Candace Owens to run for office.

I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

We have.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true. This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Ghost rider needs to shut the fuck up.

Quit hiding behind the ignore button and say that to me directly you coward.

That's your pat response to any viewpoint you disagree with:

"_________(insert name of individual, group, race or ethnicity) just needs to shut the fuck up."

The only reason he's sucking Owens pussy is because she supports his racist point of view.

I'm not surprised you haven't noticed but, I have said nothing in praise of Owens. Not one word. All I've done is ask these Owens critics to give evidence that they know she switched parties out of greed. So far, none have.

I have done plenty of research on Owens and I have seen plenty of sellouts like her in my life. She's a sellout, I don't want to talk to her and don't need to.

No one said you had to.

There are black republicans who do not hold the views of Owens and they don't get shot up to national prominence like she is because they don't run around dissing blacks who oppose racism and they don't lie about how racism doesn't exist or that blacks have this mysterious victim mentality that was first made up by the fat cancer patient.

Owens never said racism doesn't exist.
Owens claimed racism is no longer a problem

Conservatives pay her big money to say it.

The definition and perception of racism has expanded in scope and complexity. That’s the problem. Saying white engineers can never be good as Asian engineers due to genetics, is racist ( this has been said to me). Saying that you disagree with an energy
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

We have.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true. This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Ghost rider needs to shut the fuck up.

Quit hiding behind the ignore button and say that to me directly you coward.

That's your pat response to any viewpoint you disagree with:

"_________(insert name of individual, group, race or ethnicity) just needs to shut the fuck up."

The only reason he's sucking Owens pussy is because she supports his racist point of view.

I'm not surprised you haven't noticed but, I have said nothing in praise of Owens. Not one word. All I've done is ask these Owens critics to give evidence that they know she switched parties out of greed. So far, none have.

I have done plenty of research on Owens and I have seen plenty of sellouts like her in my life. She's a sellout, I don't want to talk to her and don't need to.

No one said you had to.

There are black republicans who do not hold the views of Owens and they don't get shot up to national prominence like she is because they don't run around dissing blacks who oppose racism and they don't lie about how racism doesn't exist or that blacks have this mysterious victim mentality that was first made up by the fat cancer patient.

Owens never said racism doesn't exist.
Owens claimed racism is no longer a problem

Conservatives pay her big money to say it.

The definition and perception of Racism today has expanded in scope and complexity. That’s the problem. Saying white engineers can never be good as Asian engineers is racist. Questioning or disagreeing with the economic or energy policy of a Black President is not racist. Content on this board provides a good example.

Official and open racism is no longer tolerated. Expression of racism has become more subtle.

Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. One only has to look at the election of Obama to see the racists come out of the woodwork.
Could it bew just disagree with his promise to "fundamentally transform America"? You want to use his race to shield him from criticism, yet you want us to be believe YOUR motives are pure when you attack Candice Owens.

Thou Hypocrite!
Vs claiming that the US is no longer Great?
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

It goes without saying that if you don't agree with her views, it will not be a positive message to you.

And continuing with the greed line of argument continues to ignore the fact that other blacks have switched with no financial gain.

Name a few.

I will when you give me proof that Owens only switched out of greed.

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

You have. So what did she say?

We are still waiting for her to tell us what time period America was great for black folks, for some odd reason she couldn't answer that question.

This is irrelevant to the question I asked. I asked if anyone ever asked her why she switched.

Besides, I saw that video. Every time she tried to answer the idiot kept shouting her down. Sorry, but this one doesn't cut it.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true.

Wrong. She never made that claim.

“Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, okay? I really don’t remember it. And suddenly, toward the end of Obama, we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up. It became White versus Black all over again. I shouldn’t even say all over again because when I was alive, it was not an issue. It all became about race. Candace Owens.

I see nowhere in this quote that she said she never experienced racism.

The subject of race, racism and cultural appropriation have gripped this country like it never has before, even when she was a victim of racism. This is what she was talking about.

She didn't say racism was not an issue, she said race was not an issue like it is today. Meaning, we've never had this level of accusations, allegations and paranoia about race. We didn't have the problem we have today of people making issues about race that are not.

The way Owens and people like myself see it, racism exists. However, the number of people being publicly accused of racism has skyrocketed. People are being accused of racism for everything from smiling at an elderly Native American to not showing the proper level of contrition for white privilege. We're being hounded from all directions and usually it's for the most ridiculous reasons imaginable.

This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Did Diamond and Silk switch or were they always conservatives?

What did they switch from?

Ask him, he's the one who said it.

Here is a video of her weak ass excuse of why she switched parties.

First of all, I've seen this video and I happen to agree with a lot of what she says. I don't see it as a "weak excuse" at all. Secondly, no one needs an "excuse" to switch to the Republican party. "Excuse" implies that the action is immoral, unethical or frowned upon. To say she needs an excuse to switch implies that one needs an excuse to be a Republican at all.

Switching to the Republican party needs no excuse or justification and neither myself, Candace Owens, or any other person who decides to cross the aisle needs your blessing or absolution or your permission.

You're correct this is America and you can join which ever party you like, it still doesn't change the fact of who she is. Unfortunately most black folks who become republicans are looking to be accepted by white republicans and will attack other blacks or lose self to be accepted by those republicans.

Are black Democrats not looking to be accepted by white Democrats? I would think this is exactly what they are doing because they feel only white Democrats can help them pursue black interests.

Although, it may be more accurate to say that white Democrats are looking to be accepted by blacks.

No, most black Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare -- improve voting rights protections, strengthen labor protections -- you know, pretty much the same shit most other democrats want policy wise.

Okay. But by the same token, the obverse is also true: Most black Republicans want to expand Republican interests and programs --you know, pretty much the same shit most other Republicans want policy wise.

It seems to me that a lot of Democrats, both white and black, have erected this false paradigm where, to be a black Democrat is right and good and true and only because they agree with Democrat policies and visions. Whereas, to be a black Republican who pushes for any kind of policy or view that does not totally align with certain Democrat policies regarding the black community is to be an Uncle Tom sellout and a whitey suckup.

You can't have it both ways. Logic and the law of averages dictates that sometimes you're going to have a black conservative who has ideas and views that run counter to yours and that they hold these views because they sincerely believe them and not just because he wants acceptance from whitey.

We don't need to be patted on the head by white Democrats and told that we are one of the "good blacks" -- because we don't have this built in hatred of ourselves like some black republicans have....

One could also say that some black Democrats have a built-in hatred of themselves. For sure there are a lot of white Democrats with a built-in hatred of themselves because of all the white privilege rhetoric flying around.

You will never see a black democrat say "Racism does not exist and has not ever existed in this country" -- just so you can get some pats on the head like this moron does...

View attachment 321037

"Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?” “Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

It's tantamount to a Jewish person who had DIRECT descendants who died in gas chambers claiming that the holocaust never existed just to get pats on the head from Neo-Nazis...and folks like you shaming other Jewish people for not adopting his beliefs....

I've never heard of this guy but, if he actually said there is/was no racism then you're right, he's a moron.

The difference here between Owens and this guy though is that he actually said it. Owens did not. Owens merely said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues." People have conflated these words so out of proportion that they have been rendered meaningless.

I've already explained what I think she meant by this and I cited the explosion of race-related accusations, allegations and attributions a number of times as an example of what she was talking about. And you know what? Not one of you has even acknowledged that it is true that we're seeing and hearing about race and racism today like never before. We have never before seen the numbers of accusations we're seeing now and we have never before seen the number of false accusations of racism we're seeing now.

Finally, let's take an objective look at what Owens said in context rather than quoting her out of context as Democrats are wont to do. Here is the entire paragraph:

"Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, o.k. I really don’t remember it. Then suddenly towards the end of Obama, we started hearing all this rhetoric drummed up. This white versus black all over again”

As you can plainly see, she is not saying racism doesn't exist or that it didn't exist. She's referring to the fact that race issues are suddenly everywhere and it's what everybody is talking about on a daily basis.

She may or may not be right that Obama had anything to do with it but she is spot on when she says it wasn't so prevalent ten to fifteen years ago. That is a fact.

I could understand conservative blacks embracing fiscal conservatism. Control spending, balance budgets, keep taxes low.

However, I can’t understand blacks like Candace Owens and Alveda King dismissing the struggles blacks have faced in the past and still face today. The repeating of racist claims that welfare programs equate to slavery is beyond understanding
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

It goes without saying that if you don't agree with her views, it will not be a positive message to you.

And continuing with the greed line of argument continues to ignore the fact that other blacks have switched with no financial gain.

Name a few.

I will when you give me proof that Owens only switched out of greed.

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

You have. So what did she say?

We are still waiting for her to tell us what time period America was great for black folks, for some odd reason she couldn't answer that question.

This is irrelevant to the question I asked. I asked if anyone ever asked her why she switched.

Besides, I saw that video. Every time she tried to answer the idiot kept shouting her down. Sorry, but this one doesn't cut it.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true.

Wrong. She never made that claim.

“Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, okay? I really don’t remember it. And suddenly, toward the end of Obama, we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up. It became White versus Black all over again. I shouldn’t even say all over again because when I was alive, it was not an issue. It all became about race. Candace Owens.

I see nowhere in this quote that she said she never experienced racism.

The subject of race, racism and cultural appropriation have gripped this country like it never has before, even when she was a victim of racism. This is what she was talking about.

She didn't say racism was not an issue, she said race was not an issue like it is today. Meaning, we've never had this level of accusations, allegations and paranoia about race. We didn't have the problem we have today of people making issues about race that are not.

The way Owens and people like myself see it, racism exists. However, the number of people being publicly accused of racism has skyrocketed. People are being accused of racism for everything from smiling at an elderly Native American to not showing the proper level of contrition for white privilege. We're being hounded from all directions and usually it's for the most ridiculous reasons imaginable.

This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Did Diamond and Silk switch or were they always conservatives?

What did they switch from?

Ask him, he's the one who said it.

Here is a video of her weak ass excuse of why she switched parties.

First of all, I've seen this video and I happen to agree with a lot of what she says. I don't see it as a "weak excuse" at all. Secondly, no one needs an "excuse" to switch to the Republican party. "Excuse" implies that the action is immoral, unethical or frowned upon. To say she needs an excuse to switch implies that one needs an excuse to be a Republican at all.

Switching to the Republican party needs no excuse or justification and neither myself, Candace Owens, or any other person who decides to cross the aisle needs your blessing or absolution or your permission.

You're correct this is America and you can join which ever party you like, it still doesn't change the fact of who she is. Unfortunately most black folks who become republicans are looking to be accepted by white republicans and will attack other blacks or lose self to be accepted by those republicans.

Are black Democrats not looking to be accepted by white Democrats? I would think this is exactly what they are doing because they feel only white Democrats can help them pursue black interests.

Although, it may be more accurate to say that white Democrats are looking to be accepted by blacks.

No, most black Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare -- improve voting rights protections, strengthen labor protections -- you know, pretty much the same shit most other democrats want policy wise.

Okay. But by the same token, the obverse is also true: Most black Republicans want to expand Republican interests and programs --you know, pretty much the same shit most other Republicans want policy wise.

It seems to me that a lot of Democrats, both white and black, have erected this false paradigm where, to be a black Democrat is right and good and true and only because they agree with Democrat policies and visions. Whereas, to be a black Republican who pushes for any kind of policy or view that does not totally align with certain Democrat policies regarding the black community is to be an Uncle Tom sellout and a whitey suckup.

You can't have it both ways. Logic and the law of averages dictates that sometimes you're going to have a black conservative who has ideas and views that run counter to yours and that they hold these views because they sincerely believe them and not just because he wants acceptance from whitey.

We don't need to be patted on the head by white Democrats and told that we are one of the "good blacks" -- because we don't have this built in hatred of ourselves like some black republicans have....

One could also say that some black Democrats have a built-in hatred of themselves. For sure there are a lot of white Democrats with a built-in hatred of themselves because of all the white privilege rhetoric flying around.

You will never see a black democrat say "Racism does not exist and has not ever existed in this country" -- just so you can get some pats on the head like this moron does...

View attachment 321037

"Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?” “Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

It's tantamount to a Jewish person who had DIRECT descendants who died in gas chambers claiming that the holocaust never existed just to get pats on the head from Neo-Nazis...and folks like you shaming other Jewish people for not adopting his beliefs....

I've never heard of this guy but, if he actually said there is/was no racism then you're right, he's a moron.

The difference here between Owens and this guy though is that he actually said it. Owens did not. Owens merely said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues." People have conflated these words so out of proportion that they have been rendered meaningless.

I've already explained what I think she meant by this and I cited the explosion of race-related accusations, allegations and attributions a number of times as an example of what she was talking about. And you know what? Not one of you has even acknowledged that it is true that we're seeing and hearing about race and racism today like never before. We have never before seen the numbers of accusations we're seeing now and we have never before seen the number of false accusations of racism we're seeing now.

Finally, let's take an objective look at what Owens said in context rather than quoting her out of context as Democrats are wont to do. Here is the entire paragraph:

"Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, o.k. I really don’t remember it. Then suddenly towards the end of Obama, we started hearing all this rhetoric drummed up. This white versus black all over again”

As you can plainly see, she is not saying racism doesn't exist or that it didn't exist. She's referring to the fact that race issues are suddenly everywhere and it's what everybody is talking about on a daily basis.

She may or may not be right that Obama had anything to do with it but she is spot on when she says it wasn't so prevalent ten to fifteen years ago. That is a fact.

I could understand conservative blacks embracing fiscal conservatism. Control spending, balance budgets, keep taxes low.

However, I can’t understand blacks like Candace Owens and Alveda King dismissing the struggles blacks have faced in the past and still face today. The repeating of racist claims that welfare programs equate to slavery is beyond understanding

But it definitely profitable
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

It goes without saying that if you don't agree with her views, it will not be a positive message to you.

And continuing with the greed line of argument continues to ignore the fact that other blacks have switched with no financial gain.

Name a few.

I will when you give me proof that Owens only switched out of greed.

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

You have. So what did she say?

We are still waiting for her to tell us what time period America was great for black folks, for some odd reason she couldn't answer that question.

This is irrelevant to the question I asked. I asked if anyone ever asked her why she switched.

Besides, I saw that video. Every time she tried to answer the idiot kept shouting her down. Sorry, but this one doesn't cut it.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true.

Wrong. She never made that claim.

“Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, okay? I really don’t remember it. And suddenly, toward the end of Obama, we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up. It became White versus Black all over again. I shouldn’t even say all over again because when I was alive, it was not an issue. It all became about race. Candace Owens.

I see nowhere in this quote that she said she never experienced racism.

The subject of race, racism and cultural appropriation have gripped this country like it never has before, even when she was a victim of racism. This is what she was talking about.

She didn't say racism was not an issue, she said race was not an issue like it is today. Meaning, we've never had this level of accusations, allegations and paranoia about race. We didn't have the problem we have today of people making issues about race that are not.

The way Owens and people like myself see it, racism exists. However, the number of people being publicly accused of racism has skyrocketed. People are being accused of racism for everything from smiling at an elderly Native American to not showing the proper level of contrition for white privilege. We're being hounded from all directions and usually it's for the most ridiculous reasons imaginable.

This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Did Diamond and Silk switch or were they always conservatives?

What did they switch from?

Ask him, he's the one who said it.

Here is a video of her weak ass excuse of why she switched parties.

First of all, I've seen this video and I happen to agree with a lot of what she says. I don't see it as a "weak excuse" at all. Secondly, no one needs an "excuse" to switch to the Republican party. "Excuse" implies that the action is immoral, unethical or frowned upon. To say she needs an excuse to switch implies that one needs an excuse to be a Republican at all.

Switching to the Republican party needs no excuse or justification and neither myself, Candace Owens, or any other person who decides to cross the aisle needs your blessing or absolution or your permission.

You're correct this is America and you can join which ever party you like, it still doesn't change the fact of who she is. Unfortunately most black folks who become republicans are looking to be accepted by white republicans and will attack other blacks or lose self to be accepted by those republicans.

Are black Democrats not looking to be accepted by white Democrats? I would think this is exactly what they are doing because they feel only white Democrats can help them pursue black interests.

Although, it may be more accurate to say that white Democrats are looking to be accepted by blacks.

No, most black Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare -- improve voting rights protections, strengthen labor protections -- you know, pretty much the same shit most other democrats want policy wise.

Okay. But by the same token, the obverse is also true: Most black Republicans want to expand Republican interests and programs --you know, pretty much the same shit most other Republicans want policy wise.

It seems to me that a lot of Democrats, both white and black, have erected this false paradigm where, to be a black Democrat is right and good and true and only because they agree with Democrat policies and visions. Whereas, to be a black Republican who pushes for any kind of policy or view that does not totally align with certain Democrat policies regarding the black community is to be an Uncle Tom sellout and a whitey suckup.

You can't have it both ways. Logic and the law of averages dictates that sometimes you're going to have a black conservative who has ideas and views that run counter to yours and that they hold these views because they sincerely believe them and not just because he wants acceptance from whitey.

We don't need to be patted on the head by white Democrats and told that we are one of the "good blacks" -- because we don't have this built in hatred of ourselves like some black republicans have....

One could also say that some black Democrats have a built-in hatred of themselves. For sure there are a lot of white Democrats with a built-in hatred of themselves because of all the white privilege rhetoric flying around.

You will never see a black democrat say "Racism does not exist and has not ever existed in this country" -- just so you can get some pats on the head like this moron does...

View attachment 321037

"Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?” “Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

It's tantamount to a Jewish person who had DIRECT descendants who died in gas chambers claiming that the holocaust never existed just to get pats on the head from Neo-Nazis...and folks like you shaming other Jewish people for not adopting his beliefs....

I've never heard of this guy but, if he actually said there is/was no racism then you're right, he's a moron.

The difference here between Owens and this guy though is that he actually said it. Owens did not. Owens merely said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues." People have conflated these words so out of proportion that they have been rendered meaningless.

I've already explained what I think she meant by this and I cited the explosion of race-related accusations, allegations and attributions a number of times as an example of what she was talking about. And you know what? Not one of you has even acknowledged that it is true that we're seeing and hearing about race and racism today like never before. We have never before seen the numbers of accusations we're seeing now and we have never before seen the number of false accusations of racism we're seeing now.

Finally, let's take an objective look at what Owens said in context rather than quoting her out of context as Democrats are wont to do. Here is the entire paragraph:

"Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, o.k. I really don’t remember it. Then suddenly towards the end of Obama, we started hearing all this rhetoric drummed up. This white versus black all over again”

As you can plainly see, she is not saying racism doesn't exist or that it didn't exist. She's referring to the fact that race issues are suddenly everywhere and it's what everybody is talking about on a daily basis.

She may or may not be right that Obama had anything to do with it but she is spot on when she says it wasn't so prevalent ten to fifteen years ago. That is a fact.

I could understand conservative blacks embracing fiscal conservatism. Control spending, balance budgets, keep taxes low.

However, I can’t understand blacks like Candace Owens and Alveda King dismissing the struggles blacks have faced in the past and still face today. The repeating of racist claims that welfare programs equate to slavery is beyond understanding

I don't think she's dismissing the struggles, I believe she's saying the struggle is not necessary and that blacks need to do more to get themselves on their feet. I happen to agree with this.

Whatever struggles the black community has, Democrat policies will never end those struggles. Single motherhood for example. Owens brings up absent black fathers in the video Supa cited to me. He called the things she said in the video a "weak ass excuse" for switching parties. Problem is, Owens is absolutely correct on this point: absent fathers in the black community are a real problem. It is not whitey's fault and it will never be solved by whites or with welfare or any other social program.

There needs to be a cultural sea change in the black community where things like this are concerned for any real change to happen.
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

It goes without saying that if you don't agree with her views, it will not be a positive message to you.

And continuing with the greed line of argument continues to ignore the fact that other blacks have switched with no financial gain.

Name a few.

I will when you give me proof that Owens only switched out of greed.

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

You have. So what did she say?

We are still waiting for her to tell us what time period America was great for black folks, for some odd reason she couldn't answer that question.

This is irrelevant to the question I asked. I asked if anyone ever asked her why she switched.

Besides, I saw that video. Every time she tried to answer the idiot kept shouting her down. Sorry, but this one doesn't cut it.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true.

Wrong. She never made that claim.

“Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, okay? I really don’t remember it. And suddenly, toward the end of Obama, we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up. It became White versus Black all over again. I shouldn’t even say all over again because when I was alive, it was not an issue. It all became about race. Candace Owens.

I see nowhere in this quote that she said she never experienced racism.

The subject of race, racism and cultural appropriation have gripped this country like it never has before, even when she was a victim of racism. This is what she was talking about.

She didn't say racism was not an issue, she said race was not an issue like it is today. Meaning, we've never had this level of accusations, allegations and paranoia about race. We didn't have the problem we have today of people making issues about race that are not.

The way Owens and people like myself see it, racism exists. However, the number of people being publicly accused of racism has skyrocketed. People are being accused of racism for everything from smiling at an elderly Native American to not showing the proper level of contrition for white privilege. We're being hounded from all directions and usually it's for the most ridiculous reasons imaginable.

This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Did Diamond and Silk switch or were they always conservatives?

What did they switch from?

Ask him, he's the one who said it.

Here is a video of her weak ass excuse of why she switched parties.

First of all, I've seen this video and I happen to agree with a lot of what she says. I don't see it as a "weak excuse" at all. Secondly, no one needs an "excuse" to switch to the Republican party. "Excuse" implies that the action is immoral, unethical or frowned upon. To say she needs an excuse to switch implies that one needs an excuse to be a Republican at all.

Switching to the Republican party needs no excuse or justification and neither myself, Candace Owens, or any other person who decides to cross the aisle needs your blessing or absolution or your permission.

You're correct this is America and you can join which ever party you like, it still doesn't change the fact of who she is. Unfortunately most black folks who become republicans are looking to be accepted by white republicans and will attack other blacks or lose self to be accepted by those republicans.

Are black Democrats not looking to be accepted by white Democrats? I would think this is exactly what they are doing because they feel only white Democrats can help them pursue black interests.

Although, it may be more accurate to say that white Democrats are looking to be accepted by blacks.

No, most black Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare -- improve voting rights protections, strengthen labor protections -- you know, pretty much the same shit most other democrats want policy wise.

Okay. But by the same token, the obverse is also true: Most black Republicans want to expand Republican interests and programs --you know, pretty much the same shit most other Republicans want policy wise.

It seems to me that a lot of Democrats, both white and black, have erected this false paradigm where, to be a black Democrat is right and good and true and only because they agree with Democrat policies and visions. Whereas, to be a black Republican who pushes for any kind of policy or view that does not totally align with certain Democrat policies regarding the black community is to be an Uncle Tom sellout and a whitey suckup.

You can't have it both ways. Logic and the law of averages dictates that sometimes you're going to have a black conservative who has ideas and views that run counter to yours and that they hold these views because they sincerely believe them and not just because he wants acceptance from whitey.

We don't need to be patted on the head by white Democrats and told that we are one of the "good blacks" -- because we don't have this built in hatred of ourselves like some black republicans have....

One could also say that some black Democrats have a built-in hatred of themselves. For sure there are a lot of white Democrats with a built-in hatred of themselves because of all the white privilege rhetoric flying around.

You will never see a black democrat say "Racism does not exist and has not ever existed in this country" -- just so you can get some pats on the head like this moron does...

View attachment 321037

"Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?” “Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

It's tantamount to a Jewish person who had DIRECT descendants who died in gas chambers claiming that the holocaust never existed just to get pats on the head from Neo-Nazis...and folks like you shaming other Jewish people for not adopting his beliefs....

I've never heard of this guy but, if he actually said there is/was no racism then you're right, he's a moron.

The difference here between Owens and this guy though is that he actually said it. Owens did not. Owens merely said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues." People have conflated these words so out of proportion that they have been rendered meaningless.

I've already explained what I think she meant by this and I cited the explosion of race-related accusations, allegations and attributions a number of times as an example of what she was talking about. And you know what? Not one of you has even acknowledged that it is true that we're seeing and hearing about race and racism today like never before. We have never before seen the numbers of accusations we're seeing now and we have never before seen the number of false accusations of racism we're seeing now.

Finally, let's take an objective look at what Owens said in context rather than quoting her out of context as Democrats are wont to do. Here is the entire paragraph:

"Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, o.k. I really don’t remember it. Then suddenly towards the end of Obama, we started hearing all this rhetoric drummed up. This white versus black all over again”

As you can plainly see, she is not saying racism doesn't exist or that it didn't exist. She's referring to the fact that race issues are suddenly everywhere and it's what everybody is talking about on a daily basis.

She may or may not be right that Obama had anything to do with it but she is spot on when she says it wasn't so prevalent ten to fifteen years ago. That is a fact.

I could understand conservative blacks embracing fiscal conservatism. Control spending, balance budgets, keep taxes low.

However, I can’t understand blacks like Candace Owens and Alveda King dismissing the struggles blacks have faced in the past and still face today. The repeating of racist claims that welfare programs equate to slavery is beyond understanding

I don't think she's dismissing the struggles, I believe she's saying the struggle is not necessary and that blacks need to do more to get themselves on their feet. I happen to agree with this.

What the hell do you think we have been doing since our sojourn in America.

Whatever struggles the black community has, Democrat policies will never end those struggles.

Oh guess Republican policies will.

Single motherhood for example. Owens brings up absent black fathers in the video Supa cited to me. He called the things she said in the video a "weak ass excuse" for switching parties. Problem is, Owens is absolutely correct on this point: absent fathers in the black community are a real problem. It is not whitey's fault and it will never be solved by whites or with welfare or any other social program.

So what policies are republicans going to put in place to end that.

There needs to be a cultural sea change in the black community where things like this are concerned for any real change to happen.

Many of the problems that plague the BC were put in place by you, you took the shackles off the hands and feet but for centuries have you have been pitting us one against the other. Candace is an example of that very thing. Instead of standing in front of white folks running off at the mouth, why doesn't she go down in the Hood and tell it to the folks she is talking about.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

It goes without saying that if you don't agree with her views, it will not be a positive message to you.

And continuing with the greed line of argument continues to ignore the fact that other blacks have switched with no financial gain.

Name a few.

I will when you give me proof that Owens only switched out of greed.

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

You have. So what did she say?

We are still waiting for her to tell us what time period America was great for black folks, for some odd reason she couldn't answer that question.

This is irrelevant to the question I asked. I asked if anyone ever asked her why she switched.

Besides, I saw that video. Every time she tried to answer the idiot kept shouting her down. Sorry, but this one doesn't cut it.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true.

Wrong. She never made that claim.

“Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, okay? I really don’t remember it. And suddenly, toward the end of Obama, we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up. It became White versus Black all over again. I shouldn’t even say all over again because when I was alive, it was not an issue. It all became about race. Candace Owens.

I see nowhere in this quote that she said she never experienced racism.

The subject of race, racism and cultural appropriation have gripped this country like it never has before, even when she was a victim of racism. This is what she was talking about.

She didn't say racism was not an issue, she said race was not an issue like it is today. Meaning, we've never had this level of accusations, allegations and paranoia about race. We didn't have the problem we have today of people making issues about race that are not.

The way Owens and people like myself see it, racism exists. However, the number of people being publicly accused of racism has skyrocketed. People are being accused of racism for everything from smiling at an elderly Native American to not showing the proper level of contrition for white privilege. We're being hounded from all directions and usually it's for the most ridiculous reasons imaginable.

This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Did Diamond and Silk switch or were they always conservatives?

What did they switch from?

Ask him, he's the one who said it.

Here is a video of her weak ass excuse of why she switched parties.

First of all, I've seen this video and I happen to agree with a lot of what she says. I don't see it as a "weak excuse" at all. Secondly, no one needs an "excuse" to switch to the Republican party. "Excuse" implies that the action is immoral, unethical or frowned upon. To say she needs an excuse to switch implies that one needs an excuse to be a Republican at all.

Switching to the Republican party needs no excuse or justification and neither myself, Candace Owens, or any other person who decides to cross the aisle needs your blessing or absolution or your permission.

You're correct this is America and you can join which ever party you like, it still doesn't change the fact of who she is. Unfortunately most black folks who become republicans are looking to be accepted by white republicans and will attack other blacks or lose self to be accepted by those republicans.

Are black Democrats not looking to be accepted by white Democrats? I would think this is exactly what they are doing because they feel only white Democrats can help them pursue black interests.

Although, it may be more accurate to say that white Democrats are looking to be accepted by blacks.

No, most black Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare -- improve voting rights protections, strengthen labor protections -- you know, pretty much the same shit most other democrats want policy wise.

Okay. But by the same token, the obverse is also true: Most black Republicans want to expand Republican interests and programs --you know, pretty much the same shit most other Republicans want policy wise.

It seems to me that a lot of Democrats, both white and black, have erected this false paradigm where, to be a black Democrat is right and good and true and only because they agree with Democrat policies and visions. Whereas, to be a black Republican who pushes for any kind of policy or view that does not totally align with certain Democrat policies regarding the black community is to be an Uncle Tom sellout and a whitey suckup.

You can't have it both ways. Logic and the law of averages dictates that sometimes you're going to have a black conservative who has ideas and views that run counter to yours and that they hold these views because they sincerely believe them and not just because he wants acceptance from whitey.

We don't need to be patted on the head by white Democrats and told that we are one of the "good blacks" -- because we don't have this built in hatred of ourselves like some black republicans have....

One could also say that some black Democrats have a built-in hatred of themselves. For sure there are a lot of white Democrats with a built-in hatred of themselves because of all the white privilege rhetoric flying around.

You will never see a black democrat say "Racism does not exist and has not ever existed in this country" -- just so you can get some pats on the head like this moron does...

View attachment 321037

"Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?” “Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

It's tantamount to a Jewish person who had DIRECT descendants who died in gas chambers claiming that the holocaust never existed just to get pats on the head from Neo-Nazis...and folks like you shaming other Jewish people for not adopting his beliefs....

I've never heard of this guy but, if he actually said there is/was no racism then you're right, he's a moron.

The difference here between Owens and this guy though is that he actually said it. Owens did not. Owens merely said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues." People have conflated these words so out of proportion that they have been rendered meaningless.

I've already explained what I think she meant by this and I cited the explosion of race-related accusations, allegations and attributions a number of times as an example of what she was talking about. And you know what? Not one of you has even acknowledged that it is true that we're seeing and hearing about race and racism today like never before. We have never before seen the numbers of accusations we're seeing now and we have never before seen the number of false accusations of racism we're seeing now.

Finally, let's take an objective look at what Owens said in context rather than quoting her out of context as Democrats are wont to do. Here is the entire paragraph:

"Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, o.k. I really don’t remember it. Then suddenly towards the end of Obama, we started hearing all this rhetoric drummed up. This white versus black all over again”

As you can plainly see, she is not saying racism doesn't exist or that it didn't exist. She's referring to the fact that race issues are suddenly everywhere and it's what everybody is talking about on a daily basis.

She may or may not be right that Obama had anything to do with it but she is spot on when she says it wasn't so prevalent ten to fifteen years ago. That is a fact.

I could understand conservative blacks embracing fiscal conservatism. Control spending, balance budgets, keep taxes low.

However, I can’t understand blacks like Candace Owens and Alveda King dismissing the struggles blacks have faced in the past and still face today. The repeating of racist claims that welfare programs equate to slavery is beyond understanding

I don't think she's dismissing the struggles, I believe she's saying the struggle is not necessary and that blacks need to do more to get themselves on their feet. I happen to agree with this.

What the hell do you think we have been doing since our sojourn in America.

So why are fatherless homes an epidemic in the black community?

Whatever struggles the black community has, Democrat policies will never end those struggles.

Oh guess Republican policies will.

You said it, not me.

Single motherhood for example. Owens brings up absent black fathers in the video Supa cited to me. He called the things she said in the video a "weak ass excuse" for switching parties. Problem is, Owens is absolutely correct on this point: absent fathers in the black community are a real problem. It is not whitey's fault and it will never be solved by whites or with welfare or any other social program.

So what policies are republicans going to put in place to end that.

There IS no policy, Republican or Democrat, that will solve the problem of the fatherless home in the black community. Ask yourself what the black community is going to do about it.

There needs to be a cultural sea change in the black community where things like this are concerned for any real change to happen.

Many of the problems that plague the BC were put in place by you

Don't you even start that shit with me. I had absolutely nothing to do with any problems plaguing the black community.

you took the shackles off the hands and feet but for centuries have you have been pitting us one against the other.

I don't know how much truth there is to that but I will say that, if it is true, blacks allowed it to happen.

Candace is an example of that very thing. Instead of standing in front of white folks running off at the mouth, why doesn't she go down in the Hood and tell it to the folks she is talking about.

You tell me: what would happen if she did? Would they listen or would they shout her down like that idiot rapper did?
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

It goes without saying that if you don't agree with her views, it will not be a positive message to you.

And continuing with the greed line of argument continues to ignore the fact that other blacks have switched with no financial gain.

Name a few.

I will when you give me proof that Owens only switched out of greed.

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

You have. So what did she say?

We are still waiting for her to tell us what time period America was great for black folks, for some odd reason she couldn't answer that question.

This is irrelevant to the question I asked. I asked if anyone ever asked her why she switched.

Besides, I saw that video. Every time she tried to answer the idiot kept shouting her down. Sorry, but this one doesn't cut it.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true.

Wrong. She never made that claim.

“Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, okay? I really don’t remember it. And suddenly, toward the end of Obama, we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up. It became White versus Black all over again. I shouldn’t even say all over again because when I was alive, it was not an issue. It all became about race. Candace Owens.

I see nowhere in this quote that she said she never experienced racism.

The subject of race, racism and cultural appropriation have gripped this country like it never has before, even when she was a victim of racism. This is what she was talking about.

She didn't say racism was not an issue, she said race was not an issue like it is today. Meaning, we've never had this level of accusations, allegations and paranoia about race. We didn't have the problem we have today of people making issues about race that are not.

The way Owens and people like myself see it, racism exists. However, the number of people being publicly accused of racism has skyrocketed. People are being accused of racism for everything from smiling at an elderly Native American to not showing the proper level of contrition for white privilege. We're being hounded from all directions and usually it's for the most ridiculous reasons imaginable.

This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Did Diamond and Silk switch or were they always conservatives?

What did they switch from?

Ask him, he's the one who said it.

Here is a video of her weak ass excuse of why she switched parties.

First of all, I've seen this video and I happen to agree with a lot of what she says. I don't see it as a "weak excuse" at all. Secondly, no one needs an "excuse" to switch to the Republican party. "Excuse" implies that the action is immoral, unethical or frowned upon. To say she needs an excuse to switch implies that one needs an excuse to be a Republican at all.

Switching to the Republican party needs no excuse or justification and neither myself, Candace Owens, or any other person who decides to cross the aisle needs your blessing or absolution or your permission.

You're correct this is America and you can join which ever party you like, it still doesn't change the fact of who she is. Unfortunately most black folks who become republicans are looking to be accepted by white republicans and will attack other blacks or lose self to be accepted by those republicans.

Are black Democrats not looking to be accepted by white Democrats? I would think this is exactly what they are doing because they feel only white Democrats can help them pursue black interests.

Although, it may be more accurate to say that white Democrats are looking to be accepted by blacks.

No, most black Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare -- improve voting rights protections, strengthen labor protections -- you know, pretty much the same shit most other democrats want policy wise.

Okay. But by the same token, the obverse is also true: Most black Republicans want to expand Republican interests and programs --you know, pretty much the same shit most other Republicans want policy wise.

It seems to me that a lot of Democrats, both white and black, have erected this false paradigm where, to be a black Democrat is right and good and true and only because they agree with Democrat policies and visions. Whereas, to be a black Republican who pushes for any kind of policy or view that does not totally align with certain Democrat policies regarding the black community is to be an Uncle Tom sellout and a whitey suckup.

You can't have it both ways. Logic and the law of averages dictates that sometimes you're going to have a black conservative who has ideas and views that run counter to yours and that they hold these views because they sincerely believe them and not just because he wants acceptance from whitey.

We don't need to be patted on the head by white Democrats and told that we are one of the "good blacks" -- because we don't have this built in hatred of ourselves like some black republicans have....

One could also say that some black Democrats have a built-in hatred of themselves. For sure there are a lot of white Democrats with a built-in hatred of themselves because of all the white privilege rhetoric flying around.

You will never see a black democrat say "Racism does not exist and has not ever existed in this country" -- just so you can get some pats on the head like this moron does...

View attachment 321037

"Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?” “Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

It's tantamount to a Jewish person who had DIRECT descendants who died in gas chambers claiming that the holocaust never existed just to get pats on the head from Neo-Nazis...and folks like you shaming other Jewish people for not adopting his beliefs....

I've never heard of this guy but, if he actually said there is/was no racism then you're right, he's a moron.

The difference here between Owens and this guy though is that he actually said it. Owens did not. Owens merely said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues." People have conflated these words so out of proportion that they have been rendered meaningless.

I've already explained what I think she meant by this and I cited the explosion of race-related accusations, allegations and attributions a number of times as an example of what she was talking about. And you know what? Not one of you has even acknowledged that it is true that we're seeing and hearing about race and racism today like never before. We have never before seen the numbers of accusations we're seeing now and we have never before seen the number of false accusations of racism we're seeing now.

Finally, let's take an objective look at what Owens said in context rather than quoting her out of context as Democrats are wont to do. Here is the entire paragraph:

"Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, o.k. I really don’t remember it. Then suddenly towards the end of Obama, we started hearing all this rhetoric drummed up. This white versus black all over again”

As you can plainly see, she is not saying racism doesn't exist or that it didn't exist. She's referring to the fact that race issues are suddenly everywhere and it's what everybody is talking about on a daily basis.

She may or may not be right that Obama had anything to do with it but she is spot on when she says it wasn't so prevalent ten to fifteen years ago. That is a fact.

I could understand conservative blacks embracing fiscal conservatism. Control spending, balance budgets, keep taxes low.

However, I can’t understand blacks like Candace Owens and Alveda King dismissing the struggles blacks have faced in the past and still face today. The repeating of racist claims that welfare programs equate to slavery is beyond understanding

I don't think she's dismissing the struggles, I believe she's saying the struggle is not necessary and that blacks need to do more to get themselves on their feet. I happen to agree with this.

Whatever struggles the black community has, Democrat policies will never end those struggles. Single motherhood for example. Owens brings up absent black fathers in the video Supa cited to me. He called the things she said in the video a "weak ass excuse" for switching parties. Problem is, Owens is absolutely correct on this point: absent fathers in the black community are a real problem. It is not whitey's fault and it will never be solved by whites or with welfare or any other social program.

There needs to be a cultural sea change in the black community where things like this are concerned for any real change to happen.

Agree with the social issues in the black community.
But what is the Governments role in solving them?
Yelling at blacks and telling them to work harder is not a solution

In the mean time, we need to assist families in need with food and housing. We need to assist minority and urban businesses. We need job training, education and jobs programs.

Republicans deride this as a “Plantation” while offering nothing to struggling blacks other than more prisons
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

It goes without saying that if you don't agree with her views, it will not be a positive message to you.

And continuing with the greed line of argument continues to ignore the fact that other blacks have switched with no financial gain.

Name a few.

I will when you give me proof that Owens only switched out of greed.

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

You have. So what did she say?

We are still waiting for her to tell us what time period America was great for black folks, for some odd reason she couldn't answer that question.

This is irrelevant to the question I asked. I asked if anyone ever asked her why she switched.

Besides, I saw that video. Every time she tried to answer the idiot kept shouting her down. Sorry, but this one doesn't cut it.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true.

Wrong. She never made that claim.

“Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, okay? I really don’t remember it. And suddenly, toward the end of Obama, we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up. It became White versus Black all over again. I shouldn’t even say all over again because when I was alive, it was not an issue. It all became about race. Candace Owens.

I see nowhere in this quote that she said she never experienced racism.

The subject of race, racism and cultural appropriation have gripped this country like it never has before, even when she was a victim of racism. This is what she was talking about.

She didn't say racism was not an issue, she said race was not an issue like it is today. Meaning, we've never had this level of accusations, allegations and paranoia about race. We didn't have the problem we have today of people making issues about race that are not.

The way Owens and people like myself see it, racism exists. However, the number of people being publicly accused of racism has skyrocketed. People are being accused of racism for everything from smiling at an elderly Native American to not showing the proper level of contrition for white privilege. We're being hounded from all directions and usually it's for the most ridiculous reasons imaginable.

This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Did Diamond and Silk switch or were they always conservatives?

What did they switch from?

Ask him, he's the one who said it.

Here is a video of her weak ass excuse of why she switched parties.

First of all, I've seen this video and I happen to agree with a lot of what she says. I don't see it as a "weak excuse" at all. Secondly, no one needs an "excuse" to switch to the Republican party. "Excuse" implies that the action is immoral, unethical or frowned upon. To say she needs an excuse to switch implies that one needs an excuse to be a Republican at all.

Switching to the Republican party needs no excuse or justification and neither myself, Candace Owens, or any other person who decides to cross the aisle needs your blessing or absolution or your permission.

You're correct this is America and you can join which ever party you like, it still doesn't change the fact of who she is. Unfortunately most black folks who become republicans are looking to be accepted by white republicans and will attack other blacks or lose self to be accepted by those republicans.

Are black Democrats not looking to be accepted by white Democrats? I would think this is exactly what they are doing because they feel only white Democrats can help them pursue black interests.

Although, it may be more accurate to say that white Democrats are looking to be accepted by blacks.

No, most black Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare -- improve voting rights protections, strengthen labor protections -- you know, pretty much the same shit most other democrats want policy wise.

Okay. But by the same token, the obverse is also true: Most black Republicans want to expand Republican interests and programs --you know, pretty much the same shit most other Republicans want policy wise.

It seems to me that a lot of Democrats, both white and black, have erected this false paradigm where, to be a black Democrat is right and good and true and only because they agree with Democrat policies and visions. Whereas, to be a black Republican who pushes for any kind of policy or view that does not totally align with certain Democrat policies regarding the black community is to be an Uncle Tom sellout and a whitey suckup.

You can't have it both ways. Logic and the law of averages dictates that sometimes you're going to have a black conservative who has ideas and views that run counter to yours and that they hold these views because they sincerely believe them and not just because he wants acceptance from whitey.

We don't need to be patted on the head by white Democrats and told that we are one of the "good blacks" -- because we don't have this built in hatred of ourselves like some black republicans have....

One could also say that some black Democrats have a built-in hatred of themselves. For sure there are a lot of white Democrats with a built-in hatred of themselves because of all the white privilege rhetoric flying around.

You will never see a black democrat say "Racism does not exist and has not ever existed in this country" -- just so you can get some pats on the head like this moron does...

View attachment 321037

"Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?” “Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

It's tantamount to a Jewish person who had DIRECT descendants who died in gas chambers claiming that the holocaust never existed just to get pats on the head from Neo-Nazis...and folks like you shaming other Jewish people for not adopting his beliefs....

I've never heard of this guy but, if he actually said there is/was no racism then you're right, he's a moron.

The difference here between Owens and this guy though is that he actually said it. Owens did not. Owens merely said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues." People have conflated these words so out of proportion that they have been rendered meaningless.

I've already explained what I think she meant by this and I cited the explosion of race-related accusations, allegations and attributions a number of times as an example of what she was talking about. And you know what? Not one of you has even acknowledged that it is true that we're seeing and hearing about race and racism today like never before. We have never before seen the numbers of accusations we're seeing now and we have never before seen the number of false accusations of racism we're seeing now.

Finally, let's take an objective look at what Owens said in context rather than quoting her out of context as Democrats are wont to do. Here is the entire paragraph:

"Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, o.k. I really don’t remember it. Then suddenly towards the end of Obama, we started hearing all this rhetoric drummed up. This white versus black all over again”

As you can plainly see, she is not saying racism doesn't exist or that it didn't exist. She's referring to the fact that race issues are suddenly everywhere and it's what everybody is talking about on a daily basis.

She may or may not be right that Obama had anything to do with it but she is spot on when she says it wasn't so prevalent ten to fifteen years ago. That is a fact.

I could understand conservative blacks embracing fiscal conservatism. Control spending, balance budgets, keep taxes low.

However, I can’t understand blacks like Candace Owens and Alveda King dismissing the struggles blacks have faced in the past and still face today. The repeating of racist claims that welfare programs equate to slavery is beyond understanding

I don't think she's dismissing the struggles, I believe she's saying the struggle is not necessary and that blacks need to do more to get themselves on their feet. I happen to agree with this.

Whatever struggles the black community has, Democrat policies will never end those struggles. Single motherhood for example. Owens brings up absent black fathers in the video Supa cited to me. He called the things she said in the video a "weak ass excuse" for switching parties. Problem is, Owens is absolutely correct on this point: absent fathers in the black community are a real problem. It is not whitey's fault and it will never be solved by whites or with welfare or any other social program.

There needs to be a cultural sea change in the black community where things like this are concerned for any real change to happen.

It's all well and good to say the black community needs a still comes down to socio-economics....example...

When my two teenage sons are out in the world -- even tho they came from a 2-parent household...Do they need to wear a uniform or something to signal that they are one of the "good blacks"?? Would that help them escape structural discrimination that still remains today?

When Candace Owens was a teen - A VERY VERY SHORT TIME AGO -- did her coming from a two-parent household prevent her from having to sue her school district for racial discrimination??

How many hoops did this country require white folks to jump thru to prove they deserved equal treatment under the law??

And when those of us seek to eliminate that structural discrimination --- will you join us or oppose us???
A responsible and accomplished black woman who 80% of liberals and blacks immediately dislike because she is black, Responsible and accomplished. Plus she don’t walk and talk and look like a ghetto Ho

Even better is Anyone who does support her is quite naturally Racist.
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

We have.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true. This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Ghost rider needs to shut the fuck up.

Quit hiding behind the ignore button and say that to me directly you coward.

That's your pat response to any viewpoint you disagree with:

"_________(insert name of individual, group, race or ethnicity) just needs to shut the fuck up."

The only reason he's sucking Owens pussy is because she supports his racist point of view.

I'm not surprised you haven't noticed but, I have said nothing in praise of Owens. Not one word. All I've done is ask these Owens critics to give evidence that they know she switched parties out of greed. So far, none have.

I have done plenty of research on Owens and I have seen plenty of sellouts like her in my life. She's a sellout, I don't want to talk to her and don't need to.

No one said you had to.

There are black republicans who do not hold the views of Owens and they don't get shot up to national prominence like she is because they don't run around dissing blacks who oppose racism and they don't lie about how racism doesn't exist or that blacks have this mysterious victim mentality that was first made up by the fat cancer patient.

Owens never said racism doesn't exist.
Owens claimed racism is no longer a problem

Conservatives pay her big money to say it.

The definition and perception of racism has expanded in scope and complexity. That’s the problem. Saying white engineers can never be good as Asian engineers due to genetics, is racist ( this has been said to me). Saying that you disagree with an energy
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

We have.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true. This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Ghost rider needs to shut the fuck up.

Quit hiding behind the ignore button and say that to me directly you coward.

That's your pat response to any viewpoint you disagree with:

"_________(insert name of individual, group, race or ethnicity) just needs to shut the fuck up."

The only reason he's sucking Owens pussy is because she supports his racist point of view.

I'm not surprised you haven't noticed but, I have said nothing in praise of Owens. Not one word. All I've done is ask these Owens critics to give evidence that they know she switched parties out of greed. So far, none have.

I have done plenty of research on Owens and I have seen plenty of sellouts like her in my life. She's a sellout, I don't want to talk to her and don't need to.

No one said you had to.

There are black republicans who do not hold the views of Owens and they don't get shot up to national prominence like she is because they don't run around dissing blacks who oppose racism and they don't lie about how racism doesn't exist or that blacks have this mysterious victim mentality that was first made up by the fat cancer patient.

Owens never said racism doesn't exist.
Owens claimed racism is no longer a problem

Conservatives pay her big money to say it.

The definition and perception of Racism today has expanded in scope and complexity. That’s the problem. Saying white engineers can never be good as Asian engineers is racist. Questioning or disagreeing with the economic or energy policy of a Black President is not racist. Content on this board provides a good example.

Official and open racism is no longer tolerated. Expression of racism has become more subtle.

Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. One only has to look at the election of Obama to see the racists come out of the woodwork.

You just contradicted yourself.... “the Election of Barack Obama caused the racists to come out of the woodwork”? Obama won substantially.... not the work of racists. Again, thevj
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

It goes without saying that if you don't agree with her views, it will not be a positive message to you.

And continuing with the greed line of argument continues to ignore the fact that other blacks have switched with no financial gain.

Name a few.

I will when you give me proof that Owens only switched out of greed.

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

You have. So what did she say?

We are still waiting for her to tell us what time period America was great for black folks, for some odd reason she couldn't answer that question.

This is irrelevant to the question I asked. I asked if anyone ever asked her why she switched.

Besides, I saw that video. Every time she tried to answer the idiot kept shouting her down. Sorry, but this one doesn't cut it.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true.

Wrong. She never made that claim.

“Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, okay? I really don’t remember it. And suddenly, toward the end of Obama, we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up. It became White versus Black all over again. I shouldn’t even say all over again because when I was alive, it was not an issue. It all became about race. Candace Owens.

I see nowhere in this quote that she said she never experienced racism.

The subject of race, racism and cultural appropriation have gripped this country like it never has before, even when she was a victim of racism. This is what she was talking about.

She didn't say racism was not an issue, she said race was not an issue like it is today. Meaning, we've never had this level of accusations, allegations and paranoia about race. We didn't have the problem we have today of people making issues about race that are not.

The way Owens and people like myself see it, racism exists. However, the number of people being publicly accused of racism has skyrocketed. People are being accused of racism for everything from smiling at an elderly Native American to not showing the proper level of contrition for white privilege. We're being hounded from all directions and usually it's for the most ridiculous reasons imaginable.

This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Did Diamond and Silk switch or were they always conservatives?

What did they switch from?

Ask him, he's the one who said it.

Here is a video of her weak ass excuse of why she switched parties.

First of all, I've seen this video and I happen to agree with a lot of what she says. I don't see it as a "weak excuse" at all. Secondly, no one needs an "excuse" to switch to the Republican party. "Excuse" implies that the action is immoral, unethical or frowned upon. To say she needs an excuse to switch implies that one needs an excuse to be a Republican at all.

Switching to the Republican party needs no excuse or justification and neither myself, Candace Owens, or any other person who decides to cross the aisle needs your blessing or absolution or your permission.

You're correct this is America and you can join which ever party you like, it still doesn't change the fact of who she is. Unfortunately most black folks who become republicans are looking to be accepted by white republicans and will attack other blacks or lose self to be accepted by those republicans.

Are black Democrats not looking to be accepted by white Democrats? I would think this is exactly what they are doing because they feel only white Democrats can help them pursue black interests.

Although, it may be more accurate to say that white Democrats are looking to be accepted by blacks.

No, most black Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare -- improve voting rights protections, strengthen labor protections -- you know, pretty much the same shit most other democrats want policy wise.

Okay. But by the same token, the obverse is also true: Most black Republicans want to expand Republican interests and programs --you know, pretty much the same shit most other Republicans want policy wise.

It seems to me that a lot of Democrats, both white and black, have erected this false paradigm where, to be a black Democrat is right and good and true and only because they agree with Democrat policies and visions. Whereas, to be a black Republican who pushes for any kind of policy or view that does not totally align with certain Democrat policies regarding the black community is to be an Uncle Tom sellout and a whitey suckup.

You can't have it both ways. Logic and the law of averages dictates that sometimes you're going to have a black conservative who has ideas and views that run counter to yours and that they hold these views because they sincerely believe them and not just because he wants acceptance from whitey.

We don't need to be patted on the head by white Democrats and told that we are one of the "good blacks" -- because we don't have this built in hatred of ourselves like some black republicans have....

One could also say that some black Democrats have a built-in hatred of themselves. For sure there are a lot of white Democrats with a built-in hatred of themselves because of all the white privilege rhetoric flying around.

You will never see a black democrat say "Racism does not exist and has not ever existed in this country" -- just so you can get some pats on the head like this moron does...

View attachment 321037

"Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?” “Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

It's tantamount to a Jewish person who had DIRECT descendants who died in gas chambers claiming that the holocaust never existed just to get pats on the head from Neo-Nazis...and folks like you shaming other Jewish people for not adopting his beliefs....

I've never heard of this guy but, if he actually said there is/was no racism then you're right, he's a moron.

The difference here between Owens and this guy though is that he actually said it. Owens did not. Owens merely said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues." People have conflated these words so out of proportion that they have been rendered meaningless.

I've already explained what I think she meant by this and I cited the explosion of race-related accusations, allegations and attributions a number of times as an example of what she was talking about. And you know what? Not one of you has even acknowledged that it is true that we're seeing and hearing about race and racism today like never before. We have never before seen the numbers of accusations we're seeing now and we have never before seen the number of false accusations of racism we're seeing now.

Finally, let's take an objective look at what Owens said in context rather than quoting her out of context as Democrats are wont to do. Here is the entire paragraph:

"Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, o.k. I really don’t remember it. Then suddenly towards the end of Obama, we started hearing all this rhetoric drummed up. This white versus black all over again”

As you can plainly see, she is not saying racism doesn't exist or that it didn't exist. She's referring to the fact that race issues are suddenly everywhere and it's what everybody is talking about on a daily basis.

She may or may not be right that Obama had anything to do with it but she is spot on when she says it wasn't so prevalent ten to fifteen years ago. That is a fact.

I could understand conservative blacks embracing fiscal conservatism. Control spending, balance budgets, keep taxes low.

However, I can’t understand blacks like Candace Owens and Alveda King dismissing the struggles blacks have faced in the past and still face today. The repeating of racist claims that welfare programs equate to slavery is beyond understanding

I don't think she's dismissing the struggles, I believe she's saying the struggle is not necessary and that blacks need to do more to get themselves on their feet. I happen to agree with this.

Whatever struggles the black community has, Democrat policies will never end those struggles. Single motherhood for example. Owens brings up absent black fathers in the video Supa cited to me. He called the things she said in the video a "weak ass excuse" for switching parties. Problem is, Owens is absolutely correct on this point: absent fathers in the black community are a real problem. It is not whitey's fault and it will never be solved by whites or with welfare or any other social program.

There needs to be a cultural sea change in the black community where things like this are concerned for any real change to happen.

It's all well and good to say the black community needs a still comes down to socio-economics....example...

When my two teenage sons are out in the world -- even tho they came from a 2-parent household...Do they need to wear a uniform or something to signal that they are one of the "good blacks"?? Would that help them escape structural discrimination that still remains today?

When Candace Owens was a teen - A VERY VERY SHORT TIME AGO -- did her coming from a two-parent household prevent her from having to sue her school district for racial discrimination??

How many hoops did this country require white folks to jump thru to prove they deserved equal treatment under the law??

And when those of us seek to eliminate that structural discrimination --- will you join us or oppose us???

Candace Owens fought real racial discrimination against her. The irony here is that she being a proven victim in a case she is calling bullshit on the prevalence of racism charges when someone does not get their way or desired outcome.
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

We have.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true. This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Ghost rider needs to shut the fuck up.

Quit hiding behind the ignore button and say that to me directly you coward.

That's your pat response to any viewpoint you disagree with:

"_________(insert name of individual, group, race or ethnicity) just needs to shut the fuck up."

The only reason he's sucking Owens pussy is because she supports his racist point of view.

I'm not surprised you haven't noticed but, I have said nothing in praise of Owens. Not one word. All I've done is ask these Owens critics to give evidence that they know she switched parties out of greed. So far, none have.

I have done plenty of research on Owens and I have seen plenty of sellouts like her in my life. She's a sellout, I don't want to talk to her and don't need to.

No one said you had to.

There are black republicans who do not hold the views of Owens and they don't get shot up to national prominence like she is because they don't run around dissing blacks who oppose racism and they don't lie about how racism doesn't exist or that blacks have this mysterious victim mentality that was first made up by the fat cancer patient.

Owens never said racism doesn't exist.
Owens claimed racism is no longer a problem

Conservatives pay her big money to say it.

The definition and perception of racism has expanded in scope and complexity. That’s the problem. Saying white engineers can never be good as Asian engineers due to genetics, is racist ( this has been said to me). Saying that you disagree with an energy
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

We have.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true. This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Ghost rider needs to shut the fuck up.

Quit hiding behind the ignore button and say that to me directly you coward.

That's your pat response to any viewpoint you disagree with:

"_________(insert name of individual, group, race or ethnicity) just needs to shut the fuck up."

The only reason he's sucking Owens pussy is because she supports his racist point of view.

I'm not surprised you haven't noticed but, I have said nothing in praise of Owens. Not one word. All I've done is ask these Owens critics to give evidence that they know she switched parties out of greed. So far, none have.

I have done plenty of research on Owens and I have seen plenty of sellouts like her in my life. She's a sellout, I don't want to talk to her and don't need to.

No one said you had to.

There are black republicans who do not hold the views of Owens and they don't get shot up to national prominence like she is because they don't run around dissing blacks who oppose racism and they don't lie about how racism doesn't exist or that blacks have this mysterious victim mentality that was first made up by the fat cancer patient.

Owens never said racism doesn't exist.
Owens claimed racism is no longer a problem

Conservatives pay her big money to say it.

The definition and perception of Racism today has expanded in scope and complexity. That’s the problem. Saying white engineers can never be good as Asian engineers is racist. Questioning or disagreeing with the economic or energy policy of a Black President is not racist. Content on this board provides a good example.

Official and open racism is no longer tolerated. Expression of racism has become more subtle.

Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. One only has to look at the election of Obama to see the racists come out of the woodwork.

You just contradicted yourself.... “the Election of Barack Obama caused the racists to come out of the woodwork”? Obama won substantially.... not the work of racists. Again, thevj
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

It goes without saying that if you don't agree with her views, it will not be a positive message to you.

And continuing with the greed line of argument continues to ignore the fact that other blacks have switched with no financial gain.

Name a few.

I will when you give me proof that Owens only switched out of greed.

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

You have. So what did she say?

We are still waiting for her to tell us what time period America was great for black folks, for some odd reason she couldn't answer that question.

This is irrelevant to the question I asked. I asked if anyone ever asked her why she switched.

Besides, I saw that video. Every time she tried to answer the idiot kept shouting her down. Sorry, but this one doesn't cut it.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true.

Wrong. She never made that claim.

“Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, okay? I really don’t remember it. And suddenly, toward the end of Obama, we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up. It became White versus Black all over again. I shouldn’t even say all over again because when I was alive, it was not an issue. It all became about race. Candace Owens.

I see nowhere in this quote that she said she never experienced racism.

The subject of race, racism and cultural appropriation have gripped this country like it never has before, even when she was a victim of racism. This is what she was talking about.

She didn't say racism was not an issue, she said race was not an issue like it is today. Meaning, we've never had this level of accusations, allegations and paranoia about race. We didn't have the problem we have today of people making issues about race that are not.

The way Owens and people like myself see it, racism exists. However, the number of people being publicly accused of racism has skyrocketed. People are being accused of racism for everything from smiling at an elderly Native American to not showing the proper level of contrition for white privilege. We're being hounded from all directions and usually it's for the most ridiculous reasons imaginable.

This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Did Diamond and Silk switch or were they always conservatives?

What did they switch from?

Ask him, he's the one who said it.

Here is a video of her weak ass excuse of why she switched parties.

First of all, I've seen this video and I happen to agree with a lot of what she says. I don't see it as a "weak excuse" at all. Secondly, no one needs an "excuse" to switch to the Republican party. "Excuse" implies that the action is immoral, unethical or frowned upon. To say she needs an excuse to switch implies that one needs an excuse to be a Republican at all.

Switching to the Republican party needs no excuse or justification and neither myself, Candace Owens, or any other person who decides to cross the aisle needs your blessing or absolution or your permission.

You're correct this is America and you can join which ever party you like, it still doesn't change the fact of who she is. Unfortunately most black folks who become republicans are looking to be accepted by white republicans and will attack other blacks or lose self to be accepted by those republicans.

Are black Democrats not looking to be accepted by white Democrats? I would think this is exactly what they are doing because they feel only white Democrats can help them pursue black interests.

Although, it may be more accurate to say that white Democrats are looking to be accepted by blacks.

No, most black Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare -- improve voting rights protections, strengthen labor protections -- you know, pretty much the same shit most other democrats want policy wise.

Okay. But by the same token, the obverse is also true: Most black Republicans want to expand Republican interests and programs --you know, pretty much the same shit most other Republicans want policy wise.

It seems to me that a lot of Democrats, both white and black, have erected this false paradigm where, to be a black Democrat is right and good and true and only because they agree with Democrat policies and visions. Whereas, to be a black Republican who pushes for any kind of policy or view that does not totally align with certain Democrat policies regarding the black community is to be an Uncle Tom sellout and a whitey suckup.

You can't have it both ways. Logic and the law of averages dictates that sometimes you're going to have a black conservative who has ideas and views that run counter to yours and that they hold these views because they sincerely believe them and not just because he wants acceptance from whitey.

We don't need to be patted on the head by white Democrats and told that we are one of the "good blacks" -- because we don't have this built in hatred of ourselves like some black republicans have....

One could also say that some black Democrats have a built-in hatred of themselves. For sure there are a lot of white Democrats with a built-in hatred of themselves because of all the white privilege rhetoric flying around.

You will never see a black democrat say "Racism does not exist and has not ever existed in this country" -- just so you can get some pats on the head like this moron does...

View attachment 321037

"Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?” “Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

It's tantamount to a Jewish person who had DIRECT descendants who died in gas chambers claiming that the holocaust never existed just to get pats on the head from Neo-Nazis...and folks like you shaming other Jewish people for not adopting his beliefs....

I've never heard of this guy but, if he actually said there is/was no racism then you're right, he's a moron.

The difference here between Owens and this guy though is that he actually said it. Owens did not. Owens merely said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues." People have conflated these words so out of proportion that they have been rendered meaningless.

I've already explained what I think she meant by this and I cited the explosion of race-related accusations, allegations and attributions a number of times as an example of what she was talking about. And you know what? Not one of you has even acknowledged that it is true that we're seeing and hearing about race and racism today like never before. We have never before seen the numbers of accusations we're seeing now and we have never before seen the number of false accusations of racism we're seeing now.

Finally, let's take an objective look at what Owens said in context rather than quoting her out of context as Democrats are wont to do. Here is the entire paragraph:

"Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, o.k. I really don’t remember it. Then suddenly towards the end of Obama, we started hearing all this rhetoric drummed up. This white versus black all over again”

As you can plainly see, she is not saying racism doesn't exist or that it didn't exist. She's referring to the fact that race issues are suddenly everywhere and it's what everybody is talking about on a daily basis.

She may or may not be right that Obama had anything to do with it but she is spot on when she says it wasn't so prevalent ten to fifteen years ago. That is a fact.

I could understand conservative blacks embracing fiscal conservatism. Control spending, balance budgets, keep taxes low.

However, I can’t understand blacks like Candace Owens and Alveda King dismissing the struggles blacks have faced in the past and still face today. The repeating of racist claims that welfare programs equate to slavery is beyond understanding

I don't think she's dismissing the struggles, I believe she's saying the struggle is not necessary and that blacks need to do more to get themselves on their feet. I happen to agree with this.

Whatever struggles the black community has, Democrat policies will never end those struggles. Single motherhood for example. Owens brings up absent black fathers in the video Supa cited to me. He called the things she said in the video a "weak ass excuse" for switching parties. Problem is, Owens is absolutely correct on this point: absent fathers in the black community are a real problem. It is not whitey's fault and it will never be solved by whites or with welfare or any other social program.

There needs to be a cultural sea change in the black community where things like this are concerned for any real change to happen.

It's all well and good to say the black community needs a still comes down to socio-economics....example...

When my two teenage sons are out in the world -- even tho they came from a 2-parent household...Do they need to wear a uniform or something to signal that they are one of the "good blacks"?? Would that help them escape structural discrimination that still remains today?

When Candace Owens was a teen - A VERY VERY SHORT TIME AGO -- did her coming from a two-parent household prevent her from having to sue her school district for racial discrimination??

How many hoops did this country require white folks to jump thru to prove they deserved equal treatment under the law??

And when those of us seek to eliminate that structural discrimination --- will you join us or oppose us???

Candace Owens fought real racial discrimination against her. The irony here is that she being a proven victim in a case she is calling bullshit on the prevalence of racism charges when someone does not get their way or desired outcome.

White people didn't vote for Obama. Candace Owens said that when she was young racism wasn't a problem.
I'm getting a little tired of the whites here who think they are experts on the black community. THE ROOT CAUSE OF OUR PROBLEM HAS BEEN AND CONTINUES TO BE WHITE RACISM. Not the lack of a father in the home, because the white daddy in the home has produced sexual molestation of children, beating up their wives, cheating on their wives and husbands, kids who go to school and shoot up their classmates, serial killers out the ass, and white collar robbers who have stolen billions.

So while the rich white daddy lives at home with his family, but has a sidepiece be it male or female, tells the poor white man who stays home with his family that the problems blacks have are because there is no father at home while he's robbing poor white man blind. A race of people who have built a nation on an evil premise of white supremacy have no room to talk about problems outside of their community. White racists have always been the problem here, and those white racists are generally white sexists also. But the sad thing for women standing for their rights is that there are female sellouts who get touted by the same motherfuckers who tout sellouts like Candice Owens, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Larry Elder, etc..
Last edited:
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

We have.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true. This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Ghost rider needs to shut the fuck up.

Quit hiding behind the ignore button and say that to me directly you coward.

That's your pat response to any viewpoint you disagree with:

"_________(insert name of individual, group, race or ethnicity) just needs to shut the fuck up."

The only reason he's sucking Owens pussy is because she supports his racist point of view.

I'm not surprised you haven't noticed but, I have said nothing in praise of Owens. Not one word. All I've done is ask these Owens critics to give evidence that they know she switched parties out of greed. So far, none have.

I have done plenty of research on Owens and I have seen plenty of sellouts like her in my life. She's a sellout, I don't want to talk to her and don't need to.

No one said you had to.

There are black republicans who do not hold the views of Owens and they don't get shot up to national prominence like she is because they don't run around dissing blacks who oppose racism and they don't lie about how racism doesn't exist or that blacks have this mysterious victim mentality that was first made up by the fat cancer patient.

Owens never said racism doesn't exist.
Owens claimed racism is no longer a problem

Conservatives pay her big money to say it.

The definition and perception of racism has expanded in scope and complexity. That’s the problem. Saying white engineers can never be good as Asian engineers due to genetics, is racist ( this has been said to me). Saying that you disagree with an energy
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

We have.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true. This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Ghost rider needs to shut the fuck up.

Quit hiding behind the ignore button and say that to me directly you coward.

That's your pat response to any viewpoint you disagree with:

"_________(insert name of individual, group, race or ethnicity) just needs to shut the fuck up."

The only reason he's sucking Owens pussy is because she supports his racist point of view.

I'm not surprised you haven't noticed but, I have said nothing in praise of Owens. Not one word. All I've done is ask these Owens critics to give evidence that they know she switched parties out of greed. So far, none have.

I have done plenty of research on Owens and I have seen plenty of sellouts like her in my life. She's a sellout, I don't want to talk to her and don't need to.

No one said you had to.

There are black republicans who do not hold the views of Owens and they don't get shot up to national prominence like she is because they don't run around dissing blacks who oppose racism and they don't lie about how racism doesn't exist or that blacks have this mysterious victim mentality that was first made up by the fat cancer patient.

Owens never said racism doesn't exist.
Owens claimed racism is no longer a problem

Conservatives pay her big money to say it.

The definition and perception of Racism today has expanded in scope and complexity. That’s the problem. Saying white engineers can never be good as Asian engineers is racist. Questioning or disagreeing with the economic or energy policy of a Black President is not racist. Content on this board provides a good example.

Official and open racism is no longer tolerated. Expression of racism has become more subtle.

Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. One only has to look at the election of Obama to see the racists come out of the woodwork.

You just contradicted yourself.... “the Election of Barack Obama caused the racists to come out of the woodwork”? Obama won substantially.... not the work of racists. Again, thevj
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

It goes without saying that if you don't agree with her views, it will not be a positive message to you.

And continuing with the greed line of argument continues to ignore the fact that other blacks have switched with no financial gain.

Name a few.

I will when you give me proof that Owens only switched out of greed.

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

You have. So what did she say?

We are still waiting for her to tell us what time period America was great for black folks, for some odd reason she couldn't answer that question.

This is irrelevant to the question I asked. I asked if anyone ever asked her why she switched.

Besides, I saw that video. Every time she tried to answer the idiot kept shouting her down. Sorry, but this one doesn't cut it.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true.

Wrong. She never made that claim.

“Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, okay? I really don’t remember it. And suddenly, toward the end of Obama, we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up. It became White versus Black all over again. I shouldn’t even say all over again because when I was alive, it was not an issue. It all became about race. Candace Owens.

I see nowhere in this quote that she said she never experienced racism.

The subject of race, racism and cultural appropriation have gripped this country like it never has before, even when she was a victim of racism. This is what she was talking about.

She didn't say racism was not an issue, she said race was not an issue like it is today. Meaning, we've never had this level of accusations, allegations and paranoia about race. We didn't have the problem we have today of people making issues about race that are not.

The way Owens and people like myself see it, racism exists. However, the number of people being publicly accused of racism has skyrocketed. People are being accused of racism for everything from smiling at an elderly Native American to not showing the proper level of contrition for white privilege. We're being hounded from all directions and usually it's for the most ridiculous reasons imaginable.

This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Did Diamond and Silk switch or were they always conservatives?

What did they switch from?

Ask him, he's the one who said it.

Here is a video of her weak ass excuse of why she switched parties.

First of all, I've seen this video and I happen to agree with a lot of what she says. I don't see it as a "weak excuse" at all. Secondly, no one needs an "excuse" to switch to the Republican party. "Excuse" implies that the action is immoral, unethical or frowned upon. To say she needs an excuse to switch implies that one needs an excuse to be a Republican at all.

Switching to the Republican party needs no excuse or justification and neither myself, Candace Owens, or any other person who decides to cross the aisle needs your blessing or absolution or your permission.

You're correct this is America and you can join which ever party you like, it still doesn't change the fact of who she is. Unfortunately most black folks who become republicans are looking to be accepted by white republicans and will attack other blacks or lose self to be accepted by those republicans.

Are black Democrats not looking to be accepted by white Democrats? I would think this is exactly what they are doing because they feel only white Democrats can help them pursue black interests.

Although, it may be more accurate to say that white Democrats are looking to be accepted by blacks.

No, most black Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare -- improve voting rights protections, strengthen labor protections -- you know, pretty much the same shit most other democrats want policy wise.

Okay. But by the same token, the obverse is also true: Most black Republicans want to expand Republican interests and programs --you know, pretty much the same shit most other Republicans want policy wise.

It seems to me that a lot of Democrats, both white and black, have erected this false paradigm where, to be a black Democrat is right and good and true and only because they agree with Democrat policies and visions. Whereas, to be a black Republican who pushes for any kind of policy or view that does not totally align with certain Democrat policies regarding the black community is to be an Uncle Tom sellout and a whitey suckup.

You can't have it both ways. Logic and the law of averages dictates that sometimes you're going to have a black conservative who has ideas and views that run counter to yours and that they hold these views because they sincerely believe them and not just because he wants acceptance from whitey.

We don't need to be patted on the head by white Democrats and told that we are one of the "good blacks" -- because we don't have this built in hatred of ourselves like some black republicans have....

One could also say that some black Democrats have a built-in hatred of themselves. For sure there are a lot of white Democrats with a built-in hatred of themselves because of all the white privilege rhetoric flying around.

You will never see a black democrat say "Racism does not exist and has not ever existed in this country" -- just so you can get some pats on the head like this moron does...

View attachment 321037

"Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?” “Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

It's tantamount to a Jewish person who had DIRECT descendants who died in gas chambers claiming that the holocaust never existed just to get pats on the head from Neo-Nazis...and folks like you shaming other Jewish people for not adopting his beliefs....

I've never heard of this guy but, if he actually said there is/was no racism then you're right, he's a moron.

The difference here between Owens and this guy though is that he actually said it. Owens did not. Owens merely said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues." People have conflated these words so out of proportion that they have been rendered meaningless.

I've already explained what I think she meant by this and I cited the explosion of race-related accusations, allegations and attributions a number of times as an example of what she was talking about. And you know what? Not one of you has even acknowledged that it is true that we're seeing and hearing about race and racism today like never before. We have never before seen the numbers of accusations we're seeing now and we have never before seen the number of false accusations of racism we're seeing now.

Finally, let's take an objective look at what Owens said in context rather than quoting her out of context as Democrats are wont to do. Here is the entire paragraph:

"Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, o.k. I really don’t remember it. Then suddenly towards the end of Obama, we started hearing all this rhetoric drummed up. This white versus black all over again”

As you can plainly see, she is not saying racism doesn't exist or that it didn't exist. She's referring to the fact that race issues are suddenly everywhere and it's what everybody is talking about on a daily basis.

She may or may not be right that Obama had anything to do with it but she is spot on when she says it wasn't so prevalent ten to fifteen years ago. That is a fact.

I could understand conservative blacks embracing fiscal conservatism. Control spending, balance budgets, keep taxes low.

However, I can’t understand blacks like Candace Owens and Alveda King dismissing the struggles blacks have faced in the past and still face today. The repeating of racist claims that welfare programs equate to slavery is beyond understanding

I don't think she's dismissing the struggles, I believe she's saying the struggle is not necessary and that blacks need to do more to get themselves on their feet. I happen to agree with this.

Whatever struggles the black community has, Democrat policies will never end those struggles. Single motherhood for example. Owens brings up absent black fathers in the video Supa cited to me. He called the things she said in the video a "weak ass excuse" for switching parties. Problem is, Owens is absolutely correct on this point: absent fathers in the black community are a real problem. It is not whitey's fault and it will never be solved by whites or with welfare or any other social program.

There needs to be a cultural sea change in the black community where things like this are concerned for any real change to happen.

It's all well and good to say the black community needs a still comes down to socio-economics....example...

When my two teenage sons are out in the world -- even tho they came from a 2-parent household...Do they need to wear a uniform or something to signal that they are one of the "good blacks"?? Would that help them escape structural discrimination that still remains today?

When Candace Owens was a teen - A VERY VERY SHORT TIME AGO -- did her coming from a two-parent household prevent her from having to sue her school district for racial discrimination??

How many hoops did this country require white folks to jump thru to prove they deserved equal treatment under the law??

And when those of us seek to eliminate that structural discrimination --- will you join us or oppose us???

Candace Owens fought real racial discrimination against her. The irony here is that she being a proven victim in a case she is calling bullshit on the prevalence of racism charges when someone does not get their way or desired outcome.

Blacks who bitches like you call victims, have faced real racial discrimination. Owens said there was no such thing, that's why white racists who hijacked the term conservative have pushed her to the top. Shes not calling bullshit on anything. There isno fucking prevalence ofthat, but your delusional white ass wants to believe it because then you don't have to feel as if you are a racist. But the fact is she's lying and she's hurting black people by doing so.
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

We have.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true. This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Ghost rider needs to shut the fuck up.

Quit hiding behind the ignore button and say that to me directly you coward.

That's your pat response to any viewpoint you disagree with:

"_________(insert name of individual, group, race or ethnicity) just needs to shut the fuck up."

The only reason he's sucking Owens pussy is because she supports his racist point of view.

I'm not surprised you haven't noticed but, I have said nothing in praise of Owens. Not one word. All I've done is ask these Owens critics to give evidence that they know she switched parties out of greed. So far, none have.

I have done plenty of research on Owens and I have seen plenty of sellouts like her in my life. She's a sellout, I don't want to talk to her and don't need to.

No one said you had to.

There are black republicans who do not hold the views of Owens and they don't get shot up to national prominence like she is because they don't run around dissing blacks who oppose racism and they don't lie about how racism doesn't exist or that blacks have this mysterious victim mentality that was first made up by the fat cancer patient.

Owens never said racism doesn't exist.
Owens claimed racism is no longer a problem

Conservatives pay her big money to say it.

The definition and perception of racism has expanded in scope and complexity. That’s the problem. Saying white engineers can never be good as Asian engineers due to genetics, is racist ( this has been said to me). Saying that you disagree with an energy
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

We have.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true. This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Ghost rider needs to shut the fuck up.

Quit hiding behind the ignore button and say that to me directly you coward.

That's your pat response to any viewpoint you disagree with:

"_________(insert name of individual, group, race or ethnicity) just needs to shut the fuck up."

The only reason he's sucking Owens pussy is because she supports his racist point of view.

I'm not surprised you haven't noticed but, I have said nothing in praise of Owens. Not one word. All I've done is ask these Owens critics to give evidence that they know she switched parties out of greed. So far, none have.

I have done plenty of research on Owens and I have seen plenty of sellouts like her in my life. She's a sellout, I don't want to talk to her and don't need to.

No one said you had to.

There are black republicans who do not hold the views of Owens and they don't get shot up to national prominence like she is because they don't run around dissing blacks who oppose racism and they don't lie about how racism doesn't exist or that blacks have this mysterious victim mentality that was first made up by the fat cancer patient.

Owens never said racism doesn't exist.
Owens claimed racism is no longer a problem

Conservatives pay her big money to say it.

The definition and perception of Racism today has expanded in scope and complexity. That’s the problem. Saying white engineers can never be good as Asian engineers is racist. Questioning or disagreeing with the economic or energy policy of a Black President is not racist. Content on this board provides a good example.

Official and open racism is no longer tolerated. Expression of racism has become more subtle.

Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. One only has to look at the election of Obama to see the racists come out of the woodwork.

You just contradicted yourself.... “the Election of Barack Obama caused the racists to come out of the woodwork”? Obama won substantially.... not the work of racists. Again, thevj
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

It goes without saying that if you don't agree with her views, it will not be a positive message to you.

And continuing with the greed line of argument continues to ignore the fact that other blacks have switched with no financial gain.

Name a few.

I will when you give me proof that Owens only switched out of greed.

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

You have. So what did she say?

We are still waiting for her to tell us what time period America was great for black folks, for some odd reason she couldn't answer that question.

This is irrelevant to the question I asked. I asked if anyone ever asked her why she switched.

Besides, I saw that video. Every time she tried to answer the idiot kept shouting her down. Sorry, but this one doesn't cut it.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true.

Wrong. She never made that claim.

“Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, okay? I really don’t remember it. And suddenly, toward the end of Obama, we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up. It became White versus Black all over again. I shouldn’t even say all over again because when I was alive, it was not an issue. It all became about race. Candace Owens.

I see nowhere in this quote that she said she never experienced racism.

The subject of race, racism and cultural appropriation have gripped this country like it never has before, even when she was a victim of racism. This is what she was talking about.

She didn't say racism was not an issue, she said race was not an issue like it is today. Meaning, we've never had this level of accusations, allegations and paranoia about race. We didn't have the problem we have today of people making issues about race that are not.

The way Owens and people like myself see it, racism exists. However, the number of people being publicly accused of racism has skyrocketed. People are being accused of racism for everything from smiling at an elderly Native American to not showing the proper level of contrition for white privilege. We're being hounded from all directions and usually it's for the most ridiculous reasons imaginable.

This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Did Diamond and Silk switch or were they always conservatives?

What did they switch from?

Ask him, he's the one who said it.

Here is a video of her weak ass excuse of why she switched parties.

First of all, I've seen this video and I happen to agree with a lot of what she says. I don't see it as a "weak excuse" at all. Secondly, no one needs an "excuse" to switch to the Republican party. "Excuse" implies that the action is immoral, unethical or frowned upon. To say she needs an excuse to switch implies that one needs an excuse to be a Republican at all.

Switching to the Republican party needs no excuse or justification and neither myself, Candace Owens, or any other person who decides to cross the aisle needs your blessing or absolution or your permission.

You're correct this is America and you can join which ever party you like, it still doesn't change the fact of who she is. Unfortunately most black folks who become republicans are looking to be accepted by white republicans and will attack other blacks or lose self to be accepted by those republicans.

Are black Democrats not looking to be accepted by white Democrats? I would think this is exactly what they are doing because they feel only white Democrats can help them pursue black interests.

Although, it may be more accurate to say that white Democrats are looking to be accepted by blacks.

No, most black Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare -- improve voting rights protections, strengthen labor protections -- you know, pretty much the same shit most other democrats want policy wise.

Okay. But by the same token, the obverse is also true: Most black Republicans want to expand Republican interests and programs --you know, pretty much the same shit most other Republicans want policy wise.

It seems to me that a lot of Democrats, both white and black, have erected this false paradigm where, to be a black Democrat is right and good and true and only because they agree with Democrat policies and visions. Whereas, to be a black Republican who pushes for any kind of policy or view that does not totally align with certain Democrat policies regarding the black community is to be an Uncle Tom sellout and a whitey suckup.

You can't have it both ways. Logic and the law of averages dictates that sometimes you're going to have a black conservative who has ideas and views that run counter to yours and that they hold these views because they sincerely believe them and not just because he wants acceptance from whitey.

We don't need to be patted on the head by white Democrats and told that we are one of the "good blacks" -- because we don't have this built in hatred of ourselves like some black republicans have....

One could also say that some black Democrats have a built-in hatred of themselves. For sure there are a lot of white Democrats with a built-in hatred of themselves because of all the white privilege rhetoric flying around.

You will never see a black democrat say "Racism does not exist and has not ever existed in this country" -- just so you can get some pats on the head like this moron does...

View attachment 321037

"Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?” “Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

It's tantamount to a Jewish person who had DIRECT descendants who died in gas chambers claiming that the holocaust never existed just to get pats on the head from Neo-Nazis...and folks like you shaming other Jewish people for not adopting his beliefs....

I've never heard of this guy but, if he actually said there is/was no racism then you're right, he's a moron.

The difference here between Owens and this guy though is that he actually said it. Owens did not. Owens merely said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues." People have conflated these words so out of proportion that they have been rendered meaningless.

I've already explained what I think she meant by this and I cited the explosion of race-related accusations, allegations and attributions a number of times as an example of what she was talking about. And you know what? Not one of you has even acknowledged that it is true that we're seeing and hearing about race and racism today like never before. We have never before seen the numbers of accusations we're seeing now and we have never before seen the number of false accusations of racism we're seeing now.

Finally, let's take an objective look at what Owens said in context rather than quoting her out of context as Democrats are wont to do. Here is the entire paragraph:

"Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, o.k. I really don’t remember it. Then suddenly towards the end of Obama, we started hearing all this rhetoric drummed up. This white versus black all over again”

As you can plainly see, she is not saying racism doesn't exist or that it didn't exist. She's referring to the fact that race issues are suddenly everywhere and it's what everybody is talking about on a daily basis.

She may or may not be right that Obama had anything to do with it but she is spot on when she says it wasn't so prevalent ten to fifteen years ago. That is a fact.

I could understand conservative blacks embracing fiscal conservatism. Control spending, balance budgets, keep taxes low.

However, I can’t understand blacks like Candace Owens and Alveda King dismissing the struggles blacks have faced in the past and still face today. The repeating of racist claims that welfare programs equate to slavery is beyond understanding

I don't think she's dismissing the struggles, I believe she's saying the struggle is not necessary and that blacks need to do more to get themselves on their feet. I happen to agree with this.

Whatever struggles the black community has, Democrat policies will never end those struggles. Single motherhood for example. Owens brings up absent black fathers in the video Supa cited to me. He called the things she said in the video a "weak ass excuse" for switching parties. Problem is, Owens is absolutely correct on this point: absent fathers in the black community are a real problem. It is not whitey's fault and it will never be solved by whites or with welfare or any other social program.

There needs to be a cultural sea change in the black community where things like this are concerned for any real change to happen.

It's all well and good to say the black community needs a still comes down to socio-economics....example...

When my two teenage sons are out in the world -- even tho they came from a 2-parent household...Do they need to wear a uniform or something to signal that they are one of the "good blacks"?? Would that help them escape structural discrimination that still remains today?

When Candace Owens was a teen - A VERY VERY SHORT TIME AGO -- did her coming from a two-parent household prevent her from having to sue her school district for racial discrimination??

How many hoops did this country require white folks to jump thru to prove they deserved equal treatment under the law??

And when those of us seek to eliminate that structural discrimination --- will you join us or oppose us???

Candace Owens fought real racial discrimination against her. The irony here is that she being a proven victim in a case she is calling bullshit on the prevalence of racism charges when someone does not get their way or desired outcome.

Blacks who bitches like you call victims, have faced real racial discrimination. Owens said there was no such thing, that's why white racists who hijacked the term conservative have pushed her to the top. Shes not calling bullshit on anything. There isno fucking prevalence ofthat, but your delusional white ass wants to believe it because then you don't have to feel as if you are a racist. But the fact is she's lying and she's hurting black people by doing so.

Keep swiping the race card. Every time you do, the race hustlers are banking on that.
A responsible and accomplished black woman who 80% of liberals and blacks immediately dislike because she is black, Responsible and accomplished. Plus she don’t walk and talk and look like a ghetto Ho

Even better is Anyone who does support her is quite naturally Racist.
She is very eloquent but is disliked because she is looked at as a phony and con artist
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

It goes without saying that if you don't agree with her views, it will not be a positive message to you.

And continuing with the greed line of argument continues to ignore the fact that other blacks have switched with no financial gain.

Name a few.

I will when you give me proof that Owens only switched out of greed.

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

You have. So what did she say?

We are still waiting for her to tell us what time period America was great for black folks, for some odd reason she couldn't answer that question.

This is irrelevant to the question I asked. I asked if anyone ever asked her why she switched.

Besides, I saw that video. Every time she tried to answer the idiot kept shouting her down. Sorry, but this one doesn't cut it.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true.

Wrong. She never made that claim.

“Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, okay? I really don’t remember it. And suddenly, toward the end of Obama, we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up. It became White versus Black all over again. I shouldn’t even say all over again because when I was alive, it was not an issue. It all became about race. Candace Owens.

I see nowhere in this quote that she said she never experienced racism.

The subject of race, racism and cultural appropriation have gripped this country like it never has before, even when she was a victim of racism. This is what she was talking about.

She didn't say racism was not an issue, she said race was not an issue like it is today. Meaning, we've never had this level of accusations, allegations and paranoia about race. We didn't have the problem we have today of people making issues about race that are not.

The way Owens and people like myself see it, racism exists. However, the number of people being publicly accused of racism has skyrocketed. People are being accused of racism for everything from smiling at an elderly Native American to not showing the proper level of contrition for white privilege. We're being hounded from all directions and usually it's for the most ridiculous reasons imaginable.

This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Did Diamond and Silk switch or were they always conservatives?

What did they switch from?

Ask him, he's the one who said it.

Here is a video of her weak ass excuse of why she switched parties.

First of all, I've seen this video and I happen to agree with a lot of what she says. I don't see it as a "weak excuse" at all. Secondly, no one needs an "excuse" to switch to the Republican party. "Excuse" implies that the action is immoral, unethical or frowned upon. To say she needs an excuse to switch implies that one needs an excuse to be a Republican at all.

Switching to the Republican party needs no excuse or justification and neither myself, Candace Owens, or any other person who decides to cross the aisle needs your blessing or absolution or your permission.

You're correct this is America and you can join which ever party you like, it still doesn't change the fact of who she is. Unfortunately most black folks who become republicans are looking to be accepted by white republicans and will attack other blacks or lose self to be accepted by those republicans.

Are black Democrats not looking to be accepted by white Democrats? I would think this is exactly what they are doing because they feel only white Democrats can help them pursue black interests.

Although, it may be more accurate to say that white Democrats are looking to be accepted by blacks.

No, most black Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare -- improve voting rights protections, strengthen labor protections -- you know, pretty much the same shit most other democrats want policy wise.

Okay. But by the same token, the obverse is also true: Most black Republicans want to expand Republican interests and programs --you know, pretty much the same shit most other Republicans want policy wise.

It seems to me that a lot of Democrats, both white and black, have erected this false paradigm where, to be a black Democrat is right and good and true and only because they agree with Democrat policies and visions. Whereas, to be a black Republican who pushes for any kind of policy or view that does not totally align with certain Democrat policies regarding the black community is to be an Uncle Tom sellout and a whitey suckup.

You can't have it both ways. Logic and the law of averages dictates that sometimes you're going to have a black conservative who has ideas and views that run counter to yours and that they hold these views because they sincerely believe them and not just because he wants acceptance from whitey.

We don't need to be patted on the head by white Democrats and told that we are one of the "good blacks" -- because we don't have this built in hatred of ourselves like some black republicans have....

One could also say that some black Democrats have a built-in hatred of themselves. For sure there are a lot of white Democrats with a built-in hatred of themselves because of all the white privilege rhetoric flying around.

You will never see a black democrat say "Racism does not exist and has not ever existed in this country" -- just so you can get some pats on the head like this moron does...

View attachment 321037

"Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?” “Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

It's tantamount to a Jewish person who had DIRECT descendants who died in gas chambers claiming that the holocaust never existed just to get pats on the head from Neo-Nazis...and folks like you shaming other Jewish people for not adopting his beliefs....

I've never heard of this guy but, if he actually said there is/was no racism then you're right, he's a moron.

The difference here between Owens and this guy though is that he actually said it. Owens did not. Owens merely said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues." People have conflated these words so out of proportion that they have been rendered meaningless.

I've already explained what I think she meant by this and I cited the explosion of race-related accusations, allegations and attributions a number of times as an example of what she was talking about. And you know what? Not one of you has even acknowledged that it is true that we're seeing and hearing about race and racism today like never before. We have never before seen the numbers of accusations we're seeing now and we have never before seen the number of false accusations of racism we're seeing now.

Finally, let's take an objective look at what Owens said in context rather than quoting her out of context as Democrats are wont to do. Here is the entire paragraph:

"Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, o.k. I really don’t remember it. Then suddenly towards the end of Obama, we started hearing all this rhetoric drummed up. This white versus black all over again”

As you can plainly see, she is not saying racism doesn't exist or that it didn't exist. She's referring to the fact that race issues are suddenly everywhere and it's what everybody is talking about on a daily basis.

She may or may not be right that Obama had anything to do with it but she is spot on when she says it wasn't so prevalent ten to fifteen years ago. That is a fact.

I could understand conservative blacks embracing fiscal conservatism. Control spending, balance budgets, keep taxes low.

However, I can’t understand blacks like Candace Owens and Alveda King dismissing the struggles blacks have faced in the past and still face today. The repeating of racist claims that welfare programs equate to slavery is beyond understanding

I don't think she's dismissing the struggles, I believe she's saying the struggle is not necessary and that blacks need to do more to get themselves on their feet. I happen to agree with this.

Whatever struggles the black community has, Democrat policies will never end those struggles. Single motherhood for example. Owens brings up absent black fathers in the video Supa cited to me. He called the things she said in the video a "weak ass excuse" for switching parties. Problem is, Owens is absolutely correct on this point: absent fathers in the black community are a real problem. It is not whitey's fault and it will never be solved by whites or with welfare or any other social program.

There needs to be a cultural sea change in the black community where things like this are concerned for any real change to happen.

Agree with the social issues in the black community.
But what is the Governments role in solving them?

Why would the government have a role in solving the problem of fatherless homes?

Yelling at blacks and telling them to work harder is not a solution

Who's yelling?

In the mean time, we need to assist families in need with food and housing. We need to assist minority and urban businesses. We need job training, education and jobs programs.

They don't have these things already?

Republicans deride this as a “Plantation” while offering nothing to struggling blacks other than more prisons

So who's committing the crimes?
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

It goes without saying that if you don't agree with her views, it will not be a positive message to you.

And continuing with the greed line of argument continues to ignore the fact that other blacks have switched with no financial gain.

Name a few.

I will when you give me proof that Owens only switched out of greed.

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

You have. So what did she say?

We are still waiting for her to tell us what time period America was great for black folks, for some odd reason she couldn't answer that question.

This is irrelevant to the question I asked. I asked if anyone ever asked her why she switched.

Besides, I saw that video. Every time she tried to answer the idiot kept shouting her down. Sorry, but this one doesn't cut it.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true.

Wrong. She never made that claim.

“Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, okay? I really don’t remember it. And suddenly, toward the end of Obama, we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up. It became White versus Black all over again. I shouldn’t even say all over again because when I was alive, it was not an issue. It all became about race. Candace Owens.

I see nowhere in this quote that she said she never experienced racism.

The subject of race, racism and cultural appropriation have gripped this country like it never has before, even when she was a victim of racism. This is what she was talking about.

She didn't say racism was not an issue, she said race was not an issue like it is today. Meaning, we've never had this level of accusations, allegations and paranoia about race. We didn't have the problem we have today of people making issues about race that are not.

The way Owens and people like myself see it, racism exists. However, the number of people being publicly accused of racism has skyrocketed. People are being accused of racism for everything from smiling at an elderly Native American to not showing the proper level of contrition for white privilege. We're being hounded from all directions and usually it's for the most ridiculous reasons imaginable.

This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Did Diamond and Silk switch or were they always conservatives?

What did they switch from?

Ask him, he's the one who said it.

Here is a video of her weak ass excuse of why she switched parties.

First of all, I've seen this video and I happen to agree with a lot of what she says. I don't see it as a "weak excuse" at all. Secondly, no one needs an "excuse" to switch to the Republican party. "Excuse" implies that the action is immoral, unethical or frowned upon. To say she needs an excuse to switch implies that one needs an excuse to be a Republican at all.

Switching to the Republican party needs no excuse or justification and neither myself, Candace Owens, or any other person who decides to cross the aisle needs your blessing or absolution or your permission.

You're correct this is America and you can join which ever party you like, it still doesn't change the fact of who she is. Unfortunately most black folks who become republicans are looking to be accepted by white republicans and will attack other blacks or lose self to be accepted by those republicans.

Are black Democrats not looking to be accepted by white Democrats? I would think this is exactly what they are doing because they feel only white Democrats can help them pursue black interests.

Although, it may be more accurate to say that white Democrats are looking to be accepted by blacks.

No, most black Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare -- improve voting rights protections, strengthen labor protections -- you know, pretty much the same shit most other democrats want policy wise.

Okay. But by the same token, the obverse is also true: Most black Republicans want to expand Republican interests and programs --you know, pretty much the same shit most other Republicans want policy wise.

It seems to me that a lot of Democrats, both white and black, have erected this false paradigm where, to be a black Democrat is right and good and true and only because they agree with Democrat policies and visions. Whereas, to be a black Republican who pushes for any kind of policy or view that does not totally align with certain Democrat policies regarding the black community is to be an Uncle Tom sellout and a whitey suckup.

You can't have it both ways. Logic and the law of averages dictates that sometimes you're going to have a black conservative who has ideas and views that run counter to yours and that they hold these views because they sincerely believe them and not just because he wants acceptance from whitey.

We don't need to be patted on the head by white Democrats and told that we are one of the "good blacks" -- because we don't have this built in hatred of ourselves like some black republicans have....

One could also say that some black Democrats have a built-in hatred of themselves. For sure there are a lot of white Democrats with a built-in hatred of themselves because of all the white privilege rhetoric flying around.

You will never see a black democrat say "Racism does not exist and has not ever existed in this country" -- just so you can get some pats on the head like this moron does...

View attachment 321037

"Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?” “Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

It's tantamount to a Jewish person who had DIRECT descendants who died in gas chambers claiming that the holocaust never existed just to get pats on the head from Neo-Nazis...and folks like you shaming other Jewish people for not adopting his beliefs....

I've never heard of this guy but, if he actually said there is/was no racism then you're right, he's a moron.

The difference here between Owens and this guy though is that he actually said it. Owens did not. Owens merely said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues." People have conflated these words so out of proportion that they have been rendered meaningless.

I've already explained what I think she meant by this and I cited the explosion of race-related accusations, allegations and attributions a number of times as an example of what she was talking about. And you know what? Not one of you has even acknowledged that it is true that we're seeing and hearing about race and racism today like never before. We have never before seen the numbers of accusations we're seeing now and we have never before seen the number of false accusations of racism we're seeing now.

Finally, let's take an objective look at what Owens said in context rather than quoting her out of context as Democrats are wont to do. Here is the entire paragraph:

"Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, o.k. I really don’t remember it. Then suddenly towards the end of Obama, we started hearing all this rhetoric drummed up. This white versus black all over again”

As you can plainly see, she is not saying racism doesn't exist or that it didn't exist. She's referring to the fact that race issues are suddenly everywhere and it's what everybody is talking about on a daily basis.

She may or may not be right that Obama had anything to do with it but she is spot on when she says it wasn't so prevalent ten to fifteen years ago. That is a fact.

I could understand conservative blacks embracing fiscal conservatism. Control spending, balance budgets, keep taxes low.

However, I can’t understand blacks like Candace Owens and Alveda King dismissing the struggles blacks have faced in the past and still face today. The repeating of racist claims that welfare programs equate to slavery is beyond understanding

I don't think she's dismissing the struggles, I believe she's saying the struggle is not necessary and that blacks need to do more to get themselves on their feet. I happen to agree with this.

Whatever struggles the black community has, Democrat policies will never end those struggles. Single motherhood for example. Owens brings up absent black fathers in the video Supa cited to me. He called the things she said in the video a "weak ass excuse" for switching parties. Problem is, Owens is absolutely correct on this point: absent fathers in the black community are a real problem. It is not whitey's fault and it will never be solved by whites or with welfare or any other social program.

There needs to be a cultural sea change in the black community where things like this are concerned for any real change to happen.

It's all well and good to say the black community needs a still comes down to socio-economics....example...

When my two teenage sons are out in the world -- even tho they came from a 2-parent household...Do they need to wear a uniform or something to signal that they are one of the "good blacks"?? Would that help them escape structural discrimination that still remains today?

When Candace Owens was a teen - A VERY VERY SHORT TIME AGO -- did her coming from a two-parent household prevent her from having to sue her school district for racial discrimination??

How many hoops did this country require white folks to jump thru to prove they deserved equal treatment under the law??

Now let me ask you a question: Do you honestly see any of these things being solved or going away if black families do NOT do something about fatherless homes? Do you think racism and discrimination will just go away with more social programs while that putrid albatross still hangs around the black community's neck for everyone to see?

And when those of us seek to eliminate that structural discrimination --- will you join us or oppose us???

I won't stand in anybody's way as long as the cause is just. All I ask for in return is not to call me racist for some stupid reason (you haven't, but some have) or include me in a blanket accusation of white racism.
I'm not racist and never was. We were taught by our father not to be. I have black family members that I love dearly and would kill for. I've made many black friends over the years and I treat everyone, black and white, with the same respect and civility I expect for myself.
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

We have.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true. This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Ghost rider needs to shut the fuck up.

Quit hiding behind the ignore button and say that to me directly you coward.

That's your pat response to any viewpoint you disagree with:

"_________(insert name of individual, group, race or ethnicity) just needs to shut the fuck up."

The only reason he's sucking Owens pussy is because she supports his racist point of view.

I'm not surprised you haven't noticed but, I have said nothing in praise of Owens. Not one word. All I've done is ask these Owens critics to give evidence that they know she switched parties out of greed. So far, none have.

I have done plenty of research on Owens and I have seen plenty of sellouts like her in my life. She's a sellout, I don't want to talk to her and don't need to.

No one said you had to.

There are black republicans who do not hold the views of Owens and they don't get shot up to national prominence like she is because they don't run around dissing blacks who oppose racism and they don't lie about how racism doesn't exist or that blacks have this mysterious victim mentality that was first made up by the fat cancer patient.

Owens never said racism doesn't exist.
Owens claimed racism is no longer a problem

Conservatives pay her big money to say it.

The definition and perception of racism has expanded in scope and complexity. That’s the problem. Saying white engineers can never be good as Asian engineers due to genetics, is racist ( this has been said to me). Saying that you disagree with an energy
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

We have.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true. This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Ghost rider needs to shut the fuck up.

Quit hiding behind the ignore button and say that to me directly you coward.

That's your pat response to any viewpoint you disagree with:

"_________(insert name of individual, group, race or ethnicity) just needs to shut the fuck up."

The only reason he's sucking Owens pussy is because she supports his racist point of view.

I'm not surprised you haven't noticed but, I have said nothing in praise of Owens. Not one word. All I've done is ask these Owens critics to give evidence that they know she switched parties out of greed. So far, none have.

I have done plenty of research on Owens and I have seen plenty of sellouts like her in my life. She's a sellout, I don't want to talk to her and don't need to.

No one said you had to.

There are black republicans who do not hold the views of Owens and they don't get shot up to national prominence like she is because they don't run around dissing blacks who oppose racism and they don't lie about how racism doesn't exist or that blacks have this mysterious victim mentality that was first made up by the fat cancer patient.

Owens never said racism doesn't exist.
Owens claimed racism is no longer a problem

Conservatives pay her big money to say it.

The definition and perception of Racism today has expanded in scope and complexity. That’s the problem. Saying white engineers can never be good as Asian engineers is racist. Questioning or disagreeing with the economic or energy policy of a Black President is not racist. Content on this board provides a good example.

Official and open racism is no longer tolerated. Expression of racism has become more subtle.

Doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. One only has to look at the election of Obama to see the racists come out of the woodwork.

You just contradicted yourself.... “the Election of Barack Obama caused the racists to come out of the woodwork”? Obama won substantially.... not the work of racists. Again, thevj
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

It goes without saying that if you don't agree with her views, it will not be a positive message to you.

And continuing with the greed line of argument continues to ignore the fact that other blacks have switched with no financial gain.

Name a few.

I will when you give me proof that Owens only switched out of greed.

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

You have. So what did she say?

We are still waiting for her to tell us what time period America was great for black folks, for some odd reason she couldn't answer that question.

This is irrelevant to the question I asked. I asked if anyone ever asked her why she switched.

Besides, I saw that video. Every time she tried to answer the idiot kept shouting her down. Sorry, but this one doesn't cut it.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true.

Wrong. She never made that claim.

“Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, okay? I really don’t remember it. And suddenly, toward the end of Obama, we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up. It became White versus Black all over again. I shouldn’t even say all over again because when I was alive, it was not an issue. It all became about race. Candace Owens.

I see nowhere in this quote that she said she never experienced racism.

The subject of race, racism and cultural appropriation have gripped this country like it never has before, even when she was a victim of racism. This is what she was talking about.

She didn't say racism was not an issue, she said race was not an issue like it is today. Meaning, we've never had this level of accusations, allegations and paranoia about race. We didn't have the problem we have today of people making issues about race that are not.

The way Owens and people like myself see it, racism exists. However, the number of people being publicly accused of racism has skyrocketed. People are being accused of racism for everything from smiling at an elderly Native American to not showing the proper level of contrition for white privilege. We're being hounded from all directions and usually it's for the most ridiculous reasons imaginable.

This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Did Diamond and Silk switch or were they always conservatives?

What did they switch from?

Ask him, he's the one who said it.

Here is a video of her weak ass excuse of why she switched parties.

First of all, I've seen this video and I happen to agree with a lot of what she says. I don't see it as a "weak excuse" at all. Secondly, no one needs an "excuse" to switch to the Republican party. "Excuse" implies that the action is immoral, unethical or frowned upon. To say she needs an excuse to switch implies that one needs an excuse to be a Republican at all.

Switching to the Republican party needs no excuse or justification and neither myself, Candace Owens, or any other person who decides to cross the aisle needs your blessing or absolution or your permission.

You're correct this is America and you can join which ever party you like, it still doesn't change the fact of who she is. Unfortunately most black folks who become republicans are looking to be accepted by white republicans and will attack other blacks or lose self to be accepted by those republicans.

Are black Democrats not looking to be accepted by white Democrats? I would think this is exactly what they are doing because they feel only white Democrats can help them pursue black interests.

Although, it may be more accurate to say that white Democrats are looking to be accepted by blacks.

No, most black Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare -- improve voting rights protections, strengthen labor protections -- you know, pretty much the same shit most other democrats want policy wise.

Okay. But by the same token, the obverse is also true: Most black Republicans want to expand Republican interests and programs --you know, pretty much the same shit most other Republicans want policy wise.

It seems to me that a lot of Democrats, both white and black, have erected this false paradigm where, to be a black Democrat is right and good and true and only because they agree with Democrat policies and visions. Whereas, to be a black Republican who pushes for any kind of policy or view that does not totally align with certain Democrat policies regarding the black community is to be an Uncle Tom sellout and a whitey suckup.

You can't have it both ways. Logic and the law of averages dictates that sometimes you're going to have a black conservative who has ideas and views that run counter to yours and that they hold these views because they sincerely believe them and not just because he wants acceptance from whitey.

We don't need to be patted on the head by white Democrats and told that we are one of the "good blacks" -- because we don't have this built in hatred of ourselves like some black republicans have....

One could also say that some black Democrats have a built-in hatred of themselves. For sure there are a lot of white Democrats with a built-in hatred of themselves because of all the white privilege rhetoric flying around.

You will never see a black democrat say "Racism does not exist and has not ever existed in this country" -- just so you can get some pats on the head like this moron does...

View attachment 321037

"Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?” “Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

It's tantamount to a Jewish person who had DIRECT descendants who died in gas chambers claiming that the holocaust never existed just to get pats on the head from Neo-Nazis...and folks like you shaming other Jewish people for not adopting his beliefs....

I've never heard of this guy but, if he actually said there is/was no racism then you're right, he's a moron.

The difference here between Owens and this guy though is that he actually said it. Owens did not. Owens merely said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues." People have conflated these words so out of proportion that they have been rendered meaningless.

I've already explained what I think she meant by this and I cited the explosion of race-related accusations, allegations and attributions a number of times as an example of what she was talking about. And you know what? Not one of you has even acknowledged that it is true that we're seeing and hearing about race and racism today like never before. We have never before seen the numbers of accusations we're seeing now and we have never before seen the number of false accusations of racism we're seeing now.

Finally, let's take an objective look at what Owens said in context rather than quoting her out of context as Democrats are wont to do. Here is the entire paragraph:

"Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, o.k. I really don’t remember it. Then suddenly towards the end of Obama, we started hearing all this rhetoric drummed up. This white versus black all over again”

As you can plainly see, she is not saying racism doesn't exist or that it didn't exist. She's referring to the fact that race issues are suddenly everywhere and it's what everybody is talking about on a daily basis.

She may or may not be right that Obama had anything to do with it but she is spot on when she says it wasn't so prevalent ten to fifteen years ago. That is a fact.

I could understand conservative blacks embracing fiscal conservatism. Control spending, balance budgets, keep taxes low.

However, I can’t understand blacks like Candace Owens and Alveda King dismissing the struggles blacks have faced in the past and still face today. The repeating of racist claims that welfare programs equate to slavery is beyond understanding

I don't think she's dismissing the struggles, I believe she's saying the struggle is not necessary and that blacks need to do more to get themselves on their feet. I happen to agree with this.

Whatever struggles the black community has, Democrat policies will never end those struggles. Single motherhood for example. Owens brings up absent black fathers in the video Supa cited to me. He called the things she said in the video a "weak ass excuse" for switching parties. Problem is, Owens is absolutely correct on this point: absent fathers in the black community are a real problem. It is not whitey's fault and it will never be solved by whites or with welfare or any other social program.

There needs to be a cultural sea change in the black community where things like this are concerned for any real change to happen.

It's all well and good to say the black community needs a still comes down to socio-economics....example...

When my two teenage sons are out in the world -- even tho they came from a 2-parent household...Do they need to wear a uniform or something to signal that they are one of the "good blacks"?? Would that help them escape structural discrimination that still remains today?

When Candace Owens was a teen - A VERY VERY SHORT TIME AGO -- did her coming from a two-parent household prevent her from having to sue her school district for racial discrimination??

How many hoops did this country require white folks to jump thru to prove they deserved equal treatment under the law??

And when those of us seek to eliminate that structural discrimination --- will you join us or oppose us???

Candace Owens fought real racial discrimination against her. The irony here is that she being a proven victim in a case she is calling bullshit on the prevalence of racism charges when someone does not get their way or desired outcome.

White people didn't vote for Obama. Candace Owens said that when she was young racism wasn't a problem.

Bullshit. Do you honestly think Obama got elected on the black vote alone? Jesus, you are a piece of work.
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus
I wonder how Candace will deflect away from this....

As much as it may delight the closet racists in the GOP to hear Candace tell them that she never encountered any race issues in her life....

She will have to explain why she asked the NAACP to help her sue her school over racial bullying....

"Scot X. Esdaile, the Connecticut NAACP president who helped Owens with her lawsuit, was shocked to hear Owens become a conservative. Esdaile told Mic in 2018, “We’re very saddened and disappointed in her. It seems to me that she’s now trying to play to a different type of demographic.” He also said, “It’s the same type of thing Clarence Thomas did. [Thomas] reaped all the benefits of affirmative action and then tried to roll over on it. It’s that kind of mentality and disrespect.” Owens now calls the NAACP “one of the worst groups for Black people,” even though the organization helped her win a racial discrimination lawsuit."

I thought the NAACP’s mission was to support the advancement of all colored people? What happens when a person of color becomes conservative? Are they no longer eligible for support from the NAACP?
NAACP defended Candace Owens when she needed it. Got her a $37,000 settlement

She threw them under the bus

The lawsuit says she was being threatened by white boys. Like or dislike Owens, the mission of the NAACP is that they should assist her or any other person in that situation. Does that mean Owens is then forbiddened to disagree with the organization? If so, then you just validated my point that support from the NAACP is conditional.
Owens claimed she was “traumatized” by the racist taunts of a 14 year old white boy.

10 years later she told Fox she had never experienced racism

When and where did she say this? Do you have a link?

I thought so. I did a quick search myself and came across this article and wondered if this was what you were referring to. I'm sorry but I have to say, that is not what she said.

She said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues."

She did not say she never experienced racism herself and, contrary to what IM2 says, she never said racism doesn't exist.

Saying "race issues" is not the same as saying "racism". What she's saying is that the subject of racism and race issues were not as prominent and had not gripped the country as it has in the last few years. Not even you can deny this.

I don't know if Owens has ever said anything along these lines but I and a lot of other people are getting sick and tired of people seeing racism in everything from movie roles to a bowl of corn flakes. It is a major source of frustration and anger for people like myself and Owens.

She never experienced any “race issues” until the Evil Black Man Obama but she had no problem pocketing $37,000 because she was so traumatized by racism

She is a con artist whose new scam is bilking Conservatives

Wrong. Again, she said: "...all of these race issues...". She did not say there were never race issues before and she did not say she never experienced racism.

Not even you can deny that race and racism was not as prominent an issue in this country when she had her experience as it is now. The whole country has gone batshit crazy on the issue to the point that we're seeing and hearing accusations every day by celebs, politicians and others and most of the time they're frivolous.

If you refuse to interpret Owens' remarks the way they were meant because you think she's an Uncle Tom then perhaps you'll accept my words the way they're meant: There is racism in this country. There was then and there is now. But is the issue of racism more prevalent and at the fore of the national conscience now than it was ten, fifteen years ago? Absolutely. Are we seeing more accusations and allegations of racism now than we did then? Absolutely. Are some of these accusations spurious and false? Absolutely.

So you see, it's possible to acknowledge that racism exists while at the same time decrying the hysteria and paranoia that has sprung up around the issue.

Racism itself is damaging enough. But when people are seeing racism where there is none and making kneejerk accusations because of a misunderstanding or lack of information, it is even more damaging.

I was called a liar by IM2 because I'm white and he called me racist for nothing more than disagreeing with him. JoeB calls me racist for defending Nick Sandmann when Sandmann did nothing but stand there and smile at a guy who got in his face unprovoked.

These are just a couple of personal examples but it shows how it has gotten completely out of control and it is damaging lives of those who don't deserve it.

Why do Conservatives struggle so much with our language?

Why do liberals?

It's simple English composition and it's a simple comment with no room for interpretation. Seriously, how do you get "I never experienced racism" out of "I do not remember when I was growing up (the country) having all of these race issues."? (insert is mine)

Racism does not qualify as a “race issue”?

Of course it does. But I'm not the one constraining the context, you are.

"Race issue" entails any matter pertaining to race relations. Ergo, this involves people saying a decorative cotton plant is racist or that a white person with dreadlocks is race or cultural appropriation.

Before ten to fifteen years ago we hardly ever heard these kinds of ridiculous claims and accusations and now we hear them every fucking day.

I am honestly baffled as to how you can look at the fact that race issues, accusations and allegations have exploded in the last few years and not know what Owens is talking about. You're not stupid so you know this as well as I do.

She cashed in her $37,000 payout the year before Obama was elected. Then claimed Obama was responsible for the race issues in this country?

Knowing that other blacks have switched parties and changed their minds about Trump while not receiving a dime to do so, I fail to see your point.
I have yet to see any significant change in black support of Trump

Does that make it a “race issue”?

Sigh That's not the point. The point is, other blacks have switched parties and/or changed their minds about Trump and none of them have gained anything from it except disdain from other blacks. In fact, many were conservatives and supported Trump from the beginning. So this argument that Owens only switched for the money is specious.
There is no proof of that

Oh, so now you want proof after making an entirely subjective judgment about why Owens switched parties. Incredible.

The fact that Owens has a history of demanding payment for racial discrimination,

A "history" of demanding payment for racial discrimination? It was just the one lawsuit, was it not?

started a far left website that was critical of Trump, shut it down and emerged six months later as an arch conservative and FoxNews darling is not suspicious to you?

Why would it be? I leaned left myself at one time and eventually became a conservative. So what?

So are you telling me that being a victim of white discrimination and bashing Trump paid off for her so she decided to, what, go in the completely opposite direction out of greed?

Seems to me that remaining a Democrat racism victim would have been more lucrative.
Quite a metamorphosis from Owens

From arch Liberal to arch Conservative in a few months

You do realize that she's not the only black person to make the switch, yes? And you do realize that other blacks who switched received no money for doing so, right?

What positive message has Candace really given too anyone?

It goes without saying that if you don't agree with her views, it will not be a positive message to you.

And continuing with the greed line of argument continues to ignore the fact that other blacks have switched with no financial gain.

Name a few.

I will when you give me proof that Owens only switched out of greed.

She learned the Diamond and Silk lesson

There is one thing that neither you, IM2 or any other Candace Owens-hater has bothered to do to gain some actual knowledge and perspective on this: Ask her.

You have. So what did she say?

We are still waiting for her to tell us what time period America was great for black folks, for some odd reason she couldn't answer that question.

This is irrelevant to the question I asked. I asked if anyone ever asked her why she switched.

Besides, I saw that video. Every time she tried to answer the idiot kept shouting her down. Sorry, but this one doesn't cut it.

What do you actually know about this transition of hers other than that it seemed (to you) to happen so quickly? Don't give me "It looks suspicious" or speculation, assumption and conjecture. What do you actually know?

She claims she has never experienced any racism, which was found to not be true.

Wrong. She never made that claim.

“Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, okay? I really don’t remember it. And suddenly, toward the end of Obama, we started hearing all of this rhetoric drummed up. It became White versus Black all over again. I shouldn’t even say all over again because when I was alive, it was not an issue. It all became about race. Candace Owens.

I see nowhere in this quote that she said she never experienced racism.

The subject of race, racism and cultural appropriation have gripped this country like it never has before, even when she was a victim of racism. This is what she was talking about.

She didn't say racism was not an issue, she said race was not an issue like it is today. Meaning, we've never had this level of accusations, allegations and paranoia about race. We didn't have the problem we have today of people making issues about race that are not.

The way Owens and people like myself see it, racism exists. However, the number of people being publicly accused of racism has skyrocketed. People are being accused of racism for everything from smiling at an elderly Native American to not showing the proper level of contrition for white privilege. We're being hounded from all directions and usually it's for the most ridiculous reasons imaginable.

This switch she has done is just like those 2 boot licking clowns Diamond and Silk, it is any opportunity for a financial gain.

Did Diamond and Silk switch or were they always conservatives?

What did they switch from?

Ask him, he's the one who said it.

Here is a video of her weak ass excuse of why she switched parties.

First of all, I've seen this video and I happen to agree with a lot of what she says. I don't see it as a "weak excuse" at all. Secondly, no one needs an "excuse" to switch to the Republican party. "Excuse" implies that the action is immoral, unethical or frowned upon. To say she needs an excuse to switch implies that one needs an excuse to be a Republican at all.

Switching to the Republican party needs no excuse or justification and neither myself, Candace Owens, or any other person who decides to cross the aisle needs your blessing or absolution or your permission.

You're correct this is America and you can join which ever party you like, it still doesn't change the fact of who she is. Unfortunately most black folks who become republicans are looking to be accepted by white republicans and will attack other blacks or lose self to be accepted by those republicans.

Are black Democrats not looking to be accepted by white Democrats? I would think this is exactly what they are doing because they feel only white Democrats can help them pursue black interests.

Although, it may be more accurate to say that white Democrats are looking to be accepted by blacks.

No, most black Democrats want to expand Social Security and Medicare -- improve voting rights protections, strengthen labor protections -- you know, pretty much the same shit most other democrats want policy wise.

Okay. But by the same token, the obverse is also true: Most black Republicans want to expand Republican interests and programs --you know, pretty much the same shit most other Republicans want policy wise.

It seems to me that a lot of Democrats, both white and black, have erected this false paradigm where, to be a black Democrat is right and good and true and only because they agree with Democrat policies and visions. Whereas, to be a black Republican who pushes for any kind of policy or view that does not totally align with certain Democrat policies regarding the black community is to be an Uncle Tom sellout and a whitey suckup.

You can't have it both ways. Logic and the law of averages dictates that sometimes you're going to have a black conservative who has ideas and views that run counter to yours and that they hold these views because they sincerely believe them and not just because he wants acceptance from whitey.

We don't need to be patted on the head by white Democrats and told that we are one of the "good blacks" -- because we don't have this built in hatred of ourselves like some black republicans have....

One could also say that some black Democrats have a built-in hatred of themselves. For sure there are a lot of white Democrats with a built-in hatred of themselves because of all the white privilege rhetoric flying around.

You will never see a black democrat say "Racism does not exist and has not ever existed in this country" -- just so you can get some pats on the head like this moron does...

View attachment 321037

"Peterson joined CRTV host Gavin McInnes on “CRTV Tonight,” where he demonstrated his trademark shtick of downplaying racism in America to conservative audiences. McInnes asked Peterson, “It’s 2018 in America, does racism exist?” “Absolutely not and it has never existed,” Peterson replied. “It is a made-up word.”

It's tantamount to a Jewish person who had DIRECT descendants who died in gas chambers claiming that the holocaust never existed just to get pats on the head from Neo-Nazis...and folks like you shaming other Jewish people for not adopting his beliefs....

I've never heard of this guy but, if he actually said there is/was no racism then you're right, he's a moron.

The difference here between Owens and this guy though is that he actually said it. Owens did not. Owens merely said: "I do not remember when I was growing up having all of these race issues." People have conflated these words so out of proportion that they have been rendered meaningless.

I've already explained what I think she meant by this and I cited the explosion of race-related accusations, allegations and attributions a number of times as an example of what she was talking about. And you know what? Not one of you has even acknowledged that it is true that we're seeing and hearing about race and racism today like never before. We have never before seen the numbers of accusations we're seeing now and we have never before seen the number of false accusations of racism we're seeing now.

Finally, let's take an objective look at what Owens said in context rather than quoting her out of context as Democrats are wont to do. Here is the entire paragraph:

"Obama did a lot to tear this country apart. I do not remember when I was growing up, having all these race issues, o.k. I really don’t remember it. Then suddenly towards the end of Obama, we started hearing all this rhetoric drummed up. This white versus black all over again”

As you can plainly see, she is not saying racism doesn't exist or that it didn't exist. She's referring to the fact that race issues are suddenly everywhere and it's what everybody is talking about on a daily basis.

She may or may not be right that Obama had anything to do with it but she is spot on when she says it wasn't so prevalent ten to fifteen years ago. That is a fact.

I could understand conservative blacks embracing fiscal conservatism. Control spending, balance budgets, keep taxes low.

However, I can’t understand blacks like Candace Owens and Alveda King dismissing the struggles blacks have faced in the past and still face today. The repeating of racist claims that welfare programs equate to slavery is beyond understanding

I don't think she's dismissing the struggles, I believe she's saying the struggle is not necessary and that blacks need to do more to get themselves on their feet. I happen to agree with this.

Whatever struggles the black community has, Democrat policies will never end those struggles. Single motherhood for example. Owens brings up absent black fathers in the video Supa cited to me. He called the things she said in the video a "weak ass excuse" for switching parties. Problem is, Owens is absolutely correct on this point: absent fathers in the black community are a real problem. It is not whitey's fault and it will never be solved by whites or with welfare or any other social program.

There needs to be a cultural sea change in the black community where things like this are concerned for any real change to happen.

Agree with the social issues in the black community.
But what is the Governments role in solving them?

Why would the government have a role in solving the problem of fatherless homes?

Yelling at blacks and telling them to work harder is not a solution

Who's yelling?

In the mean time, we need to assist families in need with food and housing. We need to assist minority and urban businesses. We need job training, education and jobs programs.

They don't have these things already?

Republicans deride this as a “Plantation” while offering nothing to struggling blacks other than more prisons

So who's committing the crimes?


There is little the government can do to solve fatherless homes in the black community. It is a social issue.
Any Conservatives here ready to argue that Candace Owens is more qualified to be President than AOC?

View attachment 319079
She is qualified to be a Lewinsky, she thought by cancelling amazons tax break. Meant she had that money in the bank. Lol, at least Owens knows how goverment works.
I guess you can compare Candace Owens to Lewinsky. But at least Lewinsky had a real job. Something Owens lacks

So, a republican woman talks about running for office and you compare her to a woman famous only for giving a blow job?

Very sexist of you, you hypocritical pig.
Wasn’t my comparison.
But Owens has never held a “real job”
What was Obama's real job before he gotv into politics
Which office? No idea, but whatever it is...GOOD!!! Should piss off ol IM2, too. :D

Candace Owens


I’m now honestly considering running for office. Never had any desire to previously, but something changed in me last night. Had a conversation with my husband and I think it’s a plan.

Yea let's see where she runs, it won't be in a predominately black district. Republicans claim they will vote for someone black until they get in the voting booth, should be pretty comical to watch. Maybe she can call up Stacey Dash for some insight.
Like Mia Love who won her seat in a predominately white religious district. Beat out the old white dude as well. I would lay down money that Owens could beat any republican she ran against.

Where is Mia Love today? Funny that she didn't last long.
But she was elected. She was also the Mayor of Salt Lake no small accomplishment for a Black Female. Conservatives like Candace Owens I know that freaks people like yourself out, but its the truth. If she runs she will likely win.

Doesn't freak me out, we have had sellouts and boot licking Toms since the first slaves walked off the slave ships.
Well there it is. A Black person can't have any other thought in there head except for what is allowed by the Democratic party. Same as when the first slave walked off the ship.

Has nothing to do with Democrat or Republican, but you're a white dude so you don't have a clue.
Fuck you shit bird I I have mixed race kids and grandchildren and it has everything to do with Democrats, as your proved by calling Owens a sell out and a Tom. You are a fucking hypocrite.
How else would you describe her 180 degree shift in politics?
She went where the money is.
I would call it waking up. Are you saying Black people can't make money as Liberals ?
Obama graduated at the top of his Harvard Law class and passed the bar. He was a lawyer before he entered politics

Candace Owens is a High School graduate who never worked a day in her life

Yeah. Obama graduated Harvard Law. And then was surprised that the Court might rule against a popular law.

His graduation, is strong evidence that Harvard is broken.
Top of his class.

Something we don’t see from Conservatives

Do you have any evidence for that claim? The last I heard he was towards the bottom of his class, to maybe didn't finish. Which is why his college records are sealed tighter than a drum.

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