Christian support of Trump

No. It's not.

You means YOU.

People like you, means other people who are like you.

Your stonewalling, has led you to a really stupid position here. Try to be less absurd.

just like GT said - you are stuck on stupid. that is most certainly a distinction w/out a differance. if you were saying something derogatory about *people like you* to a black person - that would make YOU a racist & that black person would think *YOU* are for very good reasons. stonewalling what? you are going off the rails here & not even making any sense - i can't follow you.

"YOu" is you, a singular person, specifically YOU.

"People like you" is a GROUP of people, that are in some way "LIKE" you, but are not specifically you.

ONly a liar would pretend their is no distinction to be made between that two.

You are dishonest, because you have lost the debate.

lol.................. & you 'won' like your stable geniused prez thinks he wins.

Your avoidance of what I said tells me that you finally realized how stupid you were being.

Any who, to get this back out of the weeds,

Only a drama queen would pretend that Christians supporting Trump, is in any way, surprising or shocking.

He is willing to work with them, on various issues, while the other choice was/is actively hostile to them.

you are on a whole other astro plane, space cadet.

No, when you pretended that there was no difference between you and "people like you", that was you being bat shit crazy.

My point stands.

People like you, are why Christians support Trump.
1) huh?
2) sure, & greed didn't play it it... at all..... riiiiiiiiiiiight. we are talking wall street, remember? ' greed IS good '.
3) i hate big oil for environmental reasons above all & just like coal... them th ar jobs ain't coming back with any real promise. some are temporary, then it's pretty much all automation.

1. You jumped in to defend G.T. and that was his position.

2. Yep. Bush certainly wasnt' motivated by personal financial gain.

3. LOL!!!! Yeah, at least you are admitting why you want to fuck over the workers, and energy costs. Most of your fellow travelers are not.

i have a kid who i want to have a clean air clean water & normal temperate earth to live a very long life on. apparently you would like to fuck over all them thar precious post born 'babies' you wanna save -because oil is cheap.

I'm trying to ensure that I can have comfortable retirement and hopefully leave a nice inheritance to my descendants.

You want to fuck with that, because of nebulous ideas about pollution a "very long" time from now?

It is on you to make the cost benefit analysis. Shouting "BIG OIL" doesnt' cut it.

it's not up to me.... it's the powers that be & many are saying the earth is in its 11th hr.

that pollution is here & now. not sometime in the future... but no worries- your dear leader has rolled back clean water & clean air protections so you'll be wheezing, fighting stomach cancer & on O2 for your retirement.

1. YOur panic mongering is noted.

2. Your inability to make the case in noted.

i am quite calm... your inability to comprehend is noted.
Society says otherwise. Society says that at some point, it is a baby, or at least close enough to have some protections.

And thus, society has an obligation to protect him or her.

Your rationalizations for not liking that, or wanting to ban men from having the right to speak on the issue, is just you being a bad person.


HOw else can one explain your desire to discriminate against men, based on their sex?

Or your pretense that no one else is involved in your desire to abort a baby, when society obviously disagrees.

wow... just wow. i desire any female to be in charge & has the last say over her body. i desire any male to have the same autonomy over his. see? capiche? bene.

no one else is involved when the final decision is made. with anybody. over their own body.

i can't get any more clear than that - but because you are stuck on stupid, you can't see past your own deficient thought process'.

Your dishonest pretense that there is no one else involved during an abortion, and that you did not want to exclude men, based on their sex,

makes you a bad person.

bad, & sexist,& fascist, & atheist

you did want to ban men from participating in a political decision, based on their sex, so that you would be free to abort babies, with no limits at all.
How can a true Christian support the immoral, unethical Donald Trump.

I cannot believe anyone who considers themselves a Christian can in clear conscience support Trump. Trump is close to the antiChrist.
Don't Christians have to love their neighbor?
They`re too bust building walls to keep them out. That`s what Jesus would want them to do.

The neighbor should not be coveting our land.

trump wants to covet land from american prop owners for his wall.

True that. Never was there a more pressing need, nor a greater good for the community.
1. You jumped in to defend G.T. and that was his position.

2. Yep. Bush certainly wasnt' motivated by personal financial gain.

3. LOL!!!! Yeah, at least you are admitting why you want to fuck over the workers, and energy costs. Most of your fellow travelers are not.

i have a kid who i want to have a clean air clean water & normal temperate earth to live a very long life on. apparently you would like to fuck over all them thar precious post born 'babies' you wanna save -because oil is cheap.

I'm trying to ensure that I can have comfortable retirement and hopefully leave a nice inheritance to my descendants.

You want to fuck with that, because of nebulous ideas about pollution a "very long" time from now?

It is on you to make the cost benefit analysis. Shouting "BIG OIL" doesnt' cut it.

it's not up to me.... it's the powers that be & many are saying the earth is in its 11th hr.

that pollution is here & now. not sometime in the future... but no worries- your dear leader has rolled back clean water & clean air protections so you'll be wheezing, fighting stomach cancer & on O2 for your retirement.

1. YOur panic mongering is noted.

2. Your inability to make the case in noted.

i am quite calm... your inability to comprehend is noted.

You might be calm. But you are attempting to spread panic.

HOw else can one explain your desire to discriminate against men, based on their sex?

Or your pretense that no one else is involved in your desire to abort a baby, when society obviously disagrees.

wow... just wow. i desire any female to be in charge & has the last say over her body. i desire any male to have the same autonomy over his. see? capiche? bene.

no one else is involved when the final decision is made. with anybody. over their own body.

i can't get any more clear than that - but because you are stuck on stupid, you can't see past your own deficient thought process'.

Your dishonest pretense that there is no one else involved during an abortion, and that you did not want to exclude men, based on their sex,

makes you a bad person.

bad, & sexist,& fascist, & atheist

you did want to ban men from participating in a political decision, based on their sex, so that you would be free to abort babies, with no limits at all.

nope. but you go on with your delusions.
i have a kid who i want to have a clean air clean water & normal temperate earth to live a very long life on. apparently you would like to fuck over all them thar precious post born 'babies' you wanna save -because oil is cheap.

I'm trying to ensure that I can have comfortable retirement and hopefully leave a nice inheritance to my descendants.

You want to fuck with that, because of nebulous ideas about pollution a "very long" time from now?

It is on you to make the cost benefit analysis. Shouting "BIG OIL" doesnt' cut it.

it's not up to me.... it's the powers that be & many are saying the earth is in its 11th hr.

that pollution is here & now. not sometime in the future... but no worries- your dear leader has rolled back clean water & clean air protections so you'll be wheezing, fighting stomach cancer & on O2 for your retirement.

1. YOur panic mongering is noted.

2. Your inability to make the case in noted.

i am quite calm... your inability to comprehend is noted.

You might be calm. But you are attempting to spread panic.

nope. but you go on with your delusions. fear is a great motivator.... just ask donny. it was all in his speech to the nation at his 2017 installation .
HOw else can one explain your desire to discriminate against men, based on their sex?

Or your pretense that no one else is involved in your desire to abort a baby, when society obviously disagrees.

wow... just wow. i desire any female to be in charge & has the last say over her body. i desire any male to have the same autonomy over his. see? capiche? bene.

no one else is involved when the final decision is made. with anybody. over their own body.

i can't get any more clear than that - but because you are stuck on stupid, you can't see past your own deficient thought process'.

Your dishonest pretense that there is no one else involved during an abortion, and that you did not want to exclude men, based on their sex,

makes you a bad person.

bad, & sexist,& fascist, & atheist

you did want to ban men from participating in a political decision, based on their sex, so that you would be free to abort babies, with no limits at all.

nope. but you go on with your delusions.

Your words, from post 93

"when men conceive, then are forced to carry to term, & forced to give birth by someone other than your own conscience... then you get a voice."

That is you, stating your belief that men should not have a voice in a serious political issue.

Based on sex.

That is you being a sexist pig.
I'm trying to ensure that I can have comfortable retirement and hopefully leave a nice inheritance to my descendants.

You want to fuck with that, because of nebulous ideas about pollution a "very long" time from now?

It is on you to make the cost benefit analysis. Shouting "BIG OIL" doesnt' cut it.

it's not up to me.... it's the powers that be & many are saying the earth is in its 11th hr.

that pollution is here & now. not sometime in the future... but no worries- your dear leader has rolled back clean water & clean air protections so you'll be wheezing, fighting stomach cancer & on O2 for your retirement.

1. YOur panic mongering is noted.

2. Your inability to make the case in noted.

i am quite calm... your inability to comprehend is noted.

You might be calm. But you are attempting to spread panic.

nope. but you go on with your delusions. fear is a great motivator.... just ask donny. it was all in his speech to the nation at his 2017 installation .

"THE EARTH IS IN IT'S ELEVENTH HOUR!", but you're not the one trying to spread fear.

So a committed Christian should vote for the Democratic abortionists?
I am not saying who a committed Christian should vote for but I am saying I cannot say how a committed Christian can vote for Trump.

On a side note abortions were reduced to an all time low since Roe vs Wade under Obama. I think most people feel the fewer abortions the better. The question is whether abortions increase or decrease under policies touted by current anti-abortion advocates.
Hey, either you are for or against abortions, the presidents will tell you where they stand. Where do you stand? Christians for Democrats is a tough decision to make-God or government.

<pfffft> nobody is 'for' abortion. either you are 'for' the choice to be made by the ones with the uterus' or you are not.
Don't equivocate-this is not a debate, it is a decision-pro life or pro death?



How about this-we have abortions, death penalty, and everybody takes care of their own damn kids!
How can a true Christian support the immoral, unethical Donald Trump.

I cannot believe anyone who considers themselves a Christian can in clear conscience support Trump. Trump is close to the antiChrist.
Don't Christians have to love their neighbor?
They`re too bust building walls to keep them out. That`s what Jesus would want them to do.
No. Deport them all, then finish the wall! Jesus would say, love your kids and don't drag them across deserts
How can a true Christian support the immoral, unethical Donald Trump.

I cannot believe anyone who considers themselves a Christian can in clear conscience support Trump. Trump is close to the antiChrist.

Give me an alternative. Hillary was many times worse than Trump. By wide margin too.

Am I supposed to vote for someone who could be a spawn of satan himself, just because Trump was lousy with women in the past?
No, I don't think so.
wow... just wow. i desire any female to be in charge & has the last say over her body. i desire any male to have the same autonomy over his. see? capiche? bene.

no one else is involved when the final decision is made. with anybody. over their own body.

i can't get any more clear than that - but because you are stuck on stupid, you can't see past your own deficient thought process'.

Your dishonest pretense that there is no one else involved during an abortion, and that you did not want to exclude men, based on their sex,

makes you a bad person.

bad, & sexist,& fascist, & atheist

you did want to ban men from participating in a political decision, based on their sex, so that you would be free to abort babies, with no limits at all.

nope. but you go on with your delusions.

Your words, from post 93

"when men conceive, then are forced to carry to term, & forced to give birth by someone other than your own conscience... then you get a voice."

That is you, stating your belief that men should not have a voice in a serious political issue.

Based on sex.

That is you being a sexist pig.

uh- no. you tinking this is 'political' is your first defective thought. i know what i said & i will remind you that there can be only one FINAL decision. the one with the uterus... it really is that simple, doofus.

you think i have a right to force you into a snip snip so you can never reproduce?

you didn't answer the first time. wanna answer now?
Last edited:
it's not up to me.... it's the powers that be & many are saying the earth is in its 11th hr.

that pollution is here & now. not sometime in the future... but no worries- your dear leader has rolled back clean water & clean air protections so you'll be wheezing, fighting stomach cancer & on O2 for your retirement.

1. YOur panic mongering is noted.

2. Your inability to make the case in noted.

i am quite calm... your inability to comprehend is noted.

You might be calm. But you are attempting to spread panic.

nope. but you go on with your delusions. fear is a great motivator.... just ask donny. it was all in his speech to the nation at his 2017 installation .

"THE EARTH IS IN IT'S ELEVENTH HOUR!", but you're not the one trying to spread fear.


I am not saying who a committed Christian should vote for but I am saying I cannot say how a committed Christian can vote for Trump.

On a side note abortions were reduced to an all time low since Roe vs Wade under Obama. I think most people feel the fewer abortions the better. The question is whether abortions increase or decrease under policies touted by current anti-abortion advocates.
Hey, either you are for or against abortions, the presidents will tell you where they stand. Where do you stand? Christians for Democrats is a tough decision to make-God or government.

<pfffft> nobody is 'for' abortion. either you are 'for' the choice to be made by the ones with the uterus' or you are not.
Don't equivocate-this is not a debate, it is a decision-pro life or pro death?



How about this-we have abortions, death penalty, and everybody takes care of their own damn kids!

i am not against the death penalty. see? i am consistent. maybe you should try to be.
How can a true Christian support the immoral, unethical Donald Trump.

I cannot believe anyone who considers themselves a Christian can in clear conscience support Trump. Trump is close to the antiChrist.
Don't Christians have to love their neighbor?
They`re too bust building walls to keep them out. That`s what Jesus would want them to do.
No. Deport them all, then finish the wall! Jesus would say, love your kids and don't drag them across deserts

What Does the Bible Say About Welcoming Strangers?
Hey, either you are for or against abortions, the presidents will tell you where they stand. Where do you stand? Christians for Democrats is a tough decision to make-God or government.

<pfffft> nobody is 'for' abortion. either you are 'for' the choice to be made by the ones with the uterus' or you are not.
Don't equivocate-this is not a debate, it is a decision-pro life or pro death?



How about this-we have abortions, death penalty, and everybody takes care of their own damn kids!

i am not against the death penalty. see? i am consistent. maybe you should try to be.
Good, I am not either
How can a true Christian support the immoral, unethical Donald Trump.

I cannot believe anyone who considers themselves a Christian can in clear conscience support Trump. Trump is close to the antiChrist.
Don't Christians have to love their neighbor?
They`re too bust building walls to keep them out. That`s what Jesus would want them to do.
No. Deport them all, then finish the wall! Jesus would say, love your kids and don't drag them across deserts

What Does the Bible Say About Welcoming Strangers?
Whatever you want it to
<pfffft> nobody is 'for' abortion. either you are 'for' the choice to be made by the ones with the uterus' or you are not.
Don't equivocate-this is not a debate, it is a decision-pro life or pro death?



How about this-we have abortions, death penalty, and everybody takes care of their own damn kids!

i am not against the death penalty. see? i am consistent. maybe you should try to be.
Good, I am not either

lol... you can't be 'pro life ' & be against the death penalty. jesus says that's a bozo nono.

you think he is pro death penalty? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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