Chuck Schumer.Till This Day,Wont Take Questions Regarding The Wall From The Press.Why?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:CryingCow: I have brought up this matter/issue here at least once before. Schumer just talks and talks before congress, and makes up his own facts why a border wall will not stop an invasion/mass immigration, yet, have any of us seen Crying Chuck ask "OK, I have made my comments, I will now take any questions from the press".
I also mentioned that, well as far as I can recall, Chuck has never spoken in front of a crowd of average/concerned/angry Americans.
Gee, why? Maybe Choomer is Yellow? like a chicken and a mouse?
:cul2: :cow: :eusa_snooty:
:CryingCow: I have brought up this matter/issue here at least once before. Schumer just talks and talks before congress, and makes up his own facts why a border wall will not stop an invasion/mass immigration, yet, have any of us seen Crying Chuck ask "OK, I have made my comments, I will now take any questions from the press".

I also mentioned that, well as far as I can recall, Chuck has never spoken in front of a crowd of average/concerned/angry Americans.
Gee, why? Maybe Choomer is Yellow? like a chicken and a mouse?
:cul2: :cow: :eusa_snooty:
where is there any express wall building power?

this is an actual power delegated to Congress: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
Ok, I'll state the obvious.....
Because there is no defense of not building said wall in terms of National interests, but huge benefit to Democrats if it is there is no border.

it would quickly become obvious the fool and liar that he is.

The Left has the media and with it, the vast majority to dictate the illusion of support for the Left's agenda.
If the media were to become Conservative, their support would collapse as it's strictly a hedonistic agenda of power grabbing based on taking advantage of ignorant, emotional people who have been misled.
Ok, I'll state the obvious.....
Because there is no defense of not building said wall in terms of National interests, but huge benefit to Democrats if it is there is no border.

it would quickly become obvious the fool and liar that he is.

The Left has the media and with it, the vast majority to dictate the illusion of support for the Left's agenda.
If the media were to become Conservative, their support would collapse as it's strictly a hedonistic agenda of power grabbing based on taking advantage of ignorant, emotional people who have been misled.
this is an actual power delegated to Congress: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
i think chucky is afraid that some guy in the press or crowd will ask him if he's {a word starting with "G"}
at least Joe Biden has the guts to speak before an audience {well at least until some guy starts calling him names}
:CryingCow: I have brought up this matter/issue here at least once before. Schumer just talks and talks before congress, and makes up his own facts why a border wall will not stop an invasion/mass immigration, yet, have any of us seen Crying Chuck ask "OK, I have made my comments, I will now take any questions from the press".

I also mentioned that, well as far as I can recall, Chuck has never spoken in front of a crowd of average/concerned/angry Americans.
Gee, why? Maybe Choomer is Yellow? like a chicken and a mouse?
:cul2: :cow: :eusa_snooty:

Why in the world would Schumer be afraid to walk to a "crowd of average/concerned/angry Americans".
Obviously the Little Trumpsters have seemed to have conveniently forgot the midterms.Trump/GOP pushed hard on the wall and illegal immigration and lost the popular vote 53%-46%.
Every single poll shows Americans do not favor Trump shutting down the government because of money for his wall.
Most Americans don't support building the wall
Poll: Voters would blame Trump, GOP for shutdown
Americans' message to Washington on the looming shutdown: Don't
Voters split over whether to fund Trump’s border wall to avoid government shutdown
QU Poll Release Detail
Maybe a better question is, does Donald Trump have the balls to face a "crowd of average/concerned/angry Americans"? Look at the only crowds he's faced, nothing but Little Trumpsters, which were the only demographic who voted for him.
Why is it that Trump faces only friendly crowds and not crowds of a real cross section of Americana?.
:CryingCow: I have brought up this matter/issue here at least once before. Schumer just talks and talks before congress, and makes up his own facts why a border wall will not stop an invasion/mass immigration, yet, have any of us seen Crying Chuck ask "OK, I have made my comments, I will now take any questions from the press".

I also mentioned that, well as far as I can recall, Chuck has never spoken in front of a crowd of average/concerned/angry Americans.
Gee, why? Maybe Choomer is Yellow? like a chicken and a mouse?
:cul2: :cow: :eusa_snooty:

He talked last year. A deal was offered for the entire wall for the DACA kids. He turned it down. You just got your ass handed to you in the midterms last month, where you lost on the issue again.

Discussion over. See you on the 3rd when the subpoenas get handed out. And it isn't going to be about a wall. Except the one Trump and his crime family will be put behind.
i have never seen crying chuck on FOX taking candid questions,,,has anyone?
well it is very hard taking questions when u are on your period most of the time
:CryingCow: I have brought up this matter/issue here at least once before. Schumer just talks and talks before congress, and makes up his own facts why a border wall will not stop an invasion/mass immigration, yet, have any of us seen Crying Chuck ask "OK, I have made my comments, I will now take any questions from the press".

I also mentioned that, well as far as I can recall, Chuck has never spoken in front of a crowd of average/concerned/angry Americans.
Gee, why? Maybe Choomer is Yellow? like a chicken and a mouse?
:cul2: :cow: :eusa_snooty:

Why in the world would Schumer be afraid to walk to a "crowd of average/concerned/angry Americans".
Obviously the Little Trumpsters have seemed to have conveniently forgot the midterms.Trump/GOP pushed hard on the wall and illegal immigration and lost the popular vote 53%-46%.
Every single poll shows Americans do not favor Trump shutting down the government because of money for his wall.
Most Americans don't support building the wall
Poll: Voters would blame Trump, GOP for shutdown
Americans' message to Washington on the looming shutdown: Don't
Voters split over whether to fund Trump’s border wall to avoid government shutdown
QU Poll Release Detail
Maybe a better question is, does Donald Trump have the balls to face a "crowd of average/concerned/angry Americans"? Look at the only crowds he's faced, nothing but Little Trumpsters, which were the only demographic who voted for him.
Why is it that Trump faces only friendly crowds and not crowds of a real cross section of Americana?.

POLL STUNNER: Majority With Trump: Want Wall Built, Migrant Families Deported or Detained

A poll released Sunday by CBS News shows a majority of Americans support a wall being built on the border with Mexico and for migrant families who illegally entered the U.S. to be deported or detained.

The CBS News 2018 Battleground Tracker Poll conducted by YouGov June 21-22 during the midst of the controversy over migrant families and unaccompanied children flooding the southern border shows a shift toward President Trump’s views since a March CBS poll by SSRS showed 60 percent opposed a wall.
Now 51 percent support a wall being built but they are split on whether it can be completed. 32 percent say the wall is a good idea and can probably be completed while another 19 percent say the wall is a good idea that should be tried even if it can’t be completed.
:CryingCow: I have brought up this matter/issue here at least once before. Schumer just talks and talks before congress, and makes up his own facts why a border wall will not stop an invasion/mass immigration, yet, have any of us seen Crying Chuck ask "OK, I have made my comments, I will now take any questions from the press".

I also mentioned that, well as far as I can recall, Chuck has never spoken in front of a crowd of average/concerned/angry Americans.
Gee, why? Maybe Choomer is Yellow? like a chicken and a mouse?
:cul2: :cow: :eusa_snooty:

He talked last year. A deal was offered for the entire wall for the DACA kids. He turned it down. You just got your ass handed to you in the midterms last month, where you lost on the issue again.

Discussion over. See you on the 3rd when the subpoenas get handed out. And it isn't going to be about a wall. Except the one Trump and his crime family will be put behind.
He promised to pay it over time LOL.

Had he offered it up front and guaranteed funds the deal would have been signed..........Deal was to be a lying sack at a later date to get DACA for a lower price.

He would never have honored the agreement by funding it later........
if i was in a press, I would ask Chucky why he talks like a woman
:CryingCow: I have brought up this matter/issue here at least once before. Schumer just talks and talks before congress, and makes up his own facts why a border wall will not stop an invasion/mass immigration, yet, have any of us seen Crying Chuck ask "OK, I have made my comments, I will now take any questions from the press".

I also mentioned that, well as far as I can recall, Chuck has never spoken in front of a crowd of average/concerned/angry Americans.
Gee, why? Maybe Choomer is Yellow? like a chicken and a mouse?
:cul2: :cow: :eusa_snooty:

He doesn't take stupid questions, so that rules out your news source fox.
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Ok, I'll state the obvious.....
Because there is no defense of not building said wall in terms of National interests, but huge benefit to Democrats if it is there is no border.

it would quickly become obvious the fool and liar that he is.

The Left has the media and with it, the vast majority to dictate the illusion of support for the Left's agenda.
If the media were to become Conservative, their support would collapse as it's strictly a hedonistic agenda of power grabbing based on taking advantage of ignorant, emotional people who have been misled.
Well, why don't all you God loving right wing patriots pay for it? Here ya go. Petition your rep in Washington to have a law passed where you can check off a box on your tax retiurn, & have a portion of your tax returned dedicated to building your precious wall! Your refund may be less but you'll be putting your money where your mouth is. Maybe I'll even donate. And IF you get your wall & when it turns out to be a farce, I'll have the pleasure of laughing in your stupid Trump supporting faces. Oh but wait! You still think Mexico is paying for it, right?

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