China's metal export curbs a 'warning' to US and its allies


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
SHANGHAI, July 5 (Reuters) - China's move to restrict the exports of two metals crucial for making some types of semiconductors and electric vehicles is a warning that China will not be passively squeezed out of the global chips supply chain, the Global Times said.

In an editorial published late on Tuesday, the Chinese state media tabloid said the imposition of controls on exports of some gallium and germanium products was a "practical way" of telling the U.S. and its allies that their efforts to curb China from procuring more advanced technology was a "miscalculation".

Restricting germanium and gallium for now.....Who didn’t see that coming? Weakness in the face of the chi-Coms has consequences.

Biden, Yellen, and Blinkin - Three of the most egregious examples of incompetence ever to serve in the same administration.

Remember when Trump told the Chi-Coms in Buenos Aires that they had 90 days to reach a trade agreement or face more tariffs, then handed them a 90 page list of demands....They stalled a bit over 90-days but we got a favorable trade agreement.
SHANGHAI, July 5 (Reuters) - China's move to restrict the exports of two metals crucial for making some types of semiconductors and electric vehicles is a warning that China will not be passively squeezed out of the global chips supply chain, the Global Times said.

In an editorial published late on Tuesday, the Chinese state media tabloid said the imposition of controls on exports of some gallium and germanium products was a "practical way" of telling the U.S. and its allies that their efforts to curb China from procuring more advanced technology was a "miscalculation".

Restricting germanium and gallium for now.....Who didn’t see that coming? Weakness in the face of the chi-Coms has consequences.

Biden, Yellen, and Blinkin - Three of the most egregious examples of incompetence ever to serve in the same administration.

Remember when Trump told the Chi-Coms in Buenos Aires that they had 90 days to reach a trade agreement or face more tariffs, then handed them a 90 page list of demands....They stalled a bit over 90-days but we got a favorable trade agreement.
Trade deal? This failure?

It would seem to me to be China flexing because the U.S. is now going to work on lesseing dependance, but the sad reality is that our reliance on China for so many crucial elements and rare earths that they can cause us serious pain, and it don't matter who is in the White House, Trump or Biden.

Most electronics need magnets, and China controls 90% of the neodymium, rare earth permanent magnets.

We have to find other suppliers of rare earths, or reopen mining in this country if this can be found here.
It would seem to me to be China flexing because the U.S. is now going to work on lesseing dependance, but the sad reality is that our reliance on China for so many crucial elements and rare earths that they can cause us serious pain, and it don't matter who is in the White House, Trump or Biden.

Most electronics need magnets, and China controls 90% of the neodymium, rare earth permanent magnets.

We have to find other suppliers of rare earths, or reopen mining in this country if this can be found here.
Case ya didnt know dems are against mining in the US
Funny....libs just blocked a huge nickel mine in MN......oooops

There are a few nickel/copper mines already operating in MN. They meet or exceed the water regs but the one you are talking about won't. Here is the real story.

Glencore moves to take full control of PolyMet, Minnesota copper-nickel mining project

The latest came last month when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers revoked a critical water quality permit. The Corps said the permit did not comply with the water quality standards set by the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, whose reservation on the St. Louis River is downstream from the mine and processing plant sites near Babbitt and Hoyt Lakes.

The project has long been criticized by environmental and tribal groups for its potential impacts on water resources, but it has also come under increasing fire in recent months from former Minnesota Gov. Arne Carlson, a Republican who served from 1991-99. In addition to the risks to water quality, Carlson has sounded the alarm about the influence of big mining corporations on Minnesota politics.

Carlson questions whether the state should even be engaged with Glencore, given the company’s record elsewhere. Glencore reached a deal with authorities in the U.S., Britain and Brazil last year to resolve corruption and market manipulation allegations in return for penalties totaling up to $1.5 billion.

Glencore also offered to buy Teck’s steelmaking coal business last month, after Teck rebuffed its offer for a full takeover.

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