Climate scientists laugh at AGW cult

4.7 billion dollars in grant money in the U.S. alone.....

Please show us your sources. Not a video, and actual source. Nobody is going to watch Coleman lie for 36 minutes. (He's burning in hell now for that, by the way. Yeah, he's not dead yet, but he's a special case.)

And then try to understand how grants works. Professors are legally prohibited from having any grant money go to heir salary, and all that money is tracked to the peny. That's why someone would have to be a total retard to claim scientists are in it for the grant money.
4.7 billion dollars in grant money in the U.S. alone.....

Please show us your sources. Not a video, and actual source. Nobody is going to watch Coleman lie for 36 minutes. (He's burning in hell now for that, by the way. Yeah, he's not dead yet, but he's a special case.)

And then try to understand how grants works. Professors are legally prohibited from having any grant money go to heir salary, and all that money is tracked to the peny. That's why someone would have to be a total retard to claim scientists are in it for the grant money.

What you can't look it up for yourself?


who have taken millions from government agencies. The federal government — which will gain unprecedented regulatory power if climate legislation is passed — has funded scientific research to the tune of $32.5 billion since 1989, according the Science and Public Policy Institute . That is an amount that dwarfs research contributions from oil companies and utilities, which have historically funded both sides of the debate.

Mann, for example, has received some $6 million, mostly in government grants — according to a study by The American Spectator — including $500,000 in federal stimulus money while he was under investigation for his Climategate e-mails.

What you can't look it up for yourself?

You made the claim. If you can't back it up, say so.

The federal government — which will gain unprecedented regulatory power if climate legislation is passed — has funded scientific research to the tune of $32.5 billion since 1989

JoNova as a source? That's really scraping bottom.

So, would you like to tell us how scientists get rich when a weather satellite is launched? After all, that is where those billions mostly went.

And not a penny of that went into his pocket. Kind of shoots your conspiracy theory to hell, eh?

People flocked to the beach for respite one evening during Melbourne’s record breaking four-day heatwave in January 2014, under a sky made hazy by smoke from a scrub fire. by Neil O’Connor
Earth’s climate has changed over the past century. The atmosphere and oceans have warmed, sea levels have risen, and glaciers and ice sheets have decreased in size. The best available evidence indicates that greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are the main cause. Continuing increases in greenhouse gases will produce further warming and other changes in Earth’s physical environment and ecosystems.

The science behind these statements is supported by extensive studies based on four main lines of evidence:

  • Physical principles established more than a century ago tell us that certain trace gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour, restrict the radiant flow of heat from Earth to space. This mechanism, known as the ‘greenhouse effect’, keeps Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere considerably warmer than they would otherwise be. The gases involved are called ‘greenhouse gases’. An increase in greenhouse gas concentrations raises the temperature of the surface.
  • The record of the distant past(millions of years) tells us that climate has varied greatly through Earth’s history. It has, for example, gone through ten major ice age cycles over approximately the past million years. Over the last few thousand years of this period, during which civilisations developed, climate was unusually stable. Evidence from the past confirms that climate can be sensitive to small persistent changes, such as variations in Earth’s orbit.
  • Measurements from the recent past (the last 150 years) tell us that Earth’s surface has warmed as atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases increased through human activities, and that this warming has led to other environmental changes. Although climate varies from decade to decade, the overall upward trend of average global surface temperature over the last century is clear.
  • Climate models allow us to understand the causes of past climate changes, and to project climate change into the future. Together with physical principles and knowledge of past variations, models provide compelling evidence that recent changes are due to increased greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. They tell us that, unless greenhouse gas emissions are reduced greatly and greenhouse gas concentrations are stabilised, greenhouse warming will continue to increase.
This document aims to summarise and clarify the current scientific understanding of climate change by answering nine key questions.

Summary | Australian Academy of Science

Now that is what the Australian Academy of Science says, not three non-entities. Far from being laughed at, most Australian scientists state the global warming is real.

Climate models "allow us to understand the causes of past climate changes"? I don't think so. A theory. When the models can be 100% accurate, come back and talk to us!:2up:
Some of the commentary on the vid = a total poke in the eye of the religion. And its so obviously elementary its laughable. That the religion can be so 100% sure of their assertions is fascinating to me.......but then again, millions of people in North Korea truly believe their leader is God-like. The religion are slaves to what is known as "consensus reality"..........most of them have no clue about the concept.:boobies::boobies::coffee:
I asked you, little pissaholic. After all, it was your crazy claim. As usual, instead of backing it up, you deflected by lying.

First, women should never attempt name just aren't good at it.. pissaholic?....tell me you have some sort of urine fetish? seems to come to mind whenever you feel the need to call names....does urine pop into your mind due to some self loathing you are desperately trying to keep under wraps?

Is there anything you don't lie about hairball? I asked you in post #41...I said:

Tell me hairball...which unbiased source do you think all of the hundreds upon hundreds of billions of dollars that are spent by the climate change community come from? You are quick to question where the other side gets their money...have you ever questioned where the money that finances the pseudoscience you so dearly love comes from? Of course you haven't...because you are a double standard hypocrite.."

Geez...keep up. Or do you lie so readily that you just can't keep track of what you said to whom?

So, you're actually now claiming that money spent to built a wind turbine goes into the pocket of scientist. Even for you, the sheer magnitude of the dishonesty there is rather shocking.

And the famous hairball reading comprehension deficit rears its ugly head again...where did I say that it all goes into the pockets of scientists?...Climate change has become an industry...pseudoscience to spread around to fool the uneducated etc. etc...

If all the facts didn't say you were an open fraud, you wouldn't have to lie about everything. But they do, so you do.

Sorry hairball...but the facts clearly point out that the climate science community is a fraud...but again, you do love to project don't you?
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JoNova as a source? That's really scraping bottom.

Says the wack job who looks to skeptical science and wiki for information. You should change your name to CP4220 because you are a top shelf projector.
We've got the world's real climate climate scientists as sources where you have nothing BUT fools like JoNova.

That's right......and if you're not a "climate" climate scientist", you're a know nothing wanna-be........but only if you ask a member of the religion. Tens of thousands of MA and PHd scientists think the religion is full of crap. That's multiple 4 zero's.:oops-28:

You've made some of your disgusting fetishes obvious, my sweet little predatory old faggot-stalker.

And by the way, you look like a total pussy for whining about namecalling after making it your staple tactic. Heat and kitchens, old faggot, heat and kitchens.

Tell me hairball...which unbiased source do you think all of the hundreds upon hundreds of billions of dollars that are spent by the climate change community come from?

You're not even trying to discuss science anymore.You're just shrieking wilder and wilder conspiracy theories. According to what your cult leaders trickled down into your eager open throat, every satellite launched or wind turbine built is some kind of graft. It's desperate and pathetic, but what else do you have?

So, what's it like, knowing that weeping on a message board will be the high point of your day? That goes for the skook-bitch as well. Most hardcore deniers are clearly bitter losers at the game of life.
No answer? Or are you just to embarrassed to say where you think climate science gets its money from?

I asked you, little pissaholic. After all, it was your crazy claim. As usual, instead of backing it up, you deflected by lying.

The climate change industry is in excess of 1.5 trillion dollars per year...

So, you're actually now claiming that money spent to built a wind turbine goes into the pocket of scientist. Even for you, the sheer magnitude of the dishonesty there is rather shocking.

If all the facts didn't say you were an open fraud, you wouldn't have to lie about everything. But they do, so you do.

4.7 billion dollars in grant money in the U.S. alone.....

Stupidity on stupidity. The global warming 'scare' began about 1820, when Fourier pointed out that something in the atmosphere was absorbing outgoing heat. That was confirmed in 1859 when Tyndall measured the absorption of IR by the GHGs in the atmosphere. Arrhenius quantified the amount of warming that doubling the CO2 in the atmosphere would create in 1896. Keeling started measuring the CO2 in 1957 on Mauna Loa. Now there are CO2 measuring stations all over the world recording the increase.
No answer? Or are you just to embarrassed to say where you think climate science gets its money from?

I asked you, little pissaholic. After all, it was your crazy claim. As usual, instead of backing it up, you deflected by lying.

The climate change industry is in excess of 1.5 trillion dollars per year...

So, you're actually now claiming that money spent to built a wind turbine goes into the pocket of scientist. Even for you, the sheer magnitude of the dishonesty there is rather shocking.

If all the facts didn't say you were an open fraud, you wouldn't have to lie about everything. But they do, so you do.

4.7 billion dollars in grant money in the U.S. alone.....

Stupidity on stupidity. The global warming 'scare' began about 1820, when Fourier pointed out that something in the atmosphere was absorbing outgoing heat. That was confirmed in 1859 when Tyndall measured the absorption of IR by the GHGs in the atmosphere. Arrhenius quantified the amount of warming that doubling the CO2 in the atmosphere would create in 1896. Keeling started measuring the CO2 in 1957 on Mauna Loa. Now there are CO2 measuring stations all over the world recording the increase.

And nobody knows jack about what that all means moving forward.....nobody. The CO2 connection with the climate is flimsy no matter which theory you embrace. Accordingly, much still needs to be studied.
No answer? Or are you just to embarrassed to say where you think climate science gets its money from?

I asked you, little pissaholic. After all, it was your crazy claim. As usual, instead of backing it up, you deflected by lying.

The climate change industry is in excess of 1.5 trillion dollars per year...

So, you're actually now claiming that money spent to built a wind turbine goes into the pocket of scientist. Even for you, the sheer magnitude of the dishonesty there is rather shocking.

If all the facts didn't say you were an open fraud, you wouldn't have to lie about everything. But they do, so you do.

4.7 billion dollars in grant money in the U.S. alone.....

Stupidity on stupidity. The global warming 'scare' began about 1820, when Fourier pointed out that something in the atmosphere was absorbing outgoing heat. That was confirmed in 1859 when Tyndall measured the absorption of IR by the GHGs in the atmosphere. Arrhenius quantified the amount of warming that doubling the CO2 in the atmosphere would create in 1896. Keeling started measuring the CO2 in 1957 on Mauna Loa. Now there are CO2 measuring stations all over the world recording the increase.

So now you admitting 1820?

Way before there was official records, way before any way man could of done it?

Yup Judith and the rest were right.

Science totally ignores the natural variations
You've made some of your disgusting fetishes obvious, my sweet little predatory old faggot-stalker.

So first, you reveal a possible urine fetish in your attempt to fashion an insulting name that would hurt my feelings (laughing at you by the way hairball)...and now you seem to be voicing a real anger towards homosexuals... and apparently trying to insult me by claiming that I am stalking you who are apparently naming yourself as a faggot. I don't use such terms myself. I am sure you can't help being who and what you are but I thought you liberals were suppose to be the understanding inclusive types...but you sure hurl out the very sort of names that you accuse conservatives of using...more self loathing bubbling to the surface perhaps?

Could it be that you are not a female after but a self loathing effeminate old queen projecting the things you hate most about yourself upon others in an impotent attempt to make yourself feel better?

So which is it hairball...are you a bitter old woman or a self loathing effeminate old queen?

And by the way, you look like a total pussy for whining about namecalling after making it your staple tactic. Heat and kitchens, old faggot, heat and kitchens.

Who is whining hairball...other than you. I am laughing at your ineptitude....and the more I laugh, the more you reveal about yourself in your oh so impotent self righteous self loathing anger.

You're not even trying to discuss science anymore.You're just shrieking wilder and wilder conspiracy theories. According to what your cult leaders trickled down into your eager open throat, every satellite launched or wind turbine built is some kind of graft. It's desperate and pathetic, but what else do you have?

Sorry hairball...but I just asked a question...which unbiased source do you think funds the climate change are the one getting hysterical because you can't bring yourself to admit that the sources of funding for alarmist pseudoscience are even more biased than the sources of skeptic funding....and in doing so, you again project your very attributes upon me as if I were a hysterical handwaving old woman (or effeminate old queen) like you.

So, what's it like, knowing that weeping on a message board will be the high point of your day? That goes for the skook-bitch as well. Most hardcore deniers are clearly bitter losers at the game of life.

Wouldn't know. I come here mainly for the comic relief people like you provide...and to goad you all with the fact that you believe so strongly in AGW when you can't produce the first piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports AGW over natural variability.

And I am afraid that if you look at the content of the posts...that is if you were able to honestly assess anything, you would find that the bitterness resides on your side...we skeptic are laughing at you and the more we laugh, the more angry and more bitter you get as demonstrated by your inept attempt at name calling.
No answer? Or are you just to embarrassed to say where you think climate science gets its money from?

I asked you, little pissaholic. After all, it was your crazy claim. As usual, instead of backing it up, you deflected by lying.

The climate change industry is in excess of 1.5 trillion dollars per year...

So, you're actually now claiming that money spent to built a wind turbine goes into the pocket of scientist. Even for you, the sheer magnitude of the dishonesty there is rather shocking.

If all the facts didn't say you were an open fraud, you wouldn't have to lie about everything. But they do, so you do.

4.7 billion dollars in grant money in the U.S. alone.....

Stupidity on stupidity. The global warming 'scare' began about 1820, when Fourier pointed out that something in the atmosphere was absorbing outgoing heat. That was confirmed in 1859 when Tyndall measured the absorption of IR by the GHGs in the atmosphere. Arrhenius quantified the amount of warming that doubling the CO2 in the atmosphere would create in 1896. Keeling started measuring the CO2 in 1957 on Mauna Loa. Now there are CO2 measuring stations all over the world recording the increase.

Yep..they measured absorption..and then immediately measured emission...and we are still waiting on an observed, measured, discrete "greenhouse gas" wavelength coming from the atmosphere to the earth made with an instrument that is not cooled to a temperature lower than that of the atmosphere.

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