China Admits Existence Of 'Cancer Villages' In Report, As Pollution Concerns Mount


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Dominique Mosbergen

As public discontent mounts in China over the country's worsening pollution problem and the government's lack of transparency about environmental concerns, Chinese authorities have acknowledged the existence of so-called "cancer villages" in a new report this week, according to multiple media outlets.

Cancer is now the country's "top killer," according to a recent report by China Network Television. Nevertheless, Ma Jun, a leading environmentalist in China, told The Telegraph that, despite China's environmental problems and growing cancer rate, the government typically avoids making a connection between pollution and disease.

Environmental lawyer Wang Canfa told the AFP that this new environmental report is likely the first time the term "cancer village" has been used in a ministry document.

More: China Admits Existence Of 'Cancer Villages' In Report, As Pollution Concerns Mount
This makes me want to send a "Thank You" letter to our EPA. Thank you, Democrats, for our reasonably clean air and water.
Surely that serves as some proof that a little bit of regulation isn't all bad...

China will be paying a heavy price for a long time due to severe pollution and lack of environmental controls/regulations. OR, maybe not - maybe they'll just ship the sick ones off to Cancer Camps. Out of sight, out of mind. However, it does seem that China is becoming a more open society (as opposed to North Korea).
And imagine, this in a country not considered capitalist. It shows that it is not political or economic systems that are good or bad, but the ego maniacal thirst for power and then keeping it.
Yeah, China's new found wealth is being paid for with the health of the Chinese people, that's for danged sure.
Yeah, China's new found wealth is being paid for with the health of the Chinese people, that's for danged sure.

Any sacrifice for the eventual triumph of the ideology.

China has very cleverly set off on a course of conquering their 'capitalist' enemies by using the precepts against them. Already they have upset the fundamental balance by having so many jobs and such a gigantic amount of production shipped to where it is under their entire control whenever they wish to exercise it.

No war, no physical destruction, just voluntary capitulation on the part of the west. So, if a few million Chinese worker have to die for that, so be it. There would be far more casualties if they invaded Russia in order to cross to Europe and invade that next.

By Dominique Mosbergen

As public discontent mounts in China over the country's worsening pollution problem and the government's lack of transparency about environmental concerns, Chinese authorities have acknowledged the existence of so-called "cancer villages" in a new report this week, according to multiple media outlets.

Cancer is now the country's "top killer," according to a recent report by China Network Television. Nevertheless, Ma Jun, a leading environmentalist in China, told The Telegraph that, despite China's environmental problems and growing cancer rate, the government typically avoids making a connection between pollution and disease.

Environmental lawyer Wang Canfa told the AFP that this new environmental report is likely the first time the term "cancer village" has been used in a ministry document.

More: China Admits Existence Of 'Cancer Villages' In Report, As Pollution Concerns Mount

Look on the bright side. At least the nations who didn't need to sign the Kyoto agreement ( like the USA ) can pick up the slack of the real polluters such as China, Russia, Romania, Poland, where you cannot even see the sky for the pollution. Furthermore, admitting this is safer than admitting what they've been up to for the past decade. What has China been up to? Building cities to house the American people once we are taken down ( Russians are working on that one right now and oh yes, a big thank you to Hillary for giving them the grand tour of NORAD and the nuclear warehouses - that was a first! ) so that we can become work laborers for the Chinese. Where are these work cities - labor camps - located? They have conveniently built them all over the world and they are fully built, furnished and waiting... google the one in the Mongolian desert - the Mongolians say they have been threatened with death of family members - torture if they told what work the Chinese govt had hired them to do. These cities house 40 - 70 million people each and are built out in the middle of deserts so there is no way out. Google China Ghost Cities and see what you come up with. They have built living quarters for over 350 million people so far. Still building. When asked they said it was to increase their GDP. Even though the real estate market went bust they continue to build them. Make sense? Of course not. These cities are for a future communist agenda and the story is out. Google it and have a look at these ghost cities. Not a soul living there. YET.

Who has the picture of the Chinese military tank rolling over the man who protested the govt taking his land? The tank crushed him and you see them rolling right over him, ( the real face of communism in action ) the story said the man was protesting being taken to a work camp or a re-education camp. Do any of you remember that story and the pictures? The liberal media refused to report on the story. Guess the borrower really IS servant to the Lender, eh? - Jeremiah
Can't say the photos look like anything more than 'Photo shop'.

The idea seems pretty preposterous.

By Dominique Mosbergen

As public discontent mounts in China over the country's worsening pollution problem and the government's lack of transparency about environmental concerns, Chinese authorities have acknowledged the existence of so-called "cancer villages" in a new report this week, according to multiple media outlets.

Cancer is now the country's "top killer," according to a recent report by China Network Television. Nevertheless, Ma Jun, a leading environmentalist in China, told The Telegraph that, despite China's environmental problems and growing cancer rate, the government typically avoids making a connection between pollution and disease.

Environmental lawyer Wang Canfa told the AFP that this new environmental report is likely the first time the term "cancer village" has been used in a ministry document.

More: China Admits Existence Of 'Cancer Villages' In Report, As Pollution Concerns Mount

Look on the bright side. At least the nations who didn't need to sign the Kyoto agreement ( like the USA ) can pick up the slack of the real polluters such as China, Russia, Romania, Poland, where you cannot even see the sky for the pollution. Furthermore, admitting this is safer than admitting what they've been up to for the past decade. What has China been up to? Building cities to house the American people once we are taken down ( Russians are working on that one right now and oh yes, a big thank you to Hillary for giving them the grand tour of NORAD and the nuclear warehouses - that was a first! ) so that we can become work laborers for the Chinese. Where are these work cities - labor camps - located? They have conveniently built them all over the world and they are fully built, furnished and waiting... google the one in the Mongolian desert - the Mongolians say they have been threatened with death of family members - torture if they told what work the Chinese govt had hired them to do. These cities house 40 - 70 million people each and are built out in the middle of deserts so there is no way out. Google China Ghost Cities and see what you come up with. They have built living quarters for over 350 million people so far. Still building. When asked they said it was to increase their GDP. Even though the real estate market went bust they continue to build them. Make sense? Of course not. These cities are for a future communist agenda and the story is out. Google it and have a look at these ghost cities. Not a soul living there. YET.

I'm sorry to inform you that the Conspiracy Theory area of your brain has burst wide open. Seek help immediately.
This makes me want to send a "Thank You" letter to our EPA. Thank you, Democrats, for our reasonably clean air and water.

Is Al Gore going to China to break their balls on pollution and all that global warming\climate change or whatever the hell they are calling it these days.
Probably not.

He knows they will make sure he gets roughed up a little bit in the brothel's there.
Gore's a weenie.And a hack!
This makes me want to send a "Thank You" letter to our EPA. Thank you, Democrats, for our reasonably clean air and water.
Nixon created the EPA, thank HIM.

Besides, whatever was taken out of the air was put into our food and water supply.

China's unhealthy air and contaminated water is DIRECT result of Globalism and "Free Trade Agreements".
Can't say the photos look like anything more than 'Photo shop'.

The idea seems pretty preposterous.

Oh, its that bad.

And it's still getting worse, too.

You may deny it but the Chinese government isn't.

Pollution control high on Chinese government's agenda - China News - SINA English

Last year, I had the pleasure of escorting a colleague from China around to visit some of our local vendors to make sure they were in compliance with our rules.

The one thing that amazed her when we were driving through downtown Chicago was that it was a city as large as it was, and it wasn't covered in a thick haze of pollution.

Now, not all the problems in China are due to industrialization and their willingness to let big multi-national corporations profit off their people. A lot of it has to do with the fact that people burn their garbage- all of it- for heat or just to be rid of it because they don't have a system of effective waste management.
This makes me want to send a "Thank You" letter to our EPA. Thank you, Democrats, for our reasonably clean air and water.

While you are at it, write a letter to Greenpeace have them hold China's feet to the fire as well as Russia and India.
A lot of it has to do with the fact that people burn their garbage- all of it- for heat or just to be rid of it because they don't have a system of effective waste management.

No, they don't burn all of it. There are landfills in China.

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