Chasing Michelle: First Lady Racism [Book of Ruth]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Do you think pluralism-politics inspires mature storytelling about lifestyle-matters such as First Lady racism (e.g., Michelle Obama paranoia folklore)?

This is a political-parody so I didn't post it in the Writing section.

Cheers (signing off),


There was this dude who'd dress up like a 'vigilante' and blog on the Internet about pornography and censorship in the modern age. His name was Ajay Satan, and he was a real eccentric, but he believed he was a democratic idealist, the opposite of a terrorist. People actually liked Ajay's blogs and found them rather interesting, but they didn't know he harbored a very strange secret fear about American politics --- First Lady racism.


When Michelle Obama became the first ethnic-minority/African-American First Lady of the USA (wife of ethnic-minority U.S. President Barack Obama), Ajay realized society and culture would forever be different (thanks to journalism!). People would finally say, "Americans were interested in electing a minority woman as First Lady." This would alter the way kids in high-school would write essays about upward mobility and the American Dream. Ajay decided to celebrate and purchased a neo-classic Ford Taurus through a special car-dealer.


Ajay was an amateur comic book writer/fan and decided to create a special G.I. Joe patriotism short-story about Michelle Obama crossing the axis of a magical mirror and landing up as a cartoon woman named Mara, a hostage of a terrorist group called Cobra. Now Michelle/Mara had to be rescued by the forces of G.I. Joe if she wanted to return to Earth and reclaim her 'throne' as U.S. First Lady. Ajay wrote, "People cared about Michelle more than that she was a cartoon and a terrorism-hostage!"


Ajay Satan's G.I. Joe comic book fan-fic gained a lot of attention and crossed the path of the White House, and President Obama invited Ajay to the White House for a special lunch and conversation. During the meeting, Obama asked Ajay why he was intrigued by First Lady politics, and Ajay explained that he'd been an admirer of ethnic-minority female athletes (e.g., Venus Williams, Zina Garrison, Gabriela Sabatini), since he played tennis in high school and that he thought of Michelle Obama as a 'diplomat' of the American Dream. President Obama was so impressed that he gifted Ajay with a vintage Wilson Hammer tennis racquet.


Almost one decade letter, Ajay was in a movie theater watching the film Django Unchained, which starred Leo DiCaprio as an eccentric old-America character and Jamie Foxx (African-American actor) as another eccentric old-America character. While Ajay was enjoying the unusual film, he got the eerie feeling that his G.I. Joe fan-fic about the First Lady (aka, 'Mara') would gain strange readership by anti-American terrorists. Ajay wondered if his fan-fic would put his life in mortal danger(!).


Ajay went home and decided to 'amend' his fan-fic by posting an addendum which included an author-commentary. The commentary explored how First Lady Michelle Obama's early life and high school education were equally representative of the American Dream. Ajay even included a photo of Michelle from high school. Ajay wrote, "If Americans care about the upward mobility of ethnic-minority women, they might equally care about the youthful daydreams of ethnic-minority female students!" Suddenly, Ajay's idea about First Lady terrorism gained an added dimension of 'education-culture aesthetics.'


Ajay received a strange letter in his email just one week later. The message read, "We're impressed you've 'amended' your special-story about First Lady terrorism and the American Dream by including a note about Michelle Obama's early years and high school education/photo. We're a terrorist organization from Algeria, and we were considering using you as a hostage to threaten the Trump Administration which is making incendiary race-based comments about Muslim immigration. However, we see you're basically a 'mature' and 'sensible' American social critic, so we're sending you this Al Jazeera fanfare video-game (home-made) instead. Keep this correspondence a secret, or we'll target you again!"


Ajay Satan realized he'd avoided a terrible danger by amending his First Lady terrorism G.I. Joe comic book fan-fic with his early-education addendum regarding Michelle Obama's life. Ajay took a much-needed vacation to Canada and stayed at a nice Marriott hotel where he surfed the Internet comfortably (using the hotel's WiFi amenities) and read about Michelle Obama's early life. Ajay once again started feeling like he was 'allowed' to embrace free-speech politics in America without feeling 'threatened.' However, while reading/studying, Ajay got the eerie feeling that Michelle Obama was in some real/odd way a 'Christian Biblical muse' of the fictional G.I. Joe hostage-character Mara(!).


"4 And they took them wives of the women of Moab; the name of the one was Orpah, and the name of the other Ruth: and they dwelled there about ten years.

5 And Mahlon and Chilion died also both of them; and the woman was left of her two sons and her husband"
(Book of Ruth - 1:4-5, KJV).




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