What's your position?
Mine is that God cannot be proven to exist yet can be experienced. God is ineffable.
I feel the same way about LSD. Hard to describe. Have to try it yourself. If you have a weak mind DO NOT TRY IT. But then you probably don't have Art Linkletter for a father so you don't have that hanging over you telling you to jump out a window. Still ... until you know how you will react ..do it with a friend THAT IS NOT HIGH.
WOW!!! I just had the most amazing flash back!!!!
Just kidding. I have done hundreds of hits in the 70's and not a single bad experience or "flashback".
I'll save ya the trouble..."that explains everything Huggy". It does...true. As you "know" the truth..I also know "illusion"
"If you can imagine one thing..you can imagine any thing."
That's mine by the way. You have permission to use it with crediting me as its owner. Its about 35 years old.