Campus Heist Theater (Censorship)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is an academics-oriented hesit vignette with special sociological symbolism ramifications, citing a fictional school called Wake Forest in Northern California, with no actual relation to the Wake Forest University in North Carolina. This was inspired by Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Thanks for reading (and Happy New Year's, USMB!),


On the campus of a certain American university in Northern California named Wake Forest, things were brewing about social engagement about public policy issues in the age of media and networks. This university was about to receive a special Egyptian museum endowment and exhibit regarding the outdoor and indoor presentations about civilization evolution regarding communications and dogma hieroglyphs.


Now, the campus of this Northern California university is quite idyllic, and the students and faculty are quite happy studying and living there in modern day America! This university has offered stunning courses in history of civilization and communications and is currently investing, as implied, in media intelligence. That's why this modernism story finds us on this symbolic American campus!


Meet Shelbye Harris, a biracial assistant professor of history at Wake Forest. She's smart, educated, and beautiful! She's been studying the economic development of human civilizations as relevant to communications and symbolism decoding. She's been interested in this new Wake Forest Egyptian exhibit about special hieroglyphs representing civilization communications.


Meet Isaac Satan, a young full-time professor at Wake Forest who obtained an A.B. in history and psychology at Dartmouth College. Isaac is studying the role of economics and agriculture in the development of communications in civilizations as disparate as Egypt and the Aztecs. Isaac has also been studying the special place of crime folklore in American media and its place in civilization infrastructure media and communications and symbolism, such as Alcataraz prison and bank robbery folk-tales. He wants to understand the special links between economic imagination and social institutionalism!


ISAAC: Let's rob the Wachovia bank near the Wake Forest campus, Shelbye.
SHELBYE: Don't you think we'd first need to disclose our secret love-affair to the faculty, dear?
ISAAC: Don't be smug, honey; we want that new Egyptian emerald being stored in the vault-room of the bank.
SHELBYE: So, you want a special media-stunt heist of the Egyptian relic for press about Wake Forest diaries?
ISAAC: Exactly, my dear.


This is the Egyptian relic being showcased at the university history museum by day and stored in the nearby Wachovia bank vault-room by night. It's worth over $20 million USD. Isaac and Shelbye, our two protagonist symbolism cryptologists and Wake Forest professors, seek to perform this media-presented mock-heist of the relic for some dandy modern press about civilization folklore about the 'economics' of social dogma.


Meanwhile, classes go on as usual at Wake Forest, and teachers are engaging students of all ages in courses about history, psychology, mythology, and economics. This is a great American school, and the multimedia resources speak to its commitment to new age imagination. Isaac and Shelbye have chosen to serve as special folklore diplomats for this media heist of the Egyptian relic during the regular school course season in Northern California.


The football games at Wake Forest are quite popular, and the cheerleaders are on display celebrating the team seeking to rout its rivals every autumn. The televised college football games draw in audiences all around the nation and therefore offer some nifty media-gauged student environment media exposure. This is the sort of school that's therefore 'press' friendly.


ISAAC: Before the heist, we'll offer a joint-course on student study habits.
SHELBYE: Yeah, we'll talk about time spent on campus by students.
ISAAC: We want students to appreciate links between lifestyle and psychology.
SHELBYE: Today's schools can foster imaginations about life linked with society.
ISAAC: That's why this media-heist of the Egyptian relic will be...dialogic.


Isaac and Shelbye seek to deliver some sociocultural appreciation of the life-driven civilization totems and diadems that make networks reflective of mass psychology. Why do Americans deify Bonnie and Clyde and other iconic bank robbers? What is this media relationship to hieroglyph deifications of animal-gods from Ancient Egypt? As Isaac dons his thief mask and disguise, Shelbye plans to complement him with the right dastardly maneuvers, and Isaac is ready to look...dutiful.


Isaac and Shelbye walk into the Wachovia bank by the Wake Forest campus at night in helmets, right before closing-time and right after the Egyptian emerald relic is transported to the vault-room for the evening on this night of great heist drama! They tell the bank guard that they're holding two water-guns filled with corrosive HCL acid which are to be taken to the vault-room of the Egyptian emerald relic for a special academic presentation about evolution of weapons and security the next morning before the relic is transported to the Wake Forest history museum for the day. The guard asks them why they're wearing helmets as he escorts them to the vault-room, which is when the two helmetted thieves report to him that they intend to steal the relic that night. After they tie up the dumbfounded guard, they take the relic after scrambling the laser-lock system with some tiny needles and sneak out the bank bathroom window with the relic in their backpack. When cops arrive 30 minutes later, the guard tells them, "We've been bamboozled by a pair of acrobats!"


The next day, Isaac and Shelbye present to the Wake Forest community a video-recording of their incredible Egyptian relic heist from the Wachovia bank which they created during the robbery the night before and present their exciting lecture on the nature of treasure security systems in civilizations developing cultivation of great network-symbolic fortune totems and trophies. They receive a special award from the university administration for their role in media-driven modern diplomacy. Two months later, they're canonized in a special campus patriotism comics fan-fiction diorama about the role of folklore in modern security analysis and general 'casino history' dialogue! Will this racy comic be canonized by future anthropologists or categorized under the umbrella of 'dorky' censorship?


CRITIC: "In my honest estimated opinion, the theatrical media stunt performed by the two Wake Forest professors Isaac Satan and Shelbye Harris may be construed as dangerous and prompting propaganda responses about the inteference in modern media by social mob psychology, and there's no evidence that ancient civilizations enaged in such idol-worship, which is why I fear for tomorrow's children who're growing up in this media-drenched treasure pageant America!"


WAKE FOREST STUDENT: "Actually, I think what Professor Satan and Harris showed us is that civilizations tend to canonize gossip."


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)


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