Christian Train Mystery: The Trump Crime


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a symbolic TrumpUSA 'murder-mystery' inspired by the iconic re-make Murder on the Orient Express.

Politics and patriotism should be...imaginative, no?

Signing off,



A special train across Italy in the summer of 2018 carried a number of luminous guests including members of the covert U.S. government intelligence-warrior squad known as the Sentinels and a few agents of the terrorist organization Cobra who were on board to covertly 'negotiate' with the Sentinels on behalf of the Trump Administration. On board that luxury-train was also a precocious CIA 'old-school' detective named Tom Hardy. The purpose of the train-journey was to flesh out the demons of global terrorism, but when one passenger, a cousin of Donald Trump's uncle (Martin Trump) scheduled to purchase artworks from ISIS found stolen after the Gulf War, was found murdered and a vial of labelled 'vampire-blood' placed next to his bed-table, Detective Hardy suspected 'foul-play' at the highest levels. What ensued was a 'Christian Trump mystery.' You be the judge...


A good passenger train, especially a luxury one, should offer its passengers all kinds of amenities which make the journey enjoyable. This particular Italian luxury-train was no different, boasting aesthetics and ornaments from the Ancient World and resembling something of a cross between Old Sicily and Mughal India. The food was exquisite too, as celebrity-chef Jamie Oliver was on board to supervise all the entrees including decadent chick-pea soup, zesty veal alfredo and saffron rice, and pumpkin cheesecake. No one anticipated the murder that occurred on the train, which was called the Italian Gem [IG]. Detective Hardy began questioning each of the passengers to determine who was involved with the murder of Martin Trump.


HARDY: So you worked in the Algerian FLN before joining the Sentinels?
ALI: I also defected to Cobra for a short time...
HARDY: Yes, it was rumoured you were in love with Cobra 'angel' Baroness.
ALI: That was quite the gossip, detective; what can I do for you?
HARDY: Ali, I'm questioning all the passengers about Martin Trump's murder.
ALI: Mr. Trump will be missed...I suppose you're suspicious of my ties to Cobra!
HARDY: Ali, I make no direct accusations; I only hope the truth will reveal itself.
ALI: Aha, during the course of this 'comfy' political train-ride, eh?
HARDY: I need to ask you where you were in relation to Baroness on the night of the murder.
ALI: I enjoyed some tea with her; we were preparing to negotiate with the Sentinels.
HARDY: Yet, there are reports you quickly drank the tea and then slipped away from Baroness.
ALI: That's correct; I went to the restroom and then to my chambers to sleep.
HARDY: You delayed your 'special negotiation' session with Cobra for the next morning?
ALI: Precisely; I felt I'd be more 'useful' with the right amount of rest.
HARDY: Did you know that Baroness thought you were attending the negotiation that night?
ALI: Well, I suppose she might have 'guessed' that but few people can surmise my thoughts.
HARDY: So you're something of a 'magician' are you?
ALI: More like...a smuggler!


HARDY: I suppose you know why I'm questioning you...
CRUISE: Yes, I realized all the passengers are being questioned individually.
HARDY: It's better that way, Mr. Cruise!
CRUISE: Well, I'm merely a movie-star and a soldier of the Sentinels.
HARDY: When did the CIA recruit you?
CRUISE: It was right after I made the film The Outsiders (Coppola).
HARDY: An excellent film; did you have any quarrel with Martin Trump?
CRUISE: Me? I respect the White House and all its affiliates,
HARDY: What do you think of Ali and Baroness's secret affair?
CRUISE: Ali is a praying-mantis, so I suspect he can move in and out of any situation.
HARDY: You don't fear for his allegiance with Baroness?
CRUISE: Ali knows he's a Sentinel...and so do we.
HARDY: If you killed Martin Trump, the CIA could claim it was an 'espionage-assassination.'
CRUISE: You think the President would order the death of his own relative?
HARDY: I have to keep all options open, you understand.
CRUISE: Why would a prominent celebrity and Sentinel such as myself get 'dirty,' Hardy?
HARDY: I doubt nothing but assume nothing; so you've been 'optimistic' about this train-ride?
CRUISE: I look forward to any negotiation-schedule arranged by the U.S. government...
HARDY: It's a shame that Martin Trump was murdered on such as 'symbolic journey.'
CRUISE: I'm rather anxious, honestly, about the 'vampire-blood' found in his chamber.


HARDY: You don't look like a 'sympathetic woman.'
HANNAH: I'm an agent of Cobra, so what can you expect?
HARDY: Should I suspect you're the culprit of the murder?
HANNAH: I had no reason to off Martin Trump.
HARDY: Do you suspect political foul-play?
HANNAH: If it ain't's simply some psycho, detective.
HARDY: Who benefits from Martin's death?
HANNAH: You're asking me? Don't you know? Perhaps everyone...
HARDY: Everyone?
HANNAH: Just think; perhaps it's politics; perhaps he was rich; perhaps a grudge.
HARDY: So the passengers 'joined together' to plan the murder?
HANNAH: Anything's possible...though I had no involvement; I was merely here to 'negotiate.'
HARDY: Why do you think there's a Mary (Mother of Jesus) painting on the train?
HANNAH: This IG journey is politically-symbolic, and the White House wanted spiritual smiles.
HARDY: Would you have preferred a portrait of the Buddha...or perhaps Lucifer himself?
HANNAH: I think you're probing too hard, Hardy! I had no motivation to commit the crime.
HARDY: Are you 'naturally suspicious' of TrumpUSA?
HANNAH: I have no qualms with 'fun consumers,' but I'm not a huge fan of Burger King.
HARDY: Well, I trust you've been enjoying the delicious entrees on the IG.
HANNAH: Yes, Chef Oliver is very very good...indeed.
HARDY: Do you have any leads/information on the vampire-blood vial?
HANNAH: fact, that disturbs me the most; was Martin a vampire or his killer? Odd...


HARDY: What is your opinion of the kidnapping of the Lindbergh baby?
REKHA: A sure tragedy in human history; why're you asking me?
HARDY: You believe I should be more concerned with the murder of Martin Trump?
REKHA: Yes! It was obviously politically-motivated.
HARDY: Why/How?
REKHA: Well, Martin was going to obtain art lost during the Gulf War...quite symbolic.
HARDY: As a female officer of the Sentinels, do you naturally suspect the Cobra agents?
REKHA: Yes, I suspect Ali was the culprit...indeed.
HARDY: Why would Ali want to intercept Martin Trump before Trump obtained the war-art?
REKHA: Ali wanted to subvert the art-transaction to create panic about the negotiations.
HARDY: So Ali wanted to 'corrupt' the Sentinels-Cobra negotiations on the IG.
REKHA: Yes; I mean, why was he drinking tea with Baroness on the night of the crime?
HARDY: That is suspicious indeed, Officer Rekha! Thanks for your time/cooperation.
REKHA: Whatever I can do to help; crime is always evil and vicious and mischief abounds.
HARDY: I'll do my best to uncover the culprit; perhaps you're correct about the dastardly Ali!
REKHA: If Martin Trump obtained that art lost during the Gulf War, we'd be able to boast.
HARDY: I suppose Ali, if he is indeed the culprit, wanted to thwart such 'confidence.'
REKHA: Hey, it's a Christian train, so you always suspect the Devi is 'on-board.'
HARDY: Are you satisfied working for the Sentinels, Rekha?
REKHA: Of course...I'm a true patriot.


HARDY: You must be discouraged about the murder of Martin Trump, Mr. Hanks!
HANKS: Indeed, Hardy; I'm the only celebrity Sentinel besides Mr. Cruise; we're both sad.
HARDY: So can you vouch for Cruise's innocence as well as yours?
HANKS: I can only vouch for mine, but I'd express confidence regarding Cruise's innocence.
HARDY: You made a train-journey film yourself...The Polar Express!
HANKS: My interest in storytelling and trains is irrelevant to this interrogation, detective!
HARDY: Relax, Tom. I'm not accusing you of anything...yet.
HANKS: Why would I want to kill an art agent (Martin Trump)?
HARDY: It seems there may be political agendas regarding the art lost during the Gulf War.
HANKS: I'm a happy Sentinel and was prepared to negotiate diligently with Cruise and Cobra.
HARDY: What were your plans for the rest of the summer?
HANKS: I considered visiting Vatican City...
HARDY: Why should I believe in your innocence?
HANKS: I'm a thespian and a patriot; not a thief, an assassin, or a murderer.
HARDY: Who'd benefit from the death of Martin Trump, do you think?
HANKS: Anyone...everyone. Not me.
HARDY: Alright, alright. Where were you on the night of the crime?
HANKS: I fell asleep early and stayed asleep; Hannah can vouch, because she knocked.
HARDY: She knocked on your door? At what time?
HANKS: I dunno...maybe near 11 pm.
HARDY: The murder was committed at midnight!
HANKS: Yes, I'm aware; look, I'm hungry and want some veal, so excuse me now, Hardy.


"After interviewing all the passengers/suspects, I've concluded that it was indeed Ali who was responsible for the death of Martin Trump. I believe Ali was either working secretly for Cobra and attempting to thwart the art-transaction Trump was scheduled to make on behalf of the U.S. government, the White House, and the Embassy; or, Ali had some secret personal reason to strike at a political diplomat and leave a 'sarcasm-gesture' (the vial of vampire-blood) for the rest of us to speculate. Perhaps Ali wanted to do the deed and flee with Baroness for some summer tryst. I also suspect Martin Trump was carrying some secret precious item, which Ali stole." -Detective Tom Hardy [CIA]


HARDY: You know why I'm interrogating you, Baroness?
BARONESS: No; I thought you already concluded Ali was the culprit.
HARDY: Yes, I have reason to believe Ali murdered Martin Trump!
BARONESS: So what did you want to ask me, Hardy?
HARDY: Well, many of us are aware of your 'relationship' with Ali.
BARONESS: We've had an on-and-off love affair, so what?
HARDY: Did he promise you anything during this IG train-ride?
BARONESS: No...but he did keep chattering about some 'red emerald.'
HARDY: Red emerald? Did Martin Trump bring some 'political gems' for payment?
BARONESS: I don't know; maybe Trump was trading art for emeralds...
HARDY: You believe Ali stole this emerald Martin was carrying on the train?
BARONESS: Maybe, but why would Ali leave a vial of vampire-blood?
HARDY: Perhaps Ali wanted to make a sarcastic statement about Christian overtones.
BARONESS: Well, art lost during the Gulf War surely reminds us of Jerusalem...
HARDY: Is Ali vicious/calculating enough to commit a crime of opportunity?
BARONESS: Ali's vacillated between the Sentinels and, yes, perhaps.
HARDY: You would 'turn over' a lover and a rival such as Ali?
BARONESS: Ali and I have had a history, but we only shared tea on the IG.
HARDY: Maybe he wanted me to suspect you were involved.
BARONESS: No, Hardy; if Ali did it, he'd have done the crime while being his 'usual self.'


Ali was arrested and the red emerald was found in his possession. Ali confessed to CIA Detective Tom Hardy that he murdered Martin Trump to steal the red emerald and use it to purchase the Gulf War art from ISIS himself and then use the money to entreat the Baroness to flee with him to Switzerland. The vampire-blood was placed to create an anti-Christian media 'hysteria.' Detective Hardy reported these findings to this superiors, and the CIA informed the White House. Distraught President Donald Trump stated, "I'm relieved Hardy uncovered Ali's guilt and retrieved the red emerald and also exposed the bizarre 'vampire-blood' conspiracy/distraction; it's obvious that capitalism-related negotiations and diplomacy in the modern world are anything but...sane."


As the passengers exited the train when it arrived at its final destination, Ali was transported to a maximum-security political-prison in Milan, where he would be questioned about the art lost during the Gulf War. The portrait of Mary, Mother of Jesus, was kept by the White House for sentimental value, and First Lady Melania Trump tweeted, "The murder of Martin Trump was the singular tragedy of the entire 'IG ordeal'." While the Sentinels-Cobra negotiations proceeded, this time under closer supervision in D.C., CIA Detective Tom Hardy retired, convinced that the modern world of commercial politics was simply too...human.


So what do you make of this Trump murder-mystery? Did Ali have sufficient motivation to commit the crime? Why are modern political networks/labyrinths so darn confounding? Why are we offended in many cases religiously/spiritually? If you're a fan of Agatha Christie detective-novels or Tom Clancy political-intrigue novels, what do you make of 'governance suspense'? Can commerce triumph over the forces of terrorism?



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