Clearing Up The Mystery Why HIV/AIDS Epidemic Keeps Getting Worse

How effective do you think the CDC's ad campaign to ask gay guys to be honest with each other is?

  • Fine, it is a perfect solution. Gay guys will be honest with each other.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Somewhat OK but it doesn't seem to be working.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A very poor choice. This subpopulation isn't going to suddenly curb its appetite to "get honest".

    Votes: 8 80.0%

  • Total voters
If you really want to talk about the AIDS crisis, in Africa, AIDS is a heterosexual disease that has spread in a number of countries because the Churches oppose condom use even between married couples.

Your GIANT COLORFUL map is very distracting. :blowup: But this is what we were talking about minutes ago. Though I will give you points for an admirable attempt at diverting the points.. :clap2:

Here's what we were talking about, remember?

I said:
Oh OK. AIDS isn't a joke though. Lost a friend to it. Talk about a slow and agonizing way to die. :sad: And it wasn't even like he wanted to be gay. He was molested as a kid and then on had a compulsive homosexual fixation. He still fell intellectually in love with women as he grew up. It was a very sad situation and not at all uncommon within the "gay" male community. His untreated mental wounds and subsequent promoscuity led him predictably to contract HIV. He died from it of course, but not before he'd infected purposefully [we found out later] hundreds or even thousands of other men just like him.

Then you said:

Has it occurred to your friend only told you this shit because he realized you were a crazy homophobe and was telling you what you wanted to hear.
Then I said:
No, my friend's brother told us this after our friend died from AIDS. And tearfully & reluctantly told our family as well. We all knew our friend was "gay" [compulsively suffering from his childhood molestation]. That much was obvious. I think his brother in a way eeked out that information because he knew that we knew a couple of the guys his brother was moving on while alive and maybe we might warn them to get tested. This was back in the day when getting tested for HIV was kind of a big deal.
Your GIANT COLORFUL map is very distracting. But this is what we were talking about minutes ago. Though I will give you points for an admirable attempt at diverting the points.. :clap2:

Here's what we were talking about, remember?

I was done with the discussion about your imaginary friend some time ago. Frankly, he kind of fits a fictional narrative more than being a real person.

Oh, he wasn't REALLY gay, he just was gay because he had sex with a gay dude when he was a teen. Or something.

If you want to blame someone for AIDS, yeah, I'll blame those gays and bisexuals who continued to have promiscious sex after they knew the dangers.

I'll also blame the government that didn't take it seriously until rich people started dying from it.

And I'll blame the churches for spreading their stupidity that could have controlled it in some parts of the world where it's running rampant.
Your GIANT COLORFUL map is very distracting. But this is what we were talking about minutes ago. Though I will give you points for an admirable attempt at diverting the points.. :clap2:

Here's what we were talking about, remember?

I was done with the discussion about your imaginary friend some time ago. Frankly, he kind of fits a fictional narrative more than being a real person.

Oh, he wasn't REALLY gay, he just was gay because he had sex with a gay dude when he was a teen. Or something.

If you want to blame someone for AIDS, yeah, I'll blame those gays and bisexuals who continued to have promiscious sex after they knew the dangers.

I'll also blame the government that didn't take it seriously until rich people started dying from it.

And I'll blame the churches for spreading their stupidity that could have controlled it in some parts of the world where it's running rampant.
Fuck you. My friend was real. And he really died of AIDS.
Fuck you. My friend was real. And he really died of AIDS.

Well, it was awfully nice of him to fit into your narrative so nicely.
My narrative was born from what happened to him. Before learning about it I was more or less ambivalent towards the whole LGBT thing. But you cannot erase knowledge once it is in your head. My crusade is to make sure no other children [or the most minimal amount possible] are exposed and damaged in such a way.

The AIDS epidemic is spreading out of control from gay male promiscuity. Expecting the mental patient that my friend was, or any other victim like him to "suddenly wake up and get healthy about his pathological artificial compulsions" is a fool's errand. The CDC should be ashamed.

The people who knew my friend well would double up in siezures from laughing [alternating with private tears] at the absurdity and futility of urging him to take better care of himself. He was suicidal and wanted to take as many other "of those who did that to him as a little boy" with him.
My narrative was born from what happened to him. Before learning about it I was more or less ambivalent towards the whole LGBT thing. But you cannot erase knowledge once it is in your head. My crusade is to make sure no other children [or the most minimal amount possible] are exposed and damaged in such a way.

The AIDS epidemic is spreading out of control from gay male promiscuity. Expecting the mental patient that my friend was, or any other victim like him to "suddenly wake up and get healthy about his pathological artificial compulsions" is a fool's errand. The CDC should be ashamed.

The people who knew my friend well would double up in siezures from laughing [alternating with private tears] at the absurdity and futility of urging him to take better care of himself. He was suicidal and wanted to take as many other "of those who did that to him as a little boy" with him.

Pretending for a moment that your friend wasn't a literary construct to rationalize your homophobia, it sounds like he had a lot of other problems besides just being gay.

Or he's just something you made up to rationalize your homophobia.

Pretending for a moment that your friend wasn't a literary construct to rationalize your homophobia, it sounds like he had a lot of other problems besides just being gay.

Or he's just something you made up to rationalize your homophobia.

Again, Fuck You [emphasis added].

Read this asshole:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

"Intricately intertwined". In that paragraph, genius, when looking at all the problems gay men have mentally you look for the earliest types of trauma that might have led to that. And in so doing, Einstein, the world CHILDHOOD should jump off the page at you. CHILDHOOD SEXUAL ABUSE leads to all sorts of isms and issues. Unless the gay-owned APA political machine has now determined that all the old stuff they knew about adult maladjustment of child molestees isn't politically-correct anymore and therefore "doesn't exist"?

Just as you say my friend who died of AIDS didn't exist. After all, what are the chances that someone here at USMB actually knows someone who died of AIDS? It's got to be a billion to one at least.

If you really want to talk about the AIDS crisis, in Africa, AIDS is a heterosexual disease that has spread in a number of countries because the Churches oppose condom use even between married couples.


how many Catholics are actually in those areas?

How about blaming the culture of the countries in general, where regardless of availability, using a condom is seen as unmanly?
how many Catholics are actually in those areas?

How about blaming the culture of the countries in general, where regardless of availability, using a condom is seen as unmanly?

The USA HIV epidemic is being spread by homosexuals and bisexuals in predominance now. Don't worry, we'll be to the statistics in the hetero population in Africa soon enough. But for now, the efforts to stem the tide in our main vector demographic [gay and bisexual men] will continue its "no policy, policy" of entrusting mentally ill men in the throes of their addiction [compulsive anonymous gay sex encouters] to halt themselves mid-stride and for perhaps the first time ever, reflect, consider their health and wellbeing and that of another and "get honest about their HIV status"..
how many Catholics are actually in those areas?

How about blaming the culture of the countries in general, where regardless of availability, using a condom is seen as unmanly?

The USA HIV epidemic is being spread by homosexuals and bisexuals in predominance now. Don't worry, we'll be to the statistics in the hetero population in Africa soon enough. But for now, the efforts to stem the tide in our main vector demographic [gay and bisexual men] will continue its "no policy, policy" of entrusting mentally ill men in the throes of their addiction [compulsive anonymous gay sex encouters] to halt themselves mid-stride and for perhaps the first time ever, reflect, consider their health and wellbeing and that of another and "get honest about their HIV status"..

I am curious. When you use the term "mentally ill", are you referring to those who are risking their lives for sex or homosexuals in general?
how many Catholics are actually in those areas?

How about blaming the culture of the countries in general, where regardless of availability, using a condom is seen as unmanly?

The USA HIV epidemic is being spread by homosexuals and bisexuals in predominance now. Don't worry, we'll be to the statistics in the hetero population in Africa soon enough. But for now, the efforts to stem the tide in our main vector demographic [gay and bisexual men] will continue its "no policy, policy" of entrusting mentally ill men in the throes of their addiction [compulsive anonymous gay sex encouters] to halt themselves mid-stride and for perhaps the first time ever, reflect, consider their health and wellbeing and that of another and "get honest about their HIV status"..

I am curious. When you use the term "mentally ill", are you referring to those who are risking their lives for sex or homosexuals in general?
Homosexuals in general. And here's why:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Also because I've gotten to know quite a few of them personally. I used to live near the Bay Area, CA. Ground zero. Thick as thieves. The one thing they all had in common was and is an obsessive fixation at weaving sexual innuendo into every conversation and every topic. That's what psychologists [pre 1970s gay-cabal takeover of the APA] call a red flag. The subconscious mind often expresses that which the conscious mind refuses to confront. At least that used to be the way that professionals discussed human psychology before science was replaced with a political platform...
how many Catholics are actually in those areas?

How about blaming the culture of the countries in general, where regardless of availability, using a condom is seen as unmanly?

The USA HIV epidemic is being spread by homosexuals and bisexuals in predominance now. Don't worry, we'll be to the statistics in the hetero population in Africa soon enough. But for now, the efforts to stem the tide in our main vector demographic [gay and bisexual men] will continue its "no policy, policy" of entrusting mentally ill men in the throes of their addiction [compulsive anonymous gay sex encouters] to halt themselves mid-stride and for perhaps the first time ever, reflect, consider their health and wellbeing and that of another and "get honest about their HIV status"..

I am curious. When you use the term "mentally ill", are you referring to those who are risking their lives for sex or homosexuals in general?
Homosexuals in general. And here's why:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Also because I've gotten to know quite a few of them personally. I used to live near the Bay Area, CA. Ground zero. Thick as thieves. The one thing they all had in common was and is an obsessive fixation at weaving sexual innuendo into every conversation and every topic. That's what psychologists [pre 1970s gay-cabal takeover of the APA] call a red flag. The subconscious mind often expresses that which the conscious mind refuses to confront. At least that used to be the way that professionals discussed human psychology before science was replaced with a political platform...

Ok, thats all I needed to know. The fact that you claim all homosexuals are mentally ill tells me all I need to know about your threads. Namely that they are based on hatred rather than facts.

Before you try and defend it, I am not saying that there are not gays who need to change their practices. But the claim that it is gays in general (basically blaming all homosexuals for the actions of some) is simply inaccurate and based in hate rather than facts.
Silhouette, you seem to like the CDC for facts and figures, so let's use their numbers for a reality check, shall we?

According to the CDC there are an estimated 1.1 million people in the US with HIV. Also according to the CDC, men who have sex with men account for roughly 4% of the population. The current population of the US is around 310 million. That means 12.4 million men have sex with men. If, in your anger & hatred, you want to claim that all cases of HIV are in men who have sex with men, that would mean that only 9% of the men who have sex with men are HIV positive.

Of course, the CDC does NOT think that all cases of HIV are in men who have sex with men. They estimate that around 52% of the HIV cases fit that category. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and we'll say that 60% of the HIV cases are in men who have sex with men. So we have 1.1 million cases, of which 60% are in the population you despise & claim are mentally ill. That means 660,000 men who have sex with men are HIV positive out of a population of 12.4 million. This means a mere 5.3% of the men who have sex with men, in the US, are HIV positive. So 94.7% of the men who have sex with men are NOT HIV positive.

Thus endeth the lesson for today.

BTW, the facts I quoted are here: CDC HIV in the United States Statistics Overview Statistics Center HIV AIDS
Silhouette, you seem to like the CDC for facts and figures, so let's use their numbers for a reality check, shall we?

According to the CDC there are an estimated 1.1 million people in the US with HIV. Also according to the CDC, men who have sex with men account for roughly 4% of the population. The current population of the US is around 310 million. That means 12.4 million men have sex with men. If, in your anger & hatred, you want to claim that all cases of HIV are in men who have sex with men, that would mean that only 9% of the men who have sex with men are HIV positive.

Of course, the CDC does NOT think that all cases of HIV are in men who have sex with men. They estimate that around 52% of the HIV cases fit that category. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and we'll say that 60% of the HIV cases are in men who have sex with men. So we have 1.1 million cases, of which 60% are in the population you despise & claim are mentally ill. That means 660,000 men who have sex with men are HIV positive out of a population of 12.4 million. This means a mere 5.3% of the men who have sex with men, in the US, are HIV positive. So 94.7% of the men who have sex with men are NOT HIV positive.

Thus endeth the lesson for today.

BTW, the facts I quoted are here: CDC HIV in the United States Statistics Overview Statistics Center HIV AIDS

Just one quibble on the numbers. The numbers are skewed due to the large number of gay men who died during the bad days of the AIDS epidemic who might have been alive today, to bolster both the "living with AIDS" number, and the total number of infected men. Of course you can discount those who would have reasonably died of natural causes from the calcs.
The infection rate is spreading among kids ages 13-19.

The reason it is spreading is that they are being victimized by older, diseased homosexuals...and our current crew of prancing, prating pro-homosexual lunatics refuse to accept or even acknowledge that *education* can't fix it.

All that the increased intensity of *education* for the 13-19 year olds does is better prepare them to be boy toys for the real problem...the older, diseased, and predatory male homosexuals.

Why don't we address THOSE guys, instead of just trying to figure out how to clean up after them..without ever actually telling them to stay the hell away from our kids?
Silhouette, you seem to like the CDC for facts and figures, so let's use their numbers for a reality check, shall we?

According to the CDC there are an estimated 1.1 million people in the US with HIV. Also according to the CDC, men who have sex with men account for roughly 4% of the population. The current population of the US is around 310 million. That means 12.4 million men have sex with men. If, in your anger & hatred, you want to claim that all cases of HIV are in men who have sex with men, that would mean that only 9% of the men who have sex with men are HIV positive.

Of course, the CDC does NOT think that all cases of HIV are in men who have sex with men. They estimate that around 52% of the HIV cases fit that category. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and we'll say that 60% of the HIV cases are in men who have sex with men. So we have 1.1 million cases, of which 60% are in the population you despise & claim are mentally ill. That means 660,000 men who have sex with men are HIV positive out of a population of 12.4 million. This means a mere 5.3% of the men who have sex with men, in the US, are HIV positive. So 94.7% of the men who have sex with men are NOT HIV positive.

Thus endeth the lesson for today.

BTW, the facts I quoted are here: CDC HIV in the United States Statistics Overview Statistics Center HIV AIDS

Just one quibble on the numbers. The numbers are skewed due to the large number of gay men who died during the bad days of the AIDS epidemic who might have been alive today, to bolster both the "living with AIDS" number, and the total number of infected men. Of course you can discount those who would have reasonably died of natural causes from the calcs.

On the linked website it lists the number of deaths from HIV (total) as 636,000. If you add that to the 1.1 million current cases, the number becomes 1,736,000. The number of men who have sex with men who died with HIV is 302,148.

If you use the 60% figure for men who have sex with men and are currently positive, and add 302,148 to that number, you have 962,148 (men who have sex with men and are either HIV positive or were when they died). This boosts the percentage of men who have sex with men who contracted HIV to around 8%. So 92% of these men are not HIV positive.
The infection rate is spreading among kids ages 13-19.

The reason it is spreading is that they are being victimized by older, diseased homosexuals...and our current crew of prancing, prating pro-homosexual lunatics refuse to accept or even acknowledge that *education* can't fix it.

All that the increased intensity of *education* for the 13-19 year olds does is better prepare them to be boy toys for the real problem...the older, diseased, and predatory male homosexuals.

Why don't we address THOSE guys, instead of just trying to figure out how to clean up after them..without ever actually telling them to stay the hell away from our kids?

Any adult who has sex with a minor should be prosecuted, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Proper education will teach the 17-19 year olds to use condoms.
Silhouette, you seem to like the CDC for facts and figures, so let's use their numbers for a reality check, shall we?

According to the CDC there are an estimated 1.1 million people in the US with HIV. Also according to the CDC, men who have sex with men account for roughly 4% of the population. The current population of the US is around 310 million. That means 12.4 million men have sex with men. If, in your anger & hatred, you want to claim that all cases of HIV are in men who have sex with men, that would mean that only 9% of the men who have sex with men are HIV positive.

Of course, the CDC does NOT think that all cases of HIV are in men who have sex with men. They estimate that around 52% of the HIV cases fit that category. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and we'll say that 60% of the HIV cases are in men who have sex with men. So we have 1.1 million cases, of which 60% are in the population you despise & claim are mentally ill. That means 660,000 men who have sex with men are HIV positive out of a population of 12.4 million. This means a mere 5.3% of the men who have sex with men, in the US, are HIV positive. So 94.7% of the men who have sex with men are NOT HIV positive.

Thus endeth the lesson for today.

BTW, the facts I quoted are here: CDC HIV in the United States Statistics Overview Statistics Center HIV AIDS

Just one quibble on the numbers. The numbers are skewed due to the large number of gay men who died during the bad days of the AIDS epidemic who might have been alive today, to bolster both the "living with AIDS" number, and the total number of infected men. Of course you can discount those who would have reasonably died of natural causes from the calcs.

On the linked website it lists the number of deaths from HIV (total) as 636,000. If you add that to the 1.1 million current cases, the number becomes 1,736,000. The number of men who have sex with men who died with HIV is 302,148.

If you use the 60% figure for men who have sex with men and are currently positive, and add 302,148 to that number, you have 962,148 (men who have sex with men and are either HIV positive or were when they died). This boosts the percentage of men who have sex with men who contracted HIV to around 8%. So 92% of these men are not HIV positive.

Nice calculating. One thing I disagree with is the 4% number, ignoring the whole concept of 1 encounter with a man adding you two the "men having sex with men" category.

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