Chris Kyle: American Liar

Pretty good read:

Truth, Justice and the Curious Case of Chris Kyle

Despite the very high burden of proof, on July 19, 2014, Jesse Ventura, former Governor of Minnesota, WWF wrestler, TV show host and Former Navy SEAL (technically he was in the pre-cursor to SEALs, the UDT) won a defamation lawsuit against deceased former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, author of American Sniper to the tune of $1.8 million. In the book, Chris Kyle, claimed to have punched 'Scruff-face', later identified by Kyle as Jesse Ventura, in a SEAL bar in California after Ventura said some nasty things. Here is the passage in question from the book:

After the funeral, we went to a local bar for the wake proper. (for Navy SEAL and Medal of Honor winner Mike Monsoor who was killed in action in Iraq)

As always, there were a bunch of different things going on at our favorite nightspot, including a small party for some older SEALs and UDT members who were celebrating the anniversary of their graduation. Among them was a celebrity I'll call Scruff Face.

Scruff served in the military; most people seem to believe he was a SEAL. As far as I know, he was in service during the Vietnam conflict but not the actual war.

I was sitting with Ryan (a SEAL who was wounded and blinded in the Iraq war) and told him that Scruff was holding court with some of his buddies.

"I'd really like to meet him, " Ryan said.

"Sure". I got up and went over to Scruff and introduced myself. "Mr. Scruff Face, I have a young SEAL over here who's just come back from Iraq. He's been injured but he'd really like to meet you."

Well, Scruff kind of blew us off. Still, Ryan really wanted to meet him, so I brought him over. Scruff acted like he couldn't be bothered.

All right.

We went back over to our side of the bar and had a few more drinks. In the meantime, Scruff started running his mouth about the war and everything and anything he could connect to it. President Bush was an asshole. We were only over there because Bush wanted to show up his father. We were doing the wrong thing, killing men, woman and children and murdering.

And on and on. Scruff said he hates America and that's why he moved to Baja California. 9/11 was a conspiracy.

And on some more.

The guys were getting upset. Finally, I went over and tried to get him to cool it.

"We're all here in mourning." I told him. "Can you just cool it? Keep it down."

"You deserve to lose a few," he told me.

I was uncharacteristically level-headed at that moment.

"Look," I told him, "why don't we just step away from each other and go on our way?"

Scruff bowed up again. This time he swung.

Being level-headed and calm can last only so long. I laid him out.

Tables flew. Stuff happened. Scruff face ended up on the floor.

I left.


I have no way of knowing for sure, but rumor has it he showed up at the BUD/S graduation with a black eye.

That is the story that was proven to be untrue in the court proceedings. Jesse Ventura didn't say those things to Chris Kyle or any other SEAL. Chris Kyle did not hit Jesse Ventura. The entire episode never occurred. Or to put it another way, Chris Kyle lied. To put an even finer point on it, Chris Kyle lied to make himself look good.

Hmmm............yep......we're all real sure the OP's gheyness is going to have a huge impact on box office receipts!!!:fu:

Good read on the ongoing legal nightmare that Kyle has brought upon his wife, and his publisher, HarperCollins, who deserve every bit of it:

American Sniper lawsuit Chris Kyle told lies about Jesse Ventura.

Ventura has played this very smart, and should be collecting millions more from HarperCollins. Good for him.
Where is this proof that the whole incident was a lie? The link doesn't say, it just says that a jury bought off on it.

Didn't know you liberals thought juries could never be wrong.

^ Kyle in uniform
ummm..... my uniform didn't have a brand name on it Frank1400PennAve CrusaderFrank Why does that Kyle fellows?
i heard yours said Burger King......was i told wrong?.....
Chris Kyle didn't lie I was there that night and though I saw no fight I did see the after fight. Kyle or someone that looks just like him left the bar in a big hurry and Jessie was there that night so put two and two together. Ventura is the one that is lying in my opinion. Regardless.... Kyle is a hero and anyone that doesn't think so is just not thinking.
Where is this proof that the whole incident was a lie? The link doesn't say, it just says that a jury bought off on it.
In the OP.

The OP doesn't say. It simply says it was "proven in court". I am asking how it was proven. Where are the transcripts. To what end was the story not true? Was Jesse Ventura not even at the event? Did he not get punched?
Where is this proof that the whole incident was a lie? The link doesn't say, it just says that a jury bought off on it.
In the OP.

The OP doesn't say. It simply says it was "proven in court". I am asking how it was proven. Where are the transcripts. To what end was the story not true? Was Jesse Ventura not even at the event? Did he not get punched?
You are welcome to search for the transcripts or anything else relating to that trial.

The fact that the jury sided with Ventura on a defamation case speaks volumes, since they are very hard to prove. And the judge refused to vacate their decision.

I didn't post the whole article in the OP. Here's another paragraph:

In the lead up to the defamation case going to trial, all of the legal experts on television and in print said that it was highly unlikely that Jesse Ventura could win the case because the bar was set very high in defamation cases concerning celebrities. According to these various experts, in order for Ventura to win he would need to prove that not only did Chris Kyle lie about him, but also prove that he did so maliciously and that he prospered from it.​
It is documented and provable that Kyle was a serial liar and embellisher of the first order.
That his service was honorable is subject to debate.
Whether or not Obama was born in Hawaii is subject to which set of documents and anecdotal stories one is willing to believe.
They are both turds.
Next subject.
It is documented and provable that Kyle was a serial liar and embellisher of the first order.
That his service was honorable is subject to debate.
Whether or not Obama was born in Hawaii is subject to which set of documents and anecdotal stories one is willing to believe.
They are both turds.
Next subject.

Failed moral equivalence. Chris Kyle actually sacrificed a lot for this country. Obozo has done shit.
Now, it was kind of a dick move to sue a dead man's wife
He sued the estate.

I swear, none of you actually read the story.
The lawsuit was filed when Kyle was still alive.

I read the book when it first came out and those stories he told (Katrina/car jacking) had me saying "yeah right". Whatever his motives for lying are/were I don't know. Doesn't take away from what an outstanding operator he was.

He's still, in my opinion, a man who did his job extremely well and I will always hold him in high regards despite the tales/lies he wrote in that book.
Where is this proof that the whole incident was a lie? The link doesn't say, it just says that a jury bought off on it.
In the OP.

The OP doesn't say. It simply says it was "proven in court". I am asking how it was proven. Where are the transcripts. To what end was the story not true? Was Jesse Ventura not even at the event? Did he not get punched?
You are welcome to search for the transcripts or anything else relating to that trial.

The fact that the jury sided with Ventura on a defamation case speaks volumes, since they are very hard to prove. And the judge refused to vacate their decision.

I didn't post the whole article in the OP. Here's another paragraph:

In the lead up to the defamation case going to trial, all of the legal experts on television and in print said that it was highly unlikely that Jesse Ventura could win the case because the bar was set very high in defamation cases concerning celebrities. According to these various experts, in order for Ventura to win he would need to prove that not only did Chris Kyle lie about him, but also prove that he did so maliciously and that he prospered from it.​

So in other words there isn't really any hard proof that the story about "Scruf" was made up. Just that the jury sided with millionaire Jesse and his top paid lawyers. The text from the book doesn't even quote "Scruf", just summarizes a rant against Bush and the war, and then some punches were thrown. Sounds like Jesse just wanted some payback.
Now, it was kind of a dick move to sue a dead man's wife
He sued the estate.

I swear, none of you actually read the story.
The lawsuit was filed when Kyle was still alive.

I read the book when it first came out and those stories he told (Katrina/car jacking) had me saying "yeah right". Whatever his motives for lying are/were I don't know. Doesn't take away from what an outstanding operator he was.

He's still, in my opinion, a man who did his job extremely well and I will always hold him in high regards despite the tales/lies he wrote in that book.
Thank you for the correction.

No doubt that he was an outstanding marksman. I don't think that's ever been questioned.

There is very much doubt as to whether he was a good soldier, or a good person.
So in other words there isn't really any hard proof that the story about "Scruf" was made up. Just that the jury sided with millionaire Jesse and his top paid lawyers. The text from the book doesn't even quote "Scruf", just summarizes a rant against Bush and the war, and then some punches were thrown. Sounds like Jesse just wanted some payback.
If you wish to continue being a moron who cannot accept the facts, that's your choice.
Kyle’s ghostwriters spoke with only one person who claimed to have witnessed the fight, a friend of Kyle’s who told a different version of the story that lacked Ventura’s offensive remarks. No one from HarperCollins contacted Ventura or his representatives to verify the story. And though Kyle claimed Ventura appeared at a SEAL graduation afterward with a black eye—where “everybody was laughing” and asking “Who beat the shit out of him?”—HarperCollins never asked a member of the graduating class whether they saw Ventura’s injury. (A photograph from the event shows a clear image of Ventura—with no black eye.)​
Now, it was kind of a dick move to sue a dead man's wife
He sued the estate.

I swear, none of you actually read the story.
The lawsuit was filed when Kyle was still alive.

I read the book when it first came out and those stories he told (Katrina/car jacking) had me saying "yeah right". Whatever his motives for lying are/were I don't know. Doesn't take away from what an outstanding operator he was.

He's still, in my opinion, a man who did his job extremely well and I will always hold him in high regards despite the tales/lies he wrote in that book.
Thank you for the correction.

No doubt that he was an outstanding marksman. I don't think that's ever been questioned.

There is very much doubt as to whether he was a good soldier, or a good person.
I don't think you will find a single person that would say he was a lousy, or mediocre, operator. As far as if he was "a good person", there hasn't been anything written or otherwise to say that he wasn't. Quite the opposite actually.

100% of the proceeds from the book went to two of the SEAL families who had lost their sons in Iraq. He formed a company in Dallas to train military, police and I think firemen as far as protecting themselves in difficult situations. He also formed a foundation to work with military people suffering from PTSD. Looks to me that Chris was a giver not a taker.
Kyle’s ghostwriters spoke with only one person who claimed to have witnessed the fight, a friend of Kyle’s who told a different version of the story that lacked Ventura’s offensive remarks. No one from HarperCollins contacted Ventura or his representatives to verify the story. And though Kyle claimed Ventura appeared at a SEAL graduation afterward with a black eye—where “everybody was laughing” and asking “Who beat the shit out of him?”—HarperCollins never asked a member of the graduating class whether they saw Ventura’s injury. (A photograph from the event shows a clear image of Ventura—with no black eye.)​

From the OP:

have no way of knowing for sure, but rumor has it he showed up at the BUD/S graduation with a black eye.

LOL, how is that defamation? And he never named Jesse Ventura in the book. I think its obvious he embellished his story, but that is not defamation. Freedom of speech also includes lying and making shit up, otherwise every progressive hack would be in jail.

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