Senior Member
More evidence of Police Corruption at the highest levels. Policy Makers at the Washington $tate Patrol guide their officers to focus on Taxation through Citation instead of 'real' crimes.
Can't Wait For This To Show Up On 'Cops'
December 6, 2005
By Ken Schram
SEATTLE - They don't just want your spare change.
They want the rent money!!
That's why the panhandler might actually be a state patrol officer. (Read more about it here in the Seattle Times.)
Boy, I can hardly wait for this one to show up on "Cops."
The trick is to masquerade a state trooper as a beggar, complete with a cardboard sign that says "Happy Holidays, Buckle Up."
Said trooper is then put out on a busy street corner somewhere, surreptitiously looking for drivers who are -- GASP! -- not wearing their seat belt.
Once a scofflaw is spotted, the trooper radios ahead to some other troopers who are hiding out nearby.
A with a flick of the blue lights and siren, the state is $101 richer.
Ain't that just so clever?
Of course, we know this is ALL about safety.
We KNOW the patrol is interested in NOTHING more than keeping dumb people safe.
Certainly, the patrol is not in this for those hundred-buck tickets.
I mean, it'd be hard to fathom that law enforcement officers would stoop to the point of being shills for the state.
And in answer to that often asked question: "Don't they have something better to do?"
The answer is: Apparently not.
Watcha gonna do when they come for you... bad boys, bad boys....