Clinton Accepts Invitation To Keota, Iowa! Campaigns In English, Not Yiddish(?)!

It's Donald Trump, So either concept applies! He is clearly not in Support of Moslem military successes on the ground, against Secular Kamikaze, ISIL. He will not allow that Moslems, or even Christian Syrians, be allowed to move around. . . .lost somewhere in cyberspace, or on some video.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken Not Stirred!"
(Proof of pudding is in the eating--especially when made from Rum. . . .and laced with it too. . .and more!)
quit ducking the issue.

Are there, or aren't there, videos out there of Muslims using Trump in recruiting videos?

Put up, or shut up.
There was never any claim of any specific Recruiting videos. People on the ground overseas have noted the same concern as Secretary Clinton. Usually where there is smoke then there is fire. It is not just Malala, but the SITE Intel people too. The witnesses are everywhere in support of the allegation of videos being used for Secular Kamikaze recruiting. There are lots of videos for you to go and see. One, ten hours long, was posted today.

I personally can't even imagine anyone connected to CIA, creating a documentary of an ISIL recruiting event.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many can come to Lands of Many Nations. Go behind barnyards, and maybe film videos, for recruiting!)
There was never any claim of any specific Recruiting videos. People on the ground overseas have noted the same concern as Secretary Clinton. Usually where there is smoke then there is fire. It is not just Malala, but the SITE Intel people too. The witnesses are everywhere in support of the allegation of videos being used for Secular Kamikaze recruiting. There are lots of videos for you to go and see. One, ten hours long, was posted today.

I personally can't even imagine anyone connected to CIA, creating a documentary of an ISIL recruiting event.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many can come to Lands of Many Nations. Go behind barnyards, and maybe film videos, for recruiting!)

There was never any claim of any specific Recruiting videos

Still tap dancing?
If Astaire was still alive, he'd be jealous of your talent.

The witnesses are everywhere in support of the allegation of videos being used for Secular Kamikaze recruiting.


but no proof there are any videos?

You and Hillary BOTH lose.

You've got Google at your fingertips.

find something to back up your bullshit.

or walk.
You have the two witnesses already noted in just this one thread. Go be pro-ISIL, just like Donald Trump, on your own. I am not going to be that way.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe many university grants with Trump funding, go to Syria to make recruiting videos! Show To ISIL! See if they have the Trump remarks right!, and the hair color!)
You have the two witnesses already noted in just this one thread. Go be pro-ISIL, just like Donald Trump, on your own. I am not going to be that way.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe many university grants with Trump funding, go to Syria to make recruiting videos! Show To ISIL! See if they have the Trump remarks right!, and the hair color!)


More tap dancing.

about all that can be expected from some one trying to back Hillary.

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