career politicans

You're correct. It would help greatly if you could say exactly what you mean by "Why can't I just vote for who I want?" That's an awfully broad question, so I keep stabbing at appropriate answers.

He's proposing term limits. I want to know why he feels I shouldn't be able to vote for whom I wish.

For example, my Rep has served more than two terms. I like how he's served his constituents even though he's Republican and we do disagree on some issues. What froggy is proposing is that this man not be allowed to serve any longer, however I want to vote for him should he choose to run again.

Does that make sense now?


It made perfect sense from the beginning. Seems some want to pick nits.

I'm not one to nitpick for nothing. She kept asking a blanket question, to which I asked her to be specific. Geeze...
The Raven thinks that lowering their pay would not help because they are already wealthy. They just desire the power that comes with the position, and with that power comes more wealth.

Then they would score political points by not voting themselves a pay raise.
how do we get rid of them? no more than two terms should be the limit for all offices. lets make it happen.

Yeah, let's have a bunch of inexperienced attorneys running our budget all the time.

Would you want nothing but recent college grads wet behind the ears deciding who's going to get which federal grant for a highway expansion or when the President can deploy the military against a hostile power?

Or Glenn Beck & Co. :eusa_sick:
how do we get rid of them? no more than two terms should be the limit for all offices. lets make it happen.

Yeah, let's have a bunch of inexperienced attorneys running our budget all the time.

Would you want nothing but recent college grads wet behind the ears deciding who's going to get which federal grant for a highway expansion or when the President can deploy the military against a hostile power?

so you think americans are so dumb they'll vote for unexperienced.

If you take away their right to vote for experience if that's what they value, what else can they do? :rolleyes:
If people don't want career employees, they can fire them at their next performance voting review. It is that simple. I take umbrage with people who complain about the government, and then call for authoritarian government legislation to control ones fellow Americans because they don't vote the way some others think they should. We have term limits. It is called elections.
how do we get rid of them? no more than two terms should be the limit for all offices. lets make it happen.

In 2010, you will see a whole lot of people running that you have never heard of before, they are average Americans, vote for them. Vote the rest out, career politicians are out of touch with main stream Americans and it shows, they are clueless about what we need and want out here. Many have never worked a day in their lives, never met a payroll, never ran a small business, never got their hands dirty, yet seem to think that they are the ruling class. Vote em out of there and get real people with real solutions in there.
how do we get rid of them? no more than two terms should be the limit for all offices. lets make it happen.

Yeah, let's have a bunch of inexperienced attorneys running our budget all the time.

Would you want nothing but recent college grads wet behind the ears deciding who's going to get which federal grant for a highway expansion or when the President can deploy the military against a hostile power?

so you think americans are so dumb they'll vote for unexperienced.

Three words: Sarah Palin 2012.
You're correct. It would help greatly if you could say exactly what you mean by "Why can't I just vote for who I want?" That's an awfully broad question, so I keep stabbing at appropriate answers.

He's proposing term limits. I want to know why he feels I shouldn't be able to vote for whom I wish.

For example, my Rep has served more than two terms. I like how he's served his constituents even though he's Republican and we do disagree on some issues. What froggy is proposing is that this man not be allowed to serve any longer, however I want to vote for him should he choose to run again.

Does that make sense now?

If he's not nominated, then you would need to write in his name.

If there are term limits, he wouldn't be eligible to serve.

You're doing this on purpose, aren't you :lol:
He's proposing term limits. I want to know why he feels I shouldn't be able to vote for whom I wish.

For example, my Rep has served more than two terms. I like how he's served his constituents even though he's Republican and we do disagree on some issues. What froggy is proposing is that this man not be allowed to serve any longer, however I want to vote for him should he choose to run again.

Does that make sense now?

If he's not nominated, then you would need to write in his name.

If there are term limits, he wouldn't be eligible to serve.

You're doing this on purpose, aren't you :lol:

No, I'm really not. I simply didn't understand under which circumstances you couldn't vote for whomever you want. Now I know. Wasn't that easy? That said, he could actually run for the Senate if he had been a Congressman, or governor of your state, or even president. In the meantime, you're stuck with someone who would perhaps carry on the traditions that you favor.
He's proposing term limits. I want to know why he feels I shouldn't be able to vote for whom I wish.

For example, my Rep has served more than two terms. I like how he's served his constituents even though he's Republican and we do disagree on some issues. What froggy is proposing is that this man not be allowed to serve any longer, however I want to vote for him should he choose to run again.

Does that make sense now?


It made perfect sense from the beginning. Seems some want to pick nits.

I'm not one to nitpick for nothing. She kept asking a blanket question, to which I asked her to be specific. Geeze...

The only national race one can vote for is president which already has term limits built in. Therefore, when she asks why she can't vote for whoever she wants......that is obviously within her state, district, precinct, etc. Geeze.....

It made perfect sense from the beginning. Seems some want to pick nits.

I'm not one to nitpick for nothing. She kept asking a blanket question, to which I asked her to be specific. Geeze...

The only national race one can vote for is president which already has term limits built in. Therefore, when she asks why she can't vote for whoever she wants......that is obviously within her state, district, precinct, etc. Geeze.....

I guess you didn't read her further comments. That is NOT what she meant.
I'm not one to nitpick for nothing. She kept asking a blanket question, to which I asked her to be specific. Geeze...

The only national race one can vote for is president which already has term limits built in. Therefore, when she asks why she can't vote for whoever she wants......that is obviously within her state, district, precinct, etc. Geeze.....

I guess you didn't read her further comments. That is NOT what she meant.
Yes, it was lol.
The only national race one can vote for is president which already has term limits built in. Therefore, when she asks why she can't vote for whoever she wants......that is obviously within her state, district, precinct, etc. Geeze.....

I guess you didn't read her further comments. That is NOT what she meant.
Yes, it was lol.

Maybe it is that foreign language you keep typing in Emma. :lol:
Yeah term limits are required
With little real states rights being respected , Dynaties like the Bush's Kennedy's and Rockefellers screwing with people for there entire lives, We now have a oligarchy a political class who pay lip service to constituents are strangers to the constitution and are basicallty power hungry animals .
Either restore state rights or limit terms.
Yeah term limits are required
With little real states rights being respected , Dynaties like the Bush's Kennedy's and Rockefellers screwing with people for there entire lives, We now have a oligarchy a political class who pay lip service to constituents are strangers to the constitution and are basicallty power hungry animals .
Either restore state rights or limit terms.

Nothing like a victimhood post wrapped in projected bias and untruth, to get John Q. Public inspired.
how do we get rid of them? no more than two terms should be the limit for all offices. lets make it happen.

How would that do any good? It's not the public office guys that are the problem, it's the behind the scenes infrastructure guys, and they are unelected and unaccountable. You really want to make a difference? Outlaw political parties, period.
how do we get rid of them? no more than two terms should be the limit for all offices. lets make it happen.

How would that do any good? It's not the public office guys that are the problem, it's the behind the scenes infrastructure guys, and they are unelected and unaccountable. You really want to make a difference? Outlaw political parties, period.

Or k street lobbyists and the interns who listen to them.
Yes, it was lol.

Maybe it is that foreign language you keep typing in Emma. :lol:

¿Qué ?

Picky picky picky, people. Then why did you finally clarify in Post #68 what you meant?

"If there are term limits, he wouldn't be eligible to serve."​

That sounds to me like you were referring to your Washington lawmakers, and not your state or local people. This thread is not about local legislators.

Enough already...