Civilians vs Combatents

I am glad you noticed that little detail. Most would not. But this explains why, when the world says the the civilian deaths in Gaza is 80%, Israel's numbers are 50%. Israel ASSUMES that all males of fighting age are, in fact, militants. This is not true but Israel uses it to give a lower number than everyone else.

This video also gets into Israel's use of indiscriminate weapons. It also explains Israel's use of its Dahiya Doctrine which is Israel's plan for mass destruction of civilian infrastructure and, of course, any civilians who happen to get in the way.

You've managed to do nothing more than float silly conspiracy theories and ignore the facts. Israel responds to acts of Islamic terrorism / acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists. Islamic civilians are put at risk of death by your Islamic terrorist heroes who wage acts of war from areas that are populated by Islamic civilians.

Islamic terrorism carries consequences.

How many times does the above need to be written out for you?
Just keep saying it in hopes that someday it may become true.

What I posted is the truth. Killing Jews as a religious practice is a basic message of Hamas, which believes that the Islamist struggle against Jews—not only Israelis—and their eventual extermination by muhammedans is intrinsic to Islamism. Hamas includes this message in its charter: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

Let's review what I wrote, shall we?

"Israel responds to acts of Islamic terrorism / acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists."

What part of the above is untrue?

"Islamic civilians are put at risk of death by your Islamic terrorist heroes who wage acts of war from areas that are populated by Islamic civilians."

What part of the above is untrue?

"Islamic terrorism carries consequences."

What part of the above is untrue?

We can certainly explore HAMAS's many aggressions, its stated determination to destroy Israel and slaughter every Jew therein, its use of islamo-tunnels to wage war against Israeli civilians, its use of human shields to discourage retaliatory fire by Israel.
But then, all of that has been explained to you on many prior occasions, yet, you continue to cheer and flail your Pom Poms for dead islamo's when after all, dead islamo's are worth their weight in propaganda as cheap currency. .
Are you still pimping Israel's terrorism crap?

Are you still denying that hamas is a terrorist organisation, along with fatah, PLO and the muslim brotherhood. It is not Israel's but the civilised world that see them as terrorists.
A small number of countries. Israel and some of it lackeys mostly in the "west."

The EU does but their court says that the information used to make that designation was bogus. Probably true of the others also.
P F Tinmore, et al,

You are off the track again.

A small number of countries. Israel and some of it lackeys mostly in the "west."

The EU does but their court says that the information used to make that designation was bogus. Probably true of the others also.

The Court sad no such thing. It made a determination that the record used to draw a conclusion was all OSINT (Opens Source Intelligence). The court want to see criminal and classified intelligence, which the individual Intelligence Agencies will not share with a court that leaks more than the grand canyon. So, the EU filed an appeal which then was used to ignore (stay) the courts decision.

This is not unusual. What is unusual is that the EU just did not come out and slam the court.

Most Respectfully,
Not at all, it's merely a measure of the disparity in weaponry that exists between the various Gazan Resistance movements and the IDF/IAF. If I try and hit a soldier with a slingshot, miss and hit a bystander, that's the nature of the weapon I'm using and my skill or lack thereof. If the soldier responds with a burst of automatic fire and hits not only me but the bystander, is he a war criminal, am I?

It is a war crime to use indiscriminate weapons (weapons which can not be targeted). Skill is not a factor with indiscriminate weapons, by their nature. So a slingshot is not a correct analogy.

A barrel of acid dropped from a helicopter into a civilian crowd would be a better analogy. There is no way to target who gets hit with the acid. The nature of the weapon does not permit the acid to discriminate between military targets and civilian ones. This is a war crime.

A response which has the ability to target a military object (like a helicopter with an acid barrel) and is targeted to that military object is not a war crime, even if civilians unintentionally are hurt or killed in the process.

Artillery and mortars are indiscriminate as are unguided bombs and rockets fired from aircraft. The IDF/IAF are therefore war criminals.
Air to ground missiles used by the IDF consist of various precision guided munitions.

Your comment therefore is ignorant and uninformed.
Why don't they just stop attacking? The cause of the "not being left alone" is the attacks.

Zionist Israel provokes and has provoked most of the attacks from Gaza; a tactic they've used since the 1930's and taught to them by Orde Wingate.

You use of the term Zionist out of context and as a racial attack shows that you have no arguments against the points raised. Time to crawl back down your hole and lick your wounds.

How has Israel provoked the attacks when they are the results of hamas terrorism. No valid legal reason to fire illegal weapons at Israeli children from behind human shields
Not at all, it's merely a measure of the disparity in weaponry that exists between the various Gazan Resistance movements and the IDF/IAF. If I try and hit a soldier with a slingshot, miss and hit a bystander, that's the nature of the weapon I'm using and my skill or lack thereof. If the soldier responds with a burst of automatic fire and hits not only me but the bystander, is he a war criminal, am I?

It is a war crime to use indiscriminate weapons (weapons which can not be targeted). Skill is not a factor with indiscriminate weapons, by their nature. So a slingshot is not a correct analogy.

A barrel of acid dropped from a helicopter into a civilian crowd would be a better analogy. There is no way to target who gets hit with the acid. The nature of the weapon does not permit the acid to discriminate between military targets and civilian ones. This is a war crime.

A response which has the ability to target a military object (like a helicopter with an acid barrel) and is targeted to that military object is not a war crime, even if civilians unintentionally are hurt or killed in the process.

Artillery and mortars are indiscriminate as are unguided bombs and rockets fired from aircraft. The IDF/IAF are therefore war criminals.

Wrong as modern weapons are mostly guided by computers, and if you watch the footage of Israel attacks you see the target getting hit 99.9% of the time. This the exact opposite of hamas illegal weapons that hit anywhere 100% of the time. Why haven't the Israeli's been arrested then for these alleged war crimes, and been sent to prison. Or is this another of your islamonazi LIES.
Not at all, it's merely a measure of the disparity in weaponry that exists between the various Gazan Resistance movements and the IDF/IAF. If I try and hit a soldier with a slingshot, miss and hit a bystander, that's the nature of the weapon I'm using and my skill or lack thereof. If the soldier responds with a burst of automatic fire and hits not only me but the bystander, is he a war criminal, am I?

It is a war crime to use indiscriminate weapons (weapons which can not be targeted). Skill is not a factor with indiscriminate weapons, by their nature. So a slingshot is not a correct analogy.

A barrel of acid dropped from a helicopter into a civilian crowd would be a better analogy. There is no way to target who gets hit with the acid. The nature of the weapon does not permit the acid to discriminate between military targets and civilian ones. This is a war crime.

A response which has the ability to target a military object (like a helicopter with an acid barrel) and is targeted to that military object is not a war crime, even if civilians unintentionally are hurt or killed in the process.

Artillery and mortars are indiscriminate as are unguided bombs and rockets fired from aircraft. The IDF/IAF are therefore war criminals.
Air to ground missiles used by the IDF consist of various precision guided munitions.

Your comment therefore is ignorant and uninformed.

And racially motivated to incite violence against the Jews
You've managed to do nothing more than float silly conspiracy theories and ignore the facts. Israel responds to acts of Islamic terrorism / acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists. Islamic civilians are put at risk of death by your Islamic terrorist heroes who wage acts of war from areas that are populated by Islamic civilians.

Islamic terrorism carries consequences.

How many times does the above need to be written out for you?
Just keep saying it in hopes that someday it may become true.

What I posted is the truth. Killing Jews as a religious practice is a basic message of Hamas, which believes that the Islamist struggle against Jews—not only Israelis—and their eventual extermination by muhammedans is intrinsic to Islamism. Hamas includes this message in its charter: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

Let's review what I wrote, shall we?

"Israel responds to acts of Islamic terrorism / acts of war waged by Islamic terrorists."

What part of the above is untrue?

"Islamic civilians are put at risk of death by your Islamic terrorist heroes who wage acts of war from areas that are populated by Islamic civilians."

What part of the above is untrue?

"Islamic terrorism carries consequences."

What part of the above is untrue?

We can certainly explore HAMAS's many aggressions, its stated determination to destroy Israel and slaughter every Jew therein, its use of islamo-tunnels to wage war against Israeli civilians, its use of human shields to discourage retaliatory fire by Israel.
But then, all of that has been explained to you on many prior occasions, yet, you continue to cheer and flail your Pom Poms for dead islamo's when after all, dead islamo's are worth their weight in propaganda as cheap currency. .
Are you still pimping Israel's terrorism crap?

Are you still denying that hamas is a terrorist organisation, along with fatah, PLO and the muslim brotherhood. It is not Israel's but the civilised world that see them as terrorists.
A small number of countries. Israel and some of it lackeys mostly in the "west."

The EU does but their court says that the information used to make that designation was bogus. Probably true of the others also.

What is unusual is that the EU just did not come out and slam the court.

We tend to be a bit more circumspect regarding a legal system we set up over here, we don't just ignore rulings we don't like, unlike Zionist Israel

It made a determination that the record used to draw a conclusion was all OSINT (Opens Source Intelligence).

That's BS speak for media reportage as opposed to factual evidence which was not presented. Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS but not for every every other individual or group on the EU list. Looks like RoccoR's making things up again. :rolleyes:
What is unusual is that the EU just did not come out and slam the court.

We tend to be a bit more circumspect regarding a legal system we set up over here, we don't just ignore rulings we don't like, unlike Zionist Israel

It made a determination that the record used to draw a conclusion was all OSINT (Opens Source Intelligence).

That's BS speak for media reportage as opposed to factual evidence which was not presented. Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS but not for every every other individual or group on the EU list. Looks like RoccoR's making things up again. :rolleyes:
Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS...​

Could it be that they don't have anything?
Challenger, P F Tinemore, et al,

So, there seems to be a couple of issues you are whining about.

• The issue of Off Duty Israeli Defense Force (IDF) personnel carrying weapons.
• Denying that HAMAS is a terrorist organization,
• Dahiya Doctrine

What is unusual is that the EU just did not come out and slam the court.

We tend to be a bit more circumspect regarding a legal system we set up over here, we don't just ignore rulings we don't like, unlike Zionist Israel

It made a determination that the record used to draw a conclusion was all OSINT (Opens Source Intelligence).

That's BS speak for media reportage as opposed to factual evidence which was not presented. Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS but not for every every other individual or group on the EU list. Looks like RoccoR's making things up again.
P F Tinmore Post #254 said:
Are you still pimping Israel's terrorism crap?
[P F Tinmore Post #245 ]Palestinian Authority spends 27 percent of its budget on its security forces, turning the territories into a virtual police state.[/quote]
P F Tinmore Post #250 said:
This video also gets into Israel's use of indiscriminate weapons. It also explains Israel's use of its Dahiya Doctrine which is Israel's plan for mass destruction of civilian infrastructure and, of course, any civilians who happen to get in the way.

• IDF and Off-Duty Weapons;

∆ It was a decision made by Lieutenant General (OF-8) Gadi Eisenkot, Chief of the Israeli General Staff, sometime within the last month. This is principle for Internal Defense and Development against Threats, using deadly force, that are acting on behalf of Palestinian Terrorist directly targeting unarmed civilians.
I encourage you to read the YNet News Article for earlier this month.

BTW, The Geneva Convention is not applicable Law for crimes wholly committed within Israel; except for thos that can be tied directly to a foreign source. Within Israel, Israeli Criminal Law is applicable in the matter of Statutes adopted in the Knesset.

"But critics of the country's right-wing government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, directed their ire not just at Islamist militants -- authorities suggest Hamas was behind the attacks -- but the prevailing political status quo.
By Ishaan Tharoor Associated Press The Journal, (c) 2016, The Washington Post.
Article Last Updated: Friday, June 10, 2016
• HAMAS and Terrorism;

∆ The EU Court decision did not, in any way, claim that HAMAS was not a terrorist. Being taken from the List of Terrorist (or not being on the Terrorist List) has not being on whether of not the organization like HAMAS which advocates Jihad and armed resistance as the correct and authentic means for the liberation of Palestine and the restoration of all rights.

Remember: the Slogan for HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement ) is: "Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes." And the intent in 1988 ("There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.") is essentially the same as the Policy as stated by Khalid Mishaal , Chief of the Political Bureau, when in 2012 he published HAMAS's position and vision; including: "Jihad and armed resistance is the correct and authentic means for the liberation of Palestine and the restoration of all rights.

What defines a Terrorist Group is their deeds and actions.

In an article published July 16, 2013 on, a website affiliated with Hamas, Hamas Refugee Affairs Department head Dr Issam 'Adwan argued that Hamas had the right to attack Israeli embassies and interests as well as senior Israeli officials anywhere in the world. He added that the resistance is also entitled to harm the interests of Israel's allies, headed by the U.S. - See more at: Senior Hamas Official: The Resistance Is Entitled To Attack Israel’s Embassies, Interests, And Officials Worldwide — And The Interests Of Its Allies, Headed By The U.S. | Pamela Geller
* Dahiya Doctrine;

The Dahiya Doctrine is a variation of "shock and awe" --- "a military doctrine based on the use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy's perception of the battlefield and destroy its will to fight. The doctrine was written by Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wade in 1996 and is a product of the National Defense University of the United States.+

See: The Dahiya Doctrine: Fighting dirty or a knock-out punch? Jerusalem Post By YAAKOV KATZ \ 01/28/2010

"At least once a month here, a disagreement erupts between the top generals over the significance of the Dahiya Doctrine and whether it should be used again in a future conflict. Most believe it should.

DAHIYA IS a neighborhood in Beirut which can only be accessed by card-carrying Hizbullah members. During the 2006 war, the IDF bombed large apartment buildings in the neighborhood since they were also used as Hizbullah command-and-control centers, and were built over Hizbullah bunkers.

The disagreements regarding the doctrine are not directly connected to the Goldstone report, but more to the impact such strikes have on Israel’s enemies. Those against this doctrine believe that due to the makeup of Hizbullah and Hamas, it is almost impossible to deal it a fatal blow like when fighting against a conventional military. Those in favor believe that a blow to a terror group’s nerve center can indeed have such an effect."

[Challenger, Post #241]
Was. After they denied the Syrians self determination in 1920 and carved up the old Ottoman areas at San Remo. Syria only became independent in 1946[/quote]

No one denied Syria their right to self-determination. Yes Syria in 1946, so was Lebanon and Jordan. From the looks of Syria today, maybe 1946 was a bit too soon. Syria may fracture in due time.

Most respectfully,
Challenger, et al,

I don't think you know what you are talking about.

What is unusual is that the EU just did not come out and slam the court.

We tend to be a bit more circumspect regarding a legal system we set up over here, we don't just ignore rulings we don't like, unlike Zionist Israel

It made a determination that the record used to draw a conclusion was all OSINT (Opens Source Intelligence).

That's BS speak for media reportage as opposed to factual evidence which was not presented. Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS but not for every every other individual or group on the EU list. Looks like RoccoR's making things up again. :rolleyes:

HAMAS is the only designated terrorist group to make the challenge at the EU Court. And that is because it has diplomatic channels to use.

Yes, the arrest warrants and extradition proceedings for individuals is entirely different, from categorizing official communiqué's from terrorist groups and organizations.

The evidence on individual members, in organizations like HAMAS or Abu Nidal (Fatah Revolutionary Council), are often derived from witness and media statement; especially photo/pictures.
Several Pictures like this one were used to identify and place individuals on the designated terrorist list. Pictures like this, vetted media provided material and witness statements, are all OSINT; even some police reports.

Reports that are not shared, are usually those that can compromise a source or capability; telephone numbers and identification of communications with know individuals that have been identified as providing material assistance to terrorist or terrorist organizations. The "Foot Print."

In fact, very little of the information used to place individuals on the designated lists comes from "Intelligence Sources and Methods." Now the NCTC does have a database of OSINT and identifications data that many use; but that is often OSINT.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

I would not put too much stock in this highly speculative conjecture.

What is unusual is that the EU just did not come out and slam the court.

We tend to be a bit more circumspect regarding a legal system we set up over here, we don't just ignore rulings we don't like, unlike Zionist Israel

It made a determination that the record used to draw a conclusion was all OSINT (Opens Source Intelligence).

That's BS speak for media reportage as opposed to factual evidence which was not presented. Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS but not for every every other individual or group on the EU list. Looks like RoccoR's making things up again. :rolleyes:
Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS...​

Could it be that they don't have anything?

HAMAS is known to have provided safe haven and support to a number of known terrorist groups.

Every time a Pro-HAMAS outlet says they have the right to attack unarmed civilians in Israel, they are advocating terrorism.

This i an interesting observation from Quora:

Part of the strategy was to see how long they could lob rockets into Israel, under the watchful eyes of the world and not be condemned. A game they have played for many years and sadly win in many arenas. They taunt the Israeli government until a harsh response is made. This is the only response they understand. Then once the response is made, they take the side that Israel is killing their citizens and destroying Gaza. It is a very exacting game by Hamas.

There is evidence out there. Actually HAMAS seldom if ever denies an act they have committed. It is almost as if they know they are above the law.

Most Respectfully,
What is unusual is that the EU just did not come out and slam the court.

We tend to be a bit more circumspect regarding a legal system we set up over here, we don't just ignore rulings we don't like, unlike Zionist Israel

It made a determination that the record used to draw a conclusion was all OSINT (Opens Source Intelligence).

That's BS speak for media reportage as opposed to factual evidence which was not presented. Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS but not for every every other individual or group on the EU list. Looks like RoccoR's making things up again. :rolleyes:

More islamonazi Jew hatred and Nazism from ratboy, yet another LIE to demonise the Jews

Have you read tinny's post that says differently and has it as facts and reality
What is unusual is that the EU just did not come out and slam the court.

We tend to be a bit more circumspect regarding a legal system we set up over here, we don't just ignore rulings we don't like, unlike Zionist Israel

It made a determination that the record used to draw a conclusion was all OSINT (Opens Source Intelligence).

That's BS speak for media reportage as opposed to factual evidence which was not presented. Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS but not for every every other individual or group on the EU list. Looks like RoccoR's making things up again. :rolleyes:
Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS...​

Could it be that they don't have anything?

They should ask you as you have all the facts, you posted them on another thread and shot yourself in the foot doing so.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I would not put too much stock in this highly speculative conjecture.

What is unusual is that the EU just did not come out and slam the court.

We tend to be a bit more circumspect regarding a legal system we set up over here, we don't just ignore rulings we don't like, unlike Zionist Israel

It made a determination that the record used to draw a conclusion was all OSINT (Opens Source Intelligence).

That's BS speak for media reportage as opposed to factual evidence which was not presented. Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS but not for every every other individual or group on the EU list. Looks like RoccoR's making things up again. :rolleyes:
Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS...​

Could it be that they don't have anything?

HAMAS is known to have provided safe haven and support to a number of known terrorist groups.

Every time a Pro-HAMAS outlet says they have the right to attack unarmed civilians in Israel, they are advocating terrorism.

This i an interesting observation from Quora:

Part of the strategy was to see how long they could lob rockets into Israel, under the watchful eyes of the world and not be condemned. A game they have played for many years and sadly win in many arenas. They taunt the Israeli government until a harsh response is made. This is the only response they understand. Then once the response is made, they take the side that Israel is killing their citizens and destroying Gaza. It is a very exacting game by Hamas.

There is evidence out there. Actually HAMAS seldom if ever denies an act they have committed. It is almost as if they know they are above the law.

Most Respectfully,
how long they could lob rockets into Israel,​

Can you prove that statement?
P F Tinmore, et al,

I would not put too much stock in this highly speculative conjecture.

What is unusual is that the EU just did not come out and slam the court.

We tend to be a bit more circumspect regarding a legal system we set up over here, we don't just ignore rulings we don't like, unlike Zionist Israel

It made a determination that the record used to draw a conclusion was all OSINT (Opens Source Intelligence).

That's BS speak for media reportage as opposed to factual evidence which was not presented. Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS but not for every every other individual or group on the EU list. Looks like RoccoR's making things up again. :rolleyes:
Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS...​

Could it be that they don't have anything?

HAMAS is known to have provided safe haven and support to a number of known terrorist groups.

Every time a Pro-HAMAS outlet says they have the right to attack unarmed civilians in Israel, they are advocating terrorism.

This i an interesting observation from Quora:

Part of the strategy was to see how long they could lob rockets into Israel, under the watchful eyes of the world and not be condemned. A game they have played for many years and sadly win in many arenas. They taunt the Israeli government until a harsh response is made. This is the only response they understand. Then once the response is made, they take the side that Israel is killing their citizens and destroying Gaza. It is a very exacting game by Hamas.

There is evidence out there. Actually HAMAS seldom if ever denies an act they have committed. It is almost as if they know they are above the law.

Most Respectfully,
how long they could lob rockets into Israel,​

Can you prove that statement?


P F Tinmore, et al,

I would not put too much stock in this highly speculative conjecture.

What is unusual is that the EU just did not come out and slam the court.

We tend to be a bit more circumspect regarding a legal system we set up over here, we don't just ignore rulings we don't like, unlike Zionist Israel

It made a determination that the record used to draw a conclusion was all OSINT (Opens Source Intelligence).

That's BS speak for media reportage as opposed to factual evidence which was not presented. Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS but not for every every other individual or group on the EU list. Looks like RoccoR's making things up again. :rolleyes:
Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS...​

Could it be that they don't have anything?

HAMAS is known to have provided safe haven and support to a number of known terrorist groups.

Every time a Pro-HAMAS outlet says they have the right to attack unarmed civilians in Israel, they are advocating terrorism.

This i an interesting observation from Quora:

Part of the strategy was to see how long they could lob rockets into Israel, under the watchful eyes of the world and not be condemned. A game they have played for many years and sadly win in many arenas. They taunt the Israeli government until a harsh response is made. This is the only response they understand. Then once the response is made, they take the side that Israel is killing their citizens and destroying Gaza. It is a very exacting game by Hamas.

There is evidence out there. Actually HAMAS seldom if ever denies an act they have committed. It is almost as if they know they are above the law.

Most Respectfully,
how long they could lob rockets into Israel,​

Can you prove that statement?

haven't you read the reports from many NGO's that say this is a fact. Its only you that denies the facts
P F Tinmore, et al,

I would not put too much stock in this highly speculative conjecture.

What is unusual is that the EU just did not come out and slam the court.

We tend to be a bit more circumspect regarding a legal system we set up over here, we don't just ignore rulings we don't like, unlike Zionist Israel

It made a determination that the record used to draw a conclusion was all OSINT (Opens Source Intelligence).

That's BS speak for media reportage as opposed to factual evidence which was not presented. Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS but not for every every other individual or group on the EU list. Looks like RoccoR's making things up again. :rolleyes:
Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS...​

Could it be that they don't have anything?

HAMAS is known to have provided safe haven and support to a number of known terrorist groups.

Every time a Pro-HAMAS outlet says they have the right to attack unarmed civilians in Israel, they are advocating terrorism.

This i an interesting observation from Quora:

Part of the strategy was to see how long they could lob rockets into Israel, under the watchful eyes of the world and not be condemned. A game they have played for many years and sadly win in many arenas. They taunt the Israeli government until a harsh response is made. This is the only response they understand. Then once the response is made, they take the side that Israel is killing their citizens and destroying Gaza. It is a very exacting game by Hamas.

There is evidence out there. Actually HAMAS seldom if ever denies an act they have committed. It is almost as if they know they are above the law.

Most Respectfully,
how long they could lob rockets into Israel,​

Can you prove that statement?

haven't you read the reports from many NGO's that say this is a fact. Its only you that denies the facts
Reports based on assumptions.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I would not put too much stock in this highly speculative conjecture.

We tend to be a bit more circumspect regarding a legal system we set up over here, we don't just ignore rulings we don't like, unlike Zionist Israel

That's BS speak for media reportage as opposed to factual evidence which was not presented. Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS but not for every every other individual or group on the EU list. Looks like RoccoR's making things up again. :rolleyes:
Interesting that these "Intelligence agencies" balked at providing this evidence regarding HAMAS...​

Could it be that they don't have anything?

HAMAS is known to have provided safe haven and support to a number of known terrorist groups.

Every time a Pro-HAMAS outlet says they have the right to attack unarmed civilians in Israel, they are advocating terrorism.

This i an interesting observation from Quora:

Part of the strategy was to see how long they could lob rockets into Israel, under the watchful eyes of the world and not be condemned. A game they have played for many years and sadly win in many arenas. They taunt the Israeli government until a harsh response is made. This is the only response they understand. Then once the response is made, they take the side that Israel is killing their citizens and destroying Gaza. It is a very exacting game by Hamas.

There is evidence out there. Actually HAMAS seldom if ever denies an act they have committed. It is almost as if they know they are above the law.

Most Respectfully,
how long they could lob rockets into Israel,​

Can you prove that statement?

haven't you read the reports from many NGO's that say this is a fact. Its only you that denies the facts
Reports based on assumptions.

There is a cure for your affliction of BBS (Baghdad Bob Syndrome).

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