CBO: Stimulus saved between 5 to 25 million jobs

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Will they get around to something that will help the economy or are government jobs just too important to be bothered with civilians at large?


Another subject over your head....Damn....

No....I just don't understand your question as worded. You'll have to admit...it is awkeardly stated.

Are you trying to say that the President's policies are reulting in an increase in government jobs and a decrease in private sector jobs? Is that it?
Tsk, tsk, tsk, Chris everyone one of those first time home buyers rebates cost the taxpayer approximately $30,000.00 what a deal!! The housing market still stinks and home values are falling faster than 0bama's poll numbers. BTW, how's that working out for you today?? Is your job still being saved by the taxpayer???

Home Buyer Tax Credit Called Successful, but Costly - NYTimes.com
That $30k figure is pure conjecture with no hard data to back it up. The actual numbers are a MAX of $8,000. Of course, in CON$ervative fuzzy math, $8k can be exaggerated into $30k by mere speculation.

From your link: "Home buyers must have a deal by April 30 and close by June 30 to qualify for the federal tax break, up to $8,000 for first-timers and $6,500 for those merely moving to a different residence."
Tsk, tsk, tsk, Chris everyone one of those first time home buyers rebates cost the taxpayer approximately $30,000.00 what a deal!! The housing market still stinks and home values are falling faster than 0bama's poll numbers. BTW, how's that working out for you today?? Is your job still being saved by the taxpayer???

Home Buyer Tax Credit Called Successful, but Costly - NYTimes.com
That $30k figure is pure conjecture with no hard data to back it up. The actual numbers are a MAX of $8,000. Of course, in CON$ervative fuzzy math, $8k can be exaggerated into $30k by mere speculation.

From your link: "Home buyers must have a deal by April 30 and close by June 30 to qualify for the federal tax break, up to $8,000 for first-timers and $6,500 for those merely moving to a different residence."

The other 20grand it cost was likely in administration fees for the bureaucracy to process it.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, Chris everyone one of those first time home buyers rebates cost the taxpayer approximately $30,000.00 what a deal!! The housing market still stinks and home values are falling faster than 0bama's poll numbers. BTW, how's that working out for you today?? Is your job still being saved by the taxpayer???

Home Buyer Tax Credit Called Successful, but Costly - NYTimes.com
That $30k figure is pure conjecture with no hard data to back it up. The actual numbers are a MAX of $8,000. Of course, in CON$ervative fuzzy math, $8k can be exaggerated into $30k by mere speculation.

From your link: "Home buyers must have a deal by April 30 and close by June 30 to qualify for the federal tax break, up to $8,000 for first-timers and $6,500 for those merely moving to a different residence."

The other 20grand it cost was likely in administration fees for the bureaucracy to process it.
Once CON$ sink their teeth into a lie, they never give it up. Any rationalization for their lies, no mater how far fetched, is acceptable.

To the wicked, everything serves as pretext.
That $30k figure is pure conjecture with no hard data to back it up. The actual numbers are a MAX of $8,000. Of course, in CON$ervative fuzzy math, $8k can be exaggerated into $30k by mere speculation.

From your link: "Home buyers must have a deal by April 30 and close by June 30 to qualify for the federal tax break, up to $8,000 for first-timers and $6,500 for those merely moving to a different residence."

The other 20grand it cost was likely in administration fees for the bureaucracy to process it.
Once CON$ sink their teeth into a lie, they never give it up. Any rationalization for their lies, no mater how far fetched, is acceptable.

To the wicked, everything serves as pretext.

So you think the government gave them that money at no cost to the taxpayer, huh?? I'm thinking you forgot about the interest at about 40% plus the administrative fees related to that (cough, cough) "free" money. Obama, the president that keeps taking and taking while he's tanking and tanking.

Not every buyer was approved, still administrative costs were incurred. From my link above.
For every home buyer like the Greens, real estate agents say there are at least three others who collected the credit even though they would have bought without it. That means for each new buyer who was truly lured into the market by the credit, the federal government paid more than $30,000.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, Chris everyone one of those first time home buyers rebates cost the taxpayer approximately $30,000.00 what a deal!! The housing market still stinks and home values are falling faster than 0bama's poll numbers. BTW, how's that working out for you today?? Is your job still being saved by the taxpayer???

Home Buyer Tax Credit Called Successful, but Costly - NYTimes.com

It worked out great.

Confidence returned to the market, and I make about 100K a year.

Plus, the stock market doubled, the stimulus created 19 straight months of private sector job growth, and 7 straight quarters of GDP growth.

The stimulus saved the American economy.
The other 20grand it cost was likely in administration fees for the bureaucracy to process it.
Once CON$ sink their teeth into a lie, they never give it up. Any rationalization for their lies, no mater how far fetched, is acceptable.

To the wicked, everything serves as pretext.

So you think the government gave them that money at no cost to the taxpayer, huh?? I'm thinking you forgot about the interest at about 40% plus the administrative fees related to that (cough, cough) "free" money. Obama, the president that keeps taking and taking while he's tanking and tanking.

Not every buyer was approved, still administrative costs were incurred. From my link above.
For every home buyer like the Greens, real estate agents say there are at least three others who collected the credit even though they would have bought without it. That means for each new buyer who was truly lured into the market by the credit, the federal government paid more than $30,000.
40% interest! :rofl::lmao:
Hey why don't you do some homework?? What is the interest the treasury is paying on borrowed money?? Just google it, you might be surprised.
The Federal Government has "poofed" away 2 and a half million jobs because they are just gone. This is what keeps the unemployment rate at about 9%.

By reducing the number of jobs thought to be available, the convoluted system to figure the unemployment rate also is reduced. If the number of jobs thought to be available was held at the level it was in 2008, the unemployment rate would be closer to 12.5%.

Any figure from the government is a politically motivated one. Reliance on them is delusional.

That said, where i live, and this could be a seasonal anomaly, the economy seems to be picking up. Many of my customers are hiring, not spectacularly, but with some consistency.

We may have cause for some cautious optimism.
You dumb DittoTards need to stop parroting your MessiahRushie and learn to think for yourselves.

Your MessiahRushie is the most ignorant man in any room he walks into!!!!!

The workforce participation rate and the UE rate have absolutely nothing to do with the number of JOBS!!!!! The number of jobs never appears in the calculations! The workforce participation rate is the RATIO of the total workforce population to the number of both employed and unemployed workers combined.

WF = work force = UE + E
WFpop = work force population (generally defined as all men and women aged 15-64)
p = participation rate = WF / WFpop

The unemployment rate is the ratio of unemployed to the workforce.

UE rate = UE / WF

The workforce participation rate has nothing at all to do with the total number of jobs, you have been lied to yet again because your puppet masters know you are too stupid to know they are lying to you and they also know you are too lazy to think for yourself.

November 22, 2011
RUSH: Well, I think the numbers are manipulated, but do you realize that since January of 2009 when Obama was immaculated, from then 'til now the number of jobs that are available to be filled in this country has been reduced by two and a half million. The regime has just erased them. They've just wiped them off the books. They have just said those jobs, they've not identified what they are, they said those jobs are gone. So if the universe of total jobs available has shrunk by two and a half million, then you can play some games with the unemployment numbers, the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate, if the number of jobs was constant today as it was when Obama was immaculated, the unemployment rate, the reported unemployment rate would be 12.3%. The only reason it's nine is because they just erased two million jobs from the total.


RUSH: It's the workforce participation rate that the Department of Labor plays around with. That's the total number of available jobs, workforce participation rate. It is the lowest it's been since 1983, or the worst, and it's just arbitrarily arrived at. They just say, "Okay, this is the number of jobs available." They erase jobs when businesses shut down, stores close, factories move and so forth.
Come on Code don't run away like a typical CON$ervative coward, defend your MessiahRushie's crapola that you were stupid enough to swallow whole and post in a public forum or admit your gullibility.
Even IF your being honest its no different than the cash for clunkers program. It was a shot of adrenaline that had 0 lasting effects and served to help no one that truly needed help. You know, the poor and people who lost their jobs. It was a complete waste of our money and only served to lengthen our trip to the bottom.

It's you're, not your.

No, it was not a waste of money.

When an economy is in a deflationary spiral, the government MUST be the demand of last resort.

The stimulus turned the economy around, and it has been moving slowly in the right direction ever since.

The stimulus was meant to reverse an economic collapse and prime the economic pump with an influx of cash. It was successful at both

What Republicans object to is the stimulus ran it's course and stopped helping the economy.

And they are right. Obama and Dems bought their way out of a recession, the correction never happened and so every time the market dip and keep dipping people like you (and Obama) blame Republicans.

A house that used to be worth 1 million that is trying to be sold for 600k for 2 years proves that the correction didn’t happen. The problem is the banks can sit on that house at 600k for years because Bush AND Obama bailed them out. If the correction were allowed to happen that 1 million dollar home would be sold for 200k if that is what people will pay and homes would be selling once again.

But you can't buy votes by letting peoples homes sink in value, because short term that looks bad... Of course the long term is a Depression, you know, the Depression we have been in...
It's you're, not your.

No, it was not a waste of money.

When an economy is in a deflationary spiral, the government MUST be the demand of last resort.

The stimulus turned the economy around, and it has been moving slowly in the right direction ever since.

The stimulus was meant to reverse an economic collapse and prime the economic pump with an influx of cash. It was successful at both

What Republicans object to is the stimulus ran it's course and stopped helping the economy.

And they are right. Obama and Dems bought their way out of a recession, the correction never happened and so every time the market dip and keep dipping people like you (and Obama) blame Republicans.

A house that used to be worth 1 million that is trying to be sold for 600k for 2 years proves that the correction didn’t happen. The problem is the banks can sit on that house at 600k for years because Bush AND Obama bailed them out. If the correction were allowed to happen that 1 million dollar home would be sold for 200k if that is what people will pay and homes would be selling once again.

But you can't buy votes by letting peoples homes sink in value, because short term that looks bad... Of course the long term is a Depression, you know, the Depression we have been in...

The economy has been growing for three years. The stimulus worked.
The stimulus was meant to reverse an economic collapse and prime the economic pump with an influx of cash. It was successful at both

What Republicans object to is the stimulus ran it's course and stopped helping the economy.

And they are right. Obama and Dems bought their way out of a recession, the correction never happened and so every time the market dip and keep dipping people like you (and Obama) blame Republicans.

A house that used to be worth 1 million that is trying to be sold for 600k for 2 years proves that the correction didn’t happen. The problem is the banks can sit on that house at 600k for years because Bush AND Obama bailed them out. If the correction were allowed to happen that 1 million dollar home would be sold for 200k if that is what people will pay and homes would be selling once again.

But you can't buy votes by letting peoples homes sink in value, because short term that looks bad... Of course the long term is a Depression, you know, the Depression we have been in...

The economy has been growing for three years. The stimulus worked.

Putting a band aid on a shark bite doesn't work, dipshit........
And they are right. Obama and Dems bought their way out of a recession, the correction never happened and so every time the market dip and keep dipping people like you (and Obama) blame Republicans.

A house that used to be worth 1 million that is trying to be sold for 600k for 2 years proves that the correction didn’t happen. The problem is the banks can sit on that house at 600k for years because Bush AND Obama bailed them out. If the correction were allowed to happen that 1 million dollar home would be sold for 200k if that is what people will pay and homes would be selling once again.

But you can't buy votes by letting peoples homes sink in value, because short term that looks bad... Of course the long term is a Depression, you know, the Depression we have been in...

The economy has been growing for three years. The stimulus worked.

Putting a band aid on a shark bite doesn't work, dipshit........

I agree.

The stimulus should have been larger.
Even IF your being honest its no different than the cash for clunkers program. It was a shot of adrenaline that had 0 lasting effects and served to help no one that truly needed help. You know, the poor and people who lost their jobs. It was a complete waste of our money and only served to lengthen our trip to the bottom.

It's you're, not your.

No, it was not a waste of money.

When an economy is in a deflationary spiral, the government MUST be the demand of last resort.

The stimulus turned the economy around, and it has been moving slowly in the right direction ever since.

The stimulus was meant to reverse an economic collapse and prime the economic pump with an influx of cash. It was successful at both

What Republicans object to is the stimulus ran it's course and stopped helping the economy.

The Republicans don't want anymore stimulus because they want to destroy the economy, so they can win the next election.
good grief. between 5to 25 million..

couldn't they come UP WITH A NUMBER or are we suppose to pick one.

So yeah sure...I believe it, really..:eusa_whistle:

I think it is much closer to the 25 million figure.

The country was headed into a deflationary spiral before the stimulus.

The stimulus saved us from another Great Depression.

Still holding to that article of faith Chris.

We should start calling you brown eyes.

You are a fraud.
It's you're, not your.

No, it was not a waste of money.

When an economy is in a deflationary spiral, the government MUST be the demand of last resort.

The stimulus turned the economy around, and it has been moving slowly in the right direction ever since.

The stimulus was meant to reverse an economic collapse and prime the economic pump with an influx of cash. It was successful at both

What Republicans object to is the stimulus ran it's course and stopped helping the economy.

The Republicans don't want anymore stimulus because they want to destroy the economy, so they can win the next election.

I am afraid your liberal friends in D.C. beat them to the punch.

They won the last election. They wll take the senate. And there is a good chance they will win presidency.

Not putting up more stimulus dollars does nothing to the economy.

Anyone who thinks governemnt can have a dramatic short term effect on the economy is a fool.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, Chris everyone one of those first time home buyers rebates cost the taxpayer approximately $30,000.00 what a deal!! The housing market still stinks and home values are falling faster than 0bama's poll numbers. BTW, how's that working out for you today?? Is your job still being saved by the taxpayer???

Home Buyer Tax Credit Called Successful, but Costly - NYTimes.com

It worked out great.

Confidence returned to the market, and I make about 100K a year.

Plus, the stock market doubled, the stimulus created 19 straight months of private sector job growth, and 7 straight quarters of GDP growth.

The stimulus saved the American economy.

The stock market came back from where it was before (although it hasn't reached those levels yet). This means that it did what it always does.

By contrast, the market went up by a factor of 3.5 under Reagan....all of it new ground.

Now that is an economy. What you have now is a nanny diaper changing state.

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