Let me be the first to agree with you. We are accepting others from countries that are indeed war torn, but crowding them into Canada which is already facing a crisis(economically) can only result in further complications. Let's be fair, It is sad that they are being displaced but giving them free access to our country will end up causing tax payers a hardship that we can barely tolerate as it is. I feel that it is time for a change, a dramatic change, so if Trump isn't successful in procurring the presidency of the United States maybe he can run for Prime Minister of Canada next time around, LOL! Just kidding............ Maybe. Yes Canada is a bit strange but are the United States of America much different?
Way different. Donald Rump is a laughingstock in Canada.. Not even Wild Rose could stomach his diarrheaic drivel. But that's in line with the whole rest of the world, so..... it's not Canada that's a bit strange on that.
As the saying goes, "only in America". As the other saying goes, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".
According to all the people that attend Trumps rallies, they don't seem to feel as the they consider him to be a laughing stock. It is only dumb downed and brainwashed by the elite corporate lane duck media that makes people like you believe their chit about Trump. You should be saying that boy turdeau is a laughung stock in Canada and to the rest of the world. He is a sucker and a fool. The boy is a dreamer and who only thinks that people of the third world are of any importance. He keeps flooding Canada with third world refugees and then forces white Canadians to feed, house and clothe them all with Canadian Taxpayer's tax dollars. Tax dollars that could be better spent in Canada for Canadians, not the rest of the world. But that is too much common sense and logic for you to understand and handle, eh?
The Wild Rose Party is just as politically correct and pro-multicultural as the rest of the so-called political party's that we have in Canada. Unfortunately for Canada, approx. 90% of Canadians think like their french Canadian hero kid Turdeau. How to destroy a country and it's freedoms in ten easy marxist steps.
So, now worries about a guy like Trump ever coming to power in Canada. The lame duck Pravada media will see to that. Canada will only become more and more like the third world as time goes on thanks too PM's like boy Turdeau and all the lieberal lovers out there who are hell bent on turning this country into a third world one. Fools indeed.