Christ yall can't get anything right.

Looks fine here.

Must be. . . once again, only affecting zombies with fondle slabs.
Why do I have to be a zombie just because I swipe down instead of hitting a key?
Because when I am done interacting with all of you on USMB? When I am done reading on-line, that is it, internet time is over.

I'm done. I do something else. . . and the only folks that bother me, have my phone number. No alerts, no emails, no notifications, I live in the now. I control my time, nothing else controls me. (And no GPS, metadata tracking either.)

Folks with smart devices, always wired in? They never get to leave here, if they have alerts on. . . it's like GD Hotel California if they are awake. . . :auiqs.jpg: They are controlled by their need for that endorphin rush, like zombie's after brains.


Yet another new FUCKED UP UPDATE.

Sometimes the thank button is on screen and other times it's so far out in left field I don't even bother searching for it.

Why are new technology updates not actually updates at all?
Yup, when on my phone the thank/reaction button is off screen. Can’t scroll over either.
You guys try to navigate this site on a phone? More power to you. It's almost unusable on an android tablet.

And where is the Preview button?

I probably won't get an answer. They will make me start a whole new thread to ask one question, then sit back and laugh when the thread gets shit on by trolls. Because that's what the want.

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