ChaChing - Yet another misogynistic Trump comment gains Hillary $2.4 million

Too bad Hillary's comment that she would shut down every coal mine was true even if she apologized for it.
In her town hall mtg a voter skewered by asking her why should they trust her after she had declared she would destroy them. The lying bitch tried to insist he and his whole state were stupid for taking her comment was taken out of context.

It was so awkward, so uncomfortable, and SO OBVIOUS she was lying her ass off....

But women hate Hillary, even more than Trump. Demonizing her husband's victims, paying women less than men, taking money from Muslim nations that oppress women and engage in female genital mutilation.... yeah, Hillary is scoring major 'BFF' points.

How much uranium did Hillary have to sell to the Russians for the $2MM?
Smart Clinton campaign move capitalizes to the tune of $2.4 million on yet another stupid Trump comment.
Trump just keeps on giving women reason to vote against him.
Donald Trump raised $2.4 million for Hillary Clinton

Besides Trump, you can also thank the duplicitous mainstream media for doing Hilldebeest enormous favors.

Donald Trump on Monday condemned Hillary Clinton for saying she can handle men who go "off the reservation," calling it demeaning to men and to Native Americans.

“If I made that statement about women, it’d be front-page headlines,” the Republican presidential front-runner said on CNN’s “New Day.”

No doubt it won't hurt her with the native american vote... she can say what she wants with impunity.
In a gesture of true gratitude, President Hillary Clinton will offer Donald Trump the ambassadorship to Mexico.
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