Clearwater Tackle Shop Owner Still Fighting City Hook

Angel Heart

Conservative Hippie
Jul 6, 2007
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Portland, Oregon
Clearwater Tackle Shop Owner Still Fighting City Hook - News-

Clearwater Tackle Shop Owner Still Fighting City Hook
By Stephen Thompson
Tampa Bay Online

updated 1:45 p.m. PT, Tues., Jan. 13, 2009
CLEARWATER - Herb Quintero, who has long thought the fish mural painted on the side of his tackle shop was a work of art, had until Monday to cover it up.

And he did – with a copy of the First Amendment.

His act of defiance is the latest chapter in his fight with the city's code department, which views the mural as a business sign for Quintero's tackle shop, the Complete Angler, 705 N. Fort Harrison Ave.

Meanwhile, the city's legal department is looking to see what, if anything, it can do about the First Amendment banner.

Typical DUMbass liberal dipshits. Punishing success! Can't stand the first amendment?
Castelli said Quintero never went through the permitting process before having the mural done.
Yep, because city laws are meaningless. I guess if he covered it up with a description of Satan worship you dopes might get the point. Then again, probably not.

btw, Quintero is a Cuban name. :eek:
Yep, because city laws are meaningless. I guess if he covered it up with a description of Satan worship you dopes might get the point. Then again, probably not.

btw, Quintero is a Cuban name. :eek:

why shouldn't they be? Youse guys favor 20 million illegals trapising into the US ripping off Identity and entitlements. Yep! Hypocrite
The ACLU just filed a lawsuit in this case. Copies of the press release, suit, background info, photos and more are at keepthefish dot com
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