Can God be proven or only experienced?

Sky Dancer

Jan 21, 2009
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What's your position?

Mine is that God cannot be proven to exist yet can be experienced. God is ineffable.

I think as soon as people try and explain God they have left the experience. God is not pin down able. Thanks for looking up the word ineffable--
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What's your position?

Mine is that God cannot be proven to exist yet can be experienced. God is ineffable.

I believe strongly in God. Can't prove physically that he exists but I'm looking forward to meeting Him face to face one of these days - that is, if He's as forgiving as He's billed to be.
Can God be proven or only experienced?

Delusions can be experienced, but they are difficult to prove.
I guess that depends if you are trying to prove him in theory. Or if you simply are willing to accept personal observation of sight, hearing, touch.
God has proven himself to me but sorry I have no links LOL
There is a knowing connected with experiencing God, but it cannot be proven or found. It is found in the heart. God is within. I agree. A buddhist may call this a 'field of presence' or 'awareness itself' and a deist may call this 'God's grace'.
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In theory, anything that exists can be demonstrated or inferred by evidence of its existence.

'Experience' does not prove the voices really belong to shape shifting aliens who want to read your thoughts and are working with the Illuminati to bring about the NWO
'God' is the worship of the self, of the worst of human nature, and also of the image Man paints of himself in his mind.

Barbs made this point in Mani's thread some time ago
In theory, anything that exists can be demonstrated or inferred by evidence of its existence.

'Experience' does not prove the voices really belong to shape shifting aliens who want to read your thoughts and are working with the Illuminati to bring about the NWO
"God" exists. Mankind created it. Just like any other work of fiction, it exists as a fictional character. Like Superman, for example.

There's no debating whether "God" exists or not. It does.
Nothing can be proven to exist. The only thing that leads me to believe that the chair I'm sitting in exists is that my senses (mere electric signals) tell me it does.
In theory, anything that exists can be demonstrated or inferred by evidence of its existence.

'Experience' does not prove the voices really belong to shape shifting aliens who want to read your thoughts and are working with the Illuminati to bring about the NWO
"God" exists. Mankind created it. Just like any other work of fiction, it exists as a fictional character. Like Superman, for example.

There's no debating whether "God" exists or not. It does.

Superman 'exists' as a character, but that doesn't mean it exists IRL
What's your position?

Mine is that God cannot be proven to exist yet can be experienced. God is ineffable.

I feel the same way about LSD. Hard to describe. Have to try it yourself. If you have a weak mind DO NOT TRY IT. But then you probably don't have Art Linkletter for a father so you don't have that hanging over you telling you to jump out a window. Still ... until you know how you will react it with a friend THAT IS NOT HIGH.

WOW!!! I just had the most amazing flash back!!!!
Just kidding. I have done hundreds of hits in the 70's and not a single bad experience or "flashback". :lol:

I'll save ya the trouble..."that explains everything Huggy". It does...true. As you "know" the truth..I also know "illusion"

"If you can imagine one can imagine any thing."

That's mine by the way. You have permission to use it with crediting me as its owner. Its about 35 years old.
What's your position?

Mine is that God cannot be proven to exist yet can be experienced. God is ineffable.

I feel the same way about LSD. Hard to describe. Have to try it yourself. If you have a weak mind DO NOT TRY IT. But then you probably don't have Art Linkletter for a father so you don't have that hanging over you telling you to jump out a window. Still ... until you know how you will react it with a friend THAT IS NOT HIGH.

WOW!!! I just had the most amazing flash back!!!!
Just kidding. I have done hundreds of hits in the 70's and not a single bad experience or "flashback". :lol:

I'll save ya the trouble..."that explains everything Huggy". It does...true. As you "know" the truth..I also know "illusion"

"If you can imagine one can imagine any thing."

That's mine by the way. You have permission to use it with crediting me as its owner. Its about 35 years old.

Hey Huggy, ever read "Illusions" by Richard Bach? It refers to what you're talking about.

As far as God? I kind of like what Richard M. Smullyan wrote in "The Tao is Silent" on the subject.

He states in that book that God is more of a process than anything else, and that pretty much works for me as well.
What's your position?

Mine is that God cannot be proven to exist yet can be experienced. God is ineffable.

I feel the same way about LSD. Hard to describe. Have to try it yourself. If you have a weak mind DO NOT TRY IT. But then you probably don't have Art Linkletter for a father so you don't have that hanging over you telling you to jump out a window. Still ... until you know how you will react it with a friend THAT IS NOT HIGH.

WOW!!! I just had the most amazing flash back!!!!
Just kidding. I have done hundreds of hits in the 70's and not a single bad experience or "flashback". :lol:

I'll save ya the trouble..."that explains everything Huggy". It does...true. As you "know" the truth..I also know "illusion"

"If you can imagine one can imagine any thing."

That's mine by the way. You have permission to use it with crediting me as its owner. Its about 35 years old.

Hey Huggy, ever read "Illusions" by Richard Bach? It refers to what you're talking about.

As far as God? I kind of like what Richard M. Smullyan wrote in "The Tao is Silent" on the subject.

He states in that book that God is more of a process than anything else, and that pretty much works for me as well.

A folksy extension of Acom's Razor. I could exrapolate my "one thing..any thing" to the secret to "knowing all truth is knowing one truth".

I recommend Kahil Gibran "The Prophet".

It is more profound and the simple truths are more clear.

Pick your own poison..Gibran worked for me.. shit'l drive you mad because once on a path of truth you are are going to find battle everywhere you look. I swear that being ignorant might be the smarter choice.

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