Can't wait for this to show up on 'Cops'


Senior Member
May 12, 2004
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Enterprise, Alabama
More evidence of Police Corruption at the highest levels. Policy Makers at the Washington $tate Patrol guide their officers to focus on Taxation through Citation instead of 'real' crimes.

Can't Wait For This To Show Up On 'Cops'

December 6, 2005

By Ken Schram

SEATTLE - They don't just want your spare change.
They want the rent money!!

That's why the panhandler might actually be a state patrol officer. (Read more about it here in the Seattle Times.)

Boy, I can hardly wait for this one to show up on "Cops."

The trick is to masquerade a state trooper as a beggar, complete with a cardboard sign that says "Happy Holidays, Buckle Up."

Said trooper is then put out on a busy street corner somewhere, surreptitiously looking for drivers who are -- GASP! -- not wearing their seat belt.

Once a scofflaw is spotted, the trooper radios ahead to some other troopers who are hiding out nearby.

A with a flick of the blue lights and siren, the state is $101 richer.

Ain't that just so clever?

Of course, we know this is ALL about safety.

We KNOW the patrol is interested in NOTHING more than keeping dumb people safe.

Certainly, the patrol is not in this for those hundred-buck tickets.

I mean, it'd be hard to fathom that law enforcement officers would stoop to the point of being shills for the state.

And in answer to that often asked question: "Don't they have something better to do?"

The answer is: Apparently not.

Watcha gonna do when they come for you... bad boys, bad boys....
You know my thoughts on unneccasary tickets for laws that are only made to generate revenue, DMP. The cops used to be a symbol of security within a neighborhood. Now anytime i look at one, i just think of how much money they steal from people just so they can justify their $70k-$100k a year gigs.

Then when you actually need a cop for an emergency, there is very little they can actually do. Theres a neighborhood in my area called Bloomsdale. Its a runddown suburban ghetto with the majority of residents being section 8 blacks, hispanics and white trash. Its sad because if you go 5 miles in any direction, its a nice suburban area. But inside Bloomsdale, there are drug dealers on the corners and gangs that roam freely. The cops won't go anywhere near the place. They higher new cops every year with the justification that the crime rate is increasing and they need to combat the drug dealers and yet they never set foot in the dealers main territory because they are scared. My boss's friend's son has his bike stolen from their front yard by a bloomsburg kid. When they rode past the house and saw the bike on the lawn, he called the cops and told them where to find the bike. The guy went to bloomsdale by himself and started raising hell to get his son's bike back. The cop ended up taking him aside and saying to him "what are you nuts, theres a reason we dont go in here." He never got his kids bike back and the cops never did a damn thing about it except file a report.

But guess how many cops it takes to pull someone over around here? Apparently 4. I observed 2 cop cars pulled over when i drove past them on a road and a 3rd pulling up in my rear view mirror. When i drove back that way 10 mins later, there were 4 cop cars pulled off on the side of the road and the person they pulled over was gone. They were all shooting the breeze on the side of the road because they got nothing better to do. But man when its ticket time, they get down to business. Its only $101 out by you , DMP? Consider yourself lucky. Every ticket in this area just jumped up to $150.
insein said:
You know my thoughts on unneccasary tickets for laws that are only made to generate revenue, DMP. The cops used to be a symbol of security within a neighborhood. Now anytime i look at one, i just think of how much money they steal from people just so they can justify their $70k-$100k a year gigs.

Then when you actually need a cop for an emergency, there is very little they can actually do. Theres a neighborhood in my area called Bloomsdale. Its a runddown suburban ghetto with the majority of residents being section 8 blacks, hispanics and white trash. Its sad because if you go 5 miles in any direction, its a nice suburban area. But inside Bloomsdale, there are drug dealers on the corners and gangs that roam freely. The cops won't go anywhere near the place. They higher new cops every year with the justification that the crime rate is increasing and they need to combat the drug dealers and yet they never set foot in the dealers main territory because they are scared. My boss's friend's son has his bike stolen from their front yard by a bloomsburg kid. When they rode past the house and saw the bike on the lawn, he called the cops and told them where to find the bike. The guy went to bloomsdale by himself and started raising hell to get his son's bike back. The cop ended up taking him aside and saying to him "what are you nuts, theres a reason we dont go in here." He never got his kids bike back and the cops never did a damn thing about it except file a report.

But guess how many cops it takes to pull someone over around here? Apparently 4. I observed 2 cop cars pulled over when i drove past them on a road and a 3rd pulling up in my rear view mirror. When i drove back that way 10 mins later, there were 4 cop cars pulled off on the side of the road and the person they pulled over was gone. They were all shooting the breeze on the side of the road because they got nothing better to do. But man when its ticket time, they get down to business. Its only $101 out by you , DMP? Consider yourself lucky. Every ticket in this area just jumped up to $150.

geesh...couple that with the Eagles and you have a good reason to be upset.



Seriously - I get a little upset when I think it'll NEVER change. Why? People are generally stupid.

From the Police:
"Speed kills! So we're investing $15M this year to combat Speeders! It'll make our roads SAFER! I mean, really, we get your tax dollars for all this, but what's your SAFETY worth eh? Also, in addition to your tax dollar, we're going to cite and fine you for stupid stuff ALL in the name of safety - and you'll believe it and like it!"

General Public: 'Uh..okay."
dmp said:
Seriously - I get a little upset when I think it'll NEVER change. Why? People are generally stupid.

From the Police:
"Speed kills! So we're investing $15M this year to combat Speeders! It'll make our roads SAFER! I mean, really, we get your tax dollars for all this, but what's your SAFETY worth eh? Also, in addition to your tax dollar, we're going to cite and fine you for stupid stuff ALL in the name of safety - and you'll believe it and like it!"

General Public: 'Uh..okay."

Hey i think ive seen that pamphlet from my local and state police. ;)

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