Climate protesters blocking traffic in Boston


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
The Climate Zombies are out in force. We knew this stupidity would come to the US, where places like the UK are ahead of us in this lunacy.


Rachel Corrie them
Even for a blue city Mayor Woo has not been able to geld the Boston PD......That said they should have stood down and let the "townies" have at them. ;)

That is frighteningly truer than it should be.
Someday it is going happen.
A traffic blocker is going to be run over, ether accidentally or on purpose.
Protesting against Nature's climate change is like cursing the wind. It won't do you a damn bit of good.
What they should demonstrate against is all the stupid college kids from out of state who rent giant moving vans at the start of September and get "Storrowed." Happens every year.
They should be locked up with either no bail or eight figures, and charged as terrorists. People blocking the road should simply be DRIVEN THROUGH with large trucks.

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