CNN's Reichstag Fire “Stand Up: The Students of Stoneman Douglas Demand Action.”


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Dana Loesch described her experience at CNN's "town Hall" which was actually a combination of the modern version of Hitler's Reichstag Fire Event plus Orwell's 2 Minute Hate, all geared to inflame the passions of the easily manipulated, Tide Pod eating Progressive base.

Basically, CNN orchestrated everything, even the questions that were "spontaneously" asked by the students with the goal of making it physically dangerous for Dana to even appear. The CNN 2 Minute Hate was already in progress for over an hour before Dana was brought out.

"They had music that was playing. They had montages that they were flashing across the screen. They had a number of speakers from the school and from the community. They had the sheriff go up and speak. He mentioned special interest groups, referring to the membership of the NRA", Dana said in a recent interview

Dana Loesch: Here's The Real Story Of What Happened At CNN's Garbage Town Hall

"Then they brought the politicians out…and that was the first hour. After all of this was already happening, after emotions were already running high, and after CNN put everyone together and cranked up, really trying to wind people up even more.

I had no questions in advance. It was even weird the way they had us walk out because it was like entering like you were a boxer or like WWE. You were walking up to the stage and they had music playing. You had to walk in aisles with all these people screaming and you had to walk toward the stage. That’s how you entered."

CNN's President Jeff Zucker was there and probably orchestrated the entire event. This was a Biden Big Fucking Deal for CNN.

I think it's time for CNN to be shut down, they serve no useful purpose. They are seditious traitors and should be treated accordingly. The First Amendment is clear: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Notice it say Press and not cable. Here's a free press and CNN isn't this.


The President of CNN orchestrated the event, but its the students who demand action.

"Impressed, I'm not," says Master Yoda
You know...we'll start to see next Wednesday, but I have a feeling
that Douglas High School is gonna return to the news within a couple
of weeks and for all the wrong reasons.

There is one student on record and one parent who have voiced outrage
over CNN trying to shape their words for them and demanding that they
read from a script.

Obviously, there are others who agreed to. School starts back up on
Wednesday. I have a feeling that with tensions already high, and with
Kids being involved...we will start to see/hear about bullying between
kids. Their Principal and/or Deans are gonna be busy folks. They'll
have to nip this stuff quick, because parents will jump into this argument
very, very quickly.

The parents are not going to allow their children to be shoved around
by others who caved to the media.

If these kids do start going at each other...things will get ugly in a hurry.
Loesch is the NRA's Eva Braun giving one of Hitler's speeches. For her or any of the leeches in the NRA to denigrate anyone else is so laughable it is to be dismissed outright.

They are vampires that feed on the blood of other people's children.
Mueller's investigation just got finished telling us that foreign agents helped organize BLM demonstrations and are still heavily involved in the social media for the purpose of undermining the U.S. government. As Reagan used to say "here we go again" with students suddenly organized into a political tool and reading scripted statements. Who do you think is behind this? My guess is that the radical left and the democrat party is willingly being used by foreign agents for the purpose of undermining the social fabric and the government.

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