Castro's House Democrat Friends


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Jun 25, 2004
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USS Abraham Lincoln
Disgusting behavior from 22 democrats in the House. Fantastic human rights record these folks are going to rack up in office eh?
The Castro Caucus
Why would 22 House members oppose a Cuban democracy bill?
by Duncan Currie
05/12/2005 9:00:00 AM

CRANKY CONSERVATIVES often dismiss symbolic pro-democracy legislation as so much claptrap. Of course everyone supports the flowering of liberty on foreign soil, they insist. Of course everyone wants to nourish oases of civil society in the deserts of despotism. So why bother with all these vacuous "Yay for freedom" acts? Aren't they kinda like resolving, "We love our Moms"? Shouldn't it go without saying that every member of Congress favors democrats over dictators?

Yes, it should. But then there's Cuba. To endorse the sociopolitical spadework of Cuban democrats is, of course, to rebuke Fidel Castro. And that, apparently, is too much for a handful of House Democrats--and one Republican--to stomach.

On Tuesday, the House passed a measure first introduced by Miami-area congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, a Cuban-American Republican. HR 193 expressed support for the Assembly to Promote the Civil Society in Cuba, an umbrella structure of over 360 dissident and civil society groups led by economist Marta Beatriz Roque.

The Diaz-Balart bill, which gained some 55 cosponsors, contained four basic planks:

(1) The House "extends its support and solidarity to the organizers and participants of the historic meeting of the Assembly to Promote the Civil Society in Cuba on May 20, 2005, in Havana."

(2) The House "urges the international community to support the Assembly's mission to bring democracy to Cuba."

(3) The House "urges the Administration and international community to actively oppose any attempts by the Castro regime to repress or punish the organizers and participants of the Assembly."

(4) The House "shares the pro-democracy ideals of
the Assembly to Promote the Civil Society in Cuba and believes that this Assembly and others will hasten the day of freedom and democracy for the people of Cuba."

The legislation passed with 392 supporters--and 22 opponents.

Those voting "nay" included the following Democrats: Reps. John Conyers (Mich.), Sam Farr (Calif.), Maurice Hinchey (N.Y.), Stephanie Tubbs Jones (Ohio), Carolyn Kilpatrick (Mich.), Dennis Kucinich (Ohio), Barbara Lee (Calif.), Jim McDermott (Wash.), Cynthia McKinney (Ga.), Gregory Meeks (N.Y.), George Miller (Ga.), John Olver (Mass.), Donald Payne (N.J.), Charlie Rangel (N.Y.), José Serrano (N.Y.), Pete Stark (Calif.), Edolphus Towns (N.Y.), Tom Udall (N.M.), Nydia Velázquez (N.Y.), Maxine Waters (Calif.), and Lynn Woolsey (Calif.).
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Unfortunately, this is not unusual behavior for House Democrats. Their behavior toward Central America during the Reagan administration came dangerously close to treason. That's why I love it when libs bring up "the Iran-Contra Scandal". The true scandal was Jim Wright and Co.'s heroic attempt - witting or witless - to help spread Marxist insurgency in the Western Hemisphere. You know - "blame America first". It appears these idiotic, snarling ingrates are singing the same tune.
musicman said:
Unfortunately, this is not unusual behavior for House Democrats. Their behavior toward Central America during the Reagan administration came dangerously close to treason. That's why I love it when libs bring up "the Iran-Contra Scandal". The true scandal was Jim Wright and Co.'s heroic attempt - witting or witless - to help spread Marxist insurgency in the Western Hemisphere. You know - "blame America first". It appears these idiotic, snarling ingrates are singing the same tune.

Its sickening how they try to undermine our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan by spreading unconfirmed rumors about us torturing detainees, slaughtering innocents and of course, my personal favorite, the military targeting left wing journalists.

Are there any good books about what happened in Central America during the 80's? The only ones I've seen thus far have been from dishonest Marxists and "corrupted" human rights activists (the ones that went from honestly reporting and documenting human rights abuses to spreading lies and rumors to make the US look bad).
the article said it was opposed by one republican yet at the end only listed the democrats. no bias there, huh?
SmarterThanYou said:
the article said it was opposed by one republican yet at the end only listed the democrats. no bias there, huh?

Let's count

more than 20 democrats

1 republican (who is a known maverick and probably has a fat donation from one of Castro's buddies in his pocket)

The 20 democrats are not all mavericks, some of them are high profile house dems (conyers, waters, rangel, mcdermott, etc etc)

that represent the extreme liberal wing that is trying to destroy this country and hand it over to Castro, Chavez, Bin Laden and the fascists.
it still doesn't answer who the republican, or 'maverick', is.
It seems our government doesn't care whether another free or part of a dictatorship, as long as they are a "friendly" nation.

Take Chile in the 1970s for example, or SA.
IControlThePast said:
It seems our government doesn't care whether another free or part of a dictatorship, as long as they are a "friendly" nation.

Take Chile in the 1970s for example, or SA.
or darfur now. freedom and democracy are wonderful things to the american government, unless that nation is an ally in the WOT. Then, it seems, sadistic dictators can be tolerated.
IControlThePast said:
It seems our government doesn't care whether another free or part of a dictatorship, as long as they are a "friendly" nation.

Take Chile in the 1970s for example, or SA.

Hold on a sec here--if we ever sent troops to a country where we did NOT have an "interest" in, the peaceniks would go bezerk. It's EXACTLY what happened in Viet Nam. They said there was no reason for our troops to die for "other peoples' " problems No one is gonna step on that bag of burning shit again.
Mr. P said:
Nay TX-14 Rep. Paul, Ronald [R]
ah, so Ron Paul is considered a 'maverick', much like john mccain, because he doesn't vote along party lines all the time. gotcha. :lame2:
SmarterThanYou said:
ah, so Ron Paul is considered a 'maverick', much like john mccain, because he doesn't vote along party lines all the time. gotcha. :lame2:
I don't know if he's a maverick..
I just posted the only R nay vote..happened to be him.
dilloduck said:
Hold on a sec here--if we ever sent troops to a country where we did NOT have an "interest" in, the peaceniks would go bezerk. It's EXACTLY what happened in Viet Nam. They said there was no reason for our troops to die for "other peoples' " problems No one is gonna step on that bag of burning shit again.

There's a difference between not being friends with a country and sending troops there to fight them.

We have supported Dictators over Democratic regimes, possibly even with military force. We ordered the assasination of Democratically elected Allende in Chile. The CIA ordered his execution and helped the coup succeed into a US friendly dictatorship.
Paul is a well-know libertarian Republican. I wonder what his reasoning is behind the no vote.
IControlThePast said:
There's a difference between not being friends with a country and sending troops there to fight them.

We have supported Dictators over Democratic regimes, possibly even with military force. We ordered the assasination of Democratically elected Allende in Chile. The CIA ordered his execution and helped the coup succeed into a US friendly dictatorship.

no doubt we have had to sleep with the devil to face larger enemies whether they be ideoligical or economic---sometimes the only choice for survival is chosing the lesser of two evils
gop_jeff said:
Paul is a well-know libertarian Republican. I wonder what his reasoning is behind the no vote.
libertarian Republican? Now we have three partys.. :clap1: To bad he's all alone. :laugh:
NATO AIR said:
Its sickening how they try to undermine our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan by spreading unconfirmed rumors about us torturing detainees, slaughtering innocents and of course, my personal favorite, the military targeting left wing journalists.

Are there any good books about what happened in Central America during the 80's? The only ones I've seen thus far have been from dishonest Marxists and "corrupted" human rights activists (the ones that went from honestly reporting and documenting human rights abuses to spreading lies and rumors to make the US look bad).

"With Reagan", by Edwin Meese.

It's an eye-opener!

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