Chic-Fil-A is making history, and showing the power of the American people/voter.

Priceless, we are failing because we are TOO Tolerant, wow!

this is an example of why the planet laughs at you guys

What so amazing about this, do you think we should tolerate Jerry Sandusky running loose around our children ? I bet he wanted us to be tolerant of him and his actions, just go ask Penn State who is now cleaning up that mess in which he made. There are good things to tolerate and there are bad things we should never tolerate, but the devil has away these days of breaking us right on down, and thus having people believe that we tolerate almost anything anymore, and that game is either ending or is being found out more and more finally.
Chick fil a is NOT making history. What a silly thing to say. There have been plenty of others who have stated their hatred and fear in a very public way.

Ever hear of the Westboro idiots?

This is just one more example of right wing sharia law = the desire or attempt to make law based on religion.
Who are the newest kids on the block that are here now, and for whom are just now learning the history of this nation and it's American ways, religions and cultures in which we have known, and that have been living in peace for so long now within certain periods that brought about peace for many in America ? Who are the newbies that are now trying to change all of the old ways by forcing their views and ideals above and/or over, and this in order to seek power over, instead of assimilating in like it always should have been and still should be in America ?
Chick fil a is NOT making history. What a silly thing to say. There have been plenty of others who have stated their hatred and fear in a very public way.

Ever hear of the Westboro idiots?

This is just one more example of right wing sharia law = the desire or attempt to make law based on religion.

I fear for my friends and family who are Gay, with the rightwing terrorists coming on strong, killing Sikh's, and others...

When these bigot conz get a hair up their ass to kill someone, they do...that worries me
Chick fil a is NOT making history. What a silly thing to say. There have been plenty of others who have stated their hatred and fear in a very public way.

Ever hear of the Westboro idiots?

This is just one more example of right wing sharia law = the desire or attempt to make law based on religion.

I fear for my friends and family who are Gay, with the rightwing terrorists coming on strong, killing Sikh's, and others...

When these bigot conz get a hair up their ass to kill someone, they do...that worries me

KKK types think that Sikhs are Muslims. That's REALLY stupid when you consider that a MUSLIM runs fux.

That and the gun nuts wanting to be able to carry everywhere -- Churches, schools, restaurants, convenience stores -- soon, there will be NO place where we're safe from these NRA tools.

There is no end to the stupidity of the r. If fux says it, it must be true.
Chick fil a is NOT making history. What a silly thing to say. There have been plenty of others who have stated their hatred and fear in a very public way.

Ever hear of the Westboro idiots?

This is just one more example of right wing sharia law = the desire or attempt to make law based on religion.

I fear for my friends and family who are Gay, with the rightwing terrorists coming on strong, killing Sikh's, and others...

When these bigot conz get a hair up their ass to kill someone, they do...that worries me
Yes violence is never the answer, I'll always agree with that for sure, but there are alot of mentally unstable people (lonewolves) looking for a cause to attach themselves to these days, and when they are successful at joining a cause or a group with a cause or a movement with a cause, then it enpowers them (exactly what they want).

Now if not detected as a looney quickly, then a loon perp can cause serious harm to any cause out there, and this if and when the mental perp does join a cause or a movement of some sort that is always out there, and yet without being detected as a mental perp when doing so. There are many ways to tell, but people need to return to being very cautious about their members or even friends of the members who think they are close enough in ties to be a member without certifying as a member.

The way that the perps get close or get into the mainstream, is sort of like the way that people or groups attach themselves to the Civil Rights Cause. It gives strength to their ideology and lifestyles in which they define in their life as good and productive also, and they do this by riding the Civil Rights Act in order to get special protections under the Civil Rights Act or law, even if it wasn't created for them or their groups at all, yet they still attach themselves to it for the strength that it gives them in their cause, especially if successful at doing so when they do this. Nothing wrong with people attaching themselves to causes or groups and such in America, just as long as it is non-violent, good and productive when they do this in society, but when people do this for other reasons that are violent and very bad, then Houston we have a serious problem in America when this is found to be the case.

Now this is not to say that all who do this are somehow mental, but it just goes to show upon how in America, that there are people who go in search of a cause or club to join all the time, and then there are always the sucess rates to go by for this sort of thing yet all depending, in which ends up way upwards into the 99.9% range for many when doing so in a non-violent and productive way. It is just up to Americans to either legitimize a cause and it's membership or not to legitimize a cause and it's membership, and this by recognition of or not.

People who operate a cause, group or club in America, should always be mindful of the perpetrators who want to infiltrate and thus destroy them from the inside out once they get in or try and represent them from the outside (making others think they are members when they are not), and this by committing acts within a groups name, club or association, in which is associated with a cause or a club etc. and then committing acts that are very bad or even deadly at times when this happens in the name of these causes, groups or associations name.

Might be time to check the membership roles in America, and this by the leaders of these groups, clubs or causes in America, and therefore they should remove from them quickly upon their roles, all the violent speaking radicals or perpetrators who want to commit violence in their names.
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Chick fil a is NOT making history. What a silly thing to say. There have been plenty of others who have stated their hatred and fear in a very public way.

Ever hear of the Westboro idiots?

This is just one more example of right wing sharia law = the desire or attempt to make law based on religion.

I fear for my friends and family who are Gay, with the rightwing terrorists coming on strong, killing Sikh's, and others...

When these bigot conz get a hair up their ass to kill someone, they do...that worries me

KKK types think that Sikhs are Muslims. That's REALLY stupid when you consider that a MUSLIM runs fux.

That and the gun nuts wanting to be able to carry everywhere -- Churches, schools, restaurants, convenience stores -- soon, there will be NO place where we're safe from these NRA tools.

There is no end to the stupidity of the r. If fux says it, it must be true.
Blaming the NRA as the enemy is just pure stupid, where as all that you have to do, is watch a little reality TV now & again, especailly all the prison lock up shows on MSNBC, and you will see easily from these shows who the real perps are.

One thing about the camera/movie projector, it don't lie.

It is all just a war or words right now that is going on, but what will it become next if the nation keeps operating by way of these words that are being spoken in these ways anymore I do wonder ?
Chick-Filled-Ass chicken is an embarrassment to the US.
According to your rep power here, you are an embarrasment to yourself...

Uh, this isn't the junior high choosing up sides for kickball.

Grow up.
Oh so my comment was childlike in your opinion, but his cursing and lame accusation was stellar and a Harvard performance according to you on his part ?

Your just to rediculous to take seriously ya know that ?
According to your rep power here, you are an embarrasment to yourself...

Uh, this isn't the junior high choosing up sides for kickball.

Grow up.
Oh so my comment was childlike in your opinion, but his cursing and lame accusation was stellar and a Harvard performance according to you on his part ?

Your just to rediculous to take seriously ya know that ?

Chick-Filled-Ass chicken is bad for you to start with, and now it's homophobic and proud of it. :lol:
According to your rep power here, you are an embarrasment to yourself...

Uh, this isn't the junior high choosing up sides for kickball.

Grow up.
Oh so my comment was childlike in your opinion, but his cursing and lame accusation was stellar and a Harvard performance according to you on his part ?

Your just to rediculous to take seriously ya know that ?

planet earth laughs at all rightwingers

dont you know that yet?
Chick fil a is NOT making history. What a silly thing to say. There have been plenty of others who have stated their hatred and fear in a very public way.

Ever hear of the Westboro idiots?

This is just one more example of right wing sharia law = the desire or attempt to make law based on religion.

I fear for my friends and family who are Gay, with the rightwing terrorists coming on strong, killing Sikh's, and others...

When these bigot conz get a hair up their ass to kill someone, they do...that worries me

Do you have a link to any story where rightwing terrorists have been killing Sikh's, gays, or anyone else? I'd appreciate the information.
Chick fil a is NOT making history. What a silly thing to say. There have been plenty of others who have stated their hatred and fear in a very public way.

Ever hear of the Westboro idiots?

This is just one more example of right wing sharia law = the desire or attempt to make law based on religion.

I fear for my friends and family who are Gay, with the rightwing terrorists coming on strong, killing Sikh's, and others...

When these bigot conz get a hair up their ass to kill someone, they do...that worries me

Do you have a link to any story where rightwing terrorists have been killing Sikh's, gays, or anyone else? I'd appreciate the information.

Please dont shoot me...I have a family, i am surrounded by coworkers, etc.

(i dont call em employees, kinda demeaning)
I fear for my friends and family who are Gay, with the rightwing terrorists coming on strong, killing Sikh's, and others...

When these bigot conz get a hair up their ass to kill someone, they do...that worries me

Do you have a link to any story where rightwing terrorists have been killing Sikh's, gays, or anyone else? I'd appreciate the information.

Please dont shoot me...I have a family, i am surrounded by coworkers, etc.

(i dont call em employees, kinda demeaning)

...Still waiting for that link, thanks.
Do you have a link to any story where rightwing terrorists have been killing Sikh's, gays, or anyone else? I'd appreciate the information.

Please dont shoot me...I have a family, i am surrounded by coworkers, etc.

(i dont call em employees, kinda demeaning)

...Still waiting for that link, thanks.

What will you do with Blacks and Gays when you take over completely, will you kill all of them or will you just take away their right to vote?
Please dont shoot me...I have a family, i am surrounded by coworkers, etc.

(i dont call em employees, kinda demeaning)

...Still waiting for that link, thanks.

What will you do with Blacks and Gays when you take over completely, will you kill all of them or will you just take away their right to vote?
The same could also be asked of you, otherwise the question could be posed or turned around easily to say that "whites" instead of the gays and blacks, are also easily found to be the non-aggressors in any given situation as well, and therefore blacks or gays could be found as being now the ones who seek to kill the whites and/or ultimately take away their rights and ability to unify and/or vote once gain power over them. Do you think the question doesn't, couldn't or wouldn't apply to you also? It very well could..

How about read it that way just one time, because it all depends on what or how anyone or any group is thinking at any given time on these sorts of things, in which ultimately determins the seriousness of the problem upon review, or within it all just depending on and you know it.
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Please dont shoot me...I have a family, i am surrounded by coworkers, etc.

(i dont call em employees, kinda demeaning)

...Still waiting for that link, thanks.

What will you do with Blacks and Gays when you take over completely, will you kill all of them or will you just take away their right to vote?
Why does it have to be black and gays together in your words spoken, as being the victims always in America? Is their some kind of unity amongst these groups in which they draw from each other on any issue like this one is, and so it is felt that if the blacks get into deep water, well the gays are going to be right there with them bailing water also ?
you are confused, so much so you are even confusing me a little

Baggers hate Gays, Blacks, Latinos, etc...Muslims, Jews, Asians, etc.

got that?
you are confused, so much so you are even confusing me a little

Baggers hate Gays, Blacks, Latinos, etc...Muslims, Jews, Asians, etc.

got that?
What is a bagger ? Do you think that gays, blacks, latino's and others are without the ability to hate each other at any given time in life, and this be it as a group verses group or individuals verses individuals so on and so forth ? Whites don't have the patten on hatred in the world, but people like you want the world to believe that they do, but why ? What is your goal finally, to over come the whites someday, and this by the way that you accuse and therefore hate so badly the whites as a race like you do ? You don't fool anyone ya know, as it is learned by your words spoken, along with your baseless, blanketing accusations as you like to throw around like a dirty towel in the room. Got that Conman ?
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you are confused, so much so you are even confusing me a little

Baggers hate Gays, Blacks, Latinos, etc...Muslims, Jews, Asians, etc.

got that?
What is a bagger ? Do you think that gays, blacks, latino's and others are without the ability to hate each other at any given time in life, and this be it as a group verses group or individuals verses individuals so on and so forth ? Whites don't have the patten on hatred in the world, but people like you want the world to believe that they do, but why ? What is your goal finally, to over come the whites someday, and this by the way that you accuse and therefore hate so badly the whites as a race like you do ? You don't fool anyone ya know, as it is learned by your words spoken, along with your baseless, blanketing accusations as you like to throw around like a dirty towel in the room. Got that Conman ?

I will take a stab at this for you, you might actually learn something

A. minorities cant be racists, not my rules, just the facts, but they can be and some are bigots

B. yes, some minority groups show bigotry toward other minority groups, been known to happen

C. white tea party racists, i.e. baggers, are the most dangerous as they have the power of the govt behind them

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