CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win

The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just toundermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.

“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”

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REPORT: CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win

Obama Demands Answers

More proof that Hillary was swiftboated. Her popular vote lead is now over 2.8 million. Trump was not fairly elected. Putin, Wikileaks, and Comey all had their thumbs on the scale for Trump - including other idiots who were pumping out conspiracy theories and fake news for fun and profit to discredit Hillary.

Did the act of hacking emails or the content and substance of the emails sway the the election? Did the Russians have a gun to Donna Brazile to leak debate questions in advance to Clinton?
You lost grow a pair and live with it.
Come on Sgt. People like us served in the military to protect the United States from foreign aggression. Hacking our political system is an act of war. You can't possibly deny that. Whether it helped Trump or not, it's a blow to our country's political process. Forget who won. This is an act of aggression that can't be tolerated.

They may have targeted Democrats this time, but what if they target Republicans next time?

When you have about all of our intelligence agencies telling President Elect Donald Trump that Russians hacked our political system and he comes out of these briefings saying he doesn't believe it, it's really scary. These agents aren't Obama's agents, they are US Intelligence agents. No one can possibly believe that Trump knows more than the generals because he reads Breitbart. I'm sure you don't either, regardless of whether you like him or not.

And what will they do next?

This isn't just about Russian domination, it's about Russian economics. Russia is under a lot of sanctions for invasion and doing the kinds of things they did in our election in other countries. Getting sympathy for Russia from someone like a US President is very, very dangerous. Over the long run, giving them even more money for further mischief.

I know you know this. Forget the partisan nonsense. What is Russia doing and why? What do you think?
LOL, Ya you were really into hillary coming clean on her "many" scandals.

When you have investigations by the CIA, the FBI and dozens of congressional investigations costing tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer money and no charges or convictions over 30 years, the scandal is all the failed investigations. Even Trump says no more investigations. If they haven't found anything by now, then what is there to find?

Now, about the Trump Foundation..............

NY Attorney General sends Trump Foundation cease and desist letter

Hillary lost didn't she (channeling Harry Reid). If she attempts to run again in 2020 there will be more investigations.

The witch will be dead by 2020.
what morons.....:mad:

were the russians also responsible for when both Pepsi and Coke stopped making "Vanilla Coke and Vanilla Pepsi" ? I almost died that year being I was so addicted to both of them.
I am assuming you have seen some of those "Russian Accident Videos" on you tube. Now,this is my scientific theory. If this is how your average/typical russian drives, how can they have the intelligence to hack our computers?
This thread, and the other libturd responses validates my belief that moonbats are the dumbest mother fuckers alive.

If the Russians are involved in exposing that sociopath hag and the corrupt scum the rest of the democrooks are, so fuckin what?

They don't care. They think Putin did all that to help save America from liberals, the real enemy. Idocracy has come to America. We just want them to quit being gullible but given the proper conditions they would be feeding our shriveled corpses to the ovens. How do you fight something like that?
No one of your nails was trying to get men into girls locker rooms. There were plenty of other reasons but that was a biggie.
The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just toundermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.

“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”

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REPORT: CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win

Obama Demands Answers

More proof that Hillary was swiftboated. Her popular vote lead is now over 2.8 million. Trump was not fairly elected.

Sounds like your beef is with the Ruskies boi. Oh, and the popular vote STILL doesn't matter, and we have no way of knowing what the results would have been if it did. The clown kicked her ass in the states in play. Those are the states that both candidates focused on. Did Trump even campaign in any states on the west coast? No, he focused on the states that mattered according to the electoral map. I can hear your scream of butthurt pain from here..bwahahahahaha!

Russia already admitted they were communicating with the Trump campaign since long before the election. You think Trump didn't know a foreign government had a hand in his election? If that isn't treason, I'm not sure what would be.

So you're ready to convict the clown for treason, but I'm guessing will defend the bulldyke exposing her emails with her private server to any third rate hacker. That's classic bullboi.

No evidence her server was ever hacked, unless you have credible evidence otherwise.
So let me get this right..... according to YOU and your buddies we need to worry about election computers being hacked when that is nearly impossible, BUT Hillary with a homemade server in her basement was not hackable?
The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just toundermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.

“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”

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REPORT: CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win

Obama Demands Answers

More proof that Hillary was swiftboated. Her popular vote lead is now over 2.8 million. Trump was not fairly elected. Putin, Wikileaks, and Comey all had their thumbs on the scale for Trump - including other idiots who were pumping out conspiracy theories and fake news for fun and profit to discredit Hillary.
So now you claim that the CIA never puts out bad intel????

What happened to those WMDs???

The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just toundermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.

“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”

Much more...

REPORT: CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win

Obama Demands Answers

More proof that Hillary was swiftboated. Her popular vote lead is now over 2.8 million. Trump was not fairly elected. Putin, Wikileaks, and Comey all had their thumbs on the scale for Trump - including other idiots who were pumping out conspiracy theories and fake news for fun and profit to discredit Hillary.

Wow! A liberal who trusts the CIA.
and other gov't agencies say russia hacked into our democratic process and the pos dump refuses to acknowledge it as a problem NEVERMIND that this is not a partisan issue And what's really sad??? AH's will support his refusal to look further into his friend Putin involving himself in our election
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"secret assessment" :lmao:

Here's what's not secret. John Podestas I. T. specialists told him it was OK to respond to a decades old phishing scheme by changing his password as requested in the email.

There isn't a single I T professional that I know that wouldn't have seen that as a scam. But Podestas did?

If you're looking for the sources of the hacks, they might want to look inward.
This bullshit story has been debunked already, but bed wetter tears are delicious.

At this point you could show proof, not just one of the meat puppet faggot's minions insisting it's true, that Putin assisted in the defeat of that criminally insane totalitarian sociopath hag and I'd give him a medal.
and other gov't agencies say russia hacked into our democratic process and the pos dump refuses to acknowledge it as a problem NEVERMIND that this is not a partisan issue And what's really sad??? AH's will support his refusal to look further into his friend Putin involving himself in our election
The whole Story is fake news... fact
and other gov't agencies say russia hacked into our democratic process and the pos dump refuses to acknowledge it as a problem NEVERMIND that this is not a partisan issue And what's really sad??? AH's will support his refusal to look further into his friend Putin involving himself in our election
The whole Story is fake news... fact
Get your head out of your ass rustic You're blinded
When liberals start believing the CIA, the meltdown is near complete.

No where to go but up from there....
It's not just the CIA but DOD and other agencies You nitwits won't believe anything until it's too late Now KKK Putin and Repubs are on the same side
When liberals start believing the CIA, the meltdown is near complete.

No where to go but up from there....
It's not just the CIA but DOD and other agencies You nitwits won't believe anything until it's too late Now KKK Putin and Repubs are on the same side

Can't you folks be consistent?

The CIA is the most distrusted government agency among liberals. The DOD is the second most distrusted government agency.

It looks alot like short term convenience as opposed to objective scrutiny.

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