Can a sane, rational person actually believe President Obama is a true communist/Marxist?

According to the definitions laid out in the dictionary and other credible reference material, no....................Obama is not a communist.

Unlike everyone who is screaming that he is, I actually took time to look up the definitions, compare it to what the government is currently doing, and figured out he's not a communist, socialist, or fascist.

The fact that he hasn't instituted any of the text book definitions of the above doesn't negate his desire to do so. What do you think he meant by wanting to transform this country? You might want to look up that definition.
I have trouble believing a rational, objective person can actually believe the Obama Administration is as communist/Marxist as Lenin's Bolsheviks in 1917 or Fidel Castro's revolutionaries in 1959.

I have trouble believing you aren't mentally retarded.
Or should I assume that it is impossible or nearly impossible for a rational, objective person to believe that the United States under Obama is actually heading for communism and Marxism?

I think it is just a bunch of delusional crackpots and conspiracy-theory nuts who believe that. Almost like believing in a flat Earth.

Well let's test that. Shall we?

IF obama were a Marxist/communist, what would say that a sane person, should reasonably expect from him?
obama fans: IF obama were a Marxist/communist, what would you say that a sane person, should reasonably expect from him?

Which is to ask "IF obama is not a Communist, what would one reasonably expect that he should be doing or should have DONE, if he WERE?"

The reader should note, I only ask this question to allow our in-house comrades to prove that they dam' well know obama IS a communist, because obama has done EVERYTHING HE COULD POSSIBLY DO, IF HE WERE THE REINCARNATION OF JOE STALIN.

But be patient and allow the intellectually less fortunate work their magic... as it is ALWAYS so VERY impressive.
Is that suppose to be a sane and rational title and question?

sounds more for flamming and shit stirring
If obama is not a communist, what would it look like if he WERE?

(It's looking like the board has no means to reasonably show any distinction between product of obama and the product of what should reasonably be expected where a communist was elected to the Presidency.

Now what CAN we make of THAT?)
Or should I assume that it is impossible or nearly impossible for a rational, objective person to believe that the United States under Obama is actually heading for communism and Marxism?

I think it is just a bunch of delusional crackpots and conspiracy-theory nuts who believe that. Almost like believing in a flat Earth.

Maybe you should do a little research on the folks who raised, mentored and educated him, then read his book and see, in his own words, who he sought out to associate with. Then maybe you can answer your own question.

Agree with you... and when you read this excerpt from Hussein's book...
"Dreams from My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Operative words that bear out Hussein's success at fooling people...i.e. those that make up Gruber's "Stupidity of American Voters" group!
are in bold. "Seem" angry is so revealing of his "ANGER" against everything the USA stands for.

Remember what Hussein's wife said..." “For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime, I’m Really Proud of My Country”
Michelle Obama 8220 For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime I 8217 m Really Proud of My Country 8221 - ABC News
Can a sane, rational person actually believe President Obama is a true communist/Marxist?

Why not?

You could say the same thing about a 6,000 year old earth or Iraq or tax cuts for the rich. Or any number of failed GOP schemes. Yet they still vote Republican.
Obama subscribes to a marxist collectivist ideology. All you need to do is read his books and listen to his early speeches to understand that.

His current handlers are trying to cover that up, but its too blatantly obvious to anyone paying attention.
Live and learn. We tried to WARN YOU. You who put him in office brought all this DOWN US that is happening now


"AIDS was created by the US for black geneocide," "If God is not for us & against whites, then ...we'd best kill him."

Despite the efforts of most of the main stream media (and Obama himself) to spin the incidents regarding Barack Obama's preacher and spiritual advisor into something that the American public might accept as regards Obama himself, by doing some individual research it becomes clear that the spin will simply just not wash.

Let me preface what I am about to say by stating emphatically that I do not believe the teaching of Reverend Wright or Black Liberation Theology are at all subscribed to by most blacks in this country. I believe it is a minority of radicals whose voices are being given dispproportionate weight in our media. I have many friends in the black community who are traditional Christians who accept Jesus Christ and His aotnement and teaching for the love, long suffering, reason, and forgiveness that they represent to all of us, of all creeds and colors alike.

But the Trinity Church of Christ, to which Obama belonged for so long, and from which he all too late resigned from, subscribes to Black Liberation Theology. This is not secret, they have done so for many, many years. Black Liberation Theology is something, which we shall see does not represent traditional Christianity in the least, and therefore gives voice to Reverned Wright's and others hateful dialog.

ALL of it here
Or should I assume that it is impossible or nearly impossible for a rational, objective person to believe that the United States under Obama is actually heading for communism and Marxism?

I think it is just a bunch of delusional crackpots and conspiracy-theory nuts who believe that. Almost like believing in a flat Earth.
I hear ya. All I can hope is that this forum isn't a microcosm of the country.
Or should I assume that it is impossible or nearly impossible for a rational, objective person to believe that the United States under Obama is actually heading for communism and Marxism?

I think it is just a bunch of delusional crackpots and conspiracy-theory nuts who believe that. Almost like believing in a flat Earth.
So what flavor kool aide do you drink?

Or should I assume that it is impossible or nearly impossible for a rational, objective person to believe that the United States under Obama is actually heading for communism and Marxism?

I think it is just a bunch of delusional crackpots and conspiracy-theory nuts who believe that. Almost like believing in a flat Earth.
I hear ya. All I can hope is that this forum isn't a microcosm of the country.

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