Can ANYONE refute the claims of "Corporate Ties"?

If the science is settled that modern medicine is a good thing, why is medical research still going on? Frankie Boy, you ask the stupidest questions.

Medical research has lab work that constantly improves. You funding should consist solely of a subscription to the Weather Channel, as long as you can point at the Weather Channel and blame Global Warming, you're good to go
“weather is not climate, you willfully ignorant f**ksticks.” :thup:
CNN Anchor Lashes Out At Fox You Willfully Ignorant F ksticks
Judith Curry states that CO2 is causing global warming. But her take on whether scientists should get involved in the politic of policy offends me. Scientists also have children and grand children that they would like to see have at least as good of a world to live in as we have.
deniers don't believe in being good stewards of this planet. Their sky pixie tells them that everything is here for their personal enjoyment &/or pillage in the here & now. Posterity can just deal w/ the slag heap that they inherit :thup:
Climate sceptics invented the smear tactics so favored by the left? Could you provide an example of sceptics smearing anyone?

See every single thing you've written about Dr. Mann, Dr. Hansen, or any climate scientist. Smear tactics are the only tactics your pack of hyenas has used for the past decade.

Don't even think of trying to keep up this pathological liar routine where you claim complete innocence. Nobody is dumb enough to fall for it. Instead, everyone is chuckling at the sweet poetic justice of the situation. Except the deniers, who are all squealing about how unjust it is that someone else dares use their tactics.
Climate sceptics invented the smear tactics so favored by the left? Could you provide an example of sceptics smearing anyone?

See every single thing you've written about Dr. Mann, Dr. Hansen, or any climate scientist. Smear tactics are the only tactics your pack of hyenas has used for the past decade.

What I've have written is that his work is flawed. In fact, it's bullshit. That isn't a smear. That's a simple fact. Mann has repeatedly refused to release his data, and his algorithms have been demonstrated to be invalid.

The same goes for Hansen. He's been caught fudging the numbers on numerous occasions. No one claimed he was wrong because he's taking money from left-wing groups - at least not until that became the favorite tactic of the AGW cult.

Don't even think of trying to keep up this pathological liar routine where you claim complete innocence. Nobody is dumb enough to fall for it. Instead, everyone is chuckling at the sweet poetic justice of the situation. Except the deniers, who are all squealing about how unjust it is that someone else dares use their tactics.

"Poetic justice?" It's business as usual for the AGW cult propaganda organs. They have attempted similar smears against anyone who dared to question the received dogma.
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What people have written is that his work is flawed. In fact, it's bullshit. That isn't a smear. That's a simple fact. Mann has repeatedly refused to release his data, and his algorithms have been demonstrated to be invalid.

Bullshit. You're flat out lying, parroting your cult's smear tactics. Nobody outside of your fringe kook liars' cult makes such insane claims. The whole planet says you're using dishonest smear tactics.

The same goes for Hansen. He's been caught fudging the numbers on numerous occasions. No one claimed he was wrong because he's taking money from left-wing groups - at least not until that became the favorite tactic of the AGW cult.

You can keep pretending you haven't been relying solely on smear tactics for the past decade, but the entire planet says you're a pathologically dishonest smear tactic merchant.

And no, the fact that you've been brainwashed by your cult into believing the smears doesn't excuse you, given how you've been provided with such overwhelming evidence that your cult is pathologically dishonest. You can no longer use ignorance as an excuse, being how you so willfully embrace the ignorance.
deniers don't believe in being good stewards of this planet. Their sky pixie tells them that everything is here for their personal enjoyment &/or pillage in the here & now. Posterity can just deal w/ the slag heap that they inherit :thup:
You are a lieing piece of shit!

Gawd you alarmists are nothing more than useful idiots spouting shit lies... But then again this is what i have come to expect from your ilk.
Climate sceptics invented the smear tactics so favored by the left? Could you provide an example of sceptics smearing anyone?

See every single thing you've written about Dr. Mann, Dr. Hansen, or any climate scientist. Smear tactics are the only tactics your pack of hyenas has used for the past decade.

What I've have written is that his work is flawed. In fact, it's bullshit. That isn't a smear. That's a simple fact. Mann has repeatedly refused to release his data, and his algorithms have been demonstrated to be invalid.

The same goes for Hansen. He's been caught fudging the numbers on numerous occasions. No one claimed he was wrong because he's taking money from left-wing groups - at least not until that became the favorite tactic of the AGW cult.

Don't even think of trying to keep up this pathological liar routine where you claim complete innocence. Nobody is dumb enough to fall for it. Instead, everyone is chuckling at the sweet poetic justice of the situation. Except the deniers, who are all squealing about how unjust it is that someone else dares use their tactics.

"Poetic justice?" It's business as usual for the AGW cult propaganda organs. They have attempted similar smears against anyone who dared to question the received dogma.

You guys state over and over again that the work of Mann and Hansen is flawed, but I can't recall any of you EVER producing objective evidence to support such charges. Any chance that you could show us you're slinging something besides Grade AAAA BULLSHIT?
What people have written is that his work is flawed. In fact, it's bullshit. That isn't a smear. That's a simple fact. Mann has repeatedly refused to release his data, and his algorithms have been demonstrated to be invalid.

Bullshit. You're flat out lying, just parroting cult smear tactics. Nobody outside of your liars' cult makes suh insane claims. The whole planet says you're using dishonest smear tactics.

Hmmmm . . . Wrong. Steve McIntyre did an in-depth mathematical analysis of Mann's data and his computer algorithms and concluded that his data is cherry picked and his algorithms are invalid. The NAS agreed with McIntyre's findings. That isn't a smear. It's simply a fact. Mann's algorithm will produce a hockey stick if random noise is fed into them, let alone cherry picked data.

The same goes for Hansen. He's been caught fudging the numbers on numerous occasions. No one claimed he was wrong because he's taking money from left-wing groups - at least not until that became the favorite tactic of the AGW cult.

You can keep pretending you haven't been relying solely on smear tactics for the past decade, but the entire planet says you're just a pathologically dishonest smear tactic merchant.

And no, the fact that you've been brainwashed by your cult into believing the smears doesn't excuse you, given that you've been given so much evidence that your cult is pathologically dishonest. You can no longer claim ignorance as an excuse, being how you willfully embrace the ignorance.

No, only you and your fellow cult members have ever accused me or any of Mann's critics of smearing him. The irony of you accusing me of dishonesty couldn't be more profound.
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Climate sceptics invented the smear tactics so favored by the left? Could you provide an example of sceptics smearing anyone?

See every single thing you've written about Dr. Mann, Dr. Hansen, or any climate scientist. Smear tactics are the only tactics your pack of hyenas has used for the past decade.

What I've have written is that his work is flawed. In fact, it's bullshit. That isn't a smear. That's a simple fact. Mann has repeatedly refused to release his data, and his algorithms have been demonstrated to be invalid.

The same goes for Hansen. He's been caught fudging the numbers on numerous occasions. No one claimed he was wrong because he's taking money from left-wing groups - at least not until that became the favorite tactic of the AGW cult.

Don't even think of trying to keep up this pathological liar routine where you claim complete innocence. Nobody is dumb enough to fall for it. Instead, everyone is chuckling at the sweet poetic justice of the situation. Except the deniers, who are all squealing about how unjust it is that someone else dares use their tactics.

"Poetic justice?" It's business as usual for the AGW cult propaganda organs. They have attempted similar smears against anyone who dared to question the received dogma.

You guys state over and over again that the work of Mann and Hansen is flawed, but I can't recall any of you EVER producing objective evidence to support such charges. Any chance that you could show us you're slinging something besides Grade AAAA BULLSHIT?

The evidence can be found at
Mann's algorithm will produce a hockey stick if random noise is fed into them, let alone cherry picked data

Bullshit. That's another flat out lie. And you literally don't care. Your cult told you otherwise, so you believe, period.

A normal human, when they find out the whole planet disagrees with them, entertains the thought "You know, I probably don't know better than the whole planet, so I'm probably mistaken."

A cultist, OTOH, instantly declares "This proves the whole planet is in on the conspiracy!".

You would be the cultist. You screaming about how the rest of the planet is a cult is like a flat earther telling everyone the round earthers are a cult.
deniers don't believe in being good stewards of this planet. Their sky pixie tells them that everything is here for their personal enjoyment &/or pillage in the here & now. Posterity can just deal w/ the slag heap that they inherit :thup:
You are a lieing piece of shit!

Gawd you alarmists are nothing more than useful idiots spouting shit lies... But then again this is what i have come to expect from your ilk.
^ THAT is your retort? :eusa_eh: :rofl: No wonder deniers aren't taken seriously here :itsok:
Mann's algorithm will produce a hockey stick if random noise is fed into them, let alone cherry picked data

Bullshit. That's another flat out lie. And you literally don't care. Your cult told you otherwise, so you believe, period.

You can read Steve McIntyre's analysis of Mann's algorithm at The NAS confirmed his findings.

A normal human, when they find out the whole planet disagrees with them, entertains the thought "You know, I probably don't know better than the whole planet, so I'm probably mistaken."

A cultist, OTOH, instantly declares "This proves the whole planet is in on the conspiracy!".

You would be the cultist. You screaming about how the rest of the planet is a cult is like a flat earther telling everyone the round earthers are a cult.

More or your usual substitute for facts and logic: pure ad hominem, that is.
deniers don't believe in being good stewards of this planet. Their sky pixie tells them that everything is here for their personal enjoyment &/or pillage in the here & now. Posterity can just deal w/ the slag heap that they inherit :thup:
You are a lieing piece of shit!

Gawd you alarmists are nothing more than useful idiots spouting shit lies... But then again this is what i have come to expect from your ilk.
^ THAT is your retort? :eusa_eh: :rofl: No wonder deniers aren't taken seriously here :itsok:

Well... Dot.Fail and Hairball are from the same lack of any cognitive thought mold. Their crap is the same old thing over and over again just like Old Crock and Crick. They shout denier and liar all baseless allegations which they cant prove... When they are confronted with their lies they become more aggressive with Adhoms just as Saul Alyinsky taught them.. They are neither honest or forthright in anything.

In short; Ive grown tired of the mud pit they like to play in.. The fools simply are not fun to thump any more... No one takes them as credible unless they are part of the paid shill team Obama...
deniers don't believe in being good stewards of this planet. Their sky pixie tells them that everything is here for their personal enjoyment &/or pillage in the here & now. Posterity can just deal w/ the slag heap that they inherit :thup:
You are a lieing piece of shit!

Gawd you alarmists are nothing more than useful idiots spouting shit lies... But then again this is what i have come to expect from your ilk.
^ THAT is your retort? :eusa_eh: :rofl: No wonder deniers aren't taken seriously here :itsok:

Well... Dot.Fail and Hairball are from the same lack of any cognitive thought mold. Their crap is the same old thing over and over again just like Old Crock and Crick. They shout denier and liar all baseless allegations which they cant prove... When they are confronted with their lies they become more aggressive with Adhoms just as Saul Alyinsky taught them.. They are neither honest or forthright in anything.

In short; Ive grown tired of the mud pit they like to play in.. The fools simply are not fun to thump any more... No one takes them as credible unless they are part of the paid shill team Obama...
you've "grown tired" but your hewre in this sub-forum trolling every chance you get shi stain Billy_Bob . Save it son :talktothehand: No one is buying your crocodile tear act.
If the science is settled that modern medicine is a good thing, why is medical research still going on? Frankie Boy, you ask the stupidest questions.

Medical research has lab work that constantly improves. You funding should consist solely of a subscription to the Weather Channel, as long as you can point at the Weather Channel and blame Global Warming, you're good to go
“weather is not climate, you willfully ignorant f**ksticks.” :thup:
CNN Anchor Lashes Out At Fox You Willfully Ignorant F ksticks

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight it's only climate when it's colder, or warmer
Half of the northern hemisphere is unseasonably cold, half is unseasonably hot. You've been told this repeatedly. You've seen the graphics. You've seen the temperatures (high today in Vancouver was 50, in Juneau it got to 41, Gates of the Arctic National Preserve (67.8N) was 30). Are you incapable of understanding this or is it that you don't want to?
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