are "no good" is like saying that I don't look good in a photograph. It is absurd. The test shows what the test was designed to show, and it is successful.

If these self-serving anarchists are successful in eliminating the tests, the academic profile of the selective schools will decline, inevitably. You cannot mix shit with good food and pretend that the quality and taste of the food won't deteriorate.

And who benefits from this?
Democrats demand equality of outcome in all things in order to equalize all members of society, giving equal importance to the strong and the weak, the intelligent and the ignorant. Everyone does well, or the offending thing is eliminated.

Everyone gets a trophy. The results of this peculiar philosophy are clear.

Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron" predicted this mess.
To me. those results won't reflect a race more intelligent than the another but the cultural mirror of the different groups in society.

I will play with my dogs. My female Labrador used to love water. I live near a river and this dog was happy as hell jumping to the water and follow us when we just went around in our boat (with paddles). This dog was excellent for hunting, smart, fast, very conscious about "protecting" the children of my family.

On the other hand, I had a Beagle, good for hunting as well, but just leaving him by himself and this hunter will go alone looking for the prey and "never come back". ha ha ha ha This dog just followed his nose, nothing but his nose. The Labrador never tried to eat the prey, while one day the Beagle caught a squirrel and ate it including the tail.

Both were good according to their inherited characteristics.

What the test is what do you need from the two dogs. At night the Beagles are excellent while the Labrador a complete failure, but an emergency involved water like rivers, lake or sea, the Labrador is more reliable.

Their inherited characteristics can be even modified by training.

Here is when the training is what rules.

The education system is focused to train the student to a certain model of curriculum, which is taken as the standard.

But, from the total of students who pass satisfactorily the test, many of them don't become successful in their careers anyway. Many factors are the influence for this last result.

Point is that the diverse capacity of every person won't reflect his best performance in a standard test.

Those tests might show a level of intellect, but not necessarily intelligence.

And the tests are indeed valid for school purposes because schools are not teaching intelligence but intellect.

Minorities make complaint because their leaders can't understand yet the difference between intelligence and intellect. Having less intellect is not offensive by any means, however, saying that such people are "less intelligent" carries lots of shame.

Having test specially to check intelligence capacity, then all the groups of society will show great success and great failures, depending of the tests made for reasoning and the topics to be solved.

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