CNN LIED ... AGAIN ... As Do The Snowflakes Who Parrot Them - The GOP Did NOT Pay For the Dossier

Your own link says this:

While part of the material may have been gathered by Fusion GPS when the firm was bankrolled by a Republican client during the primary

I think that Queasy may have completely gone over the edge.....LOL

No they paid for opposition research. NOT the dossier by Steele.

MORON.......THAT is a "distinction WITHOUT a difference"......
So, the drawing up of a dossier is NOT part of an "opposition research"???

You idiots are desperate........LOL
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I think that Queasy may have completely gone over the edge.....

ONLY Hillary, FBI Director Comey, President Obama, and the DNC (owned by Hillary Clinton after Barry left it $24 million in debt) ILLEGALLY USED the data given to them by a foreign agent / ex-spy in a US election.

The FACT is ONLY Hillary, Comey, and Obama BROKE THE LAW.
No, it didn’t. They paid for public research, and it had concluded, with nothing to do with a dossier, Russia, or otherwise. You guys will lie and lie and lie or are really dense and fall for any lie the dnc feeds ya, even when evidence otherwise is presented to you.The only liar is you

Nonsense - it wasn't called a "dossier" at that point in time but indeed, it was anti-Trump oppo by Mr. Steele which included Russia tidbits.

When Trump won the nomination, DNC picked it up where the Washington Free Beacon left off.

Conservative website funded initial Fusion GPS Trump opposition effort
Queasy, let us know if you need MORE citations……..LOL

The Trump Dossier: What We Know and Who Paid for It - The New ...
The Trump Dossier: What We Know and Who Paid for It
Oct 25, 2017 - WASHINGTON — This article was updated on Dec. 21 with more details about Fusion GPS, the company that compiled the dossier, and who paid for it. The dossier of research into President Trump's connections to Russia is the product of a research firm founded by a former journalist, Glenn R. Simpson.

Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That ...
Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That Later Produced Dossier
Oct 27, 2017 - WASHINGTON — The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website funded by a major Republican donor, first hired the research firm that months later produced for Democrats the salaciousdossier describing ties between Donald J. Trump and the Russian government, the website said on Friday.

Conservative website initiated firm's research that led to Trump dossier ...

Oct 27, 2017 - WASHINGTON — A conservative publication said Friday that it paid a Washington research firm to start probing Donald Trump's background – a move that set in motion a chain of events leading to an explosive dossier alleging ties between Trump associates and Russia. In a statement, the Washington ...

The Dirty Truth About the Steele Dossier | Vanity Fair
The Dirty Truth About the Steele Dossier
Oct 25, 2017 - For weeks after the election, rumors swirled in Washington about the existence of an intelligence dossier that contained a series of explosive, salacious, and partially unsubstantiated claims about president-elect Donald Trump, including allegations that the Russian government had been “cultivating, ...

Republicans Are Pretending They Didn't Fund The Trump Golden ...

Oct 25, 2017 - Shortly after a report emerged Tuesday evening claiming that Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee in part funded a dossier containing explosive allegations about President Donald Trump's links to Russia, the Republican National Committee trumpeted the story in outrage.
That is correct snowflake - Even Fox News admitted it:

Conservative website funded initial Fusion GPS Trump opposition effort

Now cut it with the fake news from DailyCaller
Once again, look at the damn date. That was the initial story before the FACTs came out. You guys are really looney tunes. If you think everyone will fall for this, think again. It makes you look stupid and continue to lose voters. Keep it up, but watch what happens.

The Free Beacon people have never came out and said they lied about funding it so what difference does the date make?

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CNN just got busted pushing more fake usual.

'That “fact” cited by Perez — that anti-Trump Republicans originally funded the dossier — has been ruled “false” by fact-checkers.'

Even if you are a snowflake who refuses to believe the political entity that is the GOP did not fund the initial dossier research, the FACT is only HILLARY, COMEY, OBAMA, and the DNC broke Election Campaign law by using data / information obtained from a foreign agent in a US election.

Stop it Easy - Yer KILLING me!!

:laugh: :laugh2::lmao:

Check Your Fact is a fact-checking news site produced by the journalists of The Daily Caller.
From politico-

Democrats said the revelations about who paid for the dossier were a sideshow that should not distract investigators from the question of whether its allegations about Trump’s connections to Russia are true.

Of course they called it a side show, because the truth was what they wanted ignored of who actually paid for it.
No, it didn’t. They paid for public research, and it had concluded, with nothing to do with a dossier, Russia, or otherwise. You guys will lie and lie and lie or are really dense and fall for any lie the dnc feeds ya, even when evidence otherwise is presented to you.The only liar is you

Nonsense - it wasn't called a "dossier" at that point in time but indeed, it was anti-Trump oppo by Mr. Steele which included Russia tidbits.

When Trump won the nomination, DNC picked it up where the Washington Free Beacon left off.

Conservative website funded initial Fusion GPS Trump opposition effort
Queasy, let us know if you need MORE citations……..LOL

The Trump Dossier: What We Know and Who Paid for It - The New ...
The Trump Dossier: What We Know and Who Paid for It
Oct 25, 2017 - WASHINGTON — This article was updated on Dec. 21 with more details about Fusion GPS, the company that compiled the dossier, and who paid for it. The dossier of research into President Trump's connections to Russia is the product of a research firm founded by a former journalist, Glenn R. Simpson.

Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That ...
Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That Later Produced Dossier

Oct 27, 2017 - WASHINGTON — The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website funded by a major Republican donor, first hired the research firm that months later produced for Democrats the salaciousdossier describing ties between Donald J. Trump and the Russian government, the website said on Friday.

Conservative website initiated firm's research that led to Trump dossier ...

Oct 27, 2017 - WASHINGTON — A conservative publication said Friday that it paid a Washington research firm to start probing Donald Trump's background – a move that set in motion a chain of events leading to an explosive dossier alleging ties between Trump associates and Russia. In a statement, the Washington ...

The Dirty Truth About the Steele Dossier | Vanity Fair
The Dirty Truth About the Steele Dossier

Oct 25, 2017 - For weeks after the election, rumors swirled in Washington about the existence of an intelligence dossier that contained a series of explosive, salacious, and partially unsubstantiated claims about president-elect Donald Trump, including allegations that the Russian government had been “cultivating, ...

Republicans Are Pretending They Didn't Fund The Trump Golden ...

Oct 25, 2017 - Shortly after a report emerged Tuesday evening claiming that Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee in part funded a dossier containing explosive allegations about President Donald Trump's links to Russia, the Republican National Committee trumpeted the story in outrage.
This issue is of interest psychologically as it shows the absolute DENIAL that Liberals will engage in when it is necessary to sustain their Anti-Trump Snowflake belief system, which must not be disturbed in any, else the Butt-Hurt cream has to come out.

To all those not willingly delusional....this Republican Pac funded by some anti-Trump Billionaire had nothing to do with contacting Steele or the Russians and nothing whatever to do with the Russian Dossier. (Its like the Anti-Trump Billionaire merely used a particular Bank for a legal transaction, before Hillary Clinton came in and used that same Bank to illegally launder money for corrupt purposes.)

But, delusional butt-hurt liberals miss another major point because they are Dumb-Asses, else they wouldn't be Democrats---they miss the truly sinister aspect of this whole sordid affair.

The Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee, not only hired the foreign actors/agents---Steele and, indirectly, the Russians who provided the Bogus Bullshit---which is a CRIME under the campaign laws---but they are the ones who turned the Bogus Bullshit over to the corrupted Obama FBI----Democrats feeding Government Democrats illegally obtained Bullshit, which the corrupt Government Democrats then used to SPY on their Republican opponents.

And that, you fucking Bolsheviks, is pure Banana Republic shit---the type of thing you saw from the KGB in the old Soviet Union---and it will be, when all the FACTS come out---bigger than Watergate.


Stock Recommendation: Go long on Unilever---it makes Vaseline.
Well, in fairness, I'll give that factchecking site this much credit...

...they do confirm 3 separate Trump LIES, just on their first page.


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