CNN Medical Analyst Wen: ‘Don’t Wear a Cloth Mask,’ Non-Surgical Masks Are ‘Facial Decorations'

The mask keeps you from infecting others around you.

It doesn't keep you from getting infected.

How could you not know this?

It's been over a year!

sure.....sure.... but why stop there....

the more masks the merrier.:mad:

Masks don't stop a virus.

I was a pca for 2 years when I was a student in nursing school.

All masks do is prevent droplets. Meaning water droplets from coughs and sneezes, that's it, nothing else. You need a high end rebreather or a suit with air from a different atmosphere than your current one pumped in to avoid a virus.

If you can wear a mask and can smell things like cookies, perfume, a cleaner, etc then that means microscopic particles from that source passed through the mask, entered your nose and hit your scent receptors telling you what it is. Know what else is microscopic? A virus.

Masks may slow the spread of a virus through a population by a very very small percent, but it will never prevent it. If every person on earth wore a mask 24 hours a day we would all still get it.
Oh, but the lefties all think I'm smart when I wear one! They actually mistake me for one of them!
And every time someone tries to find a way to treat people once they already have Covid, the left lands on it like an avalanche, trying desperately to invalidate it. I've never seen another disease where the whole concept of treating people who have it is completely verboten.
If you remember what Rahm Emmanuel said "NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE". These crooks in congress are reaping oodles of money from Big Pharma, why stop the golden goose.
Lately, I feel like I am in a scenario similar to the movie They Live, somehow able to see a reality that is right in front of everyone's faces, but nearly everyone refuses to see; and nearly everyone thinks I'm crazy for trying to tell them what it is that they stubbornly refuse to see.

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"..and I'm all out of bubble gum."
I mean it would be really difficult to decide ultimately, because there are so many contenders. But instrument masks have to be among the lowlight of the pandemic in terms of abject stupidity.

You know they have little masks for the ends of instruments too.

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Yeah, that cloth will stop a virus like a Chainlink fence stops mosquitoes.

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