Capitol Police Deny David Bailey is Killer of Ashli Babbitt. What Goes On?

she was committing a crime, sorry, isn't that your excuse for instantaneous death sentence by the state via Judge Dredd?

It’s public property. I do not believe that American citizens should be barred from any public property except under the most extreme conditions. I especially believe that elected officials need to be less separated from their constituents. She did nothing wrong, as I see it.
So, as someone else pointed out, you can waltz onto Air Force One? All rooms in the White House? Do a jaunt thru the Pentagon?
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.

According to the only standard that matters to you, what works for your fascist political propaganda
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Suppose you rob a bank. The security guard takes a shot at you but he missed and killed the bank manager.

Who's going to be charged with murder?

Now that's a totally bogus analogy. Note how you don't apply that to the leftist protestors who killed more than twenty people, fascist hypocrite.

And in this case, you are a total liar, you don't even know how the cop died because they refuse to tell us.

Yet, you don't hold leftists accountable for people who died while they were just committing criminal acts like looting and starting fires.

Which was my point, Nazi
"Killed over 20 people"?

Have not heard of any, why don't you post something up?
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
Maybe they will use the video to train more cops to shoot thirteen year old's and twelve year old's?
Who are you complaining to? Near everything ruled in the areas affected is deep blue. Every level of the system is deep blue or backs deep blue or is employed by mostly deep blue or has the prison and justice system that is deep blue or has near total political system that is deep blue or has most legal pundits elected and non elected for the system that is deep blue and more then that. People who are not Progs and do not minimize their purchases and time because of the revolutionary insurrectionists in deep blue areas deserve what they get. The Prog politicians even promote it and are murderers.
Victim crying.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.
You are demented.
She was in a restricted federal zone. No different than trying to enter the Oval Office, or the Presidents private residence, and claim it's "public" because it's in the white house.

See my response to Moonglow You do realize that President Lincoln saw members of the public in the White House on a first-come, first-served basis DURING THE CIVIL WAR, correct?
And he was assassinated primarily due to lack of protection. You think we still live in the 19th century?
They were there protesting most of the Thousands upon thousands that were there. They went to congress to protest congress-------don't know why this is a hard concept. This is what our founders intended.
Assaulting the Capitol is what our founders intended?

In which reality?
The march on Washington
The million man march
The womens match

That's what the founders intended.
None of those stormed a session of congress.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.
You are demented.
You're in denial
Try walking onto a military base armed. Unfortunately your idea of freedom is not copacetic with the rest of the world's limitations.

Then fuck the world. Especially the elected governments that shackle it.
So...because you can't just waltz into a military base you say "then fuck the world"?
Since she died in the commission of a crime, all of those who took part in the crime with her should be legally responsible for her death.

Trespassing?? LOL That's what most of those folks are charged with. Trespassing.

Wrong, some are charged with conspiracy. Conspiracy and other associated charges are felonies.

Wrong. Most will be charged with trespassing. Very few will be charged with felonies.
The mob didn't kill anyone despite the left and media lies

Interesting thing about the felony murder rule. Say there's a bank robbery, and the police in response accidently shoot one of the customers, who dies. Those committing the bank robbery, including the lookouts, drivers, and others not even in the bank, can be charged with the felony murder of the person law enforcement killed.
Ashli wasn't accidently shot---she was murdered by a racist blm supporter...flat out. was a good shoot by a public servant doing his duty to protect his Congressional charges. Good for him, whatever his name is.
Actually the enumerated powers are just an exampled subset. As everything from farm subsidies to welfare, come under the general welfare clause.

I could not disagree with you any more fervently in this topic. I was taught the enumerated powers were a definitive list of Congressional powers. The wording of the Trnth amendment seems to agree with that interpretation far better than yours.
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
The killer is the mob of insurrectionists.

According to the only standard that matters to you, what works for your fascist political propaganda
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

Suppose you rob a bank. The security guard takes a shot at you but he missed and killed the bank manager.

Who's going to be charged with murder?

Now that's a totally bogus analogy. Note how you don't apply that to the leftist protestors who killed more than twenty people, fascist hypocrite.

And in this case, you are a total liar, you don't even know how the cop died because they refuse to tell us.

Yet, you don't hold leftists accountable for people who died while they were just committing criminal acts like looting and starting fires.

Which was my point, Nazi
I see the "Nazi" word is up and about today. 20 people, huh?
They were there protesting most of the Thousands upon thousands that were there. They went to congress to protest congress-------don't know why this is a hard concept. This is what our founders intended.
Assaulting the Capitol is what our founders intended?

In which reality?
The march on Washington
The million man march
The womens match

That's what the founders intended.
Remember American Spring? :heehee:
A denial from the Capitol Police. What is there for them to study and investigate here? Something smells rotten.
Transparency would fix this but no, they aren’t that smart.'s the government's fault that orange cultists are confused in their doxxing efforts?
Like most all of the issues we have in this country yes, government incompetence is at the bottom of it.
Since she died in the commission of a crime, all of those who took part in the crime with her should be legally responsible for her death.

Trespassing?? LOL That's what most of those folks are charged with. Trespassing.

Wrong, some are charged with conspiracy. Conspiracy and other associated charges are felonies.

Wrong. Most will be charged with trespassing. Very few will be charged with felonies.

More than 100 defendants have been charged with assaulting, resisting or impeding officers or employees, and 35 of those were charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon, the Department of Justice said. About 140 officers were assaulted during the attack, according to a Justice Department spokesperson.

More than 350 were charged with entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds, and more than 35 were charged with entering the Capitol with a dangerous or deadly weapon, the spokesperson said.
Pelosi invited and encouraged them to come.
Weird how the story from the RWNJs keep evolving. Now Pelosi invited them?

Complete disconnect from reality there.
Didn't you hear? The rioters were really just cute and cuddly teddy bears handing out hugs on Capitol Hill.
Now that the truth is glaring out, I consider those people heroes. Even the Antifa ones too!!
What antifa ones?
Since she died in the commission of a crime, all of those who took part in the crime with her should be legally responsible for her death. can't arrest people for witnessing a crime.
trespass is a CAPITAL CRIME?
When done against the Capitol.

since when?
Well there's this ...

... and this ...

... and this ...

... and this ...

... and this ...

... and this ...

... and more, no doubt. So there's plenty to charge those domestic terrorists with. They'll be locked up for years.

And even when the get out, they can't legally own a gun or vote.

Actually the enumerated powers are just an exampled subset. As everything from farm subsidies to welfare, come under the general welfare clause.

I could not disagree with you any more fervently in this topic. I was taught the enumerated powers were a definitive list of Congressional powers. The wording of the Trnth amendment seems to agree with that interpretation far better than yours.
So, you wish to ignore the part of Article I, Section 7 that says: "To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof."

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