Chinese warship seizes underwater US Navy drone in the South China Sea

I'm sure China feels the US was using it for spying purposes. It'll be returned after being examined and studied. I think Americans better get used to this kind of stuff. For some reason their leaders have chosen to plunge them into a 'Cold War' with China and Russia. It's not gonna be pretty.
I'm sure China feels the US was using it for spying purposes. It'll be returned after being examined and studied. I think Americans better get used to this kind of stuff. For some reason their leaders have chosen to plunge them into a 'Cold War' with China and Russia. It's not gonna be pretty.
They've been hacking us and stealing intellectual properties for some time and probably already had the design. It's saber rattling because they know there will be no consequences.

focus, Trump, focus!

It took Trump and his team 90 minutes to fix the word "unpresidented."
It took Trump and his team 90 minutes to fix the word "unpresidented."

I noticed the same but thought maybe I was wrong but didn't check. Maybe all of this talk about the EC, hacking and constant unwillingness by the Democrats to put the election results to rest has him spooked. Many on the left want to "un-president" him, unfairly and counter to basic democratic principles.
I'm sure China feels the US was using it for spying purposes. It'll be returned after being examined and studied. I think Americans better get used to this kind of stuff. For some reason their leaders have chosen to plunge them into a 'Cold War' with China and Russia. It's not gonna be pretty.
They've been hacking us and stealing intellectual properties for some time and probably already had the design. It's saber rattling because they know there will be no consequences.

More & more info is leaking out on this one. It's starting to look like this drone is military. Initially, the US denied it was military. It was likely being used to spy on China. I'm not justifying what China did, but i can see why it did it.

We're in the early stages of what could be a very long dangerous Cold War with China and Russia. We've basically pushed those two nations into an alliance. They're probably gonna seek to invite India into the alliance. Their goal is to counter the US/NATO dominance in the world. But who knows? Maybe Trump will take us in a different direction. We'll see.
How about the more serious and concerning issue, why is China able to expand into areas that have claims from multiple nations? Where is the global outrage about this excursion?

If America engages in assisting any nation the whole world passes judgement, when Israel sneezes the UN puts forward a vote against them, when a member of the EU suggests they aren't able to deal with the mass number of immigrants coming to their shores, the world calls that nation "racist" or "nationalist".

What China is doing right now, unabated, is whatever it pleases. It is expanding illegally, taking territory that many nations have claim to, militarizing it, and thumbing the world. No wonder guys like Trump became so popular, it's time America protects it's interests without apology. China has cheap labour, that's it. Take that source away and find another source and those communist dictators will crumble, and quick.

Oh, and I hope this drone was there to spy on China's activities, I would expect nothing less, and America should be fully supported by the rest of the word, who seemingly want peace but aren't willing to fight for it.
Interesting that everyone is talking about what Trump said. Well he is not even the President yet,,,,why is no one talking about what Obama has said? Maybe because our Current Commander in Chief is on a Hawaiian vacation and could not be bothered about such trivial things as a stolen US Navy submersible drone.

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