Change The Gun Laws And gut The Nra

don't have to CONVINCE , just have to issue ORDERS if i'm not mistaken 'hadit' !!

Sure, and if enough refuse to obey those orders, the military disintegrates. How many pilots are going to be willing to drop bombs or allow others to drop bombs on their home towns where their families live, just for one example?

Yea that would involve a civil war which has never happened before....

I am just wondering what is going on your mind... Do you believe some dictator is suddenly gain control of the white house and all will obey...

Is there any scenario which doesn't involve people shooting cops...
Stop all this talk about supporting the 2nd Amendment. The other day I heard a governor say how important the 2nd Amendment is. Well, let me tell you something. If we were to be taken over by our own tyrannical government no law allowing the sale of semi-automatic weapons would stop them. See our government has weapons of mass destruction. They've got more than weapons, they've got control over airwaves, or any and all types of mass communication. That argument about the second Amendment is more than kind of dumb.
And nobody is talking about taking away someone's right to own a handgun or a rifle for hunting anyway.
Why the NRA they have so much control over politicians - or why big banks and Wall Street does really illustrates why this country is in a stalemate over many fixable issues.
Gun trade is an explicit condition mandated by our government in such a way that is completely under-reported on. Whose the biggest seller of WMD - we are. We sell more than semiautomatic weapons too. We sell jets designed only for warfare, guided missiles, tanks, you name it and we do it all over the world.
When we talk about US pentagon military acquisitions we're really not just talking about military defense. We're also talking about the eventual sale of all of these WMD's on the open market.
And we are chiefly responsible.

You know this true. And the fact is none of it makes people anywhere any safer.

The real issues of tyranny and injustice can maybe start to be addressed when we do this

Hey loser, yesterday the NRA, the 2nd Amendment, and gun owners won. You gun grabbing morons lost. There is little hope for your ignorant laws and restrictions now bucko!
don't have to CONVINCE , just have to issue ORDERS if i'm not mistaken 'hadit' !!

Sure, and if enough refuse to obey those orders, the military disintegrates. How many pilots are going to be willing to drop bombs or allow others to drop bombs on their home towns where their families live, just for one example?

Yea that would involve a civil war which has never happened before....

I am just wondering what is going on your mind... Do you believe some dictator is suddenly gain control of the white house and all will obey...

Is there any scenario which doesn't involve people shooting cops...

I'm saying that using the overwhelming arms superiority of the military as a reason to gut the 2nd Amendment is folly.
if those pilots are American then I probably agree with you HADIT . My concern is with lots of foreigners with no American ties in the USA military .
I remember the NUREMBERG trials , but the damage had been done , the people slaughtered and the concentration camps built .
well maybe at this time PRATCHET , I wanna see my concerns unfounded but I keep hearing of politicians looking to accommodate young immigrants by letting them join USA military as a way of gaining a job and USA citizenship and I don't like that idea . Like I said earlier in the thread , off topic thought for this thread but I have raised my concern and have gotten some positive feedback so some people understand my reasoning .
well maybe at this time PRATCHET , I wanna see my concerns unfounded but I keep hearing of politicians looking to accommodate young immigrants by letting them join USA military as a way of gaining a job and USA citizenship and I don't like that idea . Like I said earlier in the thread , off topic thought for this thread but I have raised my concern and have gotten some positive feedback so some people understand my reasoning .

I have no idea what experience you have with the military, but they don't take a raw recruit and put him in the cockpit of an airplane. The people you have concerns with would be low level enlisted, not officers or NCOs. And the only reason you have a concern is that you are concerned, not because there is any evidence of any kind to support those concerns. This has been going on for years and there has been absolutely nothing to indicate any of the people involved represent any kind of danger. In addition they represent a miniscule percentage of the total military. I say your concerns are unfounded because they have no foundation.
Stop all this talk about supporting the 2nd Amendment.

The other day I heard a governor say how important the 2nd Amendment is.

It is, as anyone with a modicum of understanding of history understands.

Well, let me tell you something. If we were to be taken over by our own tyrannical government no law allowing the sale of semi-automatic weapons would stop them.

Bullshit. An armed citizenry is the last line of defense against tyranny, be it from internal or external sources.

See our government has weapons of mass destruction. They've got more than weapons, they've got control over airwaves, or any and all types of mass communication.

Logic disconnect. Just because government has weapons does not mean armed citizens are not a deterrent to tyranny.

Not too bright, so far...

That argument about the second Amendment is more than kind of dumb.

Then you ought to be able to state why with specificity, logic and reason. So far, fail.

And nobody is talking about taking away someone's right to own a handgun or a rifle for hunting anyway.

What part of 'shall not be infringed' don't you understand? Further, this statement is a lie. There is ample evidence of leftist Senators, mayors and other "leaders" proclaiming their intent to restrict the right to own handguns and rifles. So far, you're demonstrating that you're full of shit...but keep trying!

Lastly, the 2nd is NOT about hunting!

Why the NRA they have so much control over politicians - or why big banks and Wall Street does really illustrates why this country is in a stalemate over many fixable issues.

The NRA is comprised of people. People control politicians, which is the way it's supposed to work, not the other way around.

And if you're concerned about banks, talk to Dem Chuckie Schumer. Wall Street is in his state afterall.

Gun trade is an explicit condition mandated by our government in such a way that is completely under-reported on.

Oh really? Please point to the enumerated power in the Constitution that gives the federal government the right to "mandate" the gun trade. Good luck with that.

Whose the biggest seller of WMD - we are. We sell more than semiautomatic weapons too. We sell jets designed only for warfare, guided missiles, tanks, you name it and we do it all over the world.
When we talk about US pentagon military acquisitions we're really not just talking about military defense. We're also talking about the eventual sale of all of these WMD's on the open market.
And we are chiefly responsible.

You know this true. And the fact is none of it makes people anywhere any safer.

The real issues of tyranny and injustice can maybe start to be addressed when we do this

So now American companies should not be allowed to sell arms to those that demand those weapons? That's a hell of plan there comrade.

Rarely do we see such a piss poor attempt to justify more government control over the lives of American citizens.

Fail dude...MASSIVE fail.
I remember the NUREMBERG trials , but the damage had been done , the people slaughtered and the concentration camps built .

My point in bringing them up is that illegal or immoral orders should not be followed, and if the military was ordered to fire on or bomb the American homeland, I think very few would obey, and the disobedient would be right.
not really worried about raw recruits in fighter jets Pratchet although someone mentioned that scenario . My concern is large numbers of so called Dreamer immigrants in USA military with the basic M16 and or Beretta or just riot gear , clubs and simple AUTHORITY walking the streets of the USA if that's what they are ever ordered to do . As I've said various USA politicians have pushed the idea of these immigrant dreamers being in USA military . To me , these immigrants , dreamers [foreigners] ,would just be government employees or the 'kings' men as they are working for money and the reward of citizenship and they would have no ties to the American people . They would be similar to mercenaries ready to do the bidding of the king or president . Just my thoughts and opinion and I'm not going to wait for evidence although I notice lots of Iraqis blowing away American soldiers that the Americans have vetted and then trained [in Iraq] !! Yeah , so I guess that my evidence is simply called common sense . And in closing , like I've said , other readers of this thread have understood my reasoning .
and like I've said HADIT , my concern is mainly about a plan allowing so called immigrant dreamers into USA military and that's it . I've also admitted that my thought is off topic but I had the thought and I wanted to voice / type it .
the people would be low level enlisted , awww , no difference to me as in my opinion they shouldn't be in the USA or and especially in USA military Pratchet !!
not really worried about raw recruits in fighter jets Pratchet although someone mentioned that scenario . My concern is large numbers of so called Dreamer immigrants in USA military with the basic M16 and or Beretta or just riot gear , clubs and simple AUTHORITY walking the streets of the USA if that's what they are ever ordered to do . As I've said various USA politicians have pushed the idea of these immigrant dreamers being in USA military . To me , these immigrants , dreamers [foreigners] ,would just be government employees or the 'kings' men as they are working for money and the reward of citizenship and they would have no ties to the American people . They would be similar to mercenaries ready to do the bidding of the king or president . Just my thoughts and opinion and I'm not going to wait for evidence although I notice lots of Iraqis blowing away American soldiers that the Americans have vetted and then trained [in Iraq] !! Yeah , so I guess that my evidence is simply called common sense . And in closing , like I've said , other readers of this thread have understood my reasoning .

Then you should educate yourself about it. Since its inception in 2002, less than 90,000 people have gone through this and there have been no issues. They are not similar to mercenaries, not even slightly. Your concerns are unfounded. Not common sense, just unfounded. And I do understand your reasoning, I just find it unreasoned.
and that's all I'm giving Pratchet while I try to influence others to at least see my point of view .
Stop all this talk about supporting the 2nd Amendment. The other day I heard a governor say how important the 2nd Amendment is. Well, let me tell you something. If we were to be taken over by our own tyrannical government no law allowing the sale of semi-automatic weapons would stop them. See our government has weapons of mass destruction. They've got more than weapons, they've got control over airwaves, or any and all types of mass communication. That argument about the second Amendment is more than kind of dumb.
And nobody is talking about taking away someone's right to own a handgun or a rifle for hunting anyway.
Why the NRA they have so much control over politicians - or why big banks and Wall Street does really illustrates why this country is in a stalemate over many fixable issues.
Gun trade is an explicit condition mandated by our government in such a way that is completely under-reported on. Whose the biggest seller of WMD - we are. We sell more than semiautomatic weapons too. We sell jets designed only for warfare, guided missiles, tanks, you name it and we do it all over the world.
When we talk about US pentagon military acquisitions we're really not just talking about military defense. We're also talking about the eventual sale of all of these WMD's on the open market.
And we are chiefly responsible.

You know this true. And the fact is none of it makes people anywhere any safer.

The real issues of tyranny and injustice can maybe start to be addressed when we do this

The silliest reason for owning guns is to take over the government.

Popguns against the biggest and best equipped military in history.

Yet the British still lost the war,go figure!!

Do you even think about what you npost?

and that's all I'm giving Pratchet while I try to influence others to at least see my point of view .

And I fully support your right to do that. At the same time, I also support my right to explain why you are wrong. This program is excellent, does nothing but good for the nation and should be held up as a shining example of something the government does that actually works.
yep , I just read yer OPINION Pratchet and you can explain anything you like but it is you that is wrong . Large numbers of immigrants working fer money and the reward of USA citizenship have no place in USA military or even the USA .

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