Carter was ahead of Obama at this time...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In 1980, Democratic president Jimmy Carter faced an uphill struggle for re-election.
Yet, despite an index of inflation and unemployment far higher than Obama’s, he was actually doing slightly better in the polls.
In March of that year, Carter led his Republican opponent, Ronald Reagan, by around 25 per cent.

By May, Gallup gave him a lead of 49 to 41 per cent – higher than Obama’s today.
Barack Obama is facing his Jimmy Carter moment - Telegraph

Carter had the highest recorded prime interest rate in December 1980 of 21.5%!!!
Carter had in March 1980 14.8% inflation rate!

Carter had a Lower highest unemployment compared to Obama at 11.3% in 1980!

So why is Obama farther behind then Carter was at this time?
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows Mitt Romney and President Obama tied with each candidate attracting 45% support.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
Then Reagan went and did the traitor thing by urging our enemies to hold American hostages till after the election.

They let them go 1/2 hour after Reagan was inaugurated.

Win by any means..that's the conservative way!

Good job boys!

In 1980, Democratic president Jimmy Carter faced an uphill struggle for re-election.
Yet, despite an index of inflation and unemployment far higher than Obama’s, he was actually doing slightly better in the polls.
In March of that year, Carter led his Republican opponent, Ronald Reagan, by around 25 per cent.

By May, Gallup gave him a lead of 49 to 41 per cent – higher than Obama’s today.
Barack Obama is facing his Jimmy Carter moment - Telegraph

Carter had the highest recorded prime interest rate in December 1980 of 21.5%!!!
Carter had in March 1980 14.8% inflation rate!

Carter had a Lower highest unemployment compared to Obama at 11.3% in 1980!

So why is Obama farther behind then Carter was at this time?
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows Mitt Romney and President Obama tied with each candidate attracting 45% support.
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Compare the utter failure of Carter's attempt to rescue the hostages to the successful killing of Osama bin Laden, authorized by President Obama.

Compare the interest rates. Compare the unemployment rate. Compare the inflation rate.

Astonishing that at comparable period of time, Carter's rating s are higher than Obama's.

If the Left ever admits it, it will be either Bush's fault, or the fact that everybody is racist.
A major difference between Carter/Obama is that the MSM is FAR more biased then in Carter's time.

Evan Thomas editor of NewsWeek said.." I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." – NewsWeek Editor Evan Thomas..

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