Can The Self Hating Really Vet?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
I'm thinking NOT. Not because that self hate drives them to destroy their country.
We see that in Germany with its leader Merkel who insists on taking in islamic killers. And I would be willing to bet OUR vetting system is NO better then theirs. I have NO doubt Obama hates this country SO vetting maybe a wee sloppy.

How sloppy may you ask? Well how about THIS sloppy.

Islamic terrorist in one country and a refugee in another. So that should kill any American democrat argument because an American democrat is NO better at spotting terrorists then a Euro democrat. And a "live" study is NOT needed or welcome in this country by a MAJORITY of the citizens.

Which leads us to issue number 2. When the self hating are put into power in a country what is their goal? Their goal is to destroy the very thing they hate. In this case their country. Now BOTH Obama and Merkel have made GREAT strides at the destruction of their citizens in economics and education and racial strife. Meet Germany's version of Hillary Clinton..

That is right SHE blames the "right wing" for Germany wanting to stay mostly German. SAME exact argument you hear from OUR left wing about Americans wanting to stay American or Christian OR Jew wanting to stay Christian OR Jew.

This coming election is about White/Christian and Jewish genocide and I don't care if its House or Senate or even the oval office. There is a coming MASS slaughter in Europe and if you vote democrat here it WILL come.
Evil's Shadow

When the eagle circles the rabbit,
The time has come.
Leave quickly before the mountain's shadow crosses the valley.
If the trumpet sounds,
Journey no further, and heed the message of the wind.
Do not gather with those that speak in tongues,
But seek those that search the truth.
When the king serves only himself,
Fools become his court.
Part from the dark's evil deeds,
And rebuke the followers of false doctrine.
Pray for the weak that betray their own souls,
And avoid evil's shadow that's cast upon the damned.

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