Climate Change Is Now Causing Kidney Stones

"Conservatives get triggered hard by simple facts again. Film at 11."
I posted a thread a while back about how the left believe Climate Change is causing more home runs to be hit in baseball. Here's another good one, although the home run one is hard to top. But, give the left credit for trying anyway.

"Experts aren’t sure why more children and teens are developing the condition, but they speculate that a combination of factors are to blame, including diets high in ultraprocessed foods, increased use of antibiotics early in life and climate change causing more cases of dehydration."

CO2 is responsible for male pattern baldness too.
The American Cancer Society (ACS) has warned that treating cancer patients is bad for the planet because of the carbon footprint that accompanies medical procedures, drug production and treatment," Naturalnews reports.

As early as 2020, the world's elite have been pushing the idea that cancer treatment has a strong "climate impact."
On 05/18/2020, the ACS Journal of Oncology for Clinicians published a frightening "scientific" article warning that cancer treatments contribute to "anthropogenic global warming."

The number of such claims grew. Now, in 2023, there is a mysterious shortage of common medications that oncology doctors use to treat patients in the US.
Is this a strange coincidence or a deliberate effort to blame modern medicine for planetary warming while phasing out cancer treatment under the pretext that there are not enough cancer drugs for everyone?

What's even stranger is that not only cancer drugs, but also anesthesia products are in the crosshairs of "global warming" advocates.
They are trying to ban certain types of anesthesia that supposedly have the greatest impact on the climate.

The Lancet magazine recently published a study on the shortage of cancer drugs and how it has affected cancer treatment.

There is a shortage of chemotherapy drugs in the United States, with shortages reaching a three-decade low.
The shortage has now reached such a level that experts are calling the situation a "crisis."
Currently, about 100,000 patients no longer have access to chemotherapy drugs. This has not been seen before.

Corporate media outlets such as Politico and PBS News warn that both doctors and patients are increasingly having to make difficult choices about what to use as an alternative.
Hospitals and cancer centers across the country are running out of two major injectable cancer drugs: carboplatin and cisplatin.

Politico, meanwhile, publishes bizarre articles that see hospitals as a means to combat climate change, calling the process the e "coologization of American health care."
One might assume that what is meant by the "greenization" of health care is that patients are left with fewer and fewer options for treatment.

At the same time, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is changing the rules for importing cancer drugs from China, which supplies America.

All this is being done under the pretext of "combating anthropogenic climate change."
The American Cancer Society (ACS) has warned that treating cancer patients is bad for the planet because of the carbon footprint that accompanies medical procedures, drug production and treatment," Naturalnews reports.

As early as 2020, the world's elite have been pushing the idea that cancer treatment has a strong "climate impact."
On 05/18/2020, the ACS Journal of Oncology for Clinicians published a frightening "scientific" article warning that cancer treatments contribute to "anthropogenic global warming."

The number of such claims grew. Now, in 2023, there is a mysterious shortage of common medications that oncology doctors use to treat patients in the US.
Is this a strange coincidence or a deliberate effort to blame modern medicine for planetary warming while phasing out cancer treatment under the pretext that there are not enough cancer drugs for everyone?

What's even stranger is that not only cancer drugs, but also anesthesia products are in the crosshairs of "global warming" advocates.
They are trying to ban certain types of anesthesia that supposedly have the greatest impact on the climate.

The Lancet magazine recently published a study on the shortage of cancer drugs and how it has affected cancer treatment.

There is a shortage of chemotherapy drugs in the United States, with shortages reaching a three-decade low.
The shortage has now reached such a level that experts are calling the situation a "crisis."
Currently, about 100,000 patients no longer have access to chemotherapy drugs. This has not been seen before.

Corporate media outlets such as Politico and PBS News warn that both doctors and patients are increasingly having to make difficult choices about what to use as an alternative.
Hospitals and cancer centers across the country are running out of two major injectable cancer drugs: carboplatin and cisplatin.

Politico, meanwhile, publishes bizarre articles that see hospitals as a means to combat climate change, calling the process the e "coologization of American health care."
One might assume that what is meant by the "greenization" of health care is that patients are left with fewer and fewer options for treatment.

At the same time, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is changing the rules for importing cancer drugs from China, which supplies America.

All this is being done under the pretext of "combating anthropogenic climate change."
/——/ Of course this will be tossed out the window the moment a global warmer gets cancer or needs anesthesia.

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