Can President Trump do the rebuttal after Corrupt Joe's SOTU?


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2015
Being how the Republican party is now doing the rebuttal after Corrupt Joe does his State of the Union this year. It would be brilliant if President Trump can speak afterward. I mean more than 70+ million did vote for him legally. Watch that rebuttal be the most watch rebuttal in history.
Anyone can do a rebuttal speech. Whether there will be anyone there to listen...........maybe
Being how the Republican party is now doing the rebuttal after Corrupt Joe does his State of the Union this year. It would be brilliant if President Trump can speak afterward. I mean more than 70+ million did vote for him legally. Watch that rebuttal be the most watch rebuttal in history.
Sure he can.

The "official" rebuttal will probably be someone picked by the Party and the GOP is getting paper cuts on it's fingers trying to turn the pages away from the blob so quickly but he can say whatever he wants.
Being how the Republican party is now doing the rebuttal after Corrupt Joe does his State of the Union this year. It would be brilliant if President Trump can speak afterward. I mean more than 70+ million did vote for him legally. Watch that rebuttal be the most watch rebuttal in history.
Let it go, or it is gonna be a long 4 years for you.
He will not be able to as he will be ...
Fighting off numerous civil and criminal court cases​
Prone to inciting more violence​
Shunned by the GOP for being the worse president in US history​
Being how the Republican party is now doing the rebuttal after Corrupt Joe does his State of the Union this year. It would be brilliant if President Trump can speak afterward. I mean more than 70+ million did vote for him legally. Watch that rebuttal be the most watch rebuttal in history.

Trump has done enough damage to the GOP.
He will not be able to as he will be ...
Fighting off numerous civil and criminal court cases​
Prone to inciting more violence​
Shunned by the GOP for being the worse president in US history​

Trump is finished.. The GOP wants to purge him from the party. Trump was a mistake.... he's been nothing but incompetent and belligerent.
I'm sure that's exactly the the GOP wants to see.
I DO!!!!!!


Your hero?

What has Trump accomplished? He disgraced the Country, destroyed his party, ruined the National reputation, ignored Covid-19, causing 400,000 deaths, incited a trashy, hate filled mob to try and kill our Congress people, 2 impeachment charges, the last one, criminal, 29% approval rating, trillion dollar deficit, trying to sneak out of town, too cowardly to face the man who defeated him.

Millions in loans coming due, criminal charges piling up.
I'm sure that's exactly the the GOP wants to see.
I DO!!!!!!


Your hero?

What has Trump accomplished? He disgraced the Country, destroyed his party, ruined the National reputation, ignored Covid-19, causing 400,000 deaths, incited a trashy, hate filled mob to try and kill our Congress people, 2 impeachment charges, the last one, criminal, 29% approval rating, trillion dollar deficit, trying to sneak out of town, too cowardly to face the man who defeated him.

Millions in loans coming due, criminal charges piling up.
Other than all that I think Trump did a pretty good job
I'm sure that's exactly the the GOP wants to see.
I DO!!!!!!


Your hero?

What has Trump accomplished? He disgraced the Country, destroyed his party, ruined the National reputation, ignored Covid-19, causing 400,000 deaths, incited a trashy, hate filled mob to try and kill our Congress people, 2 impeachment charges, the last one, criminal, 29% approval rating, trillion dollar deficit, trying to sneak out of town, too cowardly to face the man who defeated him.

Millions in loans coming due, criminal charges piling up.
Other than all that I think Trump did a pretty good job

He's done a great deal of damage and fired up the fringe people and domestic terrorists.
Being how the Republican party is now doing the rebuttal after Corrupt Joe does his State of the Union this year. It would be brilliant if President Trump can speak afterward. I mean more than 70+ million did vote for him legally. Watch that rebuttal be the most watch rebuttal in history.
You still holding up that Trump poster with one hand?
Being how the Republican party is now doing the rebuttal after Corrupt Joe does his State of the Union this year. It would be brilliant if President Trump can speak afterward. I mean more than 70+ million did vote for him legally. Watch that rebuttal be the most watch rebuttal in history.

The Republican Party will NOT be inviting the twice-impeached Donald Trump to do ANYTHING on their behalf for them every again.

With Trump at the top of the ticket, they have lost election after election. They lost the popular vote in 2016, over the most hated Democrat in America. They suffered their biggest loss in the history of the party at the 2018 mid-terms, which Trump asked voters to consider a referendum of his work so far. That one cost them the House, and 7 governors' mansions. The 2020 Election cost them the White House and the Senate.

It doesn't matter how many people are watching the rebuttal just to see Trainwreck Donnie spouting hate, lies, and personal grievance, this isn't about "ratings". It's about getting the nation back on track - stopping the spread of the virus, getting the vaccine into arms, ensuring American workers have sufficient income to get them through to the point where businesses can safely re-open and start serving the public again.

You fools come here and post about "evil" Democrats, and "hoaxes", Q-anon conspiracy theories, but not one of you has any suggestions about how to solve the very real problems of the nation that Trump has been completely unwilling and unable to address in any meaningful way.

Trump is incapable of dealing with the virus so he left it to others, and now he blames them because they don't have the expertise or the experts he has at his disposal or the financial resources to do that. And you parrot "hoax" and "communists", "fraud", while all around you more and more people are getting sick and dying.

Your house is burning down, and you're pretending it's not happening. And instead, you're ignoring the fire fighters, and telling them your kids called in a false alarm.
Trump is gong to do one regardless. It will still get more attention than Joe's vacuous speech and the republicrat's canned retort combined.

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