Clinton & Obama Bin Lying Are Responsible for The Manchester Murders

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
That's how I see it so pound salt Lefty.

Obama Bin Sucking Jihad Dick created ISIS. Coddled Terrorists, and Laid Down Like a Bitch in front of Terrorist States.

Not only did he create ISIS by his illadvised and cowardly retreat from Iraq against the advice of two former presidents, all of his military advisors, and despite the desire of the Iraqi Government to keep US troops there, but he funded Al Queda and ISIS affiliates and paid them to stage coups in The Middle East and to assassinate Qadaffi in Libya.

The Manchester "Loser" was Libyan.

No US President has helped to spread the hatred and terror of radical ISLAM Than Obama Bin Spying.

No World Leader has ever given so much money to so many terrorist groups. I am still in shock he got away with it.

Obama and Clinton were using Benghazi as a weapons dump to arm Terrorists. THAT IS AN UNDENIABLE FACT.

Obama and CLINTON armed and funded terrorists all around the world to get them to carry out their dirty work. Both of these Demons From Hell should make even the most fanatical Liberal ashamed to call himself a Democrat, and even worse to call themselves an American.

Leftist Policies of Naivety and Failure have helped to spread Islamic Radicalism around the world.

And murderous Traitors like Obama and Clinton have actively participated in The Cult of Death these so called people sacrifice their lives in hate for.

The most glaring and outstanding and long lasting Legacy for Obama and Clinton will be that they were cowards and traitors, and that they actively supported and rooted for and funded the Very Terrorists who want to kill us and who think Children and Innocent People are military targets.

May They Both Burn IN HELL FOREVER with Osama Bin Laden!

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