Circumcision, Fidelity More Effective HIV Prevention Methods Than Condoms, Abstinence


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2004
Circumcision, Fidelity More Effective HIV Prevention Methods Than Condoms, Abstinence, Researchers Say

Promoting male circumcision and fidelity to one partner seems to be more effective at curbing the spread of HIV than promoting abstinence and condom use, USAID researcher and technical adviser Daniel Halperin said last week, the Chicago Tribune reports. As Halperin and other researchers analyze 20 years of studies on HIV/AIDS throughout Africa, they have tried to "put aside intuitions, emotions, ideologies and look at the evidence in as coldhearted a way as we can," Halperin said. During a speech at a meeting of the Southern African HIV Clinicians Society in Johannesburg, South Africa, Halperin said he and his colleagues discovered that regular sex partners rarely use condoms, and abstinence merely delays HIV infection among young people by one or two years. For example, condom use in Ghana and Senegal seems to have helped in the reduction of the spread of the HIV, which in those countries is particularly prevalent among commercial sex workers and their partners. However, condom use in South Africa and Botswana has had little effect in reducing those countries' HIV epidemics -- which have reached the general population -- because regular sex partners rarely use condoms consistently. In comparison, faithfulness to one partner has worked at reducing HIV prevalence in Uganda and Kenya, according to Halperin. Because a person is more likely to transmit HIV during the first three weeks of contracting the virus, an HIV-positive person who has just one partner during that time is likely to pass the disease to that one person. But if an HIV-positive person in the highly infectious stage has many sexual partners at a time, "the virus spreads like wildfire" as those people in turn have sex with other people, Halperin said. In addition, circumcision has been shown to reduce male-to-female HIV transmission by 60% to 75% (Goering, Chicago Tribune, 4/23). A study published in the November 2005 issue of PLoS Medicine of men living in South Africa finds that male circumcision might reduce the risk of men contracting HIV through sexual intercourse with women by about 60%. Male circumcision might also reduce the risk of HIV transmission from HIV-positive men to their female partners, according to a study of couples in Rakai, Uganda (Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 2/9).
Poverty Reduction, Status Awareness
In addition, poverty does not appear necessarily to make a person more susceptible to HIV. "[C]ontrary to popular wisdom, as income levels go up in both men and women, we see higher rates of HIV," Halperin said, adding that people who make more money tend to have more sexual partners. Other HIV prevention methods such as encouraging people to know their status and treating secondary sexually transmitted infections also have not proven effective, Halperin said (Chicago Tribune, 4/23).

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I wonder if Circumcision and Condoms would be more effective than Fidelity and Abstinence.

Or if Circumcision and Abstinence would be more effective than Fidelity and Condoms.
Say what??...
U.S. Will Spend $24.5M to Circumcise Men - in Swaziland
May 14, 2014 – The United States Agency for International Development is planning to spend $24.5 million to circumcise an estimated 150,000 to 200,000 male infants and males aged 10 to 49 in the kingdom of Swaziland by 2018.
The Kingdom of Swaziland has the highest rates of HIV in the world, accounting for 31 percent HIV prevalence among adults, the grant said. “While the data suggest that the rate of new infections is stabilizing, HIV and AIDS remain the most important health burden and impediment to socio-economic development for Swaziland,” the grant said. “As a result, there is an urgent need to scale up the HIV prevention response in Swaziland.”

The Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) and Early Infant Circumcision (EIMC) Service Delivery and Support to Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland (GKOS) will be funded through the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). “PEPFAR’s global targets for 2013 include preventing 12 million new HIV infections,” the grant said. “The overall goal of this new project is to increase the uptake of male circumcision services among all eligible males aged 10 to 49 in Swaziland and male infants,” the grant announcement said.

“Interventions will contribute to the achievement of the following National outcomes 1. increasing the proportion of males aged 10-49 who are circumcised from 19 percent in 2010 to 45 percent in 2015 and 70 percent in 2018 2. increasing the proportion of male infants who are circumcised to 30 percent by 2015 and 50 percent in 2018,” it said. “An estimated 150,000 to 200,000 males will be circumcised through this project contributing to a 65 percent coverage by 2018,” the grant said. The estimated time frame for the agreement is Oct. 1, 2014 to Sept. 30, 2019. Calls to USAID for comment were not returned by press time.

U.S. Will Spend $24.5M to Circumcise Men in Swaziland | CNS News
Brainstorm: If they cut their peckers off entirely, it would stop the spread of AIDS in its tracks.

Is this insight worth a Nobel Prize?
Circumcision, Fidelity More Effective HIV Prevention Methods Than Condoms, Abstinence

Probably true but Condoms are still needed, and Abstinence is an individual choice,
They are still trying to rationalize genital mutilation such as circumcision? It is a sick, barbaric practice, you guessed it, related to retarded middle east religious cults.
It depends on the location.

MTCT is a major issue. In some areas, potable water is the necessary ingredient.

Inter Press Service on Saturday examined a new emphasis of HIV/AIDS campaigns that focuses on "knowing your epidemic" by analyzing the local HIV/AIDS situation through specific factors that drive the epidemic. The approach helps advocates accurately determine who is HIV-positive and how to address the epidemic successfully with certain populations, Inter Press Service reports.

Inter Press Service cited a Rwandan initiative that involves male partners in the prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission as an example of the approach. Anita Asiimwe, executive secretary of Rwanda's National AIDS Control Commission, said the initiative has led to an increase in the number of women who visit prenatal clinics and a decrease in stigma related to HIV/AIDS. According to Asiimwe, male partners are able to "protect [the women] from the other members of the family or society" after they understand why women are taking steps to prevent MTCT, such as choosing to not breastfeed. Asiimwe said that up to 64% of male partners accompany their pregnant partners to prenatal clinics today, compared to 6% in 2004. In addition, government statistics show that AIDS prevalence in Rwanda fell from 7% in 2000 to 3% in 2008 and that nearly 90% of infants born to HIV-positive women do not have the virus, compared with less than 40% in 2007.

According to Inter Press Service, the news from some countries, such as Kenya, is "not so encouraging." Kenya is experiencing an increase in HIV/AIDS prevalence because the country's prevention strategy does not effectively target specific high-risk groups that appear to be driving the epidemic, according to health experts. The 2007 Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey found HIV prevalence was 7.8% at the end of 2008, an increase from a 2003 Kenya demographic health survey that showed a prevalence of 6.7%. In reaction to the data, the focus of prevention methods in Kenya is shifting from HIV awareness in the general population to efforts that target specific groups, such as commercial sex workers and their clients, men who have sex with men and injection drug users. Omu Anzala, director of the Kenya AIDS Vaccine Initiative, said it is "not good enough to just continue talking" about voluntary HIV testing and counseling," adding that "we must now begin to look at individuals who fall into high-risk groups and be able to target preventable strategies to these specific groups."

Berhane Kelkay, head of the National Network of Positive Women in Ethiopia, said there has been some success from efforts to involve women in HIV services in the country. Although HIV prevalence among Ethiopian men is 2.2%, prevalence is about 20% higher among women in the country, Kelkay said. She said the high prevalence among women is because of early arranged marriages; violence, including abduction, rape and female circumcision; and "rampant" commercial sex work in many areas of the country. Kelkay said that there is "indeed an achievement from our campaign," noting that in 2006 she was the only female head of an HIV/AIDS group but that all of the 22 groups in NNPW are now led by women (Kharsany, Inter Press Service, 1/10).
<cite>Inter Press Service </cite>Examines HIV/AIDS Campaigns That Emphasize Understanding of Local HIV Situations - Kaiser Health News
Dare I point out the obvious?

A monogamous couple who do not engage in intravenous drug use have NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER of contracting HIV/AIDS.

Would anyone like me to calculate that percentage?
That isn't an option in more than a few countries in Africa. A few years ago there was an entirely justified outrage over the Catholic church refusing to hand out condoms in these areas. So, you would have a woman that was married but the man would go out and usually rape but may have consensual sex and then return home and present his wife with a lovely gift. So, you could go in and 'splain all the monogamy that you wanted to the men but that wasn't changing anything.

And it's a primary reason why potable water is so important. The mothers wind up with HIV, become pregnant and the water is used for formula.
Dare I point out the obvious?

A monogamous couple who do not engage in intravenous drug use have NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER of contracting HIV/AIDS.

Would anyone like me to calculate that percentage?

That's not true. A human with HIV can soak their blood on a small dart and shoot it at you :)

Or, if you engage in physical activities with others and share equipment, or end up fighting someone and exchange blood, then you might acquire it :)

You'll never be 100% safe
Dare I point out the obvious?

A monogamous couple who do not engage in intravenous drug use have NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER of contracting HIV/AIDS.

Would anyone like me to calculate that percentage?

That's not true. A human with HIV can soak their blood on a small dart and shoot it at you :)

Or, if you engage in physical activities with others and share equipment, or end up fighting someone and exchange blood, then you might acquire it :)

You'll never be 100% safe

You forgot toilet seats and door knobs
Dare I point out the obvious?

A monogamous couple who do not engage in intravenous drug use have NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER of contracting HIV/AIDS.

Would anyone like me to calculate that percentage?

That's not true. A human with HIV can soak their blood on a small dart and shoot it at you :)

Or, if you engage in physical activities with others and share equipment, or end up fighting someone and exchange blood, then you might acquire it :)

You'll never be 100% safe

You forgot toilet seats and door knobs


For real though! If you have a sparring partner, for example, you might want to inquire about their HIV status because there is a chance you might exchange blood. Or what about a street fight? That has nothing to do with sex or needles and yet one can get infected that way.
Circumcision, Fidelity More Effective HIV Prevention Methods Than Condoms, Abstinence and meaningless, folks will do what folks will do
The Gay Mafia has been trumping up ridiculous scenarios of infection and publicizing the one-in-a-billion cases of a nurse who gets infected from a needle, blah, blah, blah, in order to give some credence to their preposterous claim that "anyone can contract AIDS."


Physically possible? Sure. It's also physically possible to get pregnant from a bullet (you could look it up), but rational humans do not concern themselves with things that are less likely than being struck by lightning in a subway train. Which is what you are talking about.
NO ONE!!! NO ONE THAT OBEYS GOD'S LAWS NEED WORRY ABOUT AIDS.=== God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God&#8217;s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved. Romans 1:26-27
NO ONE!!! NO ONE THAT OBEYS GOD'S LAWS NEED WORRY ABOUT AIDS.=== God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their women turned against God’s natural plan for them and indulged in sex sin with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with lust for each other, men doing shameful things with other men and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved. Romans 1:26-27

You don't speak for God, you are not an authority of scripture.

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