Chicago: Rahm Emanuel...BLAMES COPS for high crime; says they need to return to "aggressive" style!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
In Appalling Statement, Chicago Mayor Blames City's Soaring Murder Toll on Police Not Being Aggressive Enough

God damn liberals are so predictable it's pathetic.

Chicago ghettos are simply out of control hell holes. Of wont hear much about weekly mass shootings.

But...Obamas pal Rahm Emanuel....BLAMES COPS for it. He says they need to return to "pre-Ferguson aggressive policing" tactics!!

SORRY FUCKING LIBS....we warned you. Cops across America have said fuck it. Finally. You're gonna reap what you sowed. You're on your own.
From the article:

"“We have allowed our police department to get fetal and it is having a direct consequence,” Emanuel told U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch. “They have pulled back from the ability to interdict . . . they don’t want to be a news story themselves, they don’t want their career ended early, and it’s having an impact"

Well yeah...NO SHIT RAHM. When your boy started his presidency with "police acted stupidly" and you all encouraged anti cop movement all over America....what did you think would happen?

Now you're mad that cops aren't willing to throw themselves in front of the bus???
When was this said?

Could have sworn he said less than a week ago that he blamed the increase in violence on the 'BLM' movement.
some time back he told the gangs

to take their warfare to the ally ways

and off the main streets
Let everyone put themselves in the place of police. I would do my job as a police any white district. BLM has had the impact, now whattya gonna do?
When was this said?

Could have sworn he said less than a week ago that he blamed the increase in violence on the 'BLM' movement.

Obamas new AG Loretta Lynch held a semi secret meeting for mayors and chiefs from big cities to discuss the violence surge. The press was only invited at the END....but...the Washington DC mayor listed it as an open meeting on her agenda and a Washington Post reporter just followed her in and sat in on it. He reported all that was said. Including Rahm calling cops "fetal" and basically blaming them for policing in the exact manner BLM wants them to police.
The election is coming up...they have a delicate balance to keep...they need enough violence to push gun control....but they also need to show they "care" in order to get the minorities they rule over to the polls....
Obama's Butt boy Rahm Emanuel is in over his head.
Now they want police to be aggressive.
And when they are Libs like this guy will go after them.
If anyone thinks cops are going to be dumb enough to get "aggressive" they deserve to be mayor of ChiTown. None of them are going to step forward to do anything that's likely to put them in the public eye with the possibility of getting fried by the Left.

The same holds true in Baltimore, Philly, and a whole lot more cities.
The Chicago cops are doing the best job they possibly can in helping the black and Hispanic criminal thugs cull their respective herds of lives that obviously don't matter a damn. Keep up the good work!
Now you're mad that cops aren't willing to throw themselves in front of the bus???

Rahm Emanuel is a self-absorbed narcissist who never thinks about the consequences of his decision on the little people.

And we are all little people except for Rahm and his Chicago Machine buddies.
In Appalling Statement, Chicago Mayor Blames City's Soaring Murder Toll on Police Not Being Aggressive Enough

God damn liberals are so predictable it's pathetic.

Chicago ghettos are simply out of control hell holes. Of wont hear much about weekly mass shootings.

But...Obamas pal Rahm Emanuel....BLAMES COPS for it. He says they need to return to "pre-Ferguson aggressive policing" tactics!!

SORRY FUCKING LIBS....we warned you. Cops across America have said fuck it. Finally. You're gonna reap what you sowed. You're on your own.
The problem with that is when presently peaceful citizens begin defending themselves the cops won't hesitate to arrest them. And you know it!

The solution to this job action routine is to pressure Congress and local politicians to constrain police unions and then start properly disciplining (or firing) recalcitrant cops and those who perform in a manner that creates public resentment. When police are properly trained, properly supervised, and they perform in a proper manner, there will not be the kind of protests we are seeing today.
Obama's Butt boy Rahm Emanuel is in over his head.
Now they want police to be aggressive.
And when they are Libs like this guy will go after them.
There is no problem with police being aggressive -- when aggression is necessary. The problem rests with those cops for whom aggressive, often brutally aggressive behavior, is the very reason they are on the job. For them, brutalizing and humiliating others is a form of sexual expression.

Those sonsabitches are the reason for all anti-police protests. Cops who do the job according to the rules and have no personal deficiencies to compensate for are made to suffer for the covert misconduct of hyper-aggressive punks for whom a badge is a means to freely, safely and unnecessarily abuse others -- which they do at every opportunity.

The shooting of Michael Brown was not the reason for the anti-police riots at Ferguson, because Michael Brown was a scumbag who deserved what he got. The riots were the cumulative effect of all the relatively lesser, unreported, unnecessary and excessive abuses that take place every day and night. Resentment of those misconducts adds up over time and when a prominent incident occurs the cumulative effect erupts.
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Well little ole Rahm should have thought to come to the CIVILIAN police force defense when his old thuggish crony Obama with Sharpton and Deblasio were out attacking them every other day. accusing them of killing all these "unarmed" choir boys just out for a stroll in the park

so what you got now is a major mess on your hands and of course putting the BLAME off on someone else the TYPICAL DEMOCRAT
In Appalling Statement, Chicago Mayor Blames City's Soaring Murder Toll on Police Not Being Aggressive Enough

God damn liberals are so predictable it's pathetic.

Chicago ghettos are simply out of control hell holes. Of wont hear much about weekly mass shootings.

But...Obamas pal Rahm Emanuel....BLAMES COPS for it. He says they need to return to "pre-Ferguson aggressive policing" tactics!!

SORRY FUCKING LIBS....we warned you. Cops across America have said fuck it. Finally. You're gonna reap what you sowed. You're on your own.
The problem with that is when presently peaceful citizens begin defending themselves the cops won't hesitate to arrest them. And you know it!

The solution to this job action routine is to pressure Congress and local politicians to constrain police unions and then start properly disciplining (or firing) recalcitrant cops and those who perform in a manner that creates public resentment. When police are properly trained, properly supervised, and they perform in a proper manner, there will not be the kind of protests we are seeing today.

Inform us. What is the "proper" way to train and supervise cops....and what is a "proper manner" for them to perform?

And no....if citizens act in proper self defense....they won't be arrested. It's already happening here in SC.
Well little ole Rahm should have thought to come to the CIVILIAN police force defense when his old thuggish crony Obama with Sharpton and Deblasio were out attacking them every other day. accusing them of killing all these "unarmed" choir boys just out for a stroll in the park

so what you got now is a major mess on your hands and of course putting the BLAME off on someone else the TYPICAL DEMOCRAT

Rahm should offer to hire 4000 Occupy Wall Street lefties immediately for cop posititons. Get the lefties to show us all how to do TRUE police work and proper community policing.
Well little ole Rahm should have thought to come to the CIVILIAN police force defense when his old thuggish crony Obama with Sharpton and Deblasio were out attacking them every other day. accusing them of killing all these "unarmed" choir boys just out for a stroll in the park

so what you got now is a major mess on your hands and of course putting the BLAME off on someone else the TYPICAL DEMOCRAT

Rahm should offer to hire 4000 Occupy Wall Street lefties immediately for cop posititons. Get the lefties to show us all how to do TRUE police work and proper community policing.

that's a joke my dear. they are too chicken shit and lazy on top of that. they'd rather take over the people's parks, have someone pay to cater food to them, have tents donated, portta potties so at least they didn't shit in their donated tents. and kick back and disrupt the Citizens lives and harass businesses so they lost money. and then leave it to US taxpayers to clean up their TONS of their garbage they left sitting there when they finally went home. no one from Wall Street lost a dime. but that didn't matter to the paid protesters of moonbats

Occupy L.A.: 30 tons of debris left behind at City Hall tent city
November 30, 2011 | 4:32 pm
Sanitation officials said Wednesday that they expect to haul away 30 tons of debris from the Occupy L.A. encampment –- everything from clothing to heaps of garbage to oddball curiosities left behind by the protesters who lived at the City Hall tent city for two months.

Andrea Alarcon, president of the city Public Works board, said workers already have removed 25 tons of belongings from the City Hall park, all of it heading straight to a landfill.

all of it here:
Occupy L.A.: 30 tons of debris left behind at City Hall tent city

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