Cat Names?


This little guy is about 9 or 10 weeks old. He got lost from his mama and crawled into a car engine. He's pretty small, you can feel his bones/spine but since Sunday (when we got him) he's put on weight. We're stumped for a name. Thought Toby was it but it doesn't quite suit him. Jack, Smalls, Beans were also tossed about. Our other cat is Finn, dogs are Penny and Dio. Any suggestions w/be appreciated. Isn't he cute?

He is adorable no matter what you name him. Look at that sweet little face! :)
I think my cat Buddy was one of my favorite cats. I even taught him how to fetch a tinfoil ball. He would bring it to me for kitty treats. He had to be put down because he had bone cancer. That's one thing about pets, it really hurts when you lose them. I was thinking about getting a small dog, but I know I would become completely attached and then when it died, I would be devastated. I don't like feeling sad.

This little guy is about 9 or 10 weeks old. He got lost from his mama and crawled into a car engine. He's pretty small, you can feel his bones/spine but since Sunday (when we got him) he's put on weight. We're stumped for a name. Thought Toby was it but it doesn't quite suit him. Jack, Smalls, Beans were also tossed about. Our other cat is Finn, dogs are Penny and Dio. Any suggestions w/be appreciated. Isn't he cute?

Smoke. Ghost. Or Gary!
I name my cats after the gods or characters of myth or people of history I admire.

Or call him something funny like Rock'n'roll so when you call him, peole hear you yelling "Rock'n'roll!" Or Freeweed. Or if you really want to be un-PC: name him Rape.
The last cat I had was named Woody. I called him Woodson. While inside he was the friendliest house cat that would sleep on your neck. When he went outside be became the demon spawn of the neighborhood.

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