Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

How common is child marriage in Yemen?

Too bloody common.
Their society see a girl as fair game from puberty but that's considered to be at 9 years old, dodgy at best and bloody criminal in my opinion.
However, weak laws and local custom overrides everything so girls are often married off at crazy young ages.
The same, just not quite as bad happens here but I've never seen a case of a girl less than 13 being married off.
The cause here isn't filthy men after kids (mostly) as the husband is usually little older than the wife, more the poverty that forces parents to get rid of kids as soon as possible.
I've seen several 13 to 15 year old girls get married to boys hardly ready to look after a family.
The upshot is, these new families produces kids that will get the same total lack of education so the cycle goes on.

Education is the key to this and many other problems in Indonesia and I suspect the same applied in Yemen.

Thanks for the informative answer.

I wonder why its so common in some states especially.

At one time, It was common among the Georgian community in Israel, they used to marry them when they were 14-16, but starting the 90's, our government decided to take measures against this despicable phenomenon.

I don't know how common it is in the Arab community, but as far as I know, the 'trend' is decreasing, thankfully.

I guess you're right, about the poverty part, but I find it hard to understand why on God's green earth people who cannot even keep themselves alive, bring kids to the world, to be miserable just like them. I know it sounds horrible to say that, but that is how i feel sometimes.

Biological responses for reproduction.
Too bloody common.
Their society see a girl as fair game from puberty but that's considered to be at 9 years old, dodgy at best and bloody criminal in my opinion.
However, weak laws and local custom overrides everything so girls are often married off at crazy young ages.
The same, just not quite as bad happens here but I've never seen a case of a girl less than 13 being married off.
The cause here isn't filthy men after kids (mostly) as the husband is usually little older than the wife, more the poverty that forces parents to get rid of kids as soon as possible.
I've seen several 13 to 15 year old girls get married to boys hardly ready to look after a family.
The upshot is, these new families produces kids that will get the same total lack of education so the cycle goes on.

Education is the key to this and many other problems in Indonesia and I suspect the same applied in Yemen.

Thanks for the informative answer.

I wonder why its so common in some states especially.

At one time, It was common among the Georgian community in Israel, they used to marry them when they were 14-16, but starting the 90's, our government decided to take measures against this despicable phenomenon.

I don't know how common it is in the Arab community, but as far as I know, the 'trend' is decreasing, thankfully.

I guess you're right, about the poverty part, but I find it hard to understand why on God's green earth people who cannot even keep themselves alive, bring kids to the world, to be miserable just like them. I know it sounds horrible to say that, but that is how i feel sometimes.

Biological responses for reproduction.

Yeah, I guess.
The practice of child brides is not a religious issue, it is a cultural issue.
The Chinese practiced it for centuries as has other cultures. The mere fact that women were regarded as property and of less value than horses promoted the idea that they could be bought or had to have dowries to allow their worth to the user.

Careful, or Roudy and Hossfly might accuse you of being a secret Muslim.

Fortunately I associate with no form of religion.
We'll pray for you that you'll depart from your heathen ways.
The practice of child brides is not a religious issue, it is a cultural issue.
The Chinese practiced it for centuries as has other cultures. The mere fact that women were regarded as property and of less value than horses promoted the idea that they could be bought or had to have dowries to allow their worth to the user.

Careful, or Roudy and Hossfly might accuse you of being a secret Muslim.

Fortunately I associate with no form of religion.

Nor do I, that doesn't seem to be a hindrance for them though.
The poor baby.

If anything highlights the insanity of believing in "multi-culturalism", this does.
Biological responses for reproduction.

I don't know if I would agree with that. I mean sure it is around in most of us, but that wouldn't really account for the diversity in the number of children produced.

I would be more apt to point to poverty, and to lack of women's rights, primarily access to education and job markets.
Having difficulty figuring out the topic? What's the title of this thread? Oh, that's right, it's....
****"Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night"**** :clap:

And I have made several posts responding to that. Once again, you're the one who brought up the issue of gavage. Just because you got confused and misread my post doesn't mean you get to throw a fit ;)
I already explained that it was part of an article on child abuse. You then stuck to it like flies to ......
Why shouldn't you?
Don't forget your mission: make Islam and Muslims look as good as possible. That includes using these kinds of diversionary tactics.

Ever heard of you can put lipstick on a pig, but its still a pig? Keep putting that lipstick on, Omir.
I already explained that it was part of an article on child abuse.

And I responded to it with one post. Deal with it. if anything your ranting and raving and accusations are more of a distraction from the topic of this thread than a single post that I made about one of the aspects of child marriage that you mentioned.
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I already explained that it was part of an article on child abuse.

And I responded to it with one post. Deal with it. if anything your ranting and raving and accusations are more of a distraction from the topic of this thread than a single post that I made about one of the aspects of child marriage that you mentioned.
Okay let's talk about garage then, something that's not prevalent in Muslim countries <Wink>
Anything to change the topic while accusing others of doing so.
Biological responses for reproduction.

I don't know if I would agree with that. I mean sure it is around in most of us, but that wouldn't really account for the diversity in the number of children produced.

I would be more apt to point to poverty, and to lack of women's rights, primarily access to education and job markets.

Poverty is abject to those in existence. Most humans throughout history have lived in poverty, yet children are still produced.
Predetermined biological inherent programming does exist in humans.
I already explained that it was part of an article on child abuse.

And I responded to it with one post. Deal with it. if anything your ranting and raving and accusations are more of a distraction from the topic of this thread than a single post that I made about one of the aspects of child marriage that you mentioned.
Okay let's talk about garage then, something that's not prevalent in Muslim countries <Wink>
Anything to change the topic while accusing others of doing so.

Why is there such a lack of toilet paper in the ME?
Okay let's talk about garage then, something that's not prevalent in Muslim countries <Wink>
Anything to change the topic while accusing others of doing so.

1.) it's gavage

2.) I said that it was prevalent in Mauritania, which is a Muslim majority country ;) And I mentioned its periodic use in Pakistan which is also a Muslim majority country, so I'm not sure why you're going on about your above quote. It seems pretty dishonest on your part.
And I responded to it with one post. Deal with it. if anything your ranting and raving and accusations are more of a distraction from the topic of this thread than a single post that I made about one of the aspects of child marriage that you mentioned.
Okay let's talk about garage then, something that's not prevalent in Muslim countries <Wink>
Anything to change the topic while accusing others of doing so.

Why is there such a lack of toilet paper in the ME?
Islamic toilet hygiene. Look it up. LOL
Okay let's talk about garage then, something that's not prevalent in Muslim countries <Wink>
Anything to change the topic while accusing others of doing so.

1.) it's gavage

2.) I said that it was prevalent in Mauritania, which is a Muslim majority country ;) And I mentioned its periodic use in Pakistan which is also a Muslim majority country, so I'm not sure why you're going on about your above quote. It seems pretty dishonest on your part.
Kindly do tell us again, What exactly WAS your point?
Biological responses for reproduction.

I don't know if I would agree with that. I mean sure it is around in most of us, but that wouldn't really account for the diversity in the number of children produced.

I would be more apt to point to poverty, and to lack of women's rights, primarily access to education and job markets.

Poverty is abject to those in existence. Most humans throughout history have lived in poverty, yet children are still produced.
Predetermined biological inherent programming does exist in humans.

I agree, but income and child births are also inversely correlated in general. Children are often treated as inferior goods are in economics. As income goes up, number of children tend to drop.

Now I wouldn't suggest that as the only causal variable. Obviously there are well off people who have large families for personal or religious reasons, but that isn't statistically as large of a factor. Another seemingly large factor though is women having access to their own income, which gives them more control over family planning and creates economic incentives for them to be working rather than staying at home tending children. It also allows for more discretionary spending on things like birth control.
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Okay let's talk about garage then, something that's not prevalent in Muslim countries <Wink>
Anything to change the topic while accusing others of doing so.

1.) it's gavage

2.) I said that it was prevalent in Mauritania, which is a Muslim majority country ;) And I mentioned its periodic use in Pakistan which is also a Muslim majority country, so I'm not sure why you're going on about your above quote. It seems pretty dishonest on your part.
Kindly do tell us again, What exactly WAS your point?

My point was to respond to the imagery of gavage that you brought up in your post.
Okay let's talk about garage then, something that's not prevalent in Muslim countries <Wink>
Anything to change the topic while accusing others of doing so.

1.) it's gavage

2.) I said that it was prevalent in Mauritania, which is a Muslim majority country ;) And I mentioned its periodic use in Pakistan which is also a Muslim majority country, so I'm not sure why you're going on about your above quote. It seems pretty dishonest on your part.
Kindly do tell us again, What exactly WAS your point?
I have an interesting article on garage and I'll post it when I find it.

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