California: Water Shortages and Burning


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
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Right coast, classified
Instead of Democrats spending $100B on a train to nowhere that nobody will use, coulda had 20 large desalination plants and a fleet of a thousand fire fighting aircraft.

Florida cult members….PLEASE MOVE TO CRAZYFORNIA.

Leave this free state and go be subjugated by the cult in Cali.

I will personally donate to anyone leaving Florida for Cali or NY.
Because the Chinese are buying up West coast property.
No, the technology is hideously expensive and energy intensive too. They have one (down in SD I believe). Multiple Gulf nations have a good number of them, and it is a mature technology however. Eventually that will have to occur.
No, the technology is hideously expensive and energy intensive too. They have one (down in SD I believe). Multiple Gulf nations have a good number of them, and it is a mature technology however. Eventually that will have to occur.
A large desalination plant runs about $25M.
Some additional color -
It depends on several factors including source water, location, treatment process, and the size of the plant. Building a brackish water desalination plant usually costs less than that of a seawater desalination plant because brackish water is generally cleaner and contains less total dissolved salts (see Question 2, above). In 2007, $87 million was spent to build the Kay Bailey Hutchison brackish groundwater desalination plant in Texas. Design capacity of the KBH plant is 27.5 million gallons per day (MGD). The 2010 biennial report on seawater desalination projected that it will cost approximately $32 million to build a 2.5 MGD seawater desalination plant, and approximately $658 million to build a 100 MGD seawater desalination plant in Texas.
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