Charges dropped in Smollett case

I have not heard why the charges were dropped so I’m not going to go on about if it was the right or wrong thing to do if there was new evidence or witness that proved his innocence great the system worked if not I’m really interested in hearing what changed.
There is on chance to get him. Go for the federal charge of a Hate Crime. I remember there was a case when someone was found not guilty in an assault lor something and the Feds came in and charged him with a federal Hate Crime.

I think this could be changed again when the whole nation is against it. Obama, huh?
I think the Chicago PD and the FBI need to get back on the case and find the 2 men that did this to Smollett!
Judge: How do you plead?

Smollett: black, gay, Trump hater, friend of Michelle Obama and Maxine Watters

Judge: you're innocent!
I have not heard why the charges were dropped so I’m not going to go on about if it was the right or wrong thing to do if there was new evidence or witness that proved his innocence great the system worked if not I’m really interested in hearing what changed.
The charges were dropped in exchange for community service, forfeiture of his bond, and accepting responsibility. He already blew number 3.
You know... people are always out here saying “white privilege” this and that. What happened here? How do 16 felonies just disappear? How does a man who defrauded the entire nation just walk away?
If he was white and anti-Obama, he would have been found guilty and in jail by now. Justice is supposed to be blind. This doesn’t make any sense.
Hate crime is a hate crime. I don't care if he did it to himself, his purpose for doing it went way beyond just himself. Trying to set race relations at an all new low, he tried to make every Trump supporter look like a violent racist. Well, we just love proving the left to be the people they accuse the right of being. This man should be in jail for a loooooooong time, and should never be back in the public eye, other than to answer for the shameful, disgusting actions he took. This is the picture of a despicable person. Also shows just how messed up the legal system is in Shitcago.
Trump got him off to try to get the black actor vote.

Gee I wonder if there is a very suspicious looking money trail from this
admit they made a huge mistake in the Smollett case. Sad.

I guess this means Smollet is innocent ! Just like trump .
Trump IS innocent. Mueller said so, and Mueller is a highly respected man of integrity, many Democrats said so.

Well we don’t know what he said cause the report is not public .

Here is the difference, Trump was investigated and not found guilty, Smollett, on the other hand, was investigated and everyone knew he was guilty.
AND I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT TOO IF IT WEREN'T FOR...never mind I got away with it! - Smollett
Those vested in perpetuating race and hate just got emboldened with Smollet charges being dropped. Watch for an uptick in nooses hanging on college dorm room doors and swaztikas being drawn on synagogues or KKK flyers in neighborhoods.... all perpetrated by liberals looking to manufacture hate like Smollet did.

Chicago style politics at it finest... Ole Saul Alinsky would be so proud...

No, they said he served his time through his previous community service as well as forfeit his 10,000 bail. It’s honestly bizarre, especially with the strong prosecution talk we heard a few weeks ago. My personal theory, this is a distraction from mueller report. Piss off the right and get them looking in another direction. It’s the only thing. That makes sense

This has the stink of the Obama's all over it... 'Wag the Dog', version 712
I think perhaps letting Smollett go could be viewed as a type of reparations that will soon be headed our way once the Dims win control of the Oval Office again.

You simply have to know how these mental midgets think is all.

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