Canadian man faces 2 years in prison for passing out Jesus saves pamphlets at gay pride parade

No, homosexuality doesn't lead to diseases.

But it does lead to lewd acts in public in 'pride' parades put on inviting kids to watch. And unanimous support thereof within the LGBT culture. if you think about it not very long, that is a form of disease. So, there you go.
The Bigots. So caught up with their own lies they even lie about their lies.

Sexual Transmission of HIV
In the United States, sexual contact is the most common route of HIV transmission. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 70 percent of the estimated number of new HIV infections in 2014, were among men who have sex with other men (MSM). The term “MSM “is important because many men who have sex with men do not necessarily identify themselves as gay or bisexual. HIV transmitted through sexual activity among heterosexuals accounted for nearly 23 percent of new infections; most of these cases were among women who contracted the virus from men. People who inject drugs accounted for 7 percent of new infections, though about 40 percent of those were MSM, so it isn’t possible to know for sure whether those men contracted HIV by sharing injection equipment or through sex.

Good point. Thanks for clarifying that 3 out of 4 HIV cases are due to faggots. Gays spread disease.

And that is just ONE of the many diseases that are rampant among gay men.

It is not an healthy lifestyle.

Yet the majority of gay men don't have HIV.

And a monogamous uninfected couple will stay uninfected.

The lie of Tooth is that homosexuality- which apparently he meant to say male homosexuality- leads to disease.

Promiscuous sex makes everyone more susceptible to disease- gay men do tend to have more promiscuous sex than others- but not all gay men do.

You want to label them all as being the same- and all of them carrying HIV around to infect you with.

YOu want to minimize the differences. With games like changing the subject from all diseases to just one.

I tried to find what percentage of homosexuals have a STD, and could not find it.

Political Correctness fucking with Science. Again.

I am more than willing to stick to what the original claim was: that homosexuality leads to disease.

I must have blinked. I never read that in this thread: Who said that homosexuality in and of itself leads to (causes) disease? What it does is greatly increase one's chances of catching or transmitting a disease from or to others. Or do you really think putting yourself up there is a clean thing to do?
Last edited:
Good point. Thanks for clarifying that 3 out of 4 HIV cases are due to faggots. Gays spread disease.

And that is just ONE of the many diseases that are rampant among gay men.
It is not an healthy lifestyle.

Yet the majority of gay men don't have HIV.

And a monogamous uninfected couple will stay uninfected.

The lie of Tooth is that homosexuality- which apparently he meant to say male homosexuality- leads to disease.

Promiscuous sex makes everyone more susceptible to disease- gay men do tend to have more promiscuous sex than others- but not all gay men do.

You want to label them all as being the same- and all of them carrying HIV around to infect you with.
YOu want to minimize the differences. With games like changing the subject from all diseases to just one.

I tried to find what percentage of homosexuals have a STD, and could not find it.
Political Corrness fucking with Science. Again.

I am more than willing to stick to what the original claim was: that homosexuality leads to disease.
Meanwhile- the science is out there......for those who can use the internet....
Sexual Orientation Disparities in Sexually Transmitted Infections: Examining the Intersection Between Sexual Identity and Sexual Behavior
That study is about tracking the impact of self identifying on disease, not same sex relations on disease.
I understand. People like you want to hide the obvious truth, that lots and lots and lots of sex partners, especially if anal sex is involved, is not a healthy lifestyle.

People like him spend their entire lives hiding from the obvious truth that:
  1. A man and a man is not the same kind of parenting couple to a child that a man and a woman are, especially if it is THEIR child.
  2. Men having sex with other men is not biologically healthy as nature never intended it that way.
  3. Flooding a country with low-skilled, uneducated illegal aliens is NOT good for a country.
  4. That trying to preserve the traditions and laws which got you to greatness is NOT being backward, racist, Islamophobic, homophobic or a mouth-breather.
  5. Taking away all symbols of morality from children, the Bible, the Flag, prayer, normal home life does NOT make you a better citizen or thinker.
  6. And lying to a generation of people about their president, government, economy and not putting your own nation before others is NOT good for your country!
The issue here isn't just that he had "Jesus saves" on the pamphlet, it also said:

"homosexuality can lead to diseases and that Jesus can save gay people if they repent."

The guy was lucky he made it out of there alive.

Homosexuality doesn't cause diseases, nor can Jesus save gay people.

Migod, OF COURSE homosexuality causes disease!! Have you ever SEEN people with AIDS? Emaciated like concentration camp victims, and then they die. I know because they dealt with a funeral for someone I know, and did a great job, and why? Because they were very well experienced with funerals. Nearly all of them in this activity group were homosexuals and they were dying like flies.

I never really forgave homosexuals for bringing HIV to America, via Haiti paid sex liaisons. Haitians caught it in Africa from some sort of exchange program in the 1960s and 70s. It's all very well documented.

And it's not just AIDS. All sorts of venereal diseases are much worse in homosexual exchanges, for obvious reasons: the injuries, the feces. Someone claiming homosexuality is perfectly healthy doesn't read and doesn't know much, IMO.

What is "Migod"?

No, homosexuality doesn't lead to diseases.

Have I seen people with diseases? I was in Lesotho, there was a billboard on the side of the road. Each different region of the small country and their HIV/AIDS rate were posted. 19% was the lowest. They estimated that 50% of child bearing age women in the capital had it.
I got on a combi and went to some village out in the sticks. The combi stopped at the last stop and everyone but me got off and went to the HIV/AIDS hospital.

Most of those people who catch HIV/AIDS in Lesotho and the whole region as heterosexuals.

So, your claim that gay people brought it to the US is going to be one I know you can't prove, so you can't claim it either.

Well, all sorts of STDs are spread by heterosexuals too.


Here's a map of STDs by state. Notice how California and New York, the two gay capitals of the US, have lower levels of STDs than states which teach abstinence as their religious sex ed?

Funny that.

Once again for your reluctant edification.

HIV and AIDS in the United States of America (USA)
And Just Flat-Out Lying
They Know All That Stuff
They Just Want To See Others Jump Through Research Hoops
For Links And Images Of The Goings On At Pride Parades
Because They Told Us To

They've Derailed A Thread About
How A Religious Guy Was Jailed For Doing Nothing

And We've Indulged Them
Last edited by a moderator:
My point for discussing lewd acts at pride parades was to frame up a defense of sorts for the Christian arrested. A Country turning its back on child protective laws re those parades' infamous content, while arresting another set of behaviors (the Christian merely handing out pamphlets protesting) is one and the same as Canada declaring an official religion.

You'd think England might have input on that.
Markle said:
And it's not just AIDS. All sorts of venereal diseases are much worse in homosexual exchanges, for obvious reasons: the injuries, the feces. Someone claiming homosexuality is perfectly healthy doesn't read and doesn't know much, IMO.
And Just Flat-Out Lying
They Know All That Stuff
They Just Want To See Others Jump Through Research Hoops
For Links And Images Of The Goings On At Pride Parades
Because They Told Us To

They've Derailed A Thread About
How A Religious Guy Was Jailed For Doing Nothing

And We've Indulged Them

They know that they cannot defend the way lefties in the West are more and more acting like Marxists.

So they spend their energy and time lying, and distracting.

THey are scum.
My point for discussing lewd acts at pride parades was to frame up a defense of sorts for the Christian arrested. A Country turning its back on child protective laws re those parades' infamous content, while arresting another set of behaviors (the Christian merely handing out pamphlets protesting) is one and the same as Canada declaring an official religion.
Or Dropping The Age Of Consent To 15
So Little Girls Can Get Abortions Without Parental Notification

My Last Vacation To Canada
Minors Were Staring At Me While I Was With My Wife
And Their Parents Wouldn't Look Or Say A Word To Them
I Didn't Find Out Why Until I Got Home

I Know That's Anecdotal
But That Is What Canadian Society Is Becoming

But I BETTER NOT Fish With Treble Hooks....
The real statistics for SYRIUSLY.

Men who have sex with men in the USA
Men who have sex with men (sometimes referred to as ‘MSM’) are the group most affected by HIV in the USA, accounting for an estimated 2% of the USA’s population, but 70% of new annual HIV infections.9

Between 2010 and 2014, new HIV infections among men who have sex with men remained stable at about 26,000 a year. However, trends vary greatly by age and ethnicity. For example, new infections declined by 16% among young men who have sex with men (aged 13 to 24) during this time, while increasing by 23% among 25 to 34-year-old men who have sex with men. Similarly, new infections declined by 11% among white men who have sex with men but increased 14% among Hispanic/Latino men who have sex with men.10

Although new infections between 2011 and 2015 have remained stable overall among African American/black men who have sex with men, among younger populations (between the ages of 25-34-year-old) African American/black men who have sex with men they have risen by 30%.11

If current diagnosis rates continue, one in six American men who have sex with men will be diagnosed with HIV in their lifetime. This equates to one in two African American/black men who have sex with men, one in four Hispanic/Latino men who have sex with men and one in 11 white men who have sex with men.12

At the end of 2014, 615,400 American men who have sex with men were living with HIV and an estimated 17% were unaware of their status.13

Every three years, the CDC studies sexual risk behaviours among men who have sex with men in selected cities. The latest data from this survey suggests the number of men who have sex with men having anal sex without a condom is increasing, with 15.7% reporting this in 2014 compared to 13.7% in 2008.14

The survey found around one-third (35.2%) of young male high school students who had sex with men had also engaged in condom-less anal sex and other higher risk behaviours – a higher proportion than in earlier surveys.15

African American/black people in the USA
In the USA, African American/black people are more affected by HIV than any other ethnic group. This group accounted for 44% of all new HIV infections in 2014 despite only making up 12% of the 16

At the end of 2014, an estimated 471,500 African American/black people were living with HIV, making up 43% of the total number of people living with 17

Among all African American/black people diagnosed with HIV in 2016, the largest proportion were men who have sex with men who accounted for six out of ten diagnoses.18

Between 2011 and 2015, HIV diagnoses fell by 8% among African Americans/black people overall, except for among African American/black men who have sex with men aged 25-34 (see ‘men who have sex with men’ section above).

New diagnoses fell by 20% among African American/black women, however rates of new diagnoses are still high compared to women from other ethnic groups, with 4,560 new diagnoses in 2016.19

New infections have also fallen by 16% among heterosexual African American/black men and by 39% among African American/black people who inject drugs.20

HIV and AIDS in the United States of America (USA)

Glad you decided to go with real statistics.

And I am glad you have decided that homosexuality does not lead to disease now.
Says the guy who argues that homosexuality 'leads to disease'- clearly honesty is not something you are familiar with- is that what the Westboro Baptists Church tell you to say?

Why are you lying? Is that all you have? Show me where I have stated that "homosexuality leads to disease". .

My apologies- I was wrong- I confused with you the people in this thread who did make that claim.

You never did- my apologies.
Good point. Thanks for clarifying that 3 out of 4 HIV cases are due to faggots. Gays spread disease.

And that is just ONE of the many diseases that are rampant among gay men.

It is not an healthy lifestyle.

Yet the majority of gay men don't have HIV.

And a monogamous uninfected couple will stay uninfected.

The lie of Tooth is that homosexuality- which apparently he meant to say male homosexuality- leads to disease.

Promiscuous sex makes everyone more susceptible to disease- gay men do tend to have more promiscuous sex than others- but not all gay men do.

You want to label them all as being the same- and all of them carrying HIV around to infect you with.

YOu want to minimize the differences. With games like changing the subject from all diseases to just one.

I tried to find what percentage of homosexuals have a STD, and could not find it.

Political Corrness fucking with Science. Again.

I am more than willing to stick to what the original claim was: that homosexuality leads to disease.
Meanwhile- the science is out there......for those who can use the internet....
Sexual Orientation Disparities in Sexually Transmitted Infections: Examining the Intersection Between Sexual Identity and Sexual Behavior

I understand. People like you want to hide the obvious truth, that lots and lots and lots of sex partners, especially if anal sex is involved, is not a healthy lifestyle.

When did I ever try to hide that- was it when I said that the problem was promiscuity- not homosexuality?

One of the reasons that I am in favor of same gender marriage is because- theoretically- marriage encourages monogamy. And monogamous couples are not out infecting others.
Good point. Thanks for clarifying that 3 out of 4 HIV cases are due to faggots. Gays spread disease.

And that is just ONE of the many diseases that are rampant among gay men.

It is not an healthy lifestyle.

Yet the majority of gay men don't have HIV.

And a monogamous uninfected couple will stay uninfected.

The lie of Tooth is that homosexuality- which apparently he meant to say male homosexuality- leads to disease.

Promiscuous sex makes everyone more susceptible to disease- gay men do tend to have more promiscuous sex than others- but not all gay men do.

You want to label them all as being the same- and all of them carrying HIV around to infect you with.

YOu want to minimize the differences. With games like changing the subject from all diseases to just one.

I tried to find what percentage of homosexuals have a STD, and could not find it.

Political Correctness fucking with Science. Again.

I am more than willing to stick to what the original claim was: that homosexuality leads to disease.

I must have blinked. I never read that in this thread: Who said that homosexuality in and of itself leads to (causes) disease?

Post 167- quoting you:
But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases!

Your words- that I called you on.
Markle said:
And it's not just AIDS. All sorts of venereal diseases are much worse in homosexual exchanges, for obvious reasons: the injuries, the feces. Someone claiming homosexuality is perfectly healthy doesn't read and doesn't know much, IMO.
And Just Flat-Out Lying

For Links And Images Of The Goings On At Pride Parades

LOL that would be your buddy Silhouette wanting you to search for gay porn at pride parades.
My point for discussing lewd acts at pride parades was to frame up a defense of sorts for the Christian arrested. A Country turning its back on child protective laws re those parades' infamous content, while arresting another set of behaviors (the Christian merely handing out pamphlets protesting) is one and the same as Canada declaring an official religion.

You'd think England might have input on that.

You need to ignore the voices in your head.

Canada is wrong to arrest anyone for their speech.

On the other hand- you are wrong for lying about Canada ignoring child protection laws.
And that is just ONE of the many diseases that are rampant among gay men.

It is not an healthy lifestyle.

Yet the majority of gay men don't have HIV.

And a monogamous uninfected couple will stay uninfected.

The lie of Tooth is that homosexuality- which apparently he meant to say male homosexuality- leads to disease.

Promiscuous sex makes everyone more susceptible to disease- gay men do tend to have more promiscuous sex than others- but not all gay men do.

You want to label them all as being the same- and all of them carrying HIV around to infect you with.

YOu want to minimize the differences. With games like changing the subject from all diseases to just one.

I tried to find what percentage of homosexuals have a STD, and could not find it.

Political Correctness fucking with Science. Again.

I am more than willing to stick to what the original claim was: that homosexuality leads to disease.

I must have blinked. I never read that in this thread: Who said that homosexuality in and of itself leads to (causes) disease?

Post 167- quoting you:
But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases!

Your words- that I called you on.

IDIOT: it leads to CATCHING diseases (as per a hundred studies), it doesn't CREATE them! Wow. You make Maxine look like a GENIUS.
And that is just ONE of the many diseases that are rampant among gay men.
It is not an healthy lifestyle.

Yet the majority of gay men don't have HIV.

And a monogamous uninfected couple will stay uninfected.

The lie of Tooth is that homosexuality- which apparently he meant to say male homosexuality- leads to disease.

Promiscuous sex makes everyone more susceptible to disease- gay men do tend to have more promiscuous sex than others- but not all gay men do.

You want to label them all as being the same- and all of them carrying HIV around to infect you with.
YOu want to minimize the differences. With games like changing the subject from all diseases to just one.

I tried to find what percentage of homosexuals have a STD, and could not find it.
Political Corrness fucking with Science. Again.

I am more than willing to stick to what the original claim was: that homosexuality leads to disease.
Meanwhile- the science is out there......for those who can use the internet....
Sexual Orientation Disparities in Sexually Transmitted Infections: Examining the Intersection Between Sexual Identity and Sexual Behavior
That study is about tracking the impact of self identifying on disease, not same sex relations on disease.
I understand. People like you want to hide the obvious truth, that lots and lots and lots of sex partners, especially if anal sex is involved, is not a healthy lifestyle.

People like him spend their entire lives hiding from the obvious truth that:
  1. A man and a man is not the same kind of parenting couple to a child that a man and a woman are, especially if it is THEIR child.
  2. Men having sex with other men is not biologically healthy as nature never intended it that way.
  3. Flooding a country with low-skilled, uneducated illegal aliens is NOT good for a country.
  4. That trying to preserve the traditions and laws which got you to greatness is NOT being backward, racist, Islamophobic, homophobic or a mouth-breather.
  5. Taking away all symbols of morality from children, the Bible, the Flag, prayer, normal home life does NOT make you a better citizen or thinker.
  6. And lying to a generation of people about their president, government, economy and not putting your own nation before others is NOT good for your country!
I love how people think that their opinions are 'obvious truths'
  1. A man and a man is not the same kind of parenting couple to a child that a man and a woman are, especially if it is THEIR child. No couple is the same as another couple when it comes to parenting. Anyone who has been a parent and interacted with other parents knows that. My position is that our society doesn't tell heterosexual parents that they must stay married to be parents- or that they even have to be good parents to be parents- I see no reason to hold homosexual parents to different standards.
  2. Men having sex with other men is not biologically healthy as nature never intended it that way. Men have sex with other men in exactly the same way that millions of men have sex with women- oral and anal sex.
  3. Flooding a country with low-skilled, uneducated illegal aliens is NOT good for a country. I have no idea what that has to do with this topic- but thanks for sharing.
  4. That trying to preserve the traditions and laws which got you to greatness is NOT being backward, racist, Islamophobic, homophobic or a mouth-breather. What traditions are those? Specifically?
  5. Taking away all symbols of morality from children, the Bible, the Flag, prayer, normal home life does NOT make you a better citizen or thinker. Who is telling your children that they cannot have a Bible? Who is telling you that you cannot have a 'normal home life'?
  6. And lying to a generation of people about their president, government, economy and not putting your own nation before others is NOT good for your country! Not certain why you are bringing Trump's lies into this thread.
Yet the majority of gay men don't have HIV.

And a monogamous uninfected couple will stay uninfected.

The lie of Tooth is that homosexuality- which apparently he meant to say male homosexuality- leads to disease.

Promiscuous sex makes everyone more susceptible to disease- gay men do tend to have more promiscuous sex than others- but not all gay men do.

You want to label them all as being the same- and all of them carrying HIV around to infect you with.

YOu want to minimize the differences. With games like changing the subject from all diseases to just one.

I tried to find what percentage of homosexuals have a STD, and could not find it.

Political Correctness fucking with Science. Again.

I am more than willing to stick to what the original claim was: that homosexuality leads to disease.

I must have blinked. I never read that in this thread: Who said that homosexuality in and of itself leads to (causes) disease?

Post 167- quoting you:
But . . . . but, homosexuality DOES lead to diseases!

Your words- that I called you on.

IDIOT: it leads to CATCHING diseases (as per a hundred studies), it doesn't CREATE them! Wow. You make Maxine look like a GENIUS.

You asked for who said that homosexuality leads to disease- and that was you.

I can't help that you are an idiot.
My point for discussing lewd acts at pride parades was to frame up a defense of sorts for the Christian arrested. A Country turning its back on child protective laws re those parades' infamous content, while arresting another set of behaviors (the Christian merely handing out pamphlets protesting) is one and the same as Canada declaring an official religion.

My Last Vacation To Canada
Minors Were Staring At Me While I Was With My Wife
And Their Parents Wouldn't Look Or Say A Word To Them
I Didn't Find Out Why Until I Got Home..

Minors were staring at you?

Wow- only in Canada......
Markle said:
And it's not just AIDS. All sorts of venereal diseases are much worse in homosexual exchanges, for obvious reasons: the injuries, the feces. Someone claiming homosexuality is perfectly healthy doesn't read and doesn't know much, IMO.
And Just Flat-Out Lying
They Know All That Stuff
They Just Want To See Others Jump Through Research Hoops
For Links And Images Of The Goings On At Pride Parades
Because They Told Us To

They've Derailed A Thread About
How A Religious Guy Was Jailed For Doing Nothing

And We've Indulged Them

They know that they cannot defend the way lefties in the West are more and more acting like Marxists.

So they spend their energy and time lying, and distracting.

THey are scum.

While you contards are acting more and more like Nazi's.

You are scum.

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